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Titles start with B (45) Information
Back Channel Negotiation: Secrecy in the Middle East Peace Process
Author/Editor: Anthony Wanis-St. John
Back Channel Negotiation: Security in Middle East Peace Process
Author/Editor: Anthony Wanis-St. John
A Band of Noble Women: Racial Politics in the Women’s Peace Movement
Author/Editor: Melinda Plastas
The Banshees: A Literary History of Irish American Women Writers
Author/Editor: Sally Barr Ebest
The Bear Tree and Other Stories from Cazenovia’s History
Author/Editor: Erica Barnes ,Jason Emerson
Beauty and the Beast: Human-Animal Relations as Revealed in Real Photo Postcards, 1905–1935
Author/Editor: Arnold Arluke ,Robert Bogdan
Beaver River Country: An Adirondack History
Author/Editor: Edward I. Pitts
Because of Eva: A Jewish Genealogical Journey
Author/Editor: Susan J. Gordon
Becoming: Genre, Queerness, and Transformation in NBC’s Hannibal
Author/Editor: Kavita Mudan Finn ,EJ Nielsen ,Janice Poon
Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey 1923-1945
Author/Editor: Hale Yilmaz
Being There, Being Here: Palestinian Writings in the World
Belief and Worship in Native North America
Benjamin Fondane's Ulysses
Author/Editor: Benjamin Fondane ,Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody ,David Rieff ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Bennett's New York Herald and the Rise of the Popular Press
Author/Editor: James L. Crouthamel
The Bernal Story: Mediating Class and Race in a Multicultural Community
Author/Editor: Beth Roy ,John Paul Lederach ,Robert A. Rubinstein
Beside One's Self: Homelessness Felt and Lived
Author/Editor: Catherine Robinson
The Best of Hard Times: Palestinian Refugee Masculinities in Lebanon
Author/Editor: Gustavo Barbosa
Between Persecution and Participation: Biography of a Bookkeeper at J. A. Topf & Söhne
Author/Editor: Annegret Schüle ,Tobias Sowade ,Penny Milbouer ,Michael Thad Allen ,Henry Feingold
Beyond Eurocentrism: A New View of Modern World History
Author/Editor: PETER GRAN
Beyond Home Plate: Jackie Robinson On Life After Baseball
Author/Editor: Jackie Robinson ,Michael G. Long
Beyond Love
Author/Editor: HADIYA HUSSEIN ,miriam cooke ,Ikram Masmoudi
Beyond Othering: A Gandhian Approach to Conflict Resolution in India and Pakistan
Author/Editor: Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra ,Seema Shekhawat
Bigger than Ben-Hur: The Book, Its Adaptations, and Their Audiences
Author/Editor: BARBARA RYAN ,MILETTE SHAMIR ,Robert J. Thompson
Big Medicine From Six Nations
Author/Editor: Ted Williams ,Debra Roberts ,Christopher Vecsey ,Christopher Vecsey
Biting the Moon: A Memoir of Feminism and Motherhood
Author/Editor: Joanne S. Frye
Black Baseball Entrepreneurs, 1902-1931: The Negro National and Eastern Colored Leagues
Author/Editor: Michael E. Lomax
Black Education in New York State: From Colonial to Modern Times
Black Male Frames: African Americans in a Century of Hollywood Cinema, 1903-2003
Author/Editor: Roland Leander Williams Jr.
Blacks in the Adirondacks: A History
Author/Editor: Sally E. Svenson ,Alice Paden Green
Blood and Faith: Christianity in American White Nationalism
Author/Editor: Damon T. Berry
Bodies That Remember: Women's Indigenous Knowledge and Cosmopolitanism in South Asian Poetry
Author/Editor: Anita Anantharam
Boletes of Eastern North America
Boletes of Eastern North America, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Alan E. Bessette ,William C. Roody ,Arleen R. Bessette
The Book of Disappearance: A Novel
Author/Editor: Ibtisam Azem ,Sinan Antoon
The Book of Khalid: A Critical Edition
Border Humanitarians: Gendered Order and Insecurity on the Thai-Burmese Frontier
Author/Editor: Adam P. Saltsman
Borderland Generation: Soviet and Polish Jews under Hitler
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Koerber
Bread Alone
Author/Editor: Kim Jensen
Breaking Broken English: Black-Arab Literary Solidarities and the Politics of Language
Author/Editor: Michelle Hartman ,Carol W. N. Fadda
Bridging the Divide: The Selected Poems of Hava Pinhas-Cohen
Author/Editor: HAVA PINHAS-COHEN ,Sharon Hart-Green ,Harold Bloom ,Ken Frieden
Bridging the High School-College Gap: The Role of Concurrent Enrollment Programs
Author/Editor: Gerald S. Edmonds ,Tiffany M. Squires
Broken Irelands: Literary Form in Post-Crash Irish Fiction
Author/Editor: Mary M. McGlynn
The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus: Volume Two: Nationalism Versus Europeanization
Author/Editor: Harry Anastasiou
The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus: Volume One: The Impasse of Ethnonationalism
Author/Editor: Harry Anastasiou
Bundist Counterculture Interwar Poland
Author/Editor: Jack Jacobs