Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with P (206) | ISSN | Status |
Pacific Philosophy Forum |
preserved |
Pacific Review |
0951-2748, 1470-1332
preserved |
Pacific Rim Property Research Journal |
1444-5921, 2201-6716
preserved |
Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material |
1746-5095, 1746-5109
preserved |
Paedagogica Historica |
0030-9230, 1477-674X
preserved |
Paediatrics and International Child Health |
2046-9047, 2046-9055
preserved |
Pain Management |
1758-1869, 1758-1877
preserved |
PaleoAmerica |
2055-5563, 2055-5571
preserved |
Palestine Exploration Quarterly |
0031-0328, 1743-1301
preserved |
Palynology |
0191-6122, 1558-9188
preserved |
The Paper Conservator |
preserved |
Paper in Linguistics |
preserved |
Papers in Applied Geography |
2375-4931, 2375-494X
preserved |
Paradigms |
preserved |
Parallax |
1353-4645, 1460-700X
preserved |
Parallel Algorithms and Applications |
1063-7192, 1029-032X
queued |
Parenting |
1529-5192, 1532-7922
preserved |
Parliaments Estates and Representation |
0260-6755, 1947-248X
preserved |
Parnassus |
preserved |
Particulate Science & Technology |
0272-6351, 1548-0046
preserved |
Pastoral Care in Education |
0264-3944, 1468-0122
preserved |
Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases |
preserved |
Pathogens and Global Health |
2047-7724, 2047-7732
preserved |
Pathology |
0031-3025, 1465-3931
preserved |
Patterns of Prejudice |
0031-322X, 1461-7331
preserved |
Peabody Journal of Education |
0161-956X, 1532-7930
preserved |
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology |
1078-1919, 1532-7949
preserved |
Peacebuilding |
2164-7259, 2164-7267
preserved |
Peace Review |
1040-2659, 1469-9982
preserved |
The Pedagogical Seminary |
preserved |
The Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology |
preserved |
Pedagogies: An International Journal |
1554-480X, 1554-4818
preserved |
Pedagogisk Forskning |
preserved |
Pedagogy, Culture and Society |
1468-1366, 1747-5104
preserved |
Pediatric Health |
1745-5111, 1745-512X
preserved |
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology |
0888-0018, 1521-0669
preserved |
Pediatric Pathology |
preserved |
Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
1077-1042, 1087-6529
queued |
Pediatric Pathology & Molecular Medicine |
1522-7952, 1523-4525
preserved |
Pediatric Rehabilitation |
1363-8491, 1464-5270
preserved |
Peking University Law Journal |
2051-7483, 2052-5907
preserved |
Performance Research |
1352-8165, 1469-9990
preserved |
Performing Arts Review |
0031-5249, 2377-6544
preserved |
Personalized Medicine |
1741-0541, 1744-828X
preserved |
Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies |
1477-9757, 1752-9182
preserved |
Perspective |
0048-3494, 2377-6579
preserved |
Perspectives on European Politics and Society: Journal of Intra-European Dialogue |
1570-5854, 1568-0258
preserved |
Perspectives on Political Science |
1045-7097, 1930-5478
preserved |
Perspectives: Policy & Practice in Higher Education |
1360-3108, 1460-7018
preserved |
Perspectives - Studies in Translatology |
0907-676X, 1747-6623
preserved |
Petroleum Science & Technology |
1091-6466, 1532-2459
preserved |
Pharmaceutical Biology |
1388-0209, 1744-5116
preserved |
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology |
1083-7450, 1097-9867
preserved |
Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst |
2046-8954, 2046-8962
preserved |
Pharmacogenomics |
1462-2416, 1744-8042
preserved |
Phase Transitions |
0141-1594, 1029-0338
preserved |
Philippine Political Science Journal |
0115-4451, 2165-025X
preserved |
Philosophical Explorations |
1386-9795, 1741-5918
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine |
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine |
1478-6435, 1478-6443
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine A |
0141-8610, 1460-6992
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Letters |
0950-0839, 1362-3036
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Part B |
1364-2812, 1463-6417
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Series 1 |
1941-5796, 1941-580X
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Series 2 |
1941-5850, 1941-5869
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Series 3 |
1941-5966, 1941-5974
preserved |
Philosophical Magazine Series 7 |
1941-5982, 1941-5990
preserved |
Philosophical Papers |
0556-8641, 1996-8523
preserved |
Philosophical Practice: Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association |
1742-8173, 1742-8181
preserved |
Philosophical Psychology |
0951-5089, 1465-394X
preserved |
The Philosophy Forum |
preserved |
Phosphorous and Sulfur and the Related Elements |
preserved |
Phosphorus, Sulfur & Silicon |
1042-6507, 1563-5325
preserved |
Photographies |
1754-0763, 1754-0771
preserved |
Photography and Culture |
1751-4517, 1751-4525
preserved |
Phycologia |
0031-8884, 2330-2968
preserved |
Physical Education & Sport Peadagogy |
1740-8989, 1742-5786
preserved |
Physical Geography |
0272-3646, 1930-0557
preserved |
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics |
0270-3181, 1541-3152
preserved |
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics |
0194-2638, 1541-3144
preserved |
Physical Therapy Reviews |
1083-3196, 1743-288X
preserved |
Physician and Sportsmedicine |
0091-3847, 2326-3660
preserved |
Physics & Chemistry of Liquids |
0031-9104, 1029-0451
preserved |
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice |
0959-3985, 1532-5040
preserved |
Plains Anthropologist |
0032-0447, 2052-546X
preserved |
Planet |
1473-1835, 1758-3608
preserved |
Planning & Environmental Law |
1548-0755, 1556-8601
preserved |
Planning Outlook |
preserved |
Planning Perspectives |
0266-5433, 1466-4518
preserved |
Planning Practice & Research |
0269-7459, 1360-0583
preserved |
Planning Theory and Practice |
1464-9357, 1470-000X
preserved |
Plant Biosystem |
1126-3504, 1724-5575
preserved |
Plant Ecology and Diversity |
1755-0874, 1755-1668
preserved |
Plant Foods for Man |
preserved |
Plant Production Science |
1343-943X, 1349-1008
preserved |
Plant Signaling & Behavior |
1559-2316, 1559-2324
preserved |
Plasma Devices and Operations |
1051-9998, 1029-4929
preserved |
Plastics, Rubber and Composites |
1465-8011, 1743-2898
preserved |
Platelets |
0953-7104, 1369-1635
preserved |
PLET: Programmed Learning & Educational Technology |
preserved |
Poem: International English Language Quarterly |
2051-9842, 2377-4673
preserved |
Polar Geography |
1088-937X, 1939-0513
preserved |
The Polar Journal |
2154-896X, 2154-8978
preserved |
Polar Research |
preserved |
Police Practice & Research: An International Journal |
1561-4263, 1477-271X
preserved |
Policing and Society: An International Journal |
1043-9463, 1477-2728
preserved |
Policy and Practice in Health and Safety |
1477-3996, 1477-4003
preserved |
Policy Design and Practice |
preserved |
Policy Reviews in Higher Education |
2332-2969, 2332-2950
preserved |
Policy & Society |
1449-4035, 1839-3373
preserved |
Policy Studies |
0144-2872, 1470-1006
preserved |
Political Communication |
1058-4609, 1091-7675
preserved |
Political Research Exchange |
preserved |
Political Science |
0032-3187, 2041-0611
preserved |
Political Theology |
1462-317X, 1743-1719
preserved |
Politics |
preserved |
Politics, Groups, and Identities |
2156-5503, 2156-5511
preserved |
Politics, Religion & Ideology |
2156-7689, 2156-7697
preserved |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies |
0258-9346, 1470-1014
preserved |
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds |
1040-6638, 1563-5333
preserved |
Polymer News |
preserved |
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials |
2574-0881, 2574-089X
preserved |
Polymer-Plastics Technology & Engineering |
0360-2559, 1525-6111
preserved |
Polymer Reaction Engineering |
1054-3414, 1532-2408
preserved |
Polymer Reviews |
1558-3724, 1558-3716
preserved |
Popular Communication |
1540-5702, 1540-5710
preserved |
Popular Music & Society |
0300-7766, 1740-1712
preserved |
Population Studies |
0032-4728, 1477-4747
preserved |
Porn Studies |
2326-8743, 2326-8751
preserved |
Postcolonial Studies |
1368-8790, 1466-1888
preserved |
Post-Communist Economies |
1463-1377, 1465-3958
preserved |
Postgraduate Medicine |
0032-5481, 1941-9260
preserved |
Post-Medieval Archaeology |
0079-4236, 1745-8137
preserved |
Post-Soviet Affairs |
1060-586X, 1938-2855
preserved |
Powder Metallurgy |
0032-5899, 1743-2901
preserved |
Practical Theology |
1756-073X, 1756-0748
preserved |
Practice |
0950-3153, 1742-4909
preserved |
2578-3858, 2578-3866
preserved |
Practicing Anthropology |
0888-4552, 2994-1628
preserved |
Precision Oncogenomics |
preserved |
Prehospital Emergency Care |
1090-3127, 1545-0066
preserved |
Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine |
1359-8635, 1473-0774
preserved |
Preparative Biochemistry |
preserved |
Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology |
1082-6068, 1532-2297
preserved |
Pretexts: Literary and Cultural Studies |
1015-549X, 1470-1022
preserved |
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth |
1045-988X, 1940-4387
preserved |
Prevention in Human Services |
preserved |
Preventive Oncology & Epidemiology |
preserved |
Preview |
1443-2471, 1836-084X
preserved |
Primary Care and Community Psychiatry |
1746-8841, 1473-4885
preserved |
1051-1970, 1935-4053
preserved |
Prion |
1933-6896, 1933-690X
preserved |
Problems in Economics |
preserved |
Problems of Economic Transition |
1061-1991, 1557-931X
preserved |
Problems of Post-Communism |
1075-8216, 1557-783X
preserved |
Proceedings of the Musical Association |
preserved |
Production and Manufacturing Research |
preserved |
Production Planning & Control |
0953-7287, 1366-5871
preserved |
Professional Development in Education |
1941-5257, 1941-5265
preserved |
The Professional Geographer |
0033-0124, 1467-9272
preserved |
Programmed Learning |
preserved |
Programmed Learning and Educational Technology |
preserved |
Progress in Natural Science |
1002-0071, 1745-5391
preserved |
Progress in Palliative Care |
0969-9260, 1743-291X
preserved |
The Progressive Fish-Culturist |
0033-0779, 1548-8640
preserved |
Project Appraisal |
preserved |
Prometheus |
0810-9028, 1470-1030
preserved |
Prose Studies |
0144-0357, 1743-9426
preserved |
Prosthetics and Orthotics International |
0309-3646, 1746-1553
preserved |
Psychiatry |
0033-2747, 1943-281X
preserved |
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology |
2475-0573, 2475-0581
preserved |
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law |
1321-8719, 1934-1687
preserved |
Psychoanalysis, Self and Context |
2472-0038, 2472-0046
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Dialogues |
1048-1885, 1940-9222
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Inquiry |
0735-1690, 1940-9133
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Perspectives |
1551-806X, 2163-6958
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy |
0266-8734, 1474-9734
preserved |
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly |
0033-2828, 2167-4086
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Social Work |
1522-8878, 1522-9033
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Studies |
1460-8952, 1470-1049
preserved |
The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child |
0079-7308, 2474-3356
preserved |
Psychodynamic Counselling |
1353-3339, 1470-1057
preserved |
Psychodynamic Practice |
1475-3634, 1475-3626
preserved |
Psychological Inquiry |
1047-840X, 1532-7965
preserved |
Psychological Perspectives |
0033-2925, 1556-3030
preserved |
The Psychologist-Manager Journal |
1088-7156, 1550-3461
preserved |
Psychology and Health |
0887-0446, 1476-8321
preserved |
Psychology, Crime and Law |
1068-316X, 1477-2744
preserved |
Psychology, Evolution & Gender |
1461-6661, 1470-1073
preserved |
Psychology, Health & Medicine |
1354-8506, 1465-3966
preserved |
Psychology & Sexuality |
1941-9899, 1941-9902
preserved |
Psychosis |
1752-2439, 1752-2447
preserved |
Psychotherapy in Private Practice |
preserved |
Psychotherapy Research |
1050-3307, 1468-4381
preserved |
Psyecology |
2171-1976, 1989-9386
preserved |
Public Archaeology |
1465-5187, 1753-5530
preserved |
Public Art Dialogue |
2150-2552, 2150-2560
preserved |
Publications of the American Statistical Association |
preserved |
Publications of the English Goethe Society |
0959-3683, 1749-6284
preserved |
Public Integrity |
1099-9922, 1558-0989
preserved |
Public Library Quarterly |
0161-6846, 1541-1540
preserved |
Public Management Review |
1471-9037, 1471-9045
preserved |
Public Money and Management |
0954-0962, 1467-9302
preserved |
Public Performance and Management Review |
1530-9576, 1557-9271
preserved |
Public Services Quarterly |
1522-8959, 1522-9114
preserved |
Pulmonology |
2531-0429, 2531-0437
preserved |