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Titles start with C (432) Information
Called Upstairs: Moravian Inuit Music in Labrador, Vol. 105
Author/Editor: TOM GORDON
Callings and Consequences: The Making of Catholic Vocational Culture in Early Modern France
Callisto Myth from Ovid to Atwood
Author/Editor: Wall, Kathleen
Call Me Giambattista
Author/Editor: Ciaccia, John
Call of Empire
Author/Editor: Holmes, John W
Canada-Africa Relations
Author/Editor: Medhora, Rohinton P.; Samy, Yiagadeesen
Canada Among Nations, 1989
Author/Editor: Molot, Maureen Appel; Hampson, Fen Osler
Canada Among Nations, 1990-91
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen Osler; Maule, Christopher J
Canada Among Nations, 1992-93
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen Osler; Maule, Christopher J
Canada Among Nations, 1993-94
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen Osler; Maule, Christopher J
Canada Among Nations, 1994
Author/Editor: Molot, Maureen Appel; Von Riekhoff
Canada Among Nations, 1997
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen
Canada Among Nations, 2004
Author/Editor: Carment, David; Osler Hampson, Fen; Hillmer, Norman
Canada Among Nations, 2005
Author/Editor: Cooper, Andrew F.; Rowlands, Dane
Canada Among Nations, 2006
Author/Editor: Cooper, Andrew F.; Rowlands, Dane
Canada Among Nations, 2007
Author/Editor: Daudelin, Jean; Schwanen, Daniel
Canada Among Nations, 2008
Author/Editor: Bothwell, Robert; Daudelin, Jean
Canada Among Nations, 2009-2010
Author/Editor: Hampson, Fen; Heinbecker, Paul
Canada Among Nations, 2011-2012
Author/Editor: Bugailiskis, Alex; Rozental, Andrés
Canada - An American Nation?
Author/Editor: Smith, Allan
Canada and Immigration
Author/Editor: Hawkins, Freda
Canada and the Cost of World War II
Author/Editor: Bryce, Robert
Canada and the Crown
Author/Editor: Jackson, D. Michael; Lagassé, Philippe
Canada and the Global Economy
Author/Editor: Britton, John N.H
Canada and the Great War
Author/Editor: Busch, Briton C
Canada and the Idea of North
Author/Editor: Grace, Sherrill E
Canada and the International Seabed
Author/Editor: Riddell-Dixon, Elizabeth
Canada and the OAS
Author/Editor: McKenna, Peter
Canada and the Ukrainian Crisis
Canada and the Ukrainian Question, 1939-1945
Author/Editor: Kordan, Bohdan S
Author/Editor: Burridge, Kate; Foster, Lois; Turcotte, Gerry
Canada Before Confederation
Author/Editor: Harris, Cole
Canada Enters the Nuclear Age
Author/Editor: Hurst, D.G
Canada Fire
Author/Editor: Rawlyk, George A
Canada in Cities
Author/Editor: Graham, Katherine A.H.; Andrew, Caroline
Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
Canada in the Global Village
Author/Editor: Menzies, Heather
Canada in the Soviet Mirror
Author/Editor: Black, J.L
Canada & Its Americas
Author/Editor: Siemerling, Winfried; Casteel, Sarah Phillips
Canada, Latin America, and the New Internationalism
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Brian J.R
Canada's Balance of International Indebtedness, 1900-1913
Author/Editor: Viner, Jacob
Canada's Big Biblical Bargain
Author/Editor: Kalman, Jason; du Toit, Jaqueline S
Canada's Century
Author/Editor: Franks, C.E.S
Canada's Changing North
Author/Editor: Wonders, William C
Canada's Cold Environments
Author/Editor: French, Hugh M.; Slaymaker, Olav
Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Hilliker, John
Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Hilliker, John; Barry, Donald
Canada's Early Nuclear Policy
Author/Editor: Buckley, Brian
Canada's Forests
Author/Editor: Drushka, Ken
Canada's Francophone Minority Communities
Author/Editor: Behiels, Michael D
Canada's Game
Author/Editor: Holman, Andrew C
Canada's Greatest Wartime Muddle
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Michael D
Canada's Jews
Author/Editor: Rosenberg, Louis; Weinfeld, Morton
Canada's National System of Innovation
Author/Editor: Niosi, Jorge
Canada's Origins
Author/Editor: Ajzenstat, Janet
Canada's Other Red Scare: Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters during the Global Sixties
Canada's Regional Innovation System
Author/Editor: Niosi, Jorge
Canada's Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Canada's Residential Schools: Reconciliation
Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part 1, Origins to 1939: The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume I
Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part 2, 1939 to 2000: The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume I
Canada's Residential Schools: The Inuit and Northern Experience: The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Volume 2
Canada's Residential Schools: The Legacy
Canada's Residential Schools: The Métis Experience
Canada's Vegetation
Author/Editor: Scott, Geoffrey A.J
Canada's Victorian Oil Town
Author/Editor: Burr, Christina
Canada, the Commonwealth and the Common Market
Author/Editor: Cunningham, W.B
Canada, the Provinces, and the Global Nuclear Revival
Author/Editor: Bratt, Duane
Canada: The State of the Federation, 2011
Author/Editor: Verrelli, Nadia
Canada: The State of the Federation, 2012
Author/Editor: Berdahl, Loleen; Juneau, André; Tuohy, Carolyn
Canada: The State of the Federation, 2013
Author/Editor: Martin Papillon,André Juneau
Canada: The State of the Federation 2015
Author/Editor: Allan, John R.; Gordon, David L.A.; Hanniman, Kyle
Canada: The State of the Federation 2017: Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant,Kyle Hanniman
Canada to Ireland: Poetry, Politics, and the Shaping of Canadian Nationalism, 1788–1900
Canadian-American Industry
Author/Editor: Marshall, Herbert; Southard, Frank; Taylor, Kenneth W
Canadian-American Summit Diplomacy, 1923-1973
Author/Editor: Swanson, Roger F
Canadian and Mexican Security in the New North America
Author/Editor: Diez, Jordi
Canadian Banks and Global Competitiveness
Author/Editor: Darroch, James L
Canadian Baptists and Christian Higher Education
Author/Editor: Rawlyk, George A
Canadian Bilingual Districts
Author/Editor: Bourgeois, Daniel
Canadian Brothers or the Prophecy Fulfilled
Author/Editor: Richardson, John
Canadian City
Author/Editor: Stelter, Gilbert
The Canadian Commercial Revolution, 1845-1851
Author/Editor: Tucker, Gilbert Norman; Aitken, Hugh G.J
Canadian Confederation
Author/Editor: White, W.L.; Soderlund, W.C
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Author/Editor: Fiala, Frank
Canadian Corporate Elite
Author/Editor: Clement, Wallace
Canadian Counselling and Counselling Psychology in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Sinacore, Ada L.; Ginsberg, Freda
Canadian Crusoes
Author/Editor: Traill, Catharine
Canadian Culinary Imaginations
Author/Editor: Shelley Boyd ,Dorothy Barenscott
Canadian Defence Industry in the New Global Environment
Author/Editor: Edgar, Alistair D.; Haglund, David G
Canadian Economic Forecasting
Author/Editor: Daub, Mervin
Canadian Economic History
Author/Editor: Watkins, M.H
The Canadian Economy
Author/Editor: Safarian, A.E
The Canadian Economy and Disarmament
Author/Editor: Rosenbluth, Gideon
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919
Author/Editor: G.W.L. NICHOLSON
The Canadian Federal Election of 2021
Canadian Federalism and Its Future: Actors and Institutions
Author/Editor: Alain-G. Gagnon,Johanne Poirier
Canadian Federalist Experiment
Author/Editor: Vaughan, Frederick
Canadian Fiscal Arrangements
Author/Editor: Lazar, Harvey
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965
Author/Editor: Blanchette
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1966-1976
Author/Editor: Blanchette
Canadian Foreign Policy, 1977-1992
Author/Editor: Blanchette, A.E
Canadian Founding
Author/Editor: Ajzenstat, Janet
Canadian Health Care and the State
Author/Editor: Naylor, David
A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda
Author/Editor: A. Scott Carson,Kim Richard Nossal
The Canadian House of Commons
Author/Editor: Stewart, John B
Canadian Idealism and the Philosophy of Freedom
Author/Editor: Meynell, Robert
Canadian International Development Assistance Policies
Author/Editor: Pratt, Cranford
Canadian Language Policies in Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Morris, Michael A
Canadian Literary Fare, Vol. 263
Canadian Marxists and the Search for a Third Way
Author/Editor: Campbell, Peter
Canadian Medicare
Author/Editor: Duckett, Stephen; Peetoom, Adrian
Canadian Odyssey
Author/Editor: Keith, W.J
Canadian Pentecostalism
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Michael
Canadian Perspectives on Law and Society
Author/Editor: Pue, W. Wesley; Wright, Barry
Canadian Policing in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Chrismas, Robert
Canadian Policy toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Glazov, Jamie
Canadian Population Trends and Public Policy Through the 1980s
Author/Editor: Stone, Leroy O; Marceau, Claude
Canadian Primal: Poets, Places, and the Music of Meaning
Author/Editor: Mark Dickinson
Canadian Public Budgeting in the Age of Crises
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce; Maslove, Allan M.; Prince, Michael J
Canadian Quandary
Author/Editor: Johnson, Harry
Canadian Social Structure
Author/Editor: Porter, John
Canadian Social Welfare Policy
Author/Editor: Ismael, Jacqueline S
Canadian Sociologists in the First Person
Canadians Under Fire
Author/Editor: Engen, Robert
Canadian Universities in China’s Transformation
Canadian Universities in China’s Transformation
Author/Editor: Hayhoe, Ruth; Pan, Julia; Zha, Qiang
Canadian Water Politics
Author/Editor: Sproule-Jones, Mark; Johns, Carolyn; Heinmiller, B. Timothy
Cancer Stories
Author/Editor: Gregory, David M.; Russell, Cynthia K
CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event
Author/Editor: Jason Camlot,Katherine McLeod
The Canny Scot
Author/Editor: Ludlow, Peter
Capital Cities/Les capitales
Author/Editor: Taylor, John
Capital Culture
Author/Editor: Berland, Jody; Hornstein, Shelley
Capital Formation in Canada, 1896-1930
Author/Editor: Buckley, Kenneth
Capitalism XXL: Why the Global Economy Became Gigantic and How to Fix It
Author/Editor: GEERT NOELS
Capital Punishment in Canada
Author/Editor: Chandler, David
Capitol Idea
Author/Editor: Abelson, Donald E
Captive Court
Author/Editor: Bushnell, Ian
Captive of the Castle of Sennaar
Author/Editor: Cumberland, George A.; Bentley Jr
Capturing Women
Author/Editor: Carter, Sarah A
Carabins ou activistes?
Author/Editor: Neatby, Nicole
Career of Toleration
Author/Editor: Vernon, Richard
Career Paths of Nursing Professionals
Author/Editor: Hiscott, Robert D
Caregiving on the Periphery
Author/Editor: Rutherdale, Myra
Carlyle and the Economics of Terror
Author/Editor: Desaulniers, Mary
Carnivalization of Politics
Author/Editor: Morris, Raymond N
Carol Shields and the Extra-Ordinary
Author/Editor: Dvorak, Marta; Jones, Manina
Cartographies of Place
Author/Editor: Darroch, Michael; Marchessault, Janine
Carving a Niche
Author/Editor: Hernández Sáenz, Luz María
Case of Witchcraft
Author/Editor: Rapley, Robert
Cassock and the Crown
Author/Editor: Monet, Jean
Cast from Bells
Author/Editor: Hancock, Suzanne
A Catalogue of the Burney Family Correspondence, 1748-1878
Author/Editor: Hemlow, Joyce; Burgess, Jeanne M
Catharine Parr Traill’s The Female Emigrant’s Guide
Author/Editor: Cooke, Nathalie; Lucas, Fiona
Catharine Parr Traill’s The Female Emigrant’s Guide
Author/Editor: Nathalie Cooke,Fiona Lucas
Catholic Cults and Devotions
Author/Editor: Carroll, Michael P
The Catholicisms of Coutances
Author/Editor: Hayden, J. Michael
Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970
Author/Editor: Gauvreau, Michael
Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers
Author/Editor: MARIO O. D’SOUZA
Catholic Power in the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Bakvis, Herman
Caught in the Current: British and Canadian Evangelicals in an Age of Self-Spirituality
Author/Editor: SAM REIMER
Causation and Explanation
Author/Editor: Psillos, Stathis
Cause for Thought
Author/Editor: Burbidge, John W
C.B. Macpherson
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
Censorship in Canadian Literature
Author/Editor: Cohen, Mark
Centrality of Agriculture
Author/Editor: Duncan, Colin A.M
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Shand, John
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Shand, John
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Shand, John
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 4
Author/Editor: Shand, John
Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 5
Author/Editor: Shand, John
Centring the Periphery
Author/Editor: Baker, Patrick L
Author/Editor: Amernic, Joel; Craig, Russell
Certain Difficulty of Being
Author/Editor: Purdy, Anthony
Cette science nécessaire: Dissections humaines et profession médicale au Québec, Vol. 43
Author/Editor: MARTIN ROBERT
Chairman Hua
Author/Editor: Wang, Ting
Challenge for Change
Author/Editor: Waugh, Thomas; Baker, Michael Brendan; Winton, Ezra
Challenge for Higher Education in Ontario
Author/Editor: Beach, Charles M
Challenge of Arctic Shipping
Author/Editor: Vander-Zwaag, David L.; Lamson, Cynthia
Challenge of Class Analysis
Author/Editor: Clement, Wallace
Challenge of Direct Democracy
Author/Editor: Johnston, Richard; Blais, Andre
Challenging Canada
Author/Editor: Helms, Gabriele
Challenging Genetic Determinism
Author/Editor: Maheu, Louis; Macdonald, Roderick A
Challenging the Market
Author/Editor: Stanford, Jim; Vosko, Leah F
Challenging Times
Author/Editor: Backhouse, Constance; Flaherty, David H
Champions of the Truth
Author/Editor: Rawlyk, George A
Author/Editor: Bishop, Morris
Author/Editor: Litalien, Raymonde; Vaugeois, Denis
Changing Canada
Author/Editor: Clement, Wallace; Vosko, Leah F
The Changing Canadian Population
Author/Editor: Edmonston, Barry; Fong, Eric
Changing Face of War
Author/Editor: English, Allan Douglas
Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture, 1750-1950
Author/Editor: Collins, Peter
Changing Maps
Author/Editor: Rosell, Steven
Changing Places
Author/Editor: Abel, Kerry M
Changing Social Geography of Canadian Cities
Author/Editor: Bourne, Larry S.; Ley, David F
Changing Structure of the Western Economy
Author/Editor: Copland, Sir Douglas
Changing Structures of Inequality
Author/Editor: Lemel, Yannick; Noll, Heinz
Changing Women, Changing History
Author/Editor: Pederson, Diana
Charles Baillairgé
Author/Editor: Cameron, Christina
Charles Clarke, Pen and Ink Warrior
Author/Editor: Dewar, Kenneth C
Author/Editor: Dubé, Philippe
Charlie's First War
Author/Editor: Tweddell, C.H.; Miller, Carman
Charter Conflicts
Author/Editor: Hiebert, Janet L
Charter versus Federalism
Author/Editor: Cairns, Alan C
Charting Northern Waters
Author/Editor: Glover, William
Charting the Russian Northern Sea Route
Author/Editor: Starokadomskiy, L.M
Chasing Empire across the Sea
Author/Editor: Banks, Kenneth J
Chaucer and Language
Author/Editor: Myles, Robert; Williams, David A
Chaucer, Spenser, Milton
Author/Editor: Hieatt, A. Kent
Cheap Wage Labour
Author/Editor: Muszynski, Alicja
Chee Chee
Author/Editor: Evans, Al
Chekhov's Children: Context and Text in Late Imperial Russia
Author/Editor: NADYA L. PETERSON
Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants
Author/Editor: Gibbs, R. Darnley
Chess Game for Democracy
Author/Editor: Palasik, Mária
Chess Pieces
Author/Editor: Solway, David
The Chicago School Diaspora
Author/Editor: Low, Jacqueline; Bowden, Gary
Chief Justice William Johnstone Ritchie
Author/Editor: Bale, G
Chief Justice W.R. Jackett
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
Chiefs of the Plantation
Author/Editor: Addison, Lincoln
Chien d'or/The Golden Dog
Author/Editor: Kirby, William; Edwards, Mary Jane
Chignecto Covenanters
Author/Editor: Hay, Eldon
Child Letters
Author/Editor: Little, J
Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations
Author/Editor: Rita Bode ,Lesley D. Clement ,E. Holly Pike ,Margaret Steffler
Children into Swans
Author/Editor: Beveridge, Jan
Children of Aataentsic
Author/Editor: Trigger, Bruce G
Children of Peace
Author/Editor: McIntyre, John
The Children’s Hour, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Julia Erhart
The Children's Senator: Landon Pearson and a Lifetime of Advocacy
China's Urban Future and the Quest for Stability
Chinese Education in Transition
Author/Editor: Kwong, J
Chinese Shadow Theatre
Author/Editor: Chen, Fan Pen Li
Choice of Force
Author/Editor: Last, David; Horn, Bernd
Choosing Canada's Capital
Author/Editor: Knight, David B
Choosing to Labour?
Author/Editor: Lehmann, Wolfgang
Chora 1
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gómez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Chora 2
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gómez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Chora 3
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gómez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Chora 4
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gomez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Chora 5
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gomez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Chora 7
Author/Editor: Alberto Pérez-Gómez,Stephen Parcell
Chora, Volume Six
Author/Editor: Pérez-Gómez, Alberto; Parcell, Stephen
Christ, God's Companionship with Man
Author/Editor: Giussani, Luigi; Carrón, Julián
Christian Attitudes towards the State of Israel
Author/Editor: Merkley, Paul Charles
Christian Ethics
Author/Editor: Faruqi, Isma‘il Ragi A. al
Christian Ethics and Political Economy in North America
Author/Editor: Kroeker, Travis
The Christian Moses: Vision, Authority, and the Limits of Humanity in the New Testament and Early Christianity
Author/Editor: JARED C. CALAWAY
Christian Plain Style
Author/Editor: Auski, Peter
Christians in a Secular World
Author/Editor: Bowen, Kurt
Christie Seigneuries
Author/Editor: Noël, Francoise
Chronic Conditions
Author/Editor: Karen Engle
The Chrétien Legacy
Author/Editor: Harder, Lois; Patten, Steve
Church and State in Canada, 1627-1867
Author/Editor: Moir, John S
Church, College, and Clergy
Author/Editor: Fraser, Brian J
Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada
Author/Editor: Gauvreau, Michael; Hubert, Ollivier
Church of Notre Dame in Montreal
Author/Editor: Toker, Franklin
Church, State, and the Control of Schooling in Ireland 1900-1944
Author/Editor: Titley, B
A Church with the Soul of a Nation
Author/Editor: Airhart, Phyllis
Author/Editor: Druick, Zoë; Cammaer, Gerda
The Circle of Rights Expands
Author/Editor: Monahan, Arthur P
Circulation and the City
Author/Editor: Boutros, Alexandra; Straw, Will
Cirque Global
Author/Editor: Louis Patrick Leroux,Charles R. Batson
Cities and the Constitution: Giving Local Governments in Canada the Power They Need, Vol. 18
Citizens, Civil Society, and Activism under the EPRDF Regime in Ethiopia: An Analysis from Below, Vol. 6
Citizenship as a Regime
Author/Editor: Paquet, Mireille; Nagels, Nora; Fourot, Aude-Claire
Citizenship, Diversity, and Pluralism
Author/Editor: Cairns, Alan C.; Courtney, John C.; MacKinnon, Peter
City Limits
Author/Editor: Clark, Glenn; Owens, Judith; Smith, Greg T
City of Farmers
Author/Editor: Freeman, Donald B
Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity: The Public Philosophy of James Tully
Author/Editor: Dimitrios Karmis ,Jocelyn Maclure
Civilians at the Sharp End: First Canadian Army Civil Affairs in Northwest Europe
Author/Editor: DAVID A. BORYS
Civil Wars in Africa
Author/Editor: Ali, Taisier M.; Matthews, Robert O
Civil War Years
Author/Editor: Winks, Robin W
Class, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Author/Editor: McAll, Chrisopher
Classical Music
Author/Editor: Nagano, Kent
Classroom and Empire
Author/Editor: Dowler, Wayne
Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid
Author/Editor: Marcil-Lacoste, Louise
Claude Jutra
Author/Editor: Leach, Jim
Climate Change in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Cohen, Stewart J.; Waddell, Melissa W
Author/Editor: Haliburton, Thomas Chandler; Parker, George L
Close Ties
Author/Editor: Cruikshank, Ken
Coalescence of Styles
Author/Editor: Cook, Jane L
Coasts Under Stress
Author/Editor: Ommer, Rosemary E
Codex Canadensis and the Writings of Louis Nicolas
Author/Editor: Nicolas, Louis; Gagnon, François-Marc
Cognitive Code: Post-Anthropocentric Intelligence and the Infrastructural Brain
Cold Comfort
Author/Editor: Rowley, Graham W
Cold Comfort, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Rowley, Graham
Coldest Harbour in the Land
Author/Editor: Codignola, Luca
Cold Rush
Author/Editor: Breum, Martin
A Cold War Tourist and His Camera
Author/Editor: Langford, Martha; Langford, John
Coleridge and the Inspired Word
Author/Editor: Harding, Anthony John
Collapse of a Country
Author/Editor: Coghlan, Nicholas
Collections and Objections
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Michelle
Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest
Author/Editor: Winch, David M
Colonial Reformers and Canada, 1830-1849
Author/Editor: Burroughs, Peter
Colonization and Community
Author/Editor: Belshaw, John D
Columbia Journals
Author/Editor: Belyea, Barbara
Columbia Journals
Author/Editor: Thompson, David
Comings and Goings
Author/Editor: Levi, Charles Moden
Coming to Canada
Author/Editor: Shields, Carol
Commerce of Taste
Author/Editor: Magrill, Barry
Commissioned Ridings
Author/Editor: Courtney, John C
Commissions High
Author/Editor: MacLaren, Roy
Committed to the State Asylum
Author/Editor: Moran, James E
Common Ground
Author/Editor: Greeley, Andrew
Common Sense and Legal Judgment
Communion and Liberation Movement
Author/Editor: Rondoni, Davide
The Communion of the Book: Milton and the Humanist Revolution in Reading
Author/Editor: David Williams
Communitarian Third Way
Author/Editor: Hellman, John
Community Besieged
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Garth
Community in Crisis
Author/Editor: Jones, R
Comparative Administration Change
Author/Editor: Pierre, Jon; Ingraham, Patricia W
Comparative Literature for the New Century
Complete Plays of Frances Burney
Author/Editor: Burney, Frances
A Complex Fate
Author/Editor: Cuthbertson, Ken
Complexity's Embrace
Author/Editor: Fitzgerald, Oonagh E.; Lein, Eva
Compositional Crossroads
Author/Editor: Stubley, Eleanor V
concept de liberté au Canada à l’époque des Révolutions atlantiques (1776-1838)
Author/Editor: Collins, Peter
Confederation Debates in the Province of Canada, 1865
Author/Editor: Waite, P.B
Confessions of an Immigrant's Daughter, Vol. 265
Author/Editor: LAURA GOODMAN SALVERSON ,Carl Watts
Confessions of a Young Man
Author/Editor: Moore, George; Dick, Susan
Configurations of a Cultural Scene: Young Writers and Artists in Madrid, 1918–1930
Author/Editor: Andrew A. Anderson
Conflicted Commitments
Author/Editor: Mahrouse, Gada
Confrontation at Winnipeg
Author/Editor: Bercuson, David
Congo Solo
Author/Editor: Hahn, Emily; Cuthbertson
The Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Superiors, and the Paradox of Power, 1693-1796
Author/Editor: Gray, Colleen
Connected Struggles
Author/Editor: Demers, Maurice
Connecting the Dots
Author/Editor: Arthurs, Harry W
Conor, Volume I
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Conor, Volume II
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Conquest and Survival in Colonial Guatemala
Author/Editor: Lovell, George
Conrad's Later Novels
Author/Editor: Geddes, Gary
Consent, Coercion, and Limit
Author/Editor: Monahan, Arthur P
Considerations on France
Author/Editor: Maistre, Joseph De
Consociational Democracy
Author/Editor: McRae, Kenneth D
The Constant Diplomat
Author/Editor: Ruud, Charles A
Constant Struggle: Histories of Canadian Democratization
Author/Editor: Julien Mauduit ,Jennifer Tunnicliffe
Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems
Author/Editor: Burgess, Michael; Tarr, G. Alan
Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Countries
Author/Editor: Kincaid, John; Tarr, Alan
Constitutional Politics in Multinational Democracies
Author/Editor: André Lecours ,Nikola Brassard-Dion ,Guy Laforest
Constitutional Predicament
Author/Editor: Cook, Curtis
Constructing Colonial Discourse
Author/Editor: Currie, N. E
Consumers in the Bush
Author/Editor: McCalla, Douglas
Contemplation and Incarnation
Author/Editor: Potworowski, Christophe F
Contemporary Federalist Thought in Quebec: Historical Perspectives, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Antoine Brousseau Desaulniers ,Stéphane Savard ,Mary Baker ,Judith Laforest ,Lawrence O’Hearn ,Eric Rodrigue
Contemporary Majority Nationalism
Author/Editor: Gagnon, Alain-G.; Lecours, André; Nootens
Contemporary Musical Expressions in Canada
Author/Editor: Anna Hoefnagels,Judith Klassen,Sherry Johnson
Contemporary Quebec
Author/Editor: Behiels, Michael D.; Hayday, Matthew
Contesting Rural Space
Author/Editor: Sandwell, R.W
Contesting the Moral High Ground
Author/Editor: Phillips, Paul T
Contexts of Acadian History, 1686-1784
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Naomi E.S
Contexts of Canada's Past
Author/Editor: Morton, W.L.; McKillop, A.B
Continental Community?
Author/Editor: Axline, Andrew
Continentalizing Canadian Telecommunications
Author/Editor: Rideout, Vanda
Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq
Author/Editor: KEVIN J.A. THOMAS,Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger,Pierre Jolicoeur,Stéfanie von Hlatky
Contribution of Methodism to Atlantic Canada
Author/Editor: Scobie, Charles H.H.; Grant, John Webster
Contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada
Author/Editor: Scobie, Charles H.H.; Rawlyk, George A
Controversy and Complexity
Author/Editor: Dirks, Gerald E
Convergence or Divergence?
Author/Editor: Langlois, Simon; Caplow, Theodore
Coping with Geopolitical Decline: The United States in European Perspective, Vol. 11
Corporate Autonomy and Institutional Control
Author/Editor: Stevens, Douglas F
Corporate Citizen: New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law
Author/Editor: Oonagh E. Fitzgerald
Corporate Law and Sustainability from the Next Generation of Lawyers
Author/Editor: Carol Liao
Corpus and the Cortex
Author/Editor: Chevalier, Jacques M
Author/Editor: van Hooft, Stan
Cottage Country in Transition
Author/Editor: Halseth, Greg
Countercurrents: Women's Movements in Postwar Montreal, Vol. 42
Author/Editor: AMANDA RICCI
Counterfeit Crime
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Assessing Domestic and International Strategies
Author/Editor: Stéfanie von Hlatky
Author/Editor: Rempel, Roy
Count Not the Dead
Author/Editor: Hadley, Michael L
A Country So Interesting
Author/Editor: Ruggles, Richard I
A Course in Urdu
Author/Editor: Barker, Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman; Hamdani, Hasan Jahangir
The Court-Garden House
Author/Editor: Schoenauer, Norbert; Seeman, Stanley
Courtship, Love, and Marriage in Nineteenth-Century English Canada
Author/Editor: Ward, Peter
Covenanters in Canada
Author/Editor: Hay, Eldon
COVID-19: A History
Cowboys, Gentlemen, and Cattle Thieves
Author/Editor: Elofson, Warren M
Coyote and Raven Go Canoeing
Author/Editor: Cole, Peter
C.P. Snow and the Struggle of Modernity
Author/Editor: De La Mothe, John
Crabbe's Arabesque
Author/Editor: Hatch, Ronald B
Crafting Identity
Author/Editor: Alfoldy, Sandra
Crass Struggle
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
Cream of the Crop
Author/Editor: English, Allan Douglas
Created in the Image?: Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Or Rogovin
Creating Carleton
Author/Editor: Neatby, H. Blair; McEown, Don
Creating Complicated Lives
Author/Editor: Ainley, Marianne; Rayner-Canham, Marelene; Rayner-Canham, Geoff
Creating Kashubia
Author/Editor: Joshua C. Blank
Creating Societies
Author/Editor: Hoerder, Dirk
Creating the Welfare State in France, 1880-1940
Author/Editor: Smith, Timothy B
Creating This Place
Author/Editor: Cullum, Linda; Porter, Marilyn
Author/Editor: Starnino, Carmine
Creed and Culture
Author/Editor: Murphy, Terrence; Stortz, Gerald
Cree Narrative
Author/Editor: Preston, Richard J
Crimes, Constables, and Courts
Author/Editor: Weaver, John C
The Criminalization of Migration
Author/Editor: Atak, Idil; Simeon, James C
Crises and Compassion
Author/Editor: Letiche, John M
Crisis and Reform
Author/Editor: Medhora, Rohinton P.; Rowlands, Dane
Crisis and War
Author/Editor: James, Patrick
Crisis, Challenge and Change
Author/Editor: Brodie, Janine
Crisis Escalation War
Author/Editor: Holsti, Ole R
The Crisis of Modernity
Author/Editor: Del Noce, Augusto; Lancellotti, Carlo
The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
Author/Editor: Armstrong, Elizabeth
Critical Humanism and the Politics of Difference
Author/Editor: Noonan, Jeff
Critical Images
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Rachel
Critical Political Studies
Author/Editor: Bakan, Abigail B.; MacDonald, Eleanor
Critical Reflection
Author/Editor: Murray, Malcolm; Kujundzic, Nebojsa
A Critical Spirit
Author/Editor: McKillop
Critical Strategies
Author/Editor: Boa, Elizabeth; Reid, J.H
Critical Years in Immigration
Author/Editor: Hawkins, Freda
Crofters and Habitants
Author/Editor: Little, J
Cross of Gold
Author/Editor: Rich, Georg
Crown and Nobility, 1450-1509
Author/Editor: Lander, J.R
Author/Editor: Castricano, Jodey
C'était du spectacle!
Author/Editor: Namaste, Viviane
The Cultivated Landscape
Author/Editor: Pearson, Craig; Nasby, Judith
Cultiver la différence
Author/Editor: Goodman, Morris
Cultural Change among the Algonquin in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: LEILA INKSETTER ,Bruce Inksetter
Cultural Diversity and Canadian Education
Author/Editor: Mallea, John
Cultural Ecology
Author/Editor: Cox, Bruce
The Cultural Work of Photography in Canada
Author/Editor: Payne, Carol; Kunard, Andrea
Culture and Nationality
Author/Editor: Bailey, Alfred Goldsworthy
Culture, Identity, Commodity
Author/Editor: Khoo, Tseen; Louie, Kam
A Culture in Conflict
Author/Editor: Palmer, Bryan D
Culture, Religion, and Demographic Behaviour
Author/Editor: McQuillan, Kevin
Cultures of Citizenship in Post-war Canada, 1940 - 1955
Author/Editor: Christie, Nancy; Gauvreau, Michael
Curative Illnesses
Author/Editor: JULIE ROBERT
Curatorial Dreams
Author/Editor: Shelley Ruth Butler,Erica Lehrer
Current Perspectives on Nutrition and Health
Author/Editor: Carroll, Kenneth K
Cuthbert Grant of Grantown
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Margaret; Morton
Author/Editor: Potter, Evan H
Cystic Fibrosis and You
Author/Editor: Korneluk, Y.G