Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with C (116) | Information |
Cajetan on Sacred Doctrine |
Author/Editor: Hieromonk Gregory Hrynkiw ,ANDREW HOFER
Called to Holiness |
Author/Editor: Pietro Rossotti
Canon Law in the Age of Reforms (c. 1000 to c. 1150) |
Author/Editor: Christof Rolker ,Robert Somerville
Canon Law, Religion, and Politics |
Author/Editor: Blumenthal, Uta-Renate
Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon |
Author/Editor: Rodriguez, Jarbel
Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val: A Brief Biography |
Author/Editor: Philippe Roy-Lysencourt ,Mary J. Gillman
Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, Volume 8 |
Author/Editor: Brown, Virginia
Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Brown, Virginia
Catechesis for the New Evangelization: Vatican II, John Paul II, and the Unity of Revelation and Experience |
Author/Editor: Brian Pedraza
A Catechism for Business |
Author/Editor: Abela, Andrew V.; Capizzi, Joseph E
A Catechism For Business |
Author/Editor: Abela, Andrew V
A Catechism for Business: Tough Ethical Questions & Insights from Catholic Teaching, Third Edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew V. Abela ,Joseph E. Capizzi
A Catechism for Family Life |
Author/Editor: Bartel, Sarah; Grabowski, John S
Categories |
Author/Editor: Gorman, Michael; Sanford, Jonathan J
The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis: Book 1, On the Trinitarian Mystery of God |
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis: Book 2: On the Incarnation and Redemption |
Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis, Book 3: On the Church and the Sacraments |
The Catholic Enlightenment: A Global Anthology |
Author/Editor: Ulrich L. Lehner ,Shaun Blanchard
Catholicism and Liberal Democracy: Forgotten Roots and Future Prospects |
Author/Editor: James Martin Carr ,Tracey Rowland
Catholic Labor Movements in Europe |
Author/Editor: Misner, Paul
Catholic Modernism and the Irish "Avant-Garde:" The Achievement of Brian Coffey, Denis Devlin, and Thomas MacGreevey |
A Catholic Spirituality for Business |
Author/Editor: Schlag, Martin; Mele, Domenc
Catholic Witness in Health Care |
Author/Editor: Travaline, John M.; Mitchell, Louise A
The Center is Jesus Christ Himself: Essays on Revelation, Salvation, and Evangelization in Honor of Robert P. Imbelli |
Author/Editor: Andrew Meszaros ,Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan ,Bishop James Massa
Changing Unjust Laws Justly |
Author/Editor: Harte, Colin
Charity and Religion in Medieval Europe |
Author/Editor: Brodman, James William
Children of God in the World |
Author/Editor: Paul O’Callaghan
Christ and Spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas |
Author/Editor: Torrell, Jean-Pierre
Christian and Pagan in the Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: Sider, Robert
Christian faith & human understanding |
Author/Editor: Sokolowski, Robert
Christian Instruction; Admonition and Grace; The Christian Combat; Faith, Hope and Charity |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Christianity and European Culture (Selections from the Work of Christopher Dawson) |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher; Russello, Gerald J
The Christian Moses |
Author/Editor: Philip Rousseau,Janet A. Timbie
A Christian Samurai |
Author/Editor: Farge, William J
The Christian Structure of Politics: The De Regno of Thomas Aquinas |
Author/Editor: William McCormick
The Christology of Erasmus: Christ, Humanity, and Peace |
Author/Editor: Terence J. Martin
Christopher Dawson: A Cultural Mind in the Age of the Great War |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH T. STUART
Christ Our Hope |
Author/Editor: O'Callaghan, Paul
Christ the Educator |
Author/Editor: Clement of Alexandria
The Chronicle of Andres |
Author/Editor: Abbot William of Andres
The Chronicle of the Czechs |
Author/Editor: Cosmas of Prague
Church and Communion: An Introduction to Ecumenical Theology, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Philip Goyret ,Joseph Thomas
The Church and the Land |
Author/Editor: Bovée, David S.; BoveÌe, David S
The Church Confronts Modernity |
Author/Editor: Tentler, Leslie Woodcock
The Church in Iraq |
Author/Editor: Fernando Cardinal Filoni,Edward Condon
The Church in the Republic |
Author/Editor: Parsons, Jotham
The Church of God in Jesus Christ: A Catholic Ecclesiology |
Author/Editor: ROCH A. KERESZTY
Church, State, and Society |
Author/Editor: Benestad, J. Brian
The Church, the Councils, and Reform |
Author/Editor: Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M.; Bellitto, Christopher M
The City of God, Books I–VII |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The City of God, Books VIII–XVI |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
The City of God, Books XVII–XXII |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Civil Religion in Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Weed, Ronald; Heyking, John von
The Civil War Diary of Rev. James Sheeran, C.Ss.R. |
Author/Editor: JAMES SHEERAN,Patrick J. Hayes
The Cleansing of the Heart |
Author/Editor: Lynch, Reginald
The Clerical Dilemma |
Author/Editor: Cotts, John D
Colors and Textures of Roman North Africa: Essays in Memory of Maureen A. Tilley |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Clark ,Zachary B. Smith
Commentaries on Aristotle's On Sense and What Is Sensed and On Memory and Recollection (Thomas Aquinas in Translation) |
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Commentary on Galatians |
Author/Editor: Jerome; Cain, Andrew
Commentary on Genesis |
Author/Editor: Didymus the Blind
Commentary on Matthew |
Author/Editor: Jerome, Saint
Commentary on Matthew |
Author/Editor: St. Hilary of Poiters
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48–88 |
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 1–47 |
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Commentary on the Apocalypse |
Author/Editor: Andrew of Caesarea
Commentary on the Apocalypse |
Author/Editor: Oecumenius
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans |
Author/Editor: Abelard, Peter
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 1-5 |
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10 |
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel According to John, Books 13-32 |
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel of John |
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
Commentary on the Gospel of John |
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books 1-10 |
Author/Editor: Origen
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Chapters 6-12 |
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas; Larcher, Fabian R; Weisheipl, James A
Commentary on the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount with Seventeen Related Sermons |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Commentary on the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount with Seventeen Related Sermons |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Commentary on the Psalms, Psalms 1-72 |
Author/Editor: Theodoret of Cyrus
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets |
Author/Editor: Theodore of Mopsuestia; Hill, Robert C
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, Saint
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria, Saint
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on Zechariah |
Author/Editor: Didymus the Blind
The Common Good of Constitutional Democracy |
Author/Editor: Rhonheimer, Martin; Murphy Jr., William F
The Common Legal Past of Europe, 1000–1800 |
Author/Editor: Bellomo, Manlio
Communicating Faith |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, John
Communities of Informed Judgment |
Author/Editor: Aquino, Frederick D
Community and Progress in Kant's Moral Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Moran, Kate A
A Companion to Margaret More Roper Studies: Life Records, Essential Texts, and Critical Essays |
Author/Editor: William Gentrup ,Elizabeth McCutcheon
The Complementarity of Women and Men: Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, and Art |
Author/Editor: Paul C. Vitz
The Complete Short Stories, Volume 1 |
The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona (Medieval Texts in Translation) |
Author/Editor: Liudprand of Cremona
The Concept of Ius and the Nature of Law in Thomas Aquinas |
Author/Editor: Loïc-Marie Le Bot ,Petar Popović
Confessions |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Conflict and Negotiation in the Early Church: Letters from Late Antiquity, Translated from the Greek, Latin, and Syriac |
Author/Editor: Bronwen Neil ,Pauline Allen
The Consensus of the Church and Papal Infallibility |
Author/Editor: Costigan S.J., Richard F.; Costigan, Richard F
Constancy and the Ethics of Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park' |
Author/Editor: Tarpley, Joyce Kerr
A Constitutional History of the U.S. Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Regan, Richard
Constructing Antichrist |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Kevin L
Contemporary Catholic Approaches to the People, State, and Land of Israel |
Author/Editor: Gavin D’Costa ,Faydra L. Shapiro ,H. B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa
A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics |
Author/Editor: Michael Gorman
Contested Canonizations |
Author/Editor: Finucane, Ronald C
Controversial Concordats |
Author/Editor: Coppa, Frank J
Cooperation with Evil: Thomistic Tools of Analysis |
Author/Editor: KEVIN L. FLANNERY
The Correspondence of Pope Julius I |
Author/Editor: GLEN L. THOMPSON
Correspondence on Christology and Grace |
Cosmas of Prague |
Author/Editor: Wolverton, Lisa
A cosmopolitan hermit |
Author/Editor: Schumacher, Bernard N
Counsels of Imperfection: Thinking Through Catholic Social Teaching |
Author/Editor: EDWARD HADAS
The Count of Abranhos |
Author/Editor: José Maria Eça de Queirós ,Robert M. Fedorchek
Crafting the Female Subject |
Author/Editor: McKenna, Susan M
Criminal-Inquisitorial Trials in English Church Courts: From the Middle Ages to the Reformation |
Author/Editor: Henry Ansgar Kelly
The Crisis of Western Education (The Works of Christopher Dawson) |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria |
Author/Editor: MARK E. THERRIEN
Cusanus |
Author/Editor: Casarella, Peter J
Cusanus Today: Thinking with Nicholas of Cusa Between Philosophy and Theology |
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Marion ,David Albertson