Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with H (81) | ISSN | Status |
Harvard Review of Psychiatry |
1067-3229, 1465-7309
preserved |
HBRC Journal |
preserved |
Health Care for Women International |
0739-9332, 1096-4665
preserved |
Health Communication |
1041-0236, 1532-7027
preserved |
Health Interactions |
preserved |
Health Literacy and Communication Open |
preserved |
Health Marketing Quarterly |
0735-9683, 1545-0864
preserved |
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: an Open Access Journal |
preserved |
Health Psychology Review |
1743-7199, 1743-7202
preserved |
Health, Risk & Society |
1369-8575, 1469-8331
preserved |
Health Sociology Review |
1446-1242, 1839-3551
preserved |
Health Systems |
2047-6965, 2047-6973
preserved |
Health Systems and Reform |
2328-8604, 2328-8620
preserved |
Hearing, Balance and Communication |
2169-5717, 2169-5725
preserved |
Heat Transfer Engineering |
0145-7632, 1521-0537
preserved |
Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering |
preserved |
Hematology |
1024-5332, 1607-8454
preserved |
Hemoglobin |
0363-0269, 1532-432X
preserved |
Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas Bulletin |
preserved |
Hepatic Oncology |
2045-0923, 2045-0931
preserved |
Heritage & Society |
2159-032X, 2159-0338
preserved |
HFSP Journal |
1955-2068, 2155-3777
preserved |
High Ability Studies |
1359-8139, 1469-834X
preserved |
Higher Education in Europe |
0379-7724, 1469-8358
preserved |
Higher Education Pedagogies |
preserved |
Higher Education Research & Development |
0729-4360, 1469-8366
preserved |
High Temperature Technology |
preserved |
Hispanic Research Journal |
1468-2737, 1745-820X
preserved |
Historical Biology |
0891-2963, 1029-2381
preserved |
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television |
0143-9685, 1465-3451
preserved |
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History |
0161-5440, 1940-1906
preserved |
Historical Methods Newsletter |
preserved |
Historical Studies |
preserved |
The Historic Environment |
1756-7505, 1756-7513
preserved |
Histories of People and Place |
2833-4299, 2833-4302
preserved |
History and Anthropology |
0275-7206, 1477-2612
preserved |
History Australia |
1449-0854, 1833-4881
preserved |
History of Economics Review |
1037-0196, 1838-6318
preserved |
History of Education |
0046-760X, 1464-5130
preserved |
History of European Ideas |
0191-6599, 1873-541X
preserved |
History of Photography |
0308-7298, 2150-7295
preserved |
History of Retailing and Consumption |
2373-518X, 2373-5171
preserved |
The History of the Family |
1081-602X, 1873-5398
preserved |
History & Philosophy of Logic |
0144-5340, 1464-5149
preserved |
History: Reviews of New Books |
0361-2759, 1930-8280
preserved |
History & Technology: An International Journal |
0734-1512, 1477-2620
preserved |
HIV Clinical Trials |
1528-4336, 1945-5771
preserved |
HIV Research & Clinical Practice |
2578-7489, 2578-7470
preserved |
HIV Therapy |
preserved |
HKIE Transactions |
1023-697X, 2326-3733
preserved |
Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History |
1750-4902, 2048-4887
preserved |
Home Cultures: The Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space |
1740-6315, 1751-7427
preserved |
Home Health Care Services Quarterly |
0162-1424, 1545-0856
preserved |
Homily Service |
0732-1872, 1547-3562
preserved |
The Hospice Journal |
preserved |
Hospital Practice |
2154-8331, 2377-1003
preserved |
Hospital Topics |
0018-5868, 1939-9278
preserved |
Housing and Society |
0888-2746, 2376-0923
preserved |
Housing Policy Debate |
1051-1482, 2152-050X
preserved |
Housing Studies |
0267-3037, 1466-1810
preserved |
Housing Theory and Society |
1403-6096, 1651-2278
preserved |
Howard Journal of Communications |
1064-6175, 1096-4649
preserved |
1365-182X, 1477-2574
preserved |
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment |
1080-7039, 1549-7860
preserved |
Human-Computer Interaction |
0737-0024, 1532-7051
preserved |
Human Dimensions of Wildlife |
1087-1209, 1533-158X
preserved |
Human Fertility |
1464-7273, 1742-8149
preserved |
The Humanistic Psychologist |
0887-3267, 1547-3333
preserved |
Human Nutrition. Food Sciences and Nutrition |
preserved |
Human Organization |
0018-7259, 1938-3525
preserved |
Human Performance |
0895-9285, 1532-7043
preserved |
Human Resource Development Internat |
1367-8868, 1469-8374
preserved |
Human Rights Education Review |
preserved |
Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance |
2330-3131, 2330-314X
preserved |
Human Vaccines |
1554-8600, 1554-8619
preserved |
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics |
2164-5515, 2164-554X
preserved |
HVAC & R Research |
1078-9669, 1938-5587
preserved |
Hydrological Sciences Bulletin |
preserved |
Hydrological Sciences Journal |
0262-6667, 2150-3435
preserved |
Hypermedia |
preserved |
Hypertension in Pregnancy |
1064-1955, 1525-6065
preserved |