Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with A (68) | Information |
Abortion and Unborn Human Life, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Lee, Patrick
The Academic Sermons (The Fathers of the Church, Mediaeval Continuation, Volume 11) |
Author/Editor: Aquinas, Thomas
The Achievement of Hans Urs von Balthasar |
Author/Editor: Levering, Matthew
Action and Character According to Aristotle |
Author/Editor: Flannery SJ, Kevin L
Action and Conduct: Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action |
Author/Editor: Stephen L. Brock ,Ralph McInerny
Acts of Faith and Imagination: Theological Patterns in Catholic Fiction |
Aesthetic Revelation |
Author/Editor: Bychkov, Oleg
After the Fall |
Author/Editor: Bracher, Nathan
Against Eunomius |
Author/Editor: St. Basil of Caesarea
Against Julian |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Against Marcellus and On Ecclesiastical History |
Author/Editor: Eusebius of Caesarea
Against Marcellus and on Ecclesiastical Theology |
Against the Inveterate Obduracy of the Jews |
Author/Editor: Peter the Venerable
The Age of Strict Construction |
Author/Editor: Zavodnyik, Peter
The Age of the Gods |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Christopher
Alexis de Tocqueville's journey in Ireland, July-August, 1835 |
Author/Editor: Tocqueville, Alexis de
Alfred Loisy and Modern Biblical Studies |
Author/Editor: Morrow, Jeffrey L
Allen Tate |
Author/Editor: Glass III, John V
All Great Art is Praise |
Author/Editor: AIDAN NICHOLS
The Ambuiguity of Being: Bernard Lonergan and the Problems of the Supernatural |
Author/Editor: Jonathan R. Heaps
Amen |
Author/Editor: Ryan SJ, Patrick J
The American Constitution and Religion |
Author/Editor: Regan, Richard J
The American Presence in Ulster |
Author/Editor: Carroll, Francis M
America's Teilhard |
Author/Editor: Sack, Susan Kassman
Analogies of Transcendence |
Author/Editor: Fields, Stephen M
Analogy after Aquinas |
Author/Editor: D'Ettore, Domenic
Anchoress and Abbess in Ninth-Century Saxony |
Author/Editor: Frederick S. Paxton
Ancients and Moderns |
Author/Editor: Ryan, John K
Ancoratus |
Author/Editor: Epiphanius of Cyprus
Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism, and the Courtly Tradition |
Author/Editor: Monson, Don A
Angels and Demons |
Author/Editor: SERGE-THOMAS BONINO,Michael J. Miller,Matthew Levering,Thomas Joseph White
Anselm of Canterbury and the Desire for the Word |
Author/Editor: Sweeney, Eileen C
Anselm's Pursuit of Joy: A Commentary on the Proslogion |
Author/Editor: Gavin R. Ortlund
Answer Key & Commentary to Introduction to Classical & New Testament Greek: A Unified Approach |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL BOLER
An Anthology of Old Spanish |
Author/Editor: Fotitch, Tatiana
Anthony of Padua: Franciscan, Preacher, Teacher, Saint |
Author/Editor: Valentin Strappazzon ,Michael F. Cusato
Anti-Apollinarian Writings |
Author/Editor: St. Gregory of Nyssa
Anti-Judaism and Christian Orthodoxy |
Author/Editor: Shepardson, Christine
Apologetical Works; Octavius |
Author/Editor: Tertullian; Felix, Minucius
Apologist |
Author/Editor: John Chrysostom, Saint
Apology for Origen; On the Falsification of the Books of Origen |
Author/Editor: Pamphilus; Rufinus
The Apostle Paul and His Letters: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: JAMES B. PROTHRO ,Thomas D. Stegman
The Apostolic Fathers |
Author/Editor: Apostolic Fathers, The; Walsh S.J., Gerald G
Apostolic Religious Life in America Today |
Author/Editor: Gribble, Richard
Aquinas and Analogy |
Author/Editor: McInerny, Ralph
Aquinas and Sartre |
Author/Editor: Wang, Stephen
Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel |
Author/Editor: John F. X. Knasas
Aquinas and the Theology of the Body |
Author/Editor: Petri, Thomas
Aquinas on Emotion's Participation in Reason |
Author/Editor: Kahm, Nicholas
Aquinas on Imitation of Nature: Source of Principles of Moral Action |
Author/Editor: Wojciech Golubiewski ,Tianyue Wu
Aquinas on Prophecy: Wisdom and Charism in the Summa Theologiae |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Rogers
Aquinas on the Divine Ideas as Exemplar Causes |
Author/Editor: Doolan, Gregory T
Aquinas on Transubstantiation |
Author/Editor: Hutter, Reinhard
Aquinas's Summa |
Author/Editor: Torrell, Jean-Pierre
Aquinas the Augustinian |
Author/Editor: Dauphinais, Michael; David, Barry; Levering, Matthew
The Aristotelian Tradition of Natural Kinds and Its Demise |
Author/Editor: Umphrey, Stewart
Aristotle in Late Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Schrenk, Lawrence P
The Art of Conjecture: Nicholas of Cusa on Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Clyde Lee Miller
The Art of Preaching |
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
The Art of Preaching: A Theological and Practical Primer |
Author/Editor: Daniel Cardó ,Timothy Gallagher
The Art of the Game of Chess |
Author/Editor: RUY LÓPEZ
Ascetical Works |
Author/Editor: Gregory of Nyssa, Saint
Ascetical Works |
Author/Editor: Basil, Saint
Athanasius: A Theological Introduction |
Athansius |
Author/Editor: Weinandy OFM Cap., Thomas G
At the Limits of Political Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Schall, James V
Augustine in His Own Words |
Author/Editor: Harmless, William
The Augustinian Person |
Author/Editor: Burnell, Peter