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Titles start with M (194) Information
Mackenzie King in the Age of the Dictators
Author/Editor: MacLaren, Roy
MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion
Author/Editor: Howard, Victor
The Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion
Author/Editor: Howard, Victor
MacKenzie-Papineau Battallion
Author/Editor: Howard, Victor
Mackenzie Pipeline
Author/Editor: Pearse, Peter
Mad Cows and Mother's Milk
Author/Editor: Powell, Douglas; Leiss, William
Mad Cows and Mother's Milk, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
Made for the Eye of One Who Sees: Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology
Made in Canada
Author/Editor: Elder, Alan
Mad Flight?
Author/Editor: Zucchi, John
Magazine Writing From the Boonies
Author/Editor: Zuehlke, Mark
Magda and André Trocmé
Author/Editor: Boismorand, Pierre
Main Philosophical Writings and the Novel Allwill
Author/Editor: Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
Mainstream Growth Economists and Capital Theorists
Author/Editor: Muzhani, Marin
Mainstreaming Porn: Sexual Integrity and the Law Online
Author/Editor: ELAINE CRAIG
Make/Believing the World(s)
Author/Editor: McLeod-Harrison, Mark S
Making a Middle Class
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Paul
Making and Moving Knowledge
Author/Editor: Lutz, John Sutton; Neis, Barbara
The Making and Unmaking of a University Museum
Author/Editor: Young, Brian J
Making EI Work
Author/Editor: Banting, Keith; Medow, Jon
Making Fast Food
Author/Editor: Reiter, Ester
Making Knowledge Count
Author/Editor: Harries-Jones, Peter
Making Music
Author/Editor: Partington, John T
Making of an Explorer
Author/Editor: Jenness, Stuart E
Making of Canadian Food Aid Policy
Author/Editor: Charlton, Mark W
Making of Modern Poetry in Canada
Making of the Alice Books
Author/Editor: Reichertz, Ronald
Making of the English Literary Canon
Author/Editor: Ross, Trevor
The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World
Author/Editor: Bouchard, Gérard
Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Author/Editor: Tesson, Geoffrey; Hudson, Geoffrey; Strasser, Roger
Making Ontario
Author/Editor: Wood, David
Making Policy in Turbulent Times
Author/Editor: Axelrod, Paul; Trilokekar, Roopa Desai; Shanahan, Theresa
Making Public Pasts
Author/Editor: Gordon, Alan
Making Public Transport Work
Author/Editor: Bunting, P.M
Making Sense out of Meaning
Author/Editor: Hirtle, Walter
Making Ukraine: Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century
Making Witches
Author/Editor: Rieti, Barbara
Malaysian Development
Author/Editor: Rudner, Martin
Malcolm MacDonald
Author/Editor: Sanger, Clyde
Management of the Mentally Disordered Offender in Prisons
Author/Editor: Conacher, Geoffrey Neil
Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy
Author/Editor: A. Scott Carson,Kim Richard Nossal
Managing Conflict in a World Adrift
Author/Editor: Crocker, Chester A.; Hampson, Fen Osler; Aall, Pamela
Managing the Canadian Mosaic in Wartime
Author/Editor: Caccia, Ivana
Man in the Ivory Tower
Author/Editor: Frost, Stanley Brice
Manitoba's French-Language Crisis
Author/Editor: Hébert, Raymond M
Manner of Correspondence
Author/Editor: Brückmann, Patricia C
A Man of Parliament: Selected Speeches from Joe Clark
Author/Editor: Jonathan Rose,Hugh Mellon
Mapping Our Selves
Author/Editor: Buss, Helen M
Mapping Postcommunist Cultures
Author/Editor: Chernetsky, Vitaly
Mapping the Margins
Author/Editor: Christie, Nancy; Gauvreau, Michael
Maps and Memes
Author/Editor: Eades, Gwilym Lucas
Maps of Difference
Author/Editor: Roy, Wendy
Margaret Addison
Author/Editor: O'Grady, Jean
Margaret Macdonald
Author/Editor: Mann, Susan
Margaret McWilliams
Author/Editor: Kinnear, Mary
Marguerite Bourgeoys and Montreal, 1640-1665
Author/Editor: Simpson, Patricia
Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Congregation of Notre Dame, 1665-1700
Author/Editor: Simpson, Patricia
Marguerite Bourgeoys et la Congrégation de Notre Dame, 1665-1670
Author/Editor: Simpson, Patricia
Marguerite Bourgeoys et Montréal
Author/Editor: Simpson, Patricia
Marian and the Major
Author/Editor: Engel, Marian; Verduyn, Christl
Marina Warner and the Ethics of Telling Silenced Stories
Author/Editor: Lisa Propst
Author/Editor: Eaton, Winnifred
Maritime Capital
Author/Editor: Sager, Eric W.; Panting, Gerald E
Maritime Rights Movement/Univ Microfilm
Author/Editor: Forbes, Ernest R
Market Rules
Author/Editor: Brown, Douglas M
Married Women and the Law
Author/Editor: Stretton, Tim; Kesselring, Krista
Marshall Decision and Native Rights
Author/Editor: Coates, Ken
Martin Luther, German Saviour
Author/Editor: Stayer, James M
Masks of Proteus
Author/Editor: Resnick, Philip
Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Naomi
Masters and Students
Author/Editor: True, Micah
Mastery and Uses of Fire in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Rehder, J.E
The Material City: Bodies, Minds, and the In-Between
Author/Editor: ALAN BLUM
Materialist Ethics and Life-Value
Author/Editor: Noonan, Jeff
Maturing in Hard Times
Author/Editor: Bryce, Robert B
May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition
Author/Editor: RUSSELL A. POTTER ,REGINA KOELLNER ,PETER CARNEY ,MARY WILLIAMSON ,Alison Alexander ,William Battersby ,Matthew Betts ,Rick Burrows ,A. J. Campbell
McCord Family
Author/Editor: Miller, Pamela
Author/Editor: MacLennan, Hugh
McGill Medicine
Author/Editor: Hanaway, Joseph; Cruess, Richard L
McGill Medicine
Author/Editor: Hanaway, Joseph; Cruess, Richard
McGill University
Author/Editor: Frost, Stanley Brice
McGill University
Author/Editor: Frost, Stanley Brice
McGill University Thesis Directory
Author/Editor: Spitzer, Frank; Sylvester, Elizabeth
McGill University Thesis Directory
Author/Editor: Spitzer, Frank; Sylvester, Elizabeth
McMaster Meighan History
Author/Editor: Mitchell, D
McMaster University, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Johnston, Charles M
McMaster University, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Johnston, Charles M
McMaster University, Volume 3: 1957-1987
Author/Editor: Greenlee, James G
Author/Editor: Cooper, David E
The Measure of Canadian Society
Author/Editor: Porter, John
Measure of the West
Author/Editor: Siza, Álvaro; Chiaramonte, Giovanni
Measure of Wealth
Author/Editor: Ginter, Donald E
Measuring the Value of a Postsecondary Education
Author/Editor: Norrie, Ken; Lennon, Mary Catharine
Media, Memory, and the First World War
Author/Editor: Williams, David
Mediated Associations
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Daniel
Mediating Moms
Author/Editor: Podnieks, Elizabeth
Mediating Spaces: Literature, Politics, and the Scales of Yugoslav Socialism, 1870–1995
Author/Editor: James M. Robertson
Medieval Arts Doctrines on Ambiguity and Their Places in Langland's Poetics
Author/Editor: Chamberlin, John
Medieval Miscellany
Author/Editor: Labarge, Margaret
Meech Lake Post-Mortem
Author/Editor: Fournier, Pierre
Meeting of the People
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Roderick; Poutanen, Mary Anne
Memoirs and Madness
Author/Editor: White, Frederick H
Memories, Myths, and Dreams of an Ojibwe Leader
Author/Editor: Berens, William; Hallowell, A. Irving; Brown, Jennifer
Men at Play
Author/Editor: Robidoux, Michael
Mental Health and Canadian Society
Author/Editor: Moran, James E.; Wright, David
Mephibosheth Stepsure Letters
Author/Editor: McCulloch, Thomas
Mercenaries for the Crimea
Author/Editor: Bayley, C.C
Merger Delusion
Author/Editor: Trent, Peter F
Merger Mania
Author/Editor: Sancton, Andrew
Metamorphoses of Landscape and Community in Early Quebec
Author/Editor: Coates, Colin M
The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism
Author/Editor: Ellis, Brian
Methodist Church on the Prairies, 1896-1914
Author/Editor: Emery, George
Methodists and Women's Education in Ontario, 1836-1925
Author/Editor: Selles, Johanna
Michael Power
Author/Editor: McGowan, Mark
Michael Walzer on War and Justice
Author/Editor: Orend, Brian
Middle Power Internationalism
Author/Editor: Pratt, Cranford
Midnight Cowboy
Author/Editor: Jon Towlson
Migrant Labour in South Africa's Mining Economy
Author/Editor: Jeeves, Alan H
Migrant Text
Author/Editor: SUBHA XAVIER
Migration Governance in North America: Policy, Politics, and Community
Author/Editor: Kiran Banerjee ,Craig Damian Smith
Military Operations and the Mind
Author/Editor: Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger,Daniel Lagacé-Roy
Military Spending in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: MacDonald, Brian
Milosevic and Markovic
Author/Editor: Djukic, Slavoljub; Dubinsky, Alex
Milton Acorn
Author/Editor: Lemm, Richard
Milton's Leveller God
Author/Editor: Williams, David
Mimic Fires
Author/Editor: Bentley, D
Mind and Body
Author/Editor: Kirk, Robert
Mind in Creation
Author/Editor: Kneale, Douglas
Minding the Public Purse
Author/Editor: MacKinnon, Janice
The Minds of the Moderns
Author/Editor: Thomas, Janice
Minerva's Message
Author/Editor: Staum, Martin S
Minor Ethics: Deleuzian Variations
Minority Languages, National Languages, and Official Language Policies
Mirror of the Worlde
Author/Editor: Cary, Elizabeth Tanfield
Missed Opportunities
Author/Editor: Raboy, Marc
Missing in Action
Author/Editor: Harvie, John D
Missing Link
Author/Editor: Donaldson, Jeffery
Missing the Tide
Author/Editor: Johnston, Donald J
Missionaires Oblates
Author/Editor: Bruno-Jofré, Rosa
Missionary Oblate Sisters
Author/Editor: Bruno-Jofré, Rosa
Mixing Medicines: The Global Drug Trade and Early Modern Russia
Author/Editor: CLARE GRIFFIN
Mobilities, Knowledge, and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Ilcan, Suzan
Mobilizing Mercy
Author/Editor: Glassford, Sarah
Mobilizing the Will to Intervene
Author/Editor: Chalk, Frank; Matthews, Kyle; Barqueiro, Carla
Author/Editor: Melia, Joseph
The Modern Dilemma
Author/Editor: Surette, Leon
Modernity and the Dilemma of North American Anglican Identities, 1880-1950
Author/Editor: Katerberg, William
Modern Philosophy
Author/Editor: Francks, Richard
Moi, je suis de Bouctouche
Author/Editor: Savoie, Donald
Moments of Unreason
Author/Editor: Warsh, Cheryl Krasnick
Monck, Letters and Journals, 1863-1868
Author/Editor: Morton, W.L
Money and Banking in Canada
Author/Editor: Neufeld, E.P
Author/Editor: Fougères, Dany; MacLeod, Roderick
Author/Editor: Cooper, John Irwin
Montreal and the Fur Trade
Author/Editor: Rich, E.E
Montreal Children's Hospital
Author/Editor: Scriver, Jessie Boyd
The Montreal Diocesan Theological College
Author/Editor: Howard, Oswald
Montreal in Evolution
Author/Editor: Marsan, Jean-Claude
Montreal Olympics
Author/Editor: Howell, Paul Charles
The Moral Economy of Welfare and Migration: Reconfiguring Rights in Austerity Britain
Author/Editor: LYDIA MORRIS
Moral Foundations of Canadian Federalism
Author/Editor: Laselva, Samuel V
Author/Editor: Taylor, Craig
Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London
Author/Editor: Gibson-Brydon, Thomas
Morals and Consent
Mordecai Richler
Author/Editor: Kramer, Reinhold
More Moderate Side of Joseph de Maistre
Author/Editor: Camcastle, Cara
More Richly in Earth: A Poet’s Search for Mary MacLeod
Author/Editor: Marilyn Bowering
Mosaic Orpheus
Author/Editor: Scott, Peter
Most Dangerous Branch
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert I
Most Pernicious Thing
Author/Editor: Given, Brian J
Mothers of Heroes, Mothers of Martyrs
Author/Editor: Evans, Suzanne
Mothers of Invention
Author/Editor: Santoro, Miléna
Motivational Dimensions in Social Movements and Contentious Collective Action
Author/Editor: Pinard, Maurice
Mourning Nature
Author/Editor: Cunsolo, Ashlee; Landman, Karen
Moving Cultures
Author/Editor: Caron, André H.; Caronia, Letizia
Author/Editor: EDWARD CARSON
Mr Charlotte Brontë
Author/Editor: Adamson, Alan H
Mr Simson's Knotty Case
Author/Editor: Skoczylas, Anne
Mugabe and the Politics of Security in Zimbabwe
Author/Editor: Alao, Abiodun
Multiculturalism and Religious Identity
Author/Editor: Sikka, Sonia; Beaman, Lori G
Multiculturalism Question
Author/Editor: Jedwab, Jack
The Multicultural States of East Africa
Author/Editor: Richards, Audrey I
Multicultural Variations
Author/Editor: Roberts, Lance W.; Ferguson, Barry; Bös, Mathias
Multilateral Sanctions Revisited: Lessons Learned from Margaret Doxey
Multilevel Governance and Emergency Management in Canadian Municipalities
Author/Editor: Henstra, Daniel
Museum Pieces
Author/Editor: Phillips, Ruth B
Music in Canada
Author/Editor: Keillor, Elaine
Mutual Security in the Asia-Pacific
Author/Editor: Choi, Kang; Manicom, James; Palamar, Simon
My First Years in the Fur Trade
Author/Editor: Nelson, George; Peers, Laura; Schenck, Theresa
My Life at the Bar and Beyond
Author/Editor: Paterson, Alex K
My Life for the Book
Author/Editor: Sytin, Ivan D.; Ruud, Charles A.; Soroka, Marina E
My Peerless Story
Mystic Leeway
Author/Editor: Gregg, Frances
Myth of the Sacred
Author/Editor: James, Patrick; Abelson, Donald E.; Lusztig, Michael