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Titles start with B (50) Information
Baptism of Desire and Christian Salvation
Author/Editor: Anthony R. Lusvardi
The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition
Author/Editor: Kendall, Willmoore; Carey, George W
The Beautiful, The True and the Good
Author/Editor: Wood, Robert E
Beauty and the Good: Recovering the Classical Tradition from Plato to Duns Scotus
Author/Editor: Alice M. Ramos
Become Like the Angels
Author/Editor: Blosser, Benjamin P
Becoming God
Author/Editor: Hudson, Nancy J
Becoming What We Are: Classical and Christian Readings of Modernity
Author/Editor: Jude P. Dougherty ,Catherine Dougherty
Bede the Theologian: History, Rhetoric, and Spirituality
Author/Editor: JOHN P. BEQUETTE ,John C. Cavadini
Before Amoris Laetitia: The Sources of the Controversy
Author/Editor: Jarosław Kupczak ,GRZEGORZ IGNATIK
Before Truth
Author/Editor: Wilkins, Jeremy
Before Virtue
Author/Editor: Sanford, Jonathan J
Being and Predication
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph M
Being and the Cosmos
Author/Editor: Wood, Robert E
Being is Better Than Not Being: The Metaphysics of Goodness and Beauty in Aristotle
Being Unfolded: Edith Stein on the Meaning of Being
Author/Editor: Thomas Gricoski ,William Desmond
Be Opened! The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture
Author/Editor: Lana Portolano
Betting on Freedom: My Life in the Church
Between God and Man
Author/Editor: Innocent III, Pope; Gardiner, F. C
Between Human and Divine
Author/Editor: Reichardt, Mary
The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology
Author/Editor: Beeley, Christopher A.; Weedman, Mark E
The Bible on the Question of Homosexuality
Author/Editor: Himbaza, Innocent
Biblical and Theological Foundation of the Family
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Joseph C
A Biblical Path to the Triune God: Jesus, Paul and the Revelation of the Trinity
Author/Editor: DENIS FARKASFALVY ,Bruce D. Marshall ,Thomas Esposito
Biomedicen and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco
Biomedicine and Beatitude
Author/Editor: Austriaco, Nicanor Pier Giorgio
Biomedicine and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco
The Bishop's Burden: Reforming the Catholic Church in Early Modern Italy
Author/Editor: Celeste McNamara
Black Catholic Studies Reader: History and Theology
Author/Editor: David J. Endres ,CARDINAL WILTON GREGORY
Black devil and iron angel
Author/Editor: Youngman, Paul A
Blessed Mary and the Monks of England: Benedictines and Cistercians, 1000–1215
Author/Editor: MATTHEW J. MILLS
Blessing the World
Author/Editor: Rivard, Derek A
Blood in the Fields: Óscar Romero, Catholic Social Teaching, and Land Reform
Boethius and Aquinas
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph
The Bonds of Love: St. Peter Damian's Theology of the Spiritual Life
Author/Editor: Gordon Mursell
Bonds of Wool
Author/Editor: Steven A. Schoenig
The Book of Acts
Author/Editor: Raith II, Charles
The Book of Divine Works
Author/Editor: St. Hildegard of Bingen
The Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna (Medieval Texts in Translation)
Author/Editor: Agnellus of Ravenna; Deliyannis, Deborah Mauskopf
Bound for Beatitude A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics
Author/Editor: Hütter, Reinhard
Bread from Heaven: An Introduction to the Theology of the Eucharist
Author/Editor: Bernhard Blankenhorn
Breaking the Mind
Author/Editor: Heal, Kristian S.; Kitchen, Robert A
A Bridge Across the Ocean
Author/Editor: Castagna, Luca
A Brief Life of Thomas Aquinas: The Theologian in His Context
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Torrell ,Benedict M. Guevin
A Brief Quadrivium
The Business Francis Means
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin
By knowledge & by love
Author/Editor: Sherwin, Michael S
By Their Fruits
Author/Editor: Farmer, Ann
By Those Who Knew Them
Author/Editor: Hill, Harvey; Sardella, Louis-Pierre; Talar, C.J. T
The Byzantine Empire (Revised Edition)
Author/Editor: Browning, Robert
A Byzantine Monastic Office, A.D. 1105
Author/Editor: Anderson, Jeffrey C.; Parenti, Stefano