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Titles start with A (47) Information
Abundance from the Desert: Classical Arabic Poetry
Author/Editor: Raymond Farrin
Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors
Author/Editor: Steven J. Taylor ,Steven J. Taylor ,Arlene Kanter ,Beth A. Ferri
Adirondack Photographers, 1850-1950
Author/Editor: Sally E. Svenson
The African Burial Ground in New York City: Memory, Spirituality, and Space
Author/Editor: ANDREA E. FROHNE
Aislinge Meic Conglinne: The Vision of Mac Conglinne
Author/Editor: Lahney Preston-Matto
Alabaster Cities: Urban U.S. since 1950
Author/Editor: John Rennie Short
Albert Schweitzer: A Biography, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: James Brabazon
Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts
Author/Editor: James Carleton Paget ,Michael J. Thate
Allah's Spacious Earth
Author/Editor: Omar Sayfo ,Paul Olchváry
All Dressed Up: Modern Irish Historical Pageantry
Allegany To Appomattox: The Life and Letters of Private William Whitlock of the 188th New York Volunteers
Author/Editor: Valgene Dunham ,Bill Potter
Allegiance and Betrayal: Stories
Author/Editor: PETER MAKUCK
All Faces but Mine: The Poetry of Samih Al-Qasim
Author/Editor: Samih Al-Qasim ,Abdulwahid Lu’lu’a ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
America in the Fifties
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Dunar ,John Robert Greene
America in the Forties
Author/Editor: Ronald Allen Goldberg ,John Robert Greene
America in the Nineties
Author/Editor: Nina Esperanza Serrianne ,John Robert Greene ,John Robert Greene
America in the Sixties
Author/Editor: John Robert Greene
America in the Teens
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Dunar ,John Robert Greene ,John Robert Greene
America in the Thirties
Author/Editor: John Olszowka ,Marnie M. Sullivan ,Brian R. Sheridan ,Dennis Hickey ,John Robert Greene
The American Dream: A Cultural History
Author/Editor: Lawrence R. Samuel
American Jewish Political Culture and the Liberal Persuasion
Author/Editor: HENRY L. FEINGOLD
And the Time Is: Poems, 1958-2013
Author/Editor: Samuel Hazo
Animals in Our Days: A Book of Stories
Author/Editor: Mohamed Makhzangi ,Chip Rossetti
Antipsychiatry: Quackery Squared
Author/Editor: THOMAS SZASZ
The Ant's Gift: A Study of the Shahnameh
Author/Editor: Shahrokh Meskoob ,Dick Davis
Anxiety of Erasure: Trauma, Authorship, and the Diaspora in Arab Women's Writings
Author/Editor: HANADI AL-SAMMAN ,miriam cooke ,Simona Sharoni ,Suad Joseph
Arab Americans in Film: From Hollywood and Egyptian Stereotypes to Self-Representation
Author/Editor: Waleed F. Mahdi
Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal
Author/Editor: Michael W. Suleiman ,Suad Joseph ,Louise Cainkar
Arab and Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence, and Belonging
Author/Editor: Rabab Abdulhadi ,Evelyn Alsultany ,Nadine Naber
The Arab and the Brit: The Last of the Welcome Immigrants
Author/Editor: Bill Rezak
Arab Family Studies: Critical Reviews
Author/Editor: Suad Joseph ,Noor Al Malki Al Jehani
Arabs and the Art of Storytelling: A Strange Familiarity
Author/Editor: Abdelfattah Kilito ,Mbarek Sryfi ,Eric Sellin ,Roger Allen
Arabs in Turkish Political Cartoons, 1876-1950: National Self and Non-National Other
Author/Editor: Ilkim Büke Okyar
An Arab's Journey to Colonial Spanish America: The Travels of Elias al-Mûsili in the Seventeenth Century
Author/Editor: Elias al-Mûsili ,Caesar E. Farah
The Archaeology of Harriet Tubman's Life in Freedom
Author/Editor: Douglas V. Armstrong
Archer M. Huntington: Founder of the Hispanic Society of America
Author/Editor: Patricia Fernández Lorenzo
The Arkansas Delta Oral History Project: Culture, Place, and Authenticity
Author/Editor: David A. Jolliffe ,Christian Z. Goering ,Krista Jones Oldham ,James A. Anderson Jr. ,Steve Parks ,Eileen Schell
Art and Politics / Politics and Art
Author/Editor: D. H. Melhem
Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern Capitalism (1600–1800)
Author/Editor: NELLY HANNA
Ashbel P. Fitch: Champion of Old New York
Author/Editor: David F. Remington ,Joanne Reitano
Assimilated Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Person
At Home: An Anthropology of Domestic Space
Author/Editor: Irene Cieraad ,John Rennie Short
At the Font of the Marvelous: Exploring Oral Narrative and Mythic Imagery of the Iroquois and Their Neighbors
Author/Editor: Anthony Wonderley
Auburn, New York: The Entrepreneurs’ Frontier
Author/Editor: Scott W. Anderson
The Autobiography of James Monroe
Author/Editor: James Monroe ,Stuart Gerry Brown ,Donald G. Baker ,William M. Ferraro
The Autocratic Parliament: Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011
Author/Editor: Irene Weipert-Fenner
Avant-Garde Nationalism at the Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1940
Author/Editor: Ruud van den Beuken