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Titles start with B (146) Information
Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude: On the Genius of the Mass in B Minor
Author/Editor: JAMES CROOKS
Back to Beer...and Hockey
Author/Editor: Antoniou, Helen
Backwoods of Canada
Author/Editor: Traill, Catharine Parr; Peterman, Michael A
Badiou's Deleuze
Author/Editor: Roffe, Jon
Bahia's Independence
Author/Editor: Kraay, Hendrik
Baking as Biography
Author/Editor: Tye, Diane
The Balance of Power
Author/Editor: Beloff, Max
Bamboo Church
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Ricardo
Banana Bending
Author/Editor: Khoo, Tseen-Ling
Bank of Canada/La Banque du Canada
Author/Editor: Watts, George S.; Rymes, Thomas K
Bank of Upper Canada
Author/Editor: Baskerville, P
Barbaric Civilization
Author/Editor: Powell, Christopher
Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton's Epics
Author/Editor: Sauer, Elizabeth
Bare and Impolitic Right
Author/Editor: Kordan, Bohdan S.; Mahovsky, Craig
Bare Poles
Author/Editor: Strub, Harold
Battle Exhaustion
Author/Editor: Copp, Terry; McAndrew, Bill
Bearing Witness
Author/Editor: Grace, Sherrill; Imbert, Patrick; Johnstone, Tiffany
Beating against the Wind
Beaver Bites Back?
Author/Editor: Flaherty, David H.; Manning, Frank E
Becoming Bamboo
Author/Editor: Carter, Robert E
Becoming Holy in Early Canada
Author/Editor: Pearson, Timothy G
Becoming Inummarik
Author/Editor: Collings, Peter
Becoming Prominent
Author/Editor: Johnson, J.K
Before Canada: Northern North America in a Connected World, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: ALLAN GREER
Before Copernicus
Author/Editor: Rivka Feldhay,F. Jamil Ragep
Before Ontario
Author/Editor: Munson, Marit; Jamieson, Susan
Before We Had Words
Author/Editor: Zitner, S.P
Behind Valkyrie
Author/Editor: Peter Hoffmann
Behold the Hero
Author/Editor: McNairn, Alan
Being Arab
Author/Editor: Eid, Paul
Being Vulnerable: Contemporary Political Thought
Author/Editor: ARNE DE BOEVER
Author/Editor: Kaplan, William
Beneath Flanders Fields
Author/Editor: Barton, Peter; Doyle, Peter; Vandewalle, John
Benedict Arnold
Author/Editor: Wilson, Barry
Beothuk: How Story Made a People (Almost) Disappear
Bernard Williams
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Mark
Besieged: Early Modern British Siege Literature, 1642-1722
Author/Editor: Sharon Alker ,Holly Faith Nelson
Best-Laid Plans
Author/Editor: McFarlane, Lawrie; Prado, Carlos
Best Left as Indians
Author/Editor: Coates, Ken
Bethune in Spain
Author/Editor: Stewart, Roderick; Majada, Jesús
The Better Part of Valour
Author/Editor: Holmes, John W
Between Composers: The Letters of Norma Beecroft and Harry Somers
Author/Editor: BRIAN CHERNEY
Between Damnation and Starvation
Author/Editor: Greene, John P
Between Dispersion and Belonging
Author/Editor: Chowdhury, Amitava; Akenson, Donald Harman
Between Education and Catastrophe
Author/Editor: GEORGE BURI
Between Languages and Cultures
Author/Editor: Chapman, Rosemary
Between Literature and Science
Author/Editor: Swirski, Peter
Between Principle and Practice
Author/Editor: Gillies, David
Between Raid and Rebellion
Author/Editor: Jenkins, William
Between State and Market
Author/Editor: Phillips, Jim; Chapman, Bruce; Stevens, David
Between the Queen and the Cabby
Author/Editor: Cole, John
Between the Temple and the Cave
Author/Editor: McAuliffe, Angela T
Beware the British Serpent
Author/Editor: Calder, Robert L
Beyond Intimacy: Radical Proximity and Justice in Three Mexican Poets
Beyond Liberty and Property
Author/Editor: Gunn, J
Beyond Mexico
Author/Editor: Daudelin, Jean; Dosman
Beyond Nuclear Thinking
Author/Editor: Malcolmson, Robert W
Beyond Obedience and Abandonment
Author/Editor: McDonough, Graham P
Beyond Quebec
Author/Editor: McRoberts, Kenneth
Beyond the Atlantic Roar
Author/Editor: Campbell, D
Beyond the Border
Author/Editor: Conway, Kyle; Pasch, Timothy
Beyond the Global City
Author/Editor: Nelson, Gordon
Beyond the Indian Act
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Tom; Alcantara, Christopher; Le Dressay, André
Beyond the Line
Author/Editor: Aiken, Alice; Bélanger, Stéphanie
Beyond the Noise of Solemn Assemblies
Author/Editor: RICHARD ALLEN
Beyond Vision
Author/Editor: Jones, Allan
Beyond Wilderness
Author/Editor: O'Brian, John
Bibliography of Emblematic Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Sider, Sandra
Bibliography of John Rastell
Author/Editor: Devereux, E.J
A Bibliography of the Writings of Henry E. Sigerist
Author/Editor: Miller, Genevieve
Bibliotheca Osleriana
Author/Editor: WILLIAM OSLER
Big Moves: Global Agendas Local Aspirations and Urban Mobility in Canada
Big Picture
Author/Editor: Dodaro, Santo; Pluta, Leonard
Bilingual Being
Author/Editor: Saint-Onge, Kathleen
Bilingual Today, United Tomorrow
Author/Editor: Hayday, Matthew
Biography and Autobiography
Author/Editor: Noonan, J
The Birth of Modernism
Author/Editor: Surette, Leon
The Birth of New Criticism
Author/Editor: Childs, Donald
Bishop's University, 1843-1970
Author/Editor: Nicholl, Christopher
The Black Doctors of Colonial Lima
Author/Editor: Jouve Martín, José R
Blackness and Modernity
Author/Editor: Foster, Cecil
Blacks in Canada
Author/Editor: Winks, Robin W
Black Then
Author/Editor: Mackey, Frank
Blatant Injustice
Author/Editor: Igersheimer, Walter
Author/Editor: Asfour, John
Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs
Author/Editor: Waterston, Elizabeth Hillman
Blockades or Breakthroughs?
Author/Editor: Belanger, Yale D.; Lackenbauer, P. Whitney
Blood and Religion
Author/Editor: Love, Ronald
Blood Ground
Author/Editor: Elbourne, Elizabeth
Blowing up the Skirt of History: Recovered and Reanimated Plays by Early Canadian Women Dramatists, 1876-1920
Author/Editor: KYM BIRD
The Blue Banner
Author/Editor: Cahill, Barry; DeWolfe, Laurence; Alary, Murray
The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton
Author/Editor: Shaw, John
Bodily Subjects
Author/Editor: Light, Tracy Penny; Brookes, Barbara; Mitchinson, Wendy
Body Counts
Author/Editor: Jorland, Gerard; Opinel, Annick; Weisz, George
Body or the Soul?
Author/Editor: FRANK A. ABBOTT
The Book of Absolutes
Author/Editor: Gairdner, William D
The Boomerang Effect of Decolonization: Post-Orientalism and the Politics of Difference
Author/Editor: Maurice Jr. Labelle
Booze, Cigarettes, and Constitutional Dust-Ups: Canada’s Quest for Interprovincial Free Trade
Author/Editor: RYAN MANUCHA
Border Crossings
Author/Editor: Alcorn, Kerry
Border Within
Author/Editor: Angus, Ian
Boris Pil'niak
Author/Editor: Reck, Vera T
Both Hands
Author/Editor: Campbell, Sandra
The Boundaries of Meaning and the Formation of Law
Author/Editor: Gu, Sharron
The Boundaries of Medicare: Public Health Care beyond the Canada Health Act
Boundaries of the Canadian Confederation
Author/Editor: Nicholson, Norman
Boundless Dominion
Author/Editor: McKim, Denis
Bounty and Benevolence
Author/Editor: Ray, Arthur J.; Miller, Jim; Tough, Frank
Boys and Girls Apart
Author/Editor: Richer, Stephen
Boys in the Pits
Author/Editor: McIntosh, Robert
Braiding Legal Orders: Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Author/Editor: John Borrows ,Larry Chartrand ,Oonagh E. Fitzgerald ,Risa Schwartz
Branding Canada
Author/Editor: Potter, Evan H
Brave New Canada
Author/Editor: Burney, Derek H.; Hampson, Fen Osler
A Breviate of British Diplomatic Blue Books, 1919-1939
Author/Editor: Vogel, Robert
Brian Moore
Author/Editor: O'Donoghue, Jo
Bridge Built Halfway
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Malcolm
A Bridge of Ships
Author/Editor: Pritchard, James
Brigh an Ã’rain - A Story in Every Song
Author/Editor: MacLellan, Lauchie; Shaw, John; MacLeod, Alistair
Brigh an Òrain - A Story in Every Song
Author/Editor: MacLellan, Lauchie; Shaw, John; MacLeod, Alistair
Bringing Art to Life
Author/Editor: Horrall, Andrew
Bringing Power to Justice?
Author/Editor: Harrington, Joanna; Milde, Michael; Vernon, Richard
Britain and the War for the Union
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Brian
Britain and the War for the Union
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Brian
Britain, France, and the Financing of the First World War
Author/Editor: Horn, Martin
Britannia’s Palette
Author/Editor: Tracy, Nicholas
Britannia’s Palette
Author/Editor: Tracy, Nicholas
British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation
Author/Editor: Smith, Andrew
British Generals in the War of 1812
Author/Editor: Turner, Wesley B
British Regulars in Montreal
Author/Editor: Senior, Elinor Kyte
The British System of Government and Its Historical Development
Author/Editor: Taucar, Christopher Edward
British Trade Unions and the Problem of Change
Author/Editor: Paynter, Will
Builders and Deserters
Author/Editor: Konecny, Peter
Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Terrence; Denis, Jean-Louis
Building Bridges
Author/Editor: Goldbloom, Victor C
Building Cities That Work
Author/Editor: Fowler, Edmund P
Building Jewish Roots
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Faydra L
Building Nations from Diversity
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Garth
Building Resistance
Author/Editor: Burke, Stacie
Building the Nation
Author/Editor: Hall, John A.; Korsgaard, Ove; Pedersen, Ove K
Bullets on the Water
Author/Editor: Grouev, Ivaylo
Bureau fédéral de la statistique
Author/Editor: Worton, David A
Buried Astrolabe
Author/Editor: Walker, Craig S
Burning Bush and A Few Acres of Snow
Author/Editor: Klempa, William
Business and Politics
Author/Editor: Coleman, William D
But for Now
Author/Editor: Johnston, Gordon
By Loving our Own
Author/Editor: Emberley, Peter C