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Titles start with S (52) Information
Sajjilu Arab American: A Reader in SWANA Studies
Author/Editor: Louise Cainkar ,Pauline Homsi Vinson ,Amira Jarmakani
The Salmiya Collection: Stories of the Life and Times of Modern Kuwait
Author/Editor: Craig Loomis
The Salome Ensemble: Rose Pastor Stokes, Anzia Yezierska, Sonya Levien, and Jetta Goudal
Author/Editor: Alan Robert Ginsberg
Salt Journals: Tunisian Women on Political Imprisonment
Author/Editor: Haifa Zangana ,Christalla Yakinthou ,Virginie Ladisch ,Katharine Halls ,Nariman Youssef
Sayyid Qutb: An Intellectual Biography
Author/Editor: Sayyid Qutb ,Giedrė Šabasevičiūtė
Scholar in the Wilderness: Francis Adrian Van der Kemp
Author/Editor: HARRY F. JACKSON
Science, Technology, and Irish Modernism
Author/Editor: Kathryn Conrad ,Cóilín Parsons ,Julie McCormick Weng
Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls
Author/Editor: David Scott Diffrient ,David Lavery
Seamus Heaney as Aesthetic Thinker: A Study of the Prose
Author/Editor: Eugene O’Brien ,James MacKillop
The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant Fundamentalism and Ulster Politics
Author/Editor: Richard Lawrence Jordan
The Second Message of Islam
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Mohamed Taha ,Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na‘im
Selections From the Art of Party Crashing: in Medieval Iraq
Author/Editor: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi ,Emily Selove
Seven Generations of Iroquois Leadership: The Six Nations since 1800
Author/Editor: Laurence M. Hauptman
Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa: Contemporary Issues and Challenges
Author/Editor: J. Michael Ryan ,Helen Rizzo
Shadows in Winter: A Memoir of Loss and Love
Author/Editor: EITAN FISHBANE ,Leon R. Kass
Shahaama: Five Egyptian Men Tell Their Stories
Author/Editor: Andrea Rugh ,Roger Allen
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Spiritual Mentor of Wasati Salafism
Author/Editor: Sagi Polka ,Fred H. Lawson
Sheva's Promise: A Chronicle of Escape From a Nazi Ghetto
The Shi'ites of Lebanon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah's Islamists
Silver Seasons and a New Frontier: The Story of the Rochester Red Wings, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Jim Mandelaro ,Scott Pitoniak ,Cal Ripken, Jr.
Sketching the Adirondacks: Letters from the Wilderness
Author/Editor: Edward I. Pitts
The Slave Yards: A Novel
Author/Editor: Najwa Bin Shatwan ,Nancy Roberts
Sleeping in the Forest: Stories and Poems
Author/Editor: Sait Faik ,Talat S. Halman ,Jayne L. Warner ,Michael Beard ,Adnan Haydar
A Sleepless Eye: Aphorisms from the Sahara
Author/Editor: Ibrahim al-Koni ,Hartmut Fähndrich ,Roger Allen
Snakes and Babies: Poems
Author/Editor: Jules Gibbs
The Snake's Pass: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Bram Stoker ,Lisabeth C. Buchelt ,James MacKillop
Social Concern and Left Politics in Jewish American Art: 1880-1940
Author/Editor: Matthew Baigell ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
"Something on My Own": Gertrude Berg and American Broadcasting, 1929-1956
Author/Editor: GLENN D. SMITH JR. ,Robert J. Thompson
Sons of the People: The Mamluk Trilogy
Sophie Halaby in Jerusalem: An Artist’s Life
Author/Editor: Laura S. Schor ,Kamal Boullata
The Soul of Central New York: Syracuse Stories by Sean Kirst
Author/Editor: SEAN KIRST ,Eric Carle
Sour Grapes
Author/Editor: Zakaria Tamer ,Alessandro Columbu ,Mireia Costa Capallera ,Nader K. Uthman
Sport and the Shaping of Italian American Identity
Author/Editor: GERALD R. GEMS
The Sport of Kings and the Kings of Crime: Horse Racing, Politics, and Organized Crime in New York 1865­–1913
Author/Editor: STEVEN A. RIESS
Sports Business Unplugged: Leadership Challenges from the World of Sports
Author/Editor: Rick Burton ,Norm O’Reilly ,David Stern
Standish O'Grady's Cuculain: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Standish O’Grady ,Gregory Castle ,Patrick Bixby ,James MacKillop
Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile
State of Siege
Author/Editor: MAHMOUD DARWISH ,Munir Akash ,Daniel Abdal-hayy Moore ,Munir Akash
Steel's: A Forgotten Stock Market Scandal From the 1920s
Author/Editor: Dave Dyer
Stepping through Origins: Nature, Home, and Landscape in Irish Literature
The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project: An Oral History of the Greatest Construction Show on Earth
Author/Editor: Claire Puccia Parham
Stone Houses of Jefferson County
Author/Editor: Maureen Hubbard Barros ,Brian W. Gorman ,Robert A. Uhlig ,Richard Margolis
The Story of Joseph: A Fourteenth-Century Turkish Morality Play by Sheyyad Hamza
Author/Editor: Sheyyad Hamza ,Bill Hickman
Straightedge Youth: Complexity and Contradictions of a Subculture
Author/Editor: Robert T. Wood
Suburban Affiliations: Social Relations in the Greater Dublin Area
Suicide Prohibition: The Shame of Medicine
Author/Editor: Thomas Szasz
Sumud: Birth, Oral History, and Persisting in Palestine
Author/Editor: Livia Wick
Super Girls, Gangstas, Freeters, and Xenomaniacs: Gender and Modernity in Global Youth Culture
Author/Editor: Susan Dewey ,Karen J. Brison
Author/Editor: Brian O’Hare
Sylvia Porter: America's Original Personal Finance Columnist
Author/Editor: TRACY LUCHT
Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 1: Political Economy and International Relations
Author/Editor: Raymond Hinnebusch ,Tina Zintl
Syria from Reform to Revolt: Volume 2: Culture, Society, and Religion
Author/Editor: Christa Salamandra ,Leif Stenberg ,Fred H. Lawson