Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with L (164) | Information |
Labeling People |
Author/Editor: Staum, Martin S
Laboratory of Modernity: Ukraine between Empire and Nation, 1772–1914 |
Author/Editor: Serhiy Bilenky
Labouring Children |
Author/Editor: Parr, Joyce
Labour in the Laboratory |
Author/Editor: Twohig, Peter
Labour, Love, and Prayer |
Author/Editor: Brozyna, Andrea Ebel
Labour's Apprentices |
Author/Editor: Childs, Michael J
Labrador Memoir of Dr Harry Paddon, 1912-1938 |
Author/Editor: Paddon, Harry; Rompkey, Ronald
Labrador Odyssey |
Author/Editor: Rompkey, Ronald
La création de l'École de médecine du Nord de l'Ontario |
Author/Editor: Tesson, Geoffrey; Hudson, Geoffrey; Strasser, Roger
Ladies, Upstairs!: My Life in Politics and After |
Author/Editor: MONIQUE BÉGIN
Lady Landlords of Prince Edward Island |
Author/Editor: Bittermann, Rusty; McCallum, Margaret
La Frénésie des fusions |
Author/Editor: Andrew, Sancton
Laid Low |
Author/Editor: Blustein, Paul
Lament for a Nation |
Author/Editor: Grant, George
Landing |
Author/Editor: Sinnett, Mark
A Land of Dreams |
Author/Editor: Mannion, Patrick
Land of Feast and Famine |
Author/Editor: Ingstad, Helge
Land of the Midnight Sun |
Author/Editor: Coates, Ken; Morrison, William
Land, Power, and Economics on the Frontier of Upper Canada |
Author/Editor: Clarke, John
Land, Settlement, and Politics on Eighteenth-Century Prince Edward Island |
Author/Editor: Bumsted, J
Language, Citizenship, and Sámi Education in the Nordic North, 1900-1940 |
Language Ethics |
Author/Editor: Yael Peled,Daniel M. Weinstock
Language in the Mind |
Author/Editor: Hirtle, Walter
The Language of the Inuit |
Author/Editor: Dorais, Louis-Jacques
Language of the Senses |
Author/Editor: McSweeney, Kerry
Language of the Skies |
Author/Editor: Borins, Sandford F
Language, Schooling, and Cultural Conflict |
Author/Editor: Gaffield, Chad
Languages in Conflict |
Author/Editor: Joy, Richard J
The Lansdowne Era |
Author/Editor: Harvey, Edward
À la recherche d'Expo 67 |
Author/Editor: Monika Kin Gagnon ,Lesley Johnstone
Largest Amount of Good |
Author/Editor: Hatton, Helen E
La somme des satisfactions |
Author/Editor: McDowall, Duncan
Last Child to Come Inside |
Author/Editor: Desbarats, M
The Last French and Indian War |
Author/Editor: Vaugeois, Denis
Last Well Person |
Author/Editor: Hadler, Nortin M
Latinocanadá |
Author/Editor: Hazelton, Hugh
Laugh-Makers |
Author/Editor: Stebbins, Robert A
Laurentian University |
Author/Editor: Bray, Matt
Laurier |
Author/Editor: Dafoe, J. W
Laurier and a Liberal Quebec |
Author/Editor: Neatby, H. Blair; Clippingdale, Richard T
Law and Politics in Space |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Maxwell
Law, Ideology, and Collegiality |
Author/Editor: Songer, Donald R.; Johnson, Susan; Ostberg, C.L
Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Gibson, Dale
Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Gibson, Dale
Law of Multi-Bank Financing |
Author/Editor: Mugasha, Agasha
Law, Policy, and International Justice |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, William; McRae, Donald
Leadership and Responsibility in the second World War |
Author/Editor: Farrell, Brian
Leadership in Disaster |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Raymond
Leadership Under Fire |
Author/Editor: Paul, Ross H
Leadership Under Fire, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Paul, Ross H
Leading Constitutional Decisions |
Author/Editor: Russell, Peter H
Leading from Between: Indigenous Participation and Leadership in the Public Service |
Leading Research Universities in a Competitive World |
Author/Editor: Lacroix, Robert; Maheu, Louis
The Leamington Italian Community |
Author/Editor: Temelini, Walter
Learning to Look |
Author/Editor: Clement, Lesley
Leave No Doubt |
Author/Editor: Babcock, Mike
Le Canada: Au-delà des rancunes, des doléances et de la discorde |
Author/Editor: DONALD J. SAVOIE
Le Carré's Landscape |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Tod
Le Concept de liberté au Canada à l’époque des Révolutions atlantiques (1776-1838) |
Author/Editor: Ducharme, Michel
Left and Right |
Author/Editor: Cochrane, Christopher
Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions |
The Legacy of 9/11: Views from North America |
Legalizing Misandry |
Author/Editor: Nathanson, Paul; Young, Katherine K
Legendary Jackrabbit Johannsen |
Author/Editor: Johannsen, Alice E
Legislated Inequality |
Author/Editor: Lenard, Patti Tamara; Straehle, Christine
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries |
Author/Editor: Le Roy, Katy; Saunders, Cheryl
Leo |
Author/Editor: Kolber, Leo; MacDonald, L. Ian
Leonard and Reva Brooks |
Author/Editor: Virtue, John
Le retour à la biè au hockey |
Author/Editor: Antoniou, Helen
Le retour à la biè au hockey |
Author/Editor: Antoniou, Helen
Les fondements de la culture, le pouvoir de l'art |
Author/Editor: Gattinger, Monica
Lessons on the English Verb |
Author/Editor: Hirtle, Walter
Lessons on the Noun Phrase in English |
Author/Editor: Hirtle, Walter
Letter and the Spirit of Nineteenth-Century American Literature |
Author/Editor: Loebel, Thomas
Letters from Rupert's Land, 1826-1840 |
Author/Editor: Hargrave, James; Ross, Helen
Letters from the Grand Tour |
Author/Editor: Spence, Joseph; Klima, Slava
Letters of Brendan Behan |
Author/Editor: Mikhail, E
Letters to a Québécois Friend |
Author/Editor: Resnick, Philip; Latouche, Daniel
Letting the People Decide |
Author/Editor: Johnston, Richard; Blais, Andre
Leviathan Transformed |
Author/Editor: Caplow, Theodore
L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis |
L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis |
Author/Editor: Dumas, Alexandre
Liberal Education and the Small University in Canada |
Author/Editor: Storm, Christine
Liberal Nationalisms |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, James
Liberating Temporariness? |
Author/Editor: Vosko, Leah F; Preston, Valerie; Latham, Robert
Lieutenant Owen William Steele of the Newfoundland Regiment |
Author/Editor: Facey-Crowther, David R
Life and Death in Revolutionary Ukraine: Living Conditions, Violence, and Demographic Catastrophe, 1917-1923 |
Life and Death under Stalin |
Author/Editor: Boterbloem, Kees
Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier |
Author/Editor: Skelton, Oscar
Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier |
Author/Editor: Skelton, Oscar Douglas; Farr, David M. L
Life and Religion at Louisbourg, 1713-1758 |
Author/Editor: Johnston, A
Life and Time of Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt |
Author/Editor: Skelton, O.D
Life and Times of Andrei Zhdanov, 1896-1948 |
Author/Editor: Boterbloem, Kees
The Life and Times of Raúl Prebisch, 1901-1986 |
Author/Editor: Dosman, Edgar J
Life Embodied |
Author/Editor: Fernández-Medina, Nicolás
Lifelines |
Author/Editor: Verduyn, Christl
A Life of Ill Repute: Public Prostitution in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: MARIA SERENA MAZZI,Joyce Myerson
The Life of Luigi Giussani |
Author/Editor: Savorana, Alberto
Life of Propriety |
Author/Editor: McKenna, Katherine M.J
Life on the Line |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Brian
Life through a Lens |
Author/Editor: Borradaile, Osmond; Hadley, Anita B
Light of Nature and the Law of God |
Author/Editor: Stouffer, Allen P
Limiting Rights |
Author/Editor: Hiebert, Janet L
Limiting the Proliferation of Weapons |
Author/Editor: Rioux, Jean-François
The Limits of Boundaries |
Author/Editor: Sancton, Andrew
The Limits of Trust |
Author/Editor: Mills, Lisa Nicole
Limits to Satisfaction |
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
Lines Drawn across the Globe: Reading Richard Hakluyt’s “Principal Navigations", Vol. 90 |
Author/Editor: Mary C. Fuller
Lines in the Ice |
Lion, the Eagle, and Upper Canada |
Author/Editor: Errington, Elizabeth Jane
Lion, The Eagle, and Upper Canada, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Errington, Jane
Listening for the Heartbeat of Being |
Listening In |
Author/Editor: Vipond, Mary
Listening to Old Woman Speak |
Author/Editor: Groening, Laura Smyth
Literary Impostors |
Literary Sisterhoods |
Author/Editor: Heller, Deborah
Literature and Ethics |
Author/Editor: Wihl, Gary; Williams, David A
Little Slaves of the Harp |
Author/Editor: Zucchi, John E
The Little Yellow House |
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Heather Simeney
Lives and Landscapes |
Author/Editor: Harp, Jr, Elmer
Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Waite, P
Lives of Dalhousie University, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Waite, P
The Lives of Lake Ontario: An Environmental History, Vol. 17 |
Living and Learning in the Free School |
Author/Editor: Novak, Mark
Living Factories |
Author/Editor: Fish, Kenneth
The Living Past of Montreal |
Author/Editor: McLean, Eric
Living Prism |
Author/Editor: Kushner, Eva
Living Rhythms |
Author/Editor: Wuttunee, Wanda
Llyod George and Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Fry, Michael G
L.M. Montgomery and Gender |
L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s) |
Author/Editor: Bode, Rita; Mitchell, Jean
L.M. Montgomery and War |
Author/Editor: Andrea McKenzie,Jane Ledwell
L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valleys |
Author/Editor: Bode, Rita; Clement, Lesley D
Local Government and Metropolitan Regions in Federal Countries |
Author/Editor: Kincaid, John; Steytler, Nico
Local Governments and Their Intergovernmental Networks in Federalizing Spain |
Author/Editor: Agranoff, Robert
Local Hospitals in Ancien Régime France |
Author/Editor: Hickey, Daniel
Logging the Globe |
Author/Editor: Marchak, Patricia
Logic |
Author/Editor: Restall, Greg
Logic in the Wild |
Lonely Cold War of Pope Pius XII |
Author/Editor: Kent, Peter C
Long Eclipse |
Author/Editor: Gidney, Catherine
Long Road to Reform |
Author/Editor: Milner, Henry
Long Way from Home |
Author/Editor: Grygier, Pat Sandiford
Look Here Look Away Look Again |
Author/Editor: Carson, Edward
Looking After Miss Alexander: Care, Mental Capacity, and the Court of Protection in Mid-Twentieth-Century England |
Author/Editor: JANET WESTON
Looking for Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Sparshott, F.E
Look It Up! |
Look Who's Watching |
Author/Editor: Fen Osler Hampson,Eric Jardine
Lord Durham's Report |
Author/Editor: Craig, Gerald M.; Ajzenstat, Janet; Laforest, Guy
Lord for the Body |
Author/Editor: Opp, James
Lord Lyons |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Brian
Lord Mansfield |
Author/Editor: Poser, Norman
Lord's Dominion |
Author/Editor: Semple, Neil
Lost and Found Voices: Four Gay Male Writers in Exile |
Author/Editor: Luc Beaudoin
Lost Harvests |
Author/Editor: Carter, Sarah A
Lost in the Crowd: Acadian Soldiers of Canada's First World War |
Louis XV's Navy, 1748-1762 |
Author/Editor: Pritchard, James
A Lovely Gutting |
Author/Editor: Durnford, Robin
The Love Queen of Malabar |
Author/Editor: Weisbord, Merrily
Luminous Creatures |
Author/Editor: Anctil, Michel
L' Université Laurentienne |
Author/Editor: Bray, Matt
Lying about the Wolf |
Author/Editor: Solway, David
Lyndhurst |
Author/Editor: Reaume, Geoffrey
Lyric and Polemic |
Author/Editor: Smith, Rowland