Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 3,686 ) | ISSN | Status |
21st Century Society: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences |
1745-0144, 1745-0152
preserved |
The AAG Review of Books |
preserved |
The Academy of Management Annals |
1941-6520, 1941-6067
preserved |
Accountability in Research |
0898-9621, 1545-5815
preserved |
Accounting and Business Research |
0001-4788, 2159-4260
preserved |
Accounting Business & Financial History |
0958-5206, 1466-4275
preserved |
Accounting Education |
0963-9284, 1468-4489
preserved |
Accounting Forum |
0155-9982, 1467-6303
preserved |
Accounting History Review |
2155-2851, 2155-286X
preserved |
Accounting in Europe |
1744-9480, 1744-9499
preserved |
The Acquisitions Librarian |
0896-3576, 1544-435X
preserved |
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica |
preserved |
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A - Animal Sciences |
0906-4702, 1651-1972
preserved |
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica B - Plant Soil Sciences |
0906-4710, 1651-1913
preserved |
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica C - Food Economics |
1650-7541, 1651-288X
preserved |
Acta Biomaterialia Odontologica Scandinavica |
preserved |
Acta Borealia |
0800-3831, 1503-111X
preserved |
Acta Botanica Gallica |
1253-8078, 2166-3408
preserved |
Acta Cardiologica |
0001-5385, 0373-7934
preserved |
Acta Chirurgica Belgica |
0001-5458, 2577-0160
preserved |
Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine |
1784-3286, 2295-3337
preserved |
Acta Linguistica |
preserved |
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia |
0374-0463, 1949-0763
preserved |
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica |
0001-6349, 1600-0412
preserved |
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica |
0001-6357, 1502-3850
preserved |
Acta Oncologica |
0284-186X, 1651-226X
preserved |
Acta Orthopaedica |
1745-3674, 1745-3682
preserved |
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica |
preserved |
Acta Oto-laryngologica |
0001-6489, 1651-2251
preserved |
Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports |
preserved |
Acta Patristica et Byzantina |
preserved |
Acta Radiologica |
0284-1851, 1600-0455
preserved |
Acta Radiologica (1921-1962) |
preserved |
Acta Radiologica: Therapy, Physics, Biology |
preserved |
Acta Zoologica Lituanica |
1392-1657, 1648-6919
preserved |
Action in Teacher Education |
0162-6620, 2158-6098
preserved |
Action Learning: Research & Practice |
1476-7333, 1476-7341
preserved |
Activities, Adaptation & Aging |
0192-4788, 1544-4368
preserved |
Acute Cardiac Care |
1748-2941, 1748-295X
preserved |
Addiction Research & Theory |
1606-6359, 1476-7392
preserved |
Adelphi Papers |
0567-932X, 1478-5145
preserved |
Adelphi Series |
1944-5571, 1944-558X
preserved |
Adipocyte |
2162-3945, 2162-397X
preserved |
Administration in Social Work |
0364-3107, 1544-4376
preserved |
Administrative Theory & Praxis |
1084-1806, 1949-0461
preserved |
Adoption Quarterly |
1092-6755, 1544-452X
preserved |
Advanced Composite Materials |
0924-3046, 1568-5519
preserved |
Advanced Device Materials |
2055-0308, 2055-0316
preserved |
Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science |
2055-0340, 2055-0359
preserved |
Advanced Robotics |
0169-1864, 1568-5535
preserved |
Advances in Applied Ceramics |
1743-6753, 1743-6761
preserved |
Advances in Building Energy Research |
1751-2549, 1756-2201
preserved |
Advances in Cellular and Molecular Otolaryngology |
preserved |
Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research and Practice |
2166-2630, 2166-2649
preserved |
Advances in Materials and Processsing Technologies |
2374-068X, 2374-0698
preserved |
Advances in Mental Health |
1838-7357, 1837-4905
preserved |
Advances in Oceanography & Limnology |
1947-5721, 1947-573X
preserved |
Advances in Physics |
0001-8732, 1460-6976
preserved |
Advances in Physics: X |
preserved |
Advances in Physiotherapy |
1403-8196, 1651-1948
preserved |
Advances in Regenerative Biology |
preserved |
Advances in School Mental Health Promotion |
1754-730X, 2049-8535
preserved |
Advances in Speech Language Pathology |
1441-7049, 1742-9528
preserved |
Advances in the History of Rhetoric |
1536-2426, 1936-0835
preserved |
AEDS Journal |
0001-1037, 2376-5844
preserved |
Aerosol Science & Technology |
0278-6826, 1521-7388
preserved |
Africa Education Review |
1814-6627, 1753-5921
preserved |
Africa Journal of Management |
2332-2373, 2332-2381
preserved |
African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal |
1752-8631, 1752-864X
preserved |
African Geographical Review |
1937-6812, 2163-2642
preserved |
African Historical Review |
1753-2523, 1753-2531
preserved |
African Identities |
1472-5843, 1472-5851
preserved |
African Journalism Studies |
2374-3670, 2374-3689
preserved |
African Journal of AIDS Research |
1608-5906, 1727-9445
preserved |
African Journal of Aquatic Science |
1608-5914, 1727-9364
preserved |
African Journal of Herpetology |
2156-4574, 2153-3660
preserved |
African Journal of Marine Science |
1814-232X, 1814-2338
preserved |
African Journal of Range & Forage Science |
1022-0119, 1727-9380
preserved |
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education |
1811-7295, 1028-8457, 2469-763X, 2469-7656
preserved |
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development |
2042-1338, 2042-1346
preserved |
African Languages and Cultures |
preserved |
African Security |
1939-2206, 1939-2214
preserved |
African Security Review |
1024-6029, 2154-0128
preserved |
African Studies |
0002-0184, 1469-2872
preserved |
African Zoology |
1562-7020, 2224-073X
preserved |
Africa Review |
0974-4053, 0974-4061
preserved |
Agenda |
1013-0950, 2158-978X
preserved |
Aging Health |
1745-509X, 1745-5103
preserved |
Aging Male |
1368-5538, 1473-0790
preserved |
Aging & Mental Health |
1360-7863, 1364-6915
preserved |
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition |
1382-5585, 1744-4128
preserved |
Agrekon |
0303-1853, 2078-0400
preserved |
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry |
preserved |
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems |
2168-3565, 2168-3573
preserved |
The AICCM Bulletin |
1034-4233, 0313-5381, 2204-4183
preserved |
AIDS Care |
0954-0121, 1360-0451
preserved |
AIHAJ: A Journal for the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety |
preserved |
AIHA Journal |
preserved |
Air Repair |
0096-6665, 2374-7633
preserved |
Air & Waste |
1073-161X, 2374-7625
preserved |
AJOB Empirical Bioethics |
2329-4515, 2329-4523
preserved |
AJOB Neuroscience |
2150-7740, 2150-7759
preserved |
AJOB Primary Research |
2150-7716, 2150-7724
preserved |
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics |
0972-8600, 2543-3474
preserved |
Alcheringa |
0311-5518, 1752-0754
preserved |
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly |
0734-7324, 1544-4538
preserved |
Alethia |
preserved |
Alexandria Journal of Medicine |
2090-5068, 2090-5076
preserved |
All Earth |
preserved |
All Life |
2689-5293, 2689-5307
preserved |
All Life Methods |
preserved |
Al-Masaq: Islam & the Medieval Mediterranean |
0950-3110, 1473-348X
preserved |
ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology |
0968-7769, 1741-1629
preserved |
Ambix |
0002-6980, 1745-8234
preserved |
Amerasia Journal |
0044-7471, 2642-0228
preserved |
The American Cartographer |
preserved |
American Communist History |
1474-3892, 1474-3906
preserved |
American Foreign Policy Interests |
1080-3920, 1533-2128
preserved |
American Foreign Policy Newsletter |
preserved |
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal |
preserved |
American Industrial Hygiene Association Quarterly |
0096-820X, 2330-9202
preserved |
American Journalism |
0882-1127, 2326-2486
preserved |
American Journal of Bioethics |
1526-5161, 1536-0075
preserved |
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis |
0002-9157, 2160-0562
preserved |
American Journal of Distance Education |
0892-3647, 1538-9286
preserved |
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse |
0095-2990, 1097-9891
preserved |
American Journal of EEG Technology |
0002-9238, 2375-8600
preserved |
American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology |
1086-508X, 2375-8619
preserved |
American Journal of Family Therapy |
0192-6187, 1521-0383
preserved |
American Journal of Health Education |
1932-5037, 2168-3751
preserved |
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences |
0196-6324, 2325-8454
preserved |
American Journal of Pastoral Counseling |
preserved |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
1548-7768, 1548-7776
preserved |
American Journal of Sexuality Education |
1554-6128, 1554-6136
preserved |
American Journal on Addictions |
1055-0496, 1521-0391
preserved |
The American Mathematical Monthly |
0002-9890, 1930-0972
preserved |
American Nineteenth Century History |
1466-4658, 1743-7903
preserved |
American Review of Canadian Studies |
0272-2011, 1943-9954
preserved |
The American Statistician |
0003-1305, 1537-2731
preserved |
Amyloid |
1350-6129, 1744-2818
preserved |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
1748-2968, 1471-180X
preserved |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degenerations |
2167-8421, 2167-9223
preserved |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders |
preserved |
Analytical Chemistry Letters |
2229-7928, 2230-7532
preserved |
Analytical Letters |
0003-2719, 1532-236X
preserved |
Anatolia |
1303-2917, 2156-6909
preserved |
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities |
0969-725X, 1469-2899
preserved |
Animal Biotechnology |
1049-5398, 1532-2378
preserved |
Animal Cells and Systems |
1976-8354, 2151-2485
preserved |
Ankara Papers |
preserved |
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) |
0037-9271, 2168-6351
preserved |
Annals and Magazine of Natural History |
0374-5481, 1464-5262
preserved |
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry |
1040-1237, 1547-3325
triggered |
Annals of GIS |
1947-5683, 1947-5691
preserved |
Annals of Human Biology |
0301-4460, 1464-5033
preserved |
Annals of Leisure Research |
1174-5398, 2159-6816
preserved |
Annals of Medicine |
0785-3890, 1365-2060
preserved |
Annals of Science |
0003-3790, 1464-505X
preserved |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers |
2469-4452, 2469-4460
preserved |
Annals of the Association of American Geographers |
0004-5608, 1467-8306
preserved |
Annals of the International Communication Association |
2380-8985, 2380-8977
preserved |
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology |
0003-4983, 1364-8594
preserved |
Annals of Tropical Paediatrics |
0272-4936, 1465-3281
preserved |
ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews |
0895-769X, 1940-3364
preserved |
Anthropological Forum |
0066-4677, 1469-2902
preserved |
The Anthropologist |
0972-0073, 2456-6802
preserved |
Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia |
1061-1959, 1558-092X
preserved |
Anthropology & Medicine |
1364-8470, 1469-2910
preserved |
Anthropology Now |
1942-8200, 1949-2901
preserved |
Anthropology Southern Africa |
2332-3256, 2332-3264
preserved |
Anthrozoös |
0892-7936, 1753-0377
preserved |
Anxiety Research |
preserved |
Anxiety, Stress and Coping |
1061-5806, 1477-2205
preserved |
Aphasiology |
0268-7038, 1464-5041
preserved |
Applicable Analysis |
0003-6811, 1563-504X
preserved |
Applied Artificial Intelligence |
0883-9514, 1087-6545
preserved |
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics |
1176-2322, 1754-2103
preserved |
Applied Developmental Science |
1088-8691, 1532-480X
preserved |
Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy |
2572-6838, 2572-6846
preserved |
Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section B |
0371-7453, 1743-2758
preserved |
Applied Economics |
0003-6846, 1466-4283
preserved |
Applied Economics Letters |
1350-4851, 1466-4291
preserved |
Applied Environmental Education & Communication |
1533-015X, 1533-0389
preserved |
Applied Financial Economic Letters |
1744-6546, 1744-6554
preserved |
Applied Financial Economics |
0960-3107, 1466-4305
preserved |
Applied Industrial Hygiene |
preserved |
Applied Mathematical Finance |
1350-486X, 1466-4313
preserved |
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering |
preserved |
Applied Measurement in Education |
0895-7347, 1532-4818
preserved |
Applied Mobilities |
2380-0127, 2380-0135
preserved |
Applied Neuropsychology |
0908-4282, 1532-4826
preserved |
Applied Neuropsychology: Adult |
2327-9095, 2327-9109
preserved |
Applied Neuropsychology: Child |
2162-2965, 2162-2973
preserved |
Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene |
1047-322X, 1521-0898
preserved |
Applied Operations and Analytics |
preserved |
Applied Psychology |
preserved |
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews |
0570-4928, 1520-569X
preserved |
Aquaculture Economics & Management |
1365-7305, 1551-8663
preserved |
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management |
1463-4988, 1539-4077
preserved |
Aquatic Insects |
0165-0424, 1744-4152
preserved |
Arabic & Middle Eastern Literature |
1366-6169, 1469-2929
preserved |
Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
preserved |
Arab Journal of Urology |
2090-598X, 2090-5998
preserved |
Arboricultural Journal |
0307-1375, 2168-1074
preserved |
Archaeological Journal |
0066-5983, 2373-2288
preserved |
Architectural Engineering and Design Management |
1745-2007, 1752-7589
preserved |
Architectural Science Review |
0003-8628, 1758-9622
preserved |
Architectural Theory Review |
1326-4826, 1755-0475
preserved |
Architecture and Culture |
2050-7828, 2050-7836
preserved |
Archives and Manuscripts |
0157-6895, 2164-6058
preserved |
Archives and Records |
2325-7962, 2325-7989
preserved |
Archives Internationales de Physiologie |
preserved |
Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie |
preserved |
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science |
0365-0340, 1476-3567
preserved |
Archives of Andrology |
0148-5016, 1521-0375
queued |
Archives of Animal Nutrition |
1745-039X, 1477-2817
preserved |
Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health |
1933-8244, 2154-4700
preserved |
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal |
preserved |
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry |
1381-3455, 1744-4160
preserved |
Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection |
0323-5408, 1477-2906
preserved |
Archives of Suicide Research |
1381-1118, 1543-6136
preserved |
Archiv für Tierernahrung |
preserved |
Arctic and Alpine Research |
0004-0851, 2325-5153
preserved |
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research |
1523-0430, 1938-4246
preserved |
Area Development and Policy |
2379-2949, 2379-2957
preserved |
Argumentation and Advocacy |
1051-1431, 2576-8476
preserved |
Argument & Computation |
1946-2166, 1946-2174
preserved |
Arid Land Research and Management |
1532-4982, 1532-4990
preserved |
Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation |
preserved |
Armed Conflict Survey |
2374-0973, 2374-0981
preserved |
Arms & Armour |
1741-6124, 1749-6268
preserved |
Arms Control |
preserved |
Ars Nova |
preserved |
The Art Bulletin |
0004-3079, 1559-6478
preserved |
Art Education |
0004-3125, 2325-5161
preserved |
Artifact |
1749-3463, 1749-3471
preserved |
Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology |
1073-1199, 1532-4184
preserved |
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology |
2169-1401, 2169-141X
preserved |
Artificial DNA: PNA and XNA |
1949-095X, 1949-0968
preserved |
Art in Translation |
preserved |
Art Journal |
0004-3249, 2325-5307
preserved |
Arts Education Policy Review |
1063-2913, 1940-4395
preserved |
Arts & Health |
1753-3015, 1753-3023
preserved |
Art Therapy |
0742-1656, 2159-9394
preserved |
ASEG Extended Abstracts |
preserved |
Asian Affairs |
0306-8374, 1477-1500
preserved |
Asian Affairs: An American Review |
0092-7678, 1940-1590
preserved |
Asian Anthropology |
1683-478X, 2168-4227
preserved |
Asian Englishes |
1348-8678, 2331-2548
preserved |
Asian Ethnicity |
1463-1369, 1469-2953
preserved |
Asian Geographer |
1022-5706, 2158-1762
preserved |
Asian Journal of Communication |
0129-2986, 1742-0911
preserved |
Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies |
2576-5949, 2576-5957
preserved |
Asian Journal of Political Science |
0218-5377, 1750-7812
preserved |
Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture |
2769-0148, 2769-0156
preserved |
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation |
1976-1597, 2158-6721
preserved |
Asian Journal of Women's Studies |
1225-9276, 2377-004X
preserved |
Asian Philosophy |
0955-2367, 1469-2961
preserved |
Asian Population Studies |
1744-1730, 1744-1749
preserved |
Asian Security |
1479-9855, 1555-2764
preserved |
Asian Studies Association of Australia Review |
preserved |
Asian Studies Review |
1035-7823, 1467-8403
preserved |
Asia Pacific Business Review |
1360-2381, 1743-792X
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting |
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics |
1608-1625, 2164-2257
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Anthropology |
1444-2213, 1740-9314
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy |
2150-7686, 2150-7708
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Education |
0218-8791, 1742-6855
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Physical Education and Recreation |
1837-7122, 1837-7130
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration |
2327-6665, 2327-6673
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development |
0218-5385, 2994-9769, 2165-0993
preserved |
Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science |
2164-0599, 2164-0602
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education |
1359-866X, 1469-2945
preserved |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research |
1094-1665, 1741-6507
preserved |
Asia Pacific Law Review |
1019-2557, 1875-8444
preserved |
Asia Pacific Review |
1343-9006, 1469-2937
preserved |
Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies |
2330-6343, 2330-6351
preserved |
Asien Afrika Latinamerika |
preserved |
ASN Neuro |
preserved |
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education |
0260-2938, 1469-297X
preserved |
Assessment in Education: Principles |
0969-594X, 1465-329X
preserved |
Assessment in Higher Education |
preserved |
Assistive Technology |
1040-0435, 1949-3614
preserved |
Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions |
1055-6796, 1476-3540
preserved |
Astronomical Review |
2167-2857, 2167-2865
preserved |
Astropolitics |
1477-7622, 1557-2943
preserved |
Atlantic Journal of Communication |
1545-6870, 1545-6889
preserved |
Atlantic Studies |
1478-8810, 1740-4649
preserved |
Atmosphere |
preserved |
Atmosphere-Ocean |
0705-5900, 1480-9214
preserved |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters |
1674-2834, 2376-6123
preserved |
Attachment & Human Development |
1461-6734, 1469-2988
preserved |
Audiological Medicine |
1651-386X, 1651-3835
preserved |
Auditory Perception & Cognition |
2574-2442, 2574-2450
preserved |
Augmentative and Alternative Communication |
0743-4618, 1477-3848
preserved |
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education |
2205-4952, 1325-4340
preserved |
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management |
1448-6563, 2159-5356
preserved |
Australasian Journal of Philosophy |
0004-8402, 1471-6828
preserved |
Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy |
preserved |
Australasian Journal of Special Education |
1030-0112, 1833-6914
preserved |
Australasian Philosophical Review |
2474-0500, 2474-0519
preserved |
Australasian Psychiatry |
1039-8562, 1440-1665
preserved |
Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities |
preserved |
Australian Academic and Research Libraries |
0004-8623, 1839-471X
preserved |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art |
1443-4318, 2203-1871
preserved |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry |
0004-8674, 1440-1614
preserved |
Australian Archaeology |
0312-2417, 2470-0363
preserved |
Australian Cultural History |
0728-8433, 1942-5139
preserved |
Australian Feminist Law Journal |
1320-0968, 2204-0064
preserved |
Australian Feminist Studies |
0816-4649, 1465-3303
preserved |
Australian Forestry |
0004-9158, 2325-6087
preserved |
Australian Geographer |
0004-9182, 1465-3311
preserved |
Australian Historical Studies |
1031-461X, 1940-5049
preserved |
Australian Journal of Civil Engineering |
1448-8353, 2204-2245
preserved |
Australian Journal of Developmental Disabilities |
preserved |
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences |
0812-0099, 1440-0952
preserved |
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
1448-837X, 2205-362X
preserved |
Australian Journal of Environmental Management |
preserved |
Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences |
0045-0618, 1834-562X
preserved |
Australian Journal of Human Rights |
1323-238X, 2573-573X
preserved |
Australian Journal of International Affairs |
1035-7718, 1465-332X
preserved |
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties |
1940-4158, 1940-4166
preserved |
Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities |
preserved |
Australian Journal of Linguistics |
0726-8602, 1469-2996
preserved |
Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs |
1836-6503, 2333-6498
preserved |
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
1448-4846, 2204-2253
preserved |
Australian Journal of Mental Retardation |
preserved |
Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering |
1448-8388, 2204-2180
preserved |
Australian Journal of Political Science |
1036-1146, 1363-030X
preserved |
Australian Journal of Psychology |
0004-9530, 1742-9536
preserved |
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering |
1328-7982, 2204-2261
preserved |
Australian Journal of Water Resources |
1324-1583, 2204-227X
preserved |
The Australian Library Journal |
0004-9670, 2201-4276
preserved |
Australian Outlook |
preserved |
Australian Planner |
0729-3682, 2150-6841
preserved |
Australian Psychologist |
0005-0067, 1742-9544
preserved |
Australian Social Work |
0312-407X, 1447-0748
preserved |
Australian Surveyor |
preserved |
Auto/Biography Studies |
0898-9575, 2151-7290
preserved |
Autoimmunity |
0891-6934, 1607-842X
preserved |
Automatika ‒ Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications |
0005-1144, 1848-3380
preserved |
Autophagy |
1554-8627, 1554-8635
preserved |
Autophagy Reports |
preserved |
Avian Pathology |
0307-9457, 1465-3338
preserved |
Aviation |
1648-7788, 1822-4180
preserved |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa |
0067-270X, 1945-5534
preserved |
Bacteriophage |
2159-7073, 2159-7081
preserved |
Baltic Journal of Economics |
1406-099X, 2334-4385
preserved |
Bantu Studies |
preserved |
Baptist Quarterly |
0005-576X, 2056-7731
preserved |
Barnelitterært Forskningstidsskrift / Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics |
preserved |
Basic and Applied Social Psychology |
0197-3533, 1532-4834
preserved |
Batiment International, Building Research and Practice |
preserved |
Baylor Univesity Medical Proceedings |
0899-8280, 1525-3252
preserved |
Bee World |
0005-772X, 2376-7618
preserved |
Behavioral Medicine |
0896-4289, 1940-4026
preserved |
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression |
1943-4472, 1943-4480
preserved |
Behavioral Sleep Medicine |
1540-2002, 1540-2010
preserved |
Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian |
0163-9269, 1544-4546
preserved |
Behaviour & Information Technology |
0144-929X, 1362-3001
preserved |
Bereavement Care |
0268-2621, 1944-8279
preserved |
Big Earth Data |
2096-4471, 2574-5417
preserved |
Bijdragen |
0006-2278, 1783-1377
preserved |
Bilingual Research Journal |
1523-5882, 1523-5890
preserved |
Bioacoustics |
0952-4622, 2165-0586
preserved |
Bioanalysis |
1757-6180, 1757-6199
preserved |
BioArchitecture |
1949-0992, 1949-100X
preserved |
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation |
1024-2422, 1029-2446
preserved |
Biocontrol Science and Technology |
0958-3157, 1360-0478
preserved |
Biodemography and Social Biology |
1948-5565, 1948-5573
preserved |
Biodiversity |
1488-8386, 2160-0651
preserved |
Bioelectronics in Medicine |
2059-1500, 2059-1519
preserved |
Bioengineered |
2165-5979, 2165-5987
preserved |
Bioengineered Bugs |
1949-1018, 1949-1026
preserved |
Biofouling |
0892-7014, 1029-2454
preserved |
Biofuels |
1759-7269, 1759-7277
preserved |
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture |
0144-8765, 2165-0616
preserved |
Biological Rhythm Research |
0929-1016, 1744-4179
preserved |
Biomarkers |
1354-750X, 1366-5804
preserved |
Biomarkers in Medicine |
1752-0363, 1752-0371
preserved |
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry |
preserved |
Biomaterials, Artificial Cells and Immobilization Biotechnology |
preserved |
Biomatter |
2159-2527, 2159-2535
preserved |
Bioremediation Journal |
1088-9868, 1547-6529
preserved |
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry |
0916-8451, 1347-6947
preserved |
Biostatistics & Epidemiology |
2470-9360, 2470-9379
preserved |
Biotechnic & Histochemistry |
1052-0295, 1473-7760
preserved |
BioTechniques |
0736-6205, 1940-9818
preserved |
Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment |
1310-2818, 1314-3530
preserved |
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews |
0264-8725, 2046-5556
preserved |
Biotechnology & Bioindustry |
preserved |
Bird Study |
0006-3657, 1944-6705
preserved |
Black Histories |
2832-5281, 2832-529X
preserved |
The Black Scholar |
0006-4246, 2162-5387
preserved |
Black Theology |
1476-9948, 1743-1670
preserved |
Blood Pressure |
0803-7051, 1651-1999
preserved |
Body Movement & Dance Psychotherapy |
1743-2979, 1743-2987
preserved |
Bollettino di zoologia |
preserved |
Botanical Journal of Scotland |
preserved |
Botany Letters |
2381-8107, 2381-8115
preserved |
Brain-Apparatus Communication: A Journal of Bacomics |
preserved |
Brain-Computer Interfaces |
2326-263X, 2326-2621
preserved |
Brain Injury |
0269-9052, 1362-301X
preserved |
Breast Cancer Management |
1758-1923, 1758-1931
preserved |
Bridge Structures - Assessment, Design & Consultation |
1573-2487, 1744-8999
preserved |
British Educational Research Journal |
0141-1926, 1469-3518
preserved |
British Elections and Parties Review |
preserved |
British Elections and Parties Yearbook |
preserved |
British Journal for the History of Mathematics |
2637-5451, 2637-5494
preserved |
British Journal for the History of Philosophy |
0960-8788, 1469-3526
preserved |
British Journal of Audiology |
preserved |
British Journal of Biomedical Science |
preserved |
British Journal of Educational Studies |
0007-1005, 1467-8527
preserved |
British Journal of Education & Work |
preserved |
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
0306-9885, 1469-3534
preserved |
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies |
1353-0194, 1469-3542
preserved |
British Journal of Neurosurgery |
0268-8697, 1360-046X
preserved |
British Journal of Orthodontics |
preserved |
British Journal of Religious Education |
0141-6200, 1740-7931
preserved |
British Journal of Sociology of Education |
0142-5692, 1465-3346
preserved |
British Journal of Teacher Education |
preserved |
British Journal of Theological Education |
preserved |
British Phycological Journal |
preserved |
British Poultry Abstracts |
1746-6202, 1746-6210
preserved |
British Poultry Science |
0007-1668, 1466-1799
preserved |
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. Bulletin |
preserved |
British Society for the History of Mathematics. Newsletter |
preserved |
Brontë Studies |
1474-8932, 1745-8226
preserved |
BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics |
1749-8430, 1749-8341
preserved |
Building Research and Practice |
preserved |
Building Research & Information |
0961-3218, 1466-4321
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France |
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Actualités Botaniques |
preserved |
Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France. Lettres Botaniques |
preserved |
Bulletin of Baltic Studies |
preserved |
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies |
0007-490X, 2167-3438, 1469-3550, 2167-3446
preserved |
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies |
0007-4918, 1472-7234
preserved |
Bulletin of Spanish Studies |
1475-3820, 1478-3428
preserved |
Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies |
2474-1604, 2474-1612
preserved |
Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan |
preserved |
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists |
0096-3402, 1938-3282
preserved |
Bulletin of the Council for British Research in the Levant |
1752-7260, 1752-7279
preserved |
Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology |
preserved |
Business and Politics |
1369-5258, 1469-3569
preserved |
Business History |
0007-6791, 1743-7938
preserved |
Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies |
0307-0131, 1749-625X
queued | |
queued |
California Archaeology |
1947-461X, 1947-4628
preserved |
Cambridge Journal of Education |
0305-764X, 1469-3577
preserved |
Cambridge Review of International Affairs |
0955-7571, 1474-449X
preserved |
Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal |
0832-2473, 2377-360X
preserved |
Canadian Foreign Policy |
1192-6422, 2157-0817
preserved |
Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue canadienne des études africaines |
0008-3968, 1923-3051
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Art Therapy |
2690-7240, 2690-7267
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement |
0225-5189, 2158-9100
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
0826-3663, 2333-1461
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Pain |
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Philosophy |
0045-5091, 1911-0820
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology |
0706-0661, 1715-2992
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing |
0703-8992, 1712-7971
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine |
2474-5332, 2474-5340
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education |
1492-6156, 1942-4051
preserved |
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly |
0008-4433, 1879-1395
preserved |
Canadian Slavonic Papers: Revue Canadienne des Slavistes |
0008-5006, 2375-2475
preserved |
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal |
0008-5030, 2332-1660
preserved |
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques |
0701-1784, 1918-1817
preserved |
Canberra Anthropology |
preserved |
Cancer Biology and Therapy |
1538-4047, 1555-8576
preserved |
Cancer Investigation |
0735-7907, 1532-4192
preserved |
Cancer Survivorship Research & Care |
preserved |
Cape Town Convention Journal |
2049-761X, 2049-7628
preserved |
Capitalism Nature Socialism |
1045-5752, 1548-3290
preserved |
Carbon Management |
1758-3004, 1758-3012
preserved |
Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature |
preserved |
Care Giver |
preserved |
The Caregiver Journal |
preserved |
Caribbean Quarterly |
0008-6495, 2470-6302
preserved |
The Cartographic Journal |
0008-7041, 1743-2774
preserved |
Cartography |
preserved |
Cartography and Geographic Information Science |
1523-0406, 1545-0465
preserved |
Caryologia |
0008-7114, 2165-5391
preserved |
Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery |
preserved |
Cast Metals |
preserved |
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly |
0163-9374, 1544-4554
preserved |
Catalysis Reviews |
0161-4940, 1520-5703
preserved |
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity |
2055-074X, 2055-0758
preserved |
Caucasus Survey |
2376-1199, 2376-1202
preserved |
Celebrity Studies |
1939-2397, 1939-2400
preserved |
Cell Adhesion and Communication |
preserved |
Cell Adhesion and Migration |
1933-6918, 1933-6926
preserved |
Cell Communication and Adhesion |
1541-9061, 1543-5180
preserved |
Cell Cycle |
1538-4101, 1551-4005
preserved |
Cellular Logistics |
2159-2780, 2159-2799
preserved |
Central Asian Survey |
0263-4937, 1465-3354
preserved |
Central Europe |
1479-0963, 1745-8218
preserved |
Central States Speech Journal |
preserved |
Challenge |
0577-5132, 1558-1489
preserved |
0933-2480, 1867-2280
preserved |
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning |
0009-1383, 1939-9146
preserved |
Channels |
1933-6950, 1933-6969
preserved |