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Titles start with F (116) Information
Faces of America
Author/Editor: Gates Jr., Henry Louis
Faces of Latin America
Author/Editor: Green, Duncan; Branford, Sue
Facing the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Angus, Ian
Facing the Rising Sun
Author/Editor: Horne, Gerald
Failed Evidence
Author/Editor: Harris, David A
Failing Families, Failing Science
Author/Editor: Ecklund, Elaine; Lincoln, Anne E
Failing Our Veterans
Author/Editor: Boulton, Mark
Fair Trade and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Moberg, Mark; Lyon, Sarah
Faith and Law
Author/Editor: Cochran Jr., Robert F
Faith and Power: Latino Religious Politics Since 1945
Author/Editor: Felipe Hinojosa ,Maggie Elmore ,Sergio M. González
Faith and War
Author/Editor: Settje, David E
Faith Born of Seduction
Author/Editor: Manlowe, Jennifer L
Faithful Bodies
Author/Editor: Kopelson, Heather Miyano
Faithful Measures
Author/Editor: Bader, Christopher D.; Finke, Roger
The Faithful Scientist: Experiences of Anti-Religious Bias in Scientific Training
Author/Editor: Christopher P. Scheitle
Faithful to Fenway
Author/Editor: Borer, Michael Ian
Fake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender, and the Convergence Culture Industry, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Suzanne Scott
Falling, Floating, Flickering: Disability and Differential Movement in African Diasporic Performance
Author/Editor: Hershini Bhana Young
False Starts: The Segregated Lives of Preschoolers, Vol. 18
Families We Keep: LGBTQ People and Their Enduring Bonds with Parents
Author/Editor: Rin Reczek ,Emma Bosley-Smith
Family Secrets
Author/Editor: González-López, Gloria
Fandom, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Gray, Jonathan; Sandvoss, Cornel; Harrington, C. Lee
Author/Editor: Hinton, William; Magdoff, Fred
Fantasies of Identification
Author/Editor: Samuels, Ellen
Fashion and Beauty in the Time of Asia, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: S. Heijin Lee ,Christina H. Moon ,Thuy Linh Nguyen Tu
Fashioning Fat
Author/Editor: Czerniawski, Amanda M
Fast-Food Kids: French Fries, Lunch Lines and Social Ties
Author/Editor: Amy L. Best
Fat Gay Men
Author/Editor: Whitesel, Jason
Fat History
Author/Editor: Stearns, Peter N
Fat Rights: Dilemmas of Difference and Personhood
Author/Editor: Anna Kirkland
Fat Shame
Author/Editor: Farrell, Amy Erdman
The Fat Studies Reader
Author/Editor: Rothblum, Esther; Solovay, Sondra
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia
Author/Editor: Sabrina Strings
Fear in Our Hearts: What Islamophobia Tells Us about America
Author/Editor: Caleb Iyer Elfenbein
Feasting and Fasting: The History and Ethics of Jewish Food
Author/Editor: Aaron S. Gross ,Jody Myers ,Jordan D. Rosenblum ,Hasia Diner ,Jonathan Safran Foer
Federalism and Subsidiarity
Author/Editor: Fleming, James E.; Levy, Jacob T
A Federal Right to Education: Fundamental Questions for Our Democracy
Author/Editor: Kimberly Jenkins Robinson ,Martha Minow ,Robert C. “Bobby” Scott
Feeling Global
Author/Editor: Robbins, Bruce
Feeling Italian
Author/Editor: Ferraro, Thomas J
Feeling Mediated
Author/Editor: Malin, Brenton J
Feeling Medicine: How the Pelvic Exam Shapes Medical Training, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Kelly Underman
Female Soldiers in Sierra Leone
Author/Editor: MacKenzie, Megan H
Feminist Accountability: Disrupting Violence and Transforming Power
Author/Editor: Ann Russo
Feminist Legal History
Author/Editor: Thomas, Tracy A.; Boisseau, Tracey Jean
Feminist Legal Theory (Second Edition)
Author/Editor: Levit, Nancy; Verchick, Robert R.M.; Minow, Martha
Feminist Manifestos
Author/Editor: Weiss, Penny A
Feminist Nightmares: Women At Odds
Author/Editor: Weisser, Susan Ostrov
Feminists Rethink the Neoliberal State
Author/Editor: Fernandes, Leela
Ferenczi's Turn in Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Rudnytsky, Peter L.; Bokay, Antal; Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia
Fertility Holidays
Author/Editor: Speier, Amy
The Fervent Embrace
Author/Editor: Carenen, Caitlin
Fever of War
Author/Editor: Byerly, Carol R
The Fierce Life of Grace Holmes Carlson: Catholic, Socialist, Feminist
Author/Editor: Donna T. Haverty-Stacke
The Fight for Free Speech: Ten Cases That Define Our First Amendment Freedoms
Author/Editor: IAN ROSENBERG
Fighting for Us
Author/Editor: Brown, Scot; Carson, Clayborne
Fighting on Two Fronts
Author/Editor: Westheider, James E
Fighting over the Founders
Author/Editor: Schocket, Andrew M
Fight Like a Girl, Second Edition: How to Be a Fearless Feminist
Author/Editor: Megan Seely
Fight the Power: African Americans and the Long History of Police Brutality in New York City
Author/Editor: Clarence Taylor
Filipino American Faith in Action
Author/Editor: Gonzalez, Joaquin Jay
The Filipino Primitive: Accumulation and Resistance in the American Museum
Author/Editor: Sarita Echavez See
Filipino Studies
Author/Editor: Manalansan, Martin F.; Espiritu, Augusto
Film as Religion, Second Edition: Myths, Morals, and Rituals
Author/Editor: John C. Lyden
Finding Feminism
Author/Editor: Crossley, Alison Dahl
Fire From the Midst of You
Author/Editor: Decaro Jr., Louis A
Fire in the Canyon
Author/Editor: Sarat, Leah M
First Ladies of the Republic
Author/Editor: Abrams, Jeanne E
Fixing Law Schools: From Collapse to the Trump Bump and Beyond
Flirting with Danger: Young Women's Reflections on Sexuality and Domination, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: LYNN M. PHILLIPS
Flying Out With the Wounded
Author/Editor: Caston, Anne
Food Activism Today: Sustainability, Climate Change, and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Donald M. Nonini ,Dorothy C. Holland
A Foodie's Guide to Capitalism
Author/Editor: Holt-Giménez, Eric
The Forbidden Body: Sex, Horror, and the Religious Imagination
Author/Editor: Douglas E. Cowan
Forced Out: Migrant Mothers in Search of Refuge and Hope
Author/Editor: Susan J. Terrio
The Force of Domesticity
Author/Editor: Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar
Forged in America: How Irish-Jewish Encounters Shaped a Nation
Author/Editor: Hasia R. Diner ,Miriam Nyhan Grey
Forging a Laboring Race
Author/Editor: Lawrie, Paul R.D
Forging Napoleon's Grande Armée
Author/Editor: Hughes, Michael J
Forgotten Trials of the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Bazyler, Michael J.; Tuerkheimer, Frank M
For Liberty and the Republic
Author/Editor: Herrera, Ricardo A
For Pleasure: Race, Experimentalism, and Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Rachel Jane Carroll
For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy Through the Arts in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Jessica Roda
Four Lectures on Marxism
Author/Editor: PAUL M. SWEEZY
Four Steeples over the City Streets
Author/Editor: Bulthuis, Kyle T
Fragmented Citizens
Author/Editor: Engel, Stephen M
Framed by War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire
Author/Editor: Susie Woo
The Free and Open Press: The Founding of American Democratic Press Liberty
Author/Editor: Robert W. T. Martin
Author/Editor: Treadgold, Donald W
A Freedom Budget for All Americans
Author/Editor: Le Blanc, Paul; Yates, Michael D
Freedom’s Gardener
Author/Editor: Armstead, Myra B. Young
Freedom’s Gardener
Author/Editor: Armstead, Myra B. Young
Freedom to Differ
Author/Editor: Miller, Diane Helene
Freeing Speech
Author/Editor: Denvir, John
Free Speech Beyond Words: The Surprising Reach of the First Amendment
Author/Editor: Mark V. Tushnet,Alan K. Chen,Joseph Blocher
Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Lucy van de Wiel
The French Welfare State
Author/Editor: Ambler, John
The Freudian Mystique
Author/Editor: Slipp, Samuel
Freud's Paranoid Quest
Author/Editor: Farrell, John C
Friends of Alice Wheeldon
Author/Editor: Rowbotham, Sheila
From Africa to America: Religion and Adaptation among Ghanaian Immigrants in New York
Author/Editor: Moses O. Biney
From Arrival to Incorporation
Author/Editor: Barkan, Elliott; Diner, Hasia; Kraut, Alan M
From Bombay to Bollywood
Author/Editor: Punathambekar, Aswin
From Commune to Capitalism: How China’s Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty
Author/Editor: ZHUN XU
From Congregation Town to Industrial City
Author/Editor: Shirley, Michael
From Deportation to Prison
Author/Editor: Macías-Rojas, Patrisia
From Dust They Came: Government Camps and the Religion of Reform in New Deal California
Author/Editor: Jonathan H. Ebel
From Foreclosure to Fair Lending
Author/Editor: Hartman, Chester; Squires, Gregory D
From Slavery to Poverty
Author/Editor: SenGupta, Gunja
From Solidarity to Sellout
Author/Editor: Kowalik, Tadeusz
From the Ground Up
Author/Editor: Cole, Luke W.; Foster, Sheila R
From the Land of Shadows
Author/Editor: Um, Khatharya
Front of the House, Back of the House: Race and Inequality in the Lives of Restaurant Workers, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Eli Revelle Yano Wilson
Frottage: Frictions of Intimacy across the Black Diaspora
Author/Editor: Keguro Macharia
Fueling the Gilded Age
Author/Editor: Arnold, Andrew B
Fugitive Science
Author/Editor: Rusert, Britt
The Future of Tech Is Female: How to Achieve Gender Diversity