Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with C (354) | ISSN | Status |
---|---|---| |
queued |
California Archaeology |
1947-461X, 1947-4628
preserved |
Cambridge Journal of Education |
0305-764X, 1469-3577
preserved |
Cambridge Review of International Affairs |
0955-7571, 1474-449X
preserved |
Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal |
0832-2473, 2377-360X
preserved |
Canadian Foreign Policy |
1192-6422, 2157-0817
preserved |
Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue canadienne des études africaines |
0008-3968, 1923-3051
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Art Therapy |
2690-7240, 2690-7267
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement |
0225-5189, 2158-9100
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
0826-3663, 2333-1461
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Pain |
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Philosophy |
0045-5091, 1911-0820
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology |
0706-0661, 1715-2992
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing |
0703-8992, 1712-7971
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine |
2474-5332, 2474-5340
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education |
1492-6156, 1942-4051
preserved |
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly |
0008-4433, 1879-1395
preserved |
Canadian Slavonic Papers: Revue Canadienne des Slavistes |
0008-5006, 2375-2475
preserved |
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal |
0008-5030, 2332-1660
preserved |
Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques |
0701-1784, 1918-1817
preserved |
Canberra Anthropology |
preserved |
Cancer Biology and Therapy |
1538-4047, 1555-8576
preserved |
Cancer Investigation |
0735-7907, 1532-4192
preserved |
Cancer Survivorship Research & Care |
preserved |
Cape Town Convention Journal |
2049-761X, 2049-7628
preserved |
Capitalism Nature Socialism |
1045-5752, 1548-3290
preserved |
Carbon Management |
1758-3004, 1758-3012
preserved |
Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature |
preserved |
Care Giver |
preserved |
The Caregiver Journal |
preserved |
Caribbean Quarterly |
0008-6495, 2470-6302
preserved |
The Cartographic Journal |
0008-7041, 1743-2774
preserved |
Cartography |
preserved |
Cartography and Geographic Information Science |
1523-0406, 1545-0465
preserved |
Caryologia |
0008-7114, 2165-5391
preserved |
Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery |
preserved |
Cast Metals |
preserved |
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly |
0163-9374, 1544-4554
preserved |
Catalysis Reviews |
0161-4940, 1520-5703
preserved |
Catalysis, Structure & Reactivity |
2055-074X, 2055-0758
preserved |
Caucasus Survey |
2376-1199, 2376-1202
preserved |
Celebrity Studies |
1939-2397, 1939-2400
preserved |
Cell Adhesion and Communication |
preserved |
Cell Adhesion and Migration |
1933-6918, 1933-6926
preserved |
Cell Communication and Adhesion |
1541-9061, 1543-5180
preserved |
Cell Cycle |
1538-4101, 1551-4005
preserved |
Cellular Logistics |
2159-2780, 2159-2799
preserved |
Central Asian Survey |
0263-4937, 1465-3354
preserved |
Central Europe |
1479-0963, 1745-8218
preserved |
Central States Speech Journal |
preserved |
Challenge |
0577-5132, 1558-1489
preserved |
0933-2480, 1867-2280
preserved |
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning |
0009-1383, 1939-9146
preserved |
Channels |
1933-6950, 1933-6969
preserved |
Chaplaincy Today |
1099-9183, 2165-1590
preserved |
Chemical Engineering Communications |
0098-6445, 1563-5201
preserved |
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability |
0954-2299, 2047-6523
preserved |
Chemistry and Ecology |
0275-7540, 1029-0370
preserved |
Child and Adolescent Obesity |
preserved |
Child Behavior Therapy |
preserved |
Child Care in Practice |
1357-5279, 1476-489X
preserved |
Child & Family Behavior Therapy |
0731-7107, 1545-228X
preserved |
Childhood Education |
0009-4056, 2162-0725
preserved |
Childhood in the Past: An International Journal |
1758-5716, 2040-8528
preserved |
Child Neuropsychology |
0929-7049, 1744-4136
preserved |
Children's Geographies |
1473-3285, 1473-3277
preserved |
Children's Health Care |
0273-9615, 1532-6888
preserved |
Children's Services |
1093-9644, 1532-6918
preserved |
Child & Youth Services |
0145-935X, 1545-2298
preserved |
Chimerism |
1938-1956, 1938-1964
preserved |
China Economic Journal |
1753-8963, 1753-8971
preserved |
China Journal of Accounting Studies |
2169-7213, 2169-7221
preserved |
China Journal of Social Work |
1752-5098, 1752-5101
preserved |
China Law Review |
1745-7238, 1750-6611
queued |
The Chinese Economy |
1097-1475, 1558-0954
preserved |
Chinese Education and Society |
1061-1932, 1944-7116
preserved |
Chinese Historians |
preserved |
The Chinese Historical Review |
1547-402X, 2048-7827
preserved |
Chinese Journal of Communication |
1754-4750, 1754-4769
preserved |
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment |
1004-2857, 2325-4262
preserved |
Chinese Law and Government |
0009-4609, 1944-7051
preserved |
Chinese Literature and Thought Today |
2768-3524, 2768-3532
preserved |
Chinese Literature Today |
2151-4399, 2156-8634
preserved |
Chinese Medical Record English Edition |
preserved |
Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter |
preserved |
Chinese Sociological Review |
2162-0555, 2162-0563
preserved |
Chinese Sociology & Anthropology |
preserved |
Chinese Studies in History |
0009-4633, 1558-0407
preserved |
Chinese Studies in Philosophy |
preserved |
CHINOPERL - Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature |
0193-7774, 2051-6150
preserved |
Christian Bioethics |
1380-3603, 1744-4195
queued |
Christian Higher Education |
1536-3759, 1539-4107
preserved |
Chronobiology International |
0742-0528, 1525-6073
preserved |
Church, Communication and Culture |
2375-3234, 2375-3242
preserved |
CIM Journal |
1923-6026, 2689-8403
preserved |
Cities & Health |
2374-8834, 2374-8842
preserved |
Citizenship Studies |
1362-1025, 1469-3593
preserved |
City: Analysis of Urban Trends |
1360-4813, 1470-3629
preserved |
Civil Engineering & Environmental Science |
1028-6608, 1029-0249
preserved |
Civil Engineering Systems |
preserved |
Civil Wars |
1369-8249, 1743-968X
preserved |
Classroom Discourse |
1946-3014, 1946-3022
preserved |
Claustrum |
preserved |
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies Issues and Ideas |
0009-8655, 1939-912X
preserved |
Climacteric |
1369-7137, 1473-0804
preserved |
Climate and Development |
1756-5529, 1756-5537
preserved |
Climate Policy |
1469-3062, 1752-7457
preserved |
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension |
1064-1963, 1525-6006
preserved |
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A: Theory and Practice |
preserved |
Clinical and Experimental Optometry |
0816-4622, 1444-0938
preserved |
Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics |
2770-5781, 2770-579X
preserved |
Clinical Gerontologist |
0731-7115, 1545-2301
preserved |
Clinical Intensive Care |
0956-3075, 1473-7752
preserved |
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics |
0269-9206, 1464-5076
preserved |
Clinical Lipidology |
1758-4299, 1758-4302
preserved |
Clinical Lipidology and Metabolic Disorders |
preserved |
Clinical Neuropsychologist |
preserved |
Clinical Psychologist |
1328-4207, 1742-9552
preserved |
Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs |
1060-1333, 1532-2521
preserved |
Clinical Research Practices and Drug Regulatory Affairs |
preserved |
The Clinical Supervisor |
0732-5223, 1545-231X
preserved |
Clinical Toxicology |
1556-3650, 1556-9519
preserved |
CNS Oncology |
2045-0907, 2045-0915
preserved |
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice |
1752-1882, 1752-1890
preserved |
Coal Preparation |
0734-9343, 1545-5831
preserved |
Coastal Engineering Journal |
2166-4250, 1793-6292
preserved |
Coastal Management |
0892-0753, 1521-0421
preserved |
Cochlear Implants International |
1467-0100, 1754-7628
preserved |
Codesign |
1571-0882, 1745-3755
preserved |
Coevolution |
preserved |
Cogeneration and Competitive Power Journal |
preserved |
Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Journal |
preserved |
Cogent Arts and Humanities |
preserved |
Cogent Biology |
preserved |
Cogent Business and Management |
preserved |
Cogent Chemistry |
preserved |
Cogent Economics and Finance |
preserved |
Cogent Education |
preserved |
Cogent Engineering |
preserved |
Cogent Environmental Science |
preserved |
Cogent Food and Agriculture |
preserved |
Cogent Geoscience |
preserved |
Cogent Gerontology |
preserved |
Cogent Mathematics |
preserved |
Cogent Mathematics & Statistics |
preserved |
Cogent Medicine |
preserved |
Cogent Mental Health |
preserved |
Cogent Physics |
preserved |
Cogent Psychology |
preserved |
Cogent Public Health |
preserved |
Cogent Social Sciences |
preserved |
Cognition and Emotion |
0269-9931, 1464-0600
preserved |
Cognition and Instruction |
0737-0008, 1532-690X
preserved |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy |
1650-6073, 1651-2316
preserved |
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry |
1354-6805, 1464-0619
preserved |
Cognitive Neuropsychology |
0264-3294, 1464-0627
preserved |
Cognitive Neuroscience |
1758-8928, 1758-8936
preserved |
Cognitive Science |
0364-0213, 1551-6709
preserved |
Cold War History |
1468-2745, 1743-7962
preserved |
Collection Management |
0146-2679, 1545-2549
preserved |
The College Mathematics Journal |
0746-8342, 1931-1346
preserved |
College Teaching |
8756-7555, 1930-8299
preserved |
College & Undergraduate Libraries |
1069-1316, 1545-2530
preserved |
Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management |
0973-7766, 2168-930X
preserved |
Colonial Latin American Review |
1060-9164, 1466-1802
preserved |
Colorectal Cancer |
1758-194X, 1758-1958
preserved |
Combustion Science and Technology |
0010-2202, 1563-521X
preserved |
Combustion Theory & Modelling |
1364-7830, 1741-3559
preserved |
Comedy Studies |
2040-610X, 2040-6118
preserved |
Comments on Inorganic Chemistry |
0260-3594, 1548-9574
preserved |
Commonwealth Law Bulletin |
0305-0718, 1750-5976
preserved |
Communal/Plural |
preserved |
Communicatio |
0250-0167, 1753-5379
preserved |
Communication and Democracy |
2767-1127, 2767-1135
preserved |
Communication and Race |
2834-6955, 2834-6947
preserved |
Communication Booknotes Quarterly |
0748-657X, 1094-8007, 1532-6896
preserved |
Communication & Critical/Cultural Stud |
1479-1420, 1479-4233
preserved |
Communication Design |
2055-7132, 2055-7140
preserved |
Communication Education |
0363-4523, 1479-5795
preserved |
Communication in Statistics Part A - Theory & Methods |
0361-0926, 1532-415X
preserved |
Communication in Statistics Part B - Simulation & Computation |
0361-0918, 1532-4141
preserved |
Communication Law and Policy |
1081-1680, 1532-6926
preserved |
Communication Methods and Measures |
1931-2458, 1931-2466
preserved |
Communication Monographs |
0363-7751, 1479-5787
preserved |
Communication Quarterly |
0146-3373, 1746-4102
preserved |
Communication Reports |
0893-4215, 1745-1043
preserved |
Communication Research and Practice |
2204-1451, 2206-3374
preserved |
Communication Research Reports |
0882-4096, 1746-4099
preserved |
Communication Review |
1071-4421, 1547-7487
preserved |
Communications in Algebra |
0092-7872, 1532-4125
preserved |
Communications in Partial Differential Equations |
0360-5302, 1532-4133
preserved |
Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis |
0010-3624, 1532-2416
preserved |
Communications in Statistics |
0090-3272, 2332-3965
preserved |
Communications in Statistics - Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications |
preserved |
Communications in Statistics. Part C: Sequential Analysis |
0731-177X, 2374-8575
preserved |
Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models |
preserved |
Communication Studies |
1051-0974, 1745-1035
preserved |
Communication Teacher |
1740-4622, 1740-4630
preserved |
Communicative and Integrative Biology |
preserved |
Communist Economies |
preserved |
Communist Economies and Economic Transformation |
preserved |
Community College Journal of Research and Practice |
1066-8926, 1521-0413
preserved |
Community Development |
1557-5330, 1944-7485
preserved |
Community & Junior College Libraries |
0276-3915, 1545-2522
preserved |
Community Junior College Research Quarterly |
preserved |
Community Junior College Research Quarterly of Research and Practice |
preserved |
Community Mental Health Review |
preserved |
Community, Work & Family |
1366-8803, 1469-3615
preserved |
Comparative American Studies |
1477-5700, 1741-2676
preserved |
Comparative & Continental Philosophy |
1757-0638, 1757-0646
preserved |
Comparative Education |
0305-0068, 1360-0486
preserved |
Comparative Legal History |
2049-677X, 2049-6788
preserved |
Comparative Literature: East & West |
preserved |
Comparative Strategy |
0149-5933, 1521-0448
preserved |
Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education |
0305-7925, 1469-3623
preserved |
Competition & Change |
1024-5294, 1477-2221
preserved |
Complex Metals |
preserved |
Complex Variables |
0278-1077, 1563-5066
preserved |
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations |
1747-6933, 1747-6941
preserved |
Composite Interfaces |
0927-6440, 1568-5543
preserved |
Compost Science and Utilization |
1065-657X, 2326-2397
preserved |
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing |
2469-4193, 2469-4207
preserved |
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology |
2374-3603, 2374-3611
preserved |
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine |
1748-670X, 1748-6718
preserved |
Computer-Aided Design and Applications |
preserved |
Computer Aided Surgery |
1092-9088, 1097-0150
preserved |
Computer Assisted Language Learning |
0958-8221, 1744-3210
preserved |
Computer Assisted Surgery |
preserved |
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization |
2168-1163, 2168-1171
preserved |
Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering |
1025-5842, 1476-8259
preserved |
Computer Science Education |
0899-3408, 1744-5175
preserved |
Computers in Human Services |
0740-445X, 2331-4648
preserved |
Computers in the Schools |
0738-0569, 1528-7033
preserved |
Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación |
0214-7033, 2254-6197
preserved |
Conflict Management and Peace Science |
0738-8942, 1549-9219
preserved |
Conflict, Security & Development |
1467-8802, 1478-1174
preserved |
Congress & the Presidency |
0734-3469, 1944-1053
preserved |
Connected Science Learning |
preserved |
Connection Science |
0954-0091, 1360-0494
preserved |
Connective Tissue Research |
0300-8207, 1607-8438
preserved |
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites |
1350-5033, 1753-5522
preserved |
The Conservator |
preserved |
Construction Management & Economics |
0144-6193, 1466-433X
preserved |
Construction Research and Innovation |
2045-0249, 2475-6822
preserved |
Consumption Markets and Culture |
1025-3866, 1477-223X
preserved |
Contact |
preserved |
Contemporary Arab Affairs |
1755-0912, 1755-0920
preserved |
Contemporary British History |
1361-9462, 1743-7997
preserved |
Contemporary Buddhism |
1463-9947, 1476-7953
preserved |
Contemporary Chinese Thought |
1097-1467, 1558-0997
preserved |
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies |
1740-9292, 1740-9306
preserved |
Contemporary Italian Politics |
2324-8823, 2324-8831
preserved |
Contemporary Japan |
1869-2729, 1869-2737
preserved |
Contemporary Justice Review |
1028-2580, 1477-2248
preserved |
Contemporary Levant |
2058-1831, 2058-184X
preserved |
Contemporary Music Review |
0749-4467, 1477-2256
preserved |
Contemporary Nurse |
1037-6178, 1839-3535
preserved |
Contemporary Physics |
0010-7514, 1366-5812
preserved |
Contemporary Politics |
1356-9775, 1469-3631
preserved |
Contemporary Psychoanalysis |
0010-7530, 2330-9091
preserved |
Contemporary Record |
preserved |
Contemporary Security Policy |
1352-3260, 1743-8764
preserved |
Contemporary Social Science |
2158-2041, 2158-205X
preserved |
Contemporary South Asia |
0958-4935, 1469-364X
preserved |
Contemporary Theatre Review |
1048-6801, 1477-2264
preserved |
Contents Pages in Education |
queued |
Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies |
1030-4312, 1469-3666
preserved |
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
1541-2555, 1541-2563
preserved |
Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research |
2377-4657, 2377-4665
preserved |
Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology |
1478-422X, 1743-2782
preserved |
Costume |
0590-8876, 1749-6306
preserved |
Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation |
2150-1378, 2150-1386
preserved |
Counselling Psychology Quarterly |
0951-5070, 1469-3674
preserved |
Counselling & Psychotherapy Research |
1473-3145, 1746-1405
preserved |
The Court Historian |
1462-9712, 2056-3450
preserved |
CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice |
0886-9634, 2151-0903
preserved |
CRC Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry |
preserved |
CRC Critical Reviews in Biochemistry |
preserved |
C R C Critical Reviews in Environmental Control |
preserved |
C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition |
preserved |
C R C Critical Reviews in Toxicology |
preserved |
Creative Industries Journal |
1751-0694, 1751-0708
preserved |
Creativity Research Journal |
1040-0419, 1532-6934
preserved |
Creativity Studies |
2345-0479, 2345-0487
preserved |
Crime Psychology Review |
2374-4006, 2374-4014
preserved |
Criminal Justice Ethics |
0731-129X, 1937-5948
preserved |
Criminal Justice Matters |
0962-7251, 1934-6220
preserved |
Criminal Justice Studies |
1478-601X, 1478-6028
preserved |
Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Treatment |
1064-5136, 1543-4591
queued |
Critical African Studies |
2168-1392, 2040-7211
preserved |
Critical Arts |
0256-0046, 1992-6049
preserved |
Critical Asian Studies |
0007-4810, 1467-2715, 1472-6033
preserved |
Critical Discourse Studies |
1740-5904, 1740-5912
preserved |
Critical Horizons |
1440-9917, 1568-5160
preserved |
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies |
1542-7587, 1542-7595
preserved |
Critical Interventions |
1930-1944, 2326-411X
preserved |
Critical Military Studies |
2333-7486, 2333-7494
preserved |
Critical Policy Studies |
1946-0171, 1946-018X
preserved |
Critical Public Health |
0958-1596, 1469-3682
preserved |
Critical Review |
0891-3811, 1933-8007
preserved |
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy |
1369-8230, 1743-8772
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry |
1040-8347, 1547-6510
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry |
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
1040-9238, 1549-7798
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology |
0738-8551, 1549-7801
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences |
1040-8363, 1549-781X
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography (Taylor & Francis) |
1548-7679, 1549-7844
queued |
Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging |
queued |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Control |
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Envrionmental Science and Technology |
1064-3389, 1547-6537
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition |
1040-8398, 1549-7852
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Microbiology |
1040-841X, 1549-7828
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences |
0735-2689, 1549-7836
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences |
1040-8436, 1547-6561
preserved |
Critical Reviews in Toxicology |
1040-8444, 1547-6898
preserved |
Critical Studies in Education |
1750-8487, 1750-8495
preserved |
Critical Studies in Mass Communication |
preserved |
Critical Studies in Media Communication |
1529-5036, 1479-5809
preserved |
Critical Studies on Security |
2162-4887, 2162-4909
preserved |
Critical Studies on Terrorism |
1753-9153, 1753-9161
preserved |
Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies |
1066-9922, 1473-9666
preserved |
Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory |
0301-7605, 1748-8605
preserved |
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction |
0011-1619, 1939-9138
preserved |
Crusades |
1476-5276, 2832-7861
preserved |
Cryptologia |
0161-1194, 1558-1586
preserved |
Crystallography Reviews |
0889-311X, 1476-3508
preserved |
Cultural and Social History: The Journal of the Social History Society |
1478-0038, 1478-0046
preserved |
Cultural Studies |
0950-2386, 1466-4348
preserved |
Cultural Trends |
0954-8963, 1469-3690
preserved |
Cultura y Educación |
1135-6405, 1578-4118
preserved |
Culture and Organization |
1475-9551, 1477-2760
preserved |
Culture and Religion |
1475-5610, 1475-5629
preserved |
Culture, Health & Sexuality |
1369-1058, 1464-5351
preserved |
Culture, Sport, Society |
preserved |
Culture, Theory and Critique |
1473-5784, 1473-5776
preserved |
Current |
preserved |
Current Eye Research |
0271-3683, 1460-2202
preserved |
Current Issues and Research in Advertising |
0163-3392, 2165-820X
preserved |
Current Issues in Criminal Justice |
1034-5329, 2206-9542
preserved |
Current Issues in Language Planning |
1466-4208, 1747-7506
preserved |
Current Issues in Psychoanalytic Practice |
preserved |
Current Issues in Tourism |
1368-3500, 1747-7603
preserved |
Current Medical Research and Opinion |
0300-7995, 1473-4877
preserved |
Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa |
1013-929X, 2159-9130
preserved |
Curriculum Inquiry |
0362-6784, 1467-873X
preserved |
Curriculum Journal |
0958-5176, 1469-3704
preserved |
Curriculum Studies |
preserved |
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education |
2574-2981, 2574-299X
preserved |
Curriculum Theory Network |
preserved |
Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology |
1556-9527, 1556-9535
preserved |
Cybernetics and Systems |
0196-9722, 1087-6553
preserved |
Cyber-Physical Systems |
2333-5777, 2333-5785
preserved |
CyTA Journal of Food |
1947-6337, 1947-6345
preserved |
Cytotherapy |
1465-3249, 1477-2566
preserved |