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Titles start with W (39) Information
Waiting For America: A Story of Emigration
Author/Editor: Maxim D. Shrayer
Waiting for the Past: A Novel
Author/Editor: Hadiya Hussein ,Barbara Romaine
Walking Seasonal Roads: Reflections on a Dwelling Place
Author/Editor: MARY A. HOOD
War Lives: Revenge, Grief, and Conflict in Israeli Fiction
Author/Editor: Nitza Ben-Dov
The War of 1812 in the Champlain Valley
Author/Editor: ALLAN S. EVEREST
The War of the Wheels: H. G. Wells and the Bicycle
Author/Editor: Jeremy Withers ,Steven A. Riess
War Remains: Ruination and Resistance in Lebanon
Watching TV: American Television Season by Season, Fourth Edition
Author/Editor: Harry Castleman ,Walter J. Podrazik
Watching TV with a Linguist
Author/Editor: Kristy Beers Fägersten
Watermelon Democracy: Egypt’s Turbulent Transition
Author/Editor: Joshua Stacher
We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War
Author/Editor: Nadje Al-Ali ,Deborah Al-Najjar
"We Are Jews Again": Jewish Activism in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Yuli Kosharovsky ,Stefani Hoffman ,Ann Komaromi ,Joshua Rubenstein ,Henry Feingold
We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: The Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi
Author/Editor: Tracy Sugarman
We Never Swim in the Same River Twice
Author/Editor: Hassouna Mosbahi ,William Maynard Hutchins
Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution
Author/Editor: Stephen Zunes ,Jacob Mundy
Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Stephen Zunes ,Jacob Mundy
The West Wing: The American Presidency as Television Drama
"What! Still Alive?!": Jewish Survivors in Poland and Israel Remember Homecoming
Author/Editor: Monika Rice
The Wheel of Language: Representing Speech in Middle English Poetry 1377-1422
Author/Editor: David K. Coley
When Running Made History
Author/Editor: Roger Robinson
When the Danube Ran Red
Author/Editor: Zsuzsanna Ozsváth ,David Patterson
Who Are These People Anyway?
Author/Editor: Irving Powless Jr. ,Lesley Forrester ,Christopher Vecsey
Who Will Die Last?: Stories of Life in Israel
Author/Editor: David Ehrlich ,Ken Frieden
Why Alliances Fail: Islamist and Leftist Coalitions in North Africa
Author/Editor: Matt Buehler ,Fred H. Lawson
Will to Freedom: A Perilous Journey Through Fascism and Communism
Author/Editor: Egon Balas
Wins and Losses: Stories
Author/Editor: Peter Makuck
With Rake in Hand: Memoirs of a Yiddish Poet
Author/Editor: Joseph Rolnik ,Gerald Marcus ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora
Author/Editor: Mehraneh Ebrahimi
Women, Insecurity, and Violence in a Post-9/11 World
Women, Islam, and Identity: Public Life in Private Spaces in Uzbekistan
Author/Editor: Svetlana Peshkova
Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France
Author/Editor: Emily Machen ,Michael Barkun
Women of Jordan: Islam, Labor, and the Law
Author/Editor: Amira El-Azhary Sonbol
Women’s War Stories: The Lebanese Civil War, Women’s Labor, and the Creative Arts
Author/Editor: Michelle Hartman ,Malek Abisaab
Women, the Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History
Author/Editor: Amira El Azhary Sonbol ,Elizabeth Warnock Fernea
Words Not Swords: Iranian Women Writers and the Freedom of Movement
Working Out Desire: Women, Sport, and Self-Making in Istanbul
Author/Editor: Sertaç Sehlikoglu
The World Through the Eyes of Angels
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Saeed ,Samuel Salter ,Rafah Abuinnab ,Zahra Jishi
The Writing of Where: Graffiti and the Production of Writing Spaces
Author/Editor: Charles N. Lesh
Writing Suburban Citizenship: Place-Conscious Education and the Conundrum of Suburbia
Author/Editor: ROBERT E. BROOKE ,Steve Parks ,Eileen Schell