Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with D (36) | Information |
Dark Passages of the Bible |
Author/Editor: Ramage, Matthew J
Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell |
Author/Editor: Condon, Edward; Pecknold, C.C
The Deeds of Louis the Fat |
Author/Editor: Suger, Abbot of Saint Denis; Cusimano, Richard; Moorhead, John
The Deeds of Pope Innocent III |
Author/Editor: Anonymous,James M. Powell
Deeds of the Saxons |
Author/Editor: Widukind of Corvey
Defending the Faith |
Author/Editor: William H. Marshner,C. J. T. Talar
Defending the Republic: Constitutional Monarchy in a Time of Crisis: Essays in Honor of George W. Carey |
Author/Editor: Bruce P. Frohnen ,Kenneth L. Grasso
A Defense of Free Will Against Luther: Assertionis Lutheranae Confutatio, Article 36 |
A Defense of the Catholic Religion: The Necessity, Existence, and Limits of an Infallible Church |
Deification in the Latin Patristic Tradition |
Author/Editor: Jared Ortiz
Democracy and the Ethical Life |
Author/Editor: Ryn, Claes G
Desiring the Beautiful |
Author/Editor: Ivanovic, Filip
Destined for Liberty |
Author/Editor: Kupczak O.P., Jaroslaw; Kupczak, Jarosław
The Development of Dogma: A Systematic Account |
Author/Editor: Guy Mansini
The Devil and the Dolce Vita: Catholic Attempts to Save Italy's Soul, 1948-1974 |
Author/Editor: ROY DOMENICO
Dialogue against the Jews |
Author/Editor: Alfonsi, Petrus; Resnick, Irven M
Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Gregory the Great, Saint; Zimmermann, Odo John
Dialogue with Trypho (Selections from the Fathers of the Church, Volume 3) |
Author/Editor: Justin Martyr, Saint; Slusser, Michael
The Differentiation of Authority |
Author/Editor: Greenaway, James
Disciplinary, Moral, and Ascetical Works |
Author/Editor: Tertullian
Discourse on the State and Grandeurs of Jesus: The Ineffable Union of the Diety with Humanity |
Discourses against Judaizing Christians |
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
The Discovery of Being and Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives |
The Diversity of Religions: a Christian perspective |
Author/Editor: J. A. DINOIA
Divided Friends |
Author/Editor: Portier, William L
The Divine Institutes, Books I–VII |
Author/Editor: Lactantius
Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's 'Ad Limina Apostolorum' |
Author/Editor: Matthew Levering ,Bruce L. McCormack ,Thomas Joseph White
Dogmatic and Polemical Works |
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
Don Ãlvaro, or, The Force of Fate |
Author/Editor: Saavedra, Ãngel de; Rivas, Angel de Saavedra duque de
Don Álvaro, or, The Force of Fate |
Author/Editor: Saavedra, Ángel de; Rivas, Angel de Saavedra duque de
Do Not Reisist the Spirit's Call |
Author/Editor: Torre, Michael D
Drama in English From the Middle Ages to the Early Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Wheatley
The Dry Wood |
Author/Editor: Caryll Houselander ,BONNIE LANDER JOHNSON ,JULIA MESZAROS
Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality |
Author/Editor: Duns Scotus, John; Frank, William A.; Wolter, Allan Bernard
Duns Scotus on Time and Existence |
Author/Editor: Duns Scotus, John
Dynamic Transcendentals |
Author/Editor: Ramos, Alice M