Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with L (107) | Information |
Labor and Monopoly Capital |
Author/Editor: Braverman, Harry
The Labor Guide to Retirement Plans: For Union Organizers and Employees |
Author/Editor: James W. Russell
Labor in the Global Digital Economy |
Author/Editor: Huws, Ursula
Labors of Love |
Author/Editor: Rodriquez, Jason
Ladies Almanack |
Author/Editor: Barnes, Djuna
The Lady of the Jewel Necklace & The Lady who Shows her Love |
Author/Editor: Harsha
Land of Extraction: Property, Fracking, and Settler Colonialism |
Author/Editor: Rebecca R. Scott
A Land With a People: Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism |
Langston's Salvation |
Author/Editor: Best, Wallace D
The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Michal Kalecki,George R. Feiwel,Włodzimierz Brus
LatCrit: From Critical Legal Theory to Academic Activism |
Author/Editor: Francisco Valdes ,Steven W. Bender ,Margaret E. Montoya ,Sumi Cho ,Angela P. Harris
Late Marx and the Russian Road: Marx and the Peripheries of Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Teodor Shanin
Latina Girls |
Author/Editor: Denner, Jill; Guzman, Bianca
Latinas in the Criminal Justice System: Victims, Targets, and Offenders, Vol. 18 |
Author/Editor: Vera Lopez ,Lisa Pasko
Latina Teachers: Creating Careers and Guarding Culture |
Author/Editor: Glenda M. Flores
Latino Heartland |
Author/Editor: Vega, Sujey
The Latino Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Lazo, Rodrigo; Alemán, Jesse
Latino Politics en Ciencia Poltica |
Author/Editor: Affigne, Tony; Hu-DeHart, Evelyn; Orr, Marion Series Title: Default Book Series
Latino Politics en Ciencia Política |
Author/Editor: Affigne, Tony; Hu-DeHart, Evelyn; Orr, Marion
Latino Spin |
Author/Editor: Dávila, Arlene
Latino Urbanism |
Author/Editor: Diaz, David R.; Torres, Rodolfo D
The Lavender Vote |
Author/Editor: Hertzog, Mark
Law and Religion |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Stephen M
The Law and Society Reader II |
Author/Editor: Larson, Erik; Schmidt, Patrick
The Law as it Could Be |
Author/Editor: Owen Fiss
Law, Culture, and Ritual |
Author/Editor: Chase, Oscar G
Law Democratized: A Blueprint for Solving the Justice Crisis |
Author/Editor: Renee Knake Jefferson
Law, Gender, and Injustice |
Author/Editor: Hoff, Joan
Lawless Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Ramirez, Steven A
The Law of Affirmative Action: Twenty Five Years of Supreme Court Decisions on Race and Remedies |
Author/Editor: Girardeau A. Spann
A Law of Her Own: The Reasonable Woman as a Measure of Man |
Author/Editor: Caroline A. Forell ,Donna M. Matthews ,Barbara Y. Welke
The Law of Presidential Impeachment: A Guide for the Engaged Citizen |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Gerhardt
Law on Display |
Author/Editor: Feigenson, Neal; Spiesel, Christina
Law’s Detour |
Author/Editor: Margulies, Peter
Law’s Detour |
Author/Editor: Margulies, Peter
Law's Infamy: Understanding the Canon of Bad Law |
Author/Editor: Austin Sarat ,Lawrence Douglas ,Martha Merrill Umphrey
Lawyer Nation: The Past, Present, and Future of the American Legal Profession |
Author/Editor: Ray Brescia
Lawyers' Ethics and the Pursuit of Social Justice |
Author/Editor: Carle, Susan
Laying Down the Law |
Author/Editor: Schlag, Pierre
Leaving Prostitution |
Author/Editor: Oselin, Sharon S
The Lebanese Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Abdelhady, Dalia
The Left at War |
Author/Editor: Bérubé, Michael
A Left Green New Deal: An Internationalist Blueprint |
Author/Editor: Bernd Riexinger ,Lia Becker ,Katharina Dahme ,Christina Kaindl
Legal Canons |
Author/Editor: Balkin, Jack; Levinson, Sanford V
Legal Intellectuals in Conversation |
Author/Editor: Hackney, James R
Legalizing LGBT Families |
Author/Editor: Baumle, Amanda K.; Compton, D'Lane R
Legalizing Prostitution |
Author/Editor: Weitzer, Ronald
Legally Straight |
Author/Editor: Rollins, Joe
Legal Pluralism and Empires, 1500-1850 |
Author/Editor: Benton, Lauren; Ross, Richard J
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Leg over Leg |
Author/Editor: al-Shidyaq, Ahmad Faris
Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays |
Author/Editor: Althusser, Louis
Let Me Speak!: Testimony of Domitila, A Woman of the Bolivian Mines, Ed. New Edition |
Lettuce Wars |
Author/Editor: Neuburger, Bruce
LGBT Inclusion in American Life: Pop Culture, Political Imagination, and Civil Rights, Vol. 4 |
Author/Editor: Susan Burgess
LGBTQ Politics |
Author/Editor: Brettschneider, Marla; Burgess, Susan; Keating, Christine
Liars! Cheaters! Evildoers! |
Author/Editor: De Luca, Tom; Buell, John
The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World |
Liberation Theologies in the United States |
Author/Editor: Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M.; Pinn, Anthony B
Liberty, Equality, Democracy |
Author/Editor: Nolla, Eduardo
License to Wed |
Author/Editor: Richman, Kimberly D
The Lie of Global Prosperity: How Neoliberals Distort Data to Mask Poverty and Exploitation |
Author/Editor: SETH DONNELLY
The Life and Death of Latisha King |
Author/Editor: Salamon, Gayle
The Life and Times of Abu Tammam |
Author/Editor: Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā l-Ṣūlī,Al-Ṣūlī’s Epistle,Abū l-Layth Muzāḥim ibn Fātik,Beatrice Gruendler,Terence Cave,James E. Montgomery,Tahera Qutbuddin
The Life and Times of Abu Tammam |
Author/Editor: al-Suli, Abu Bakr
Lifeblood of the Parish: Men and Catholic Devotion in Williamsburg, Brooklyn |
Author/Editor: Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada
The Life of Ibn Hanbal |
Author/Editor: al-Jawzi, Ibn
Life without Parole |
Author/Editor: Ogletree Jr., Charles J.; Sarat, Austin
Lifted |
Author/Editor: Bernard, Andreas
Lift Every Voice and Swing: Black Musicians and Religious Culture in the Jazz Century |
Author/Editor: Vaughn A. Booker
Lighting Up |
Author/Editor: Nichter, Mimi
Light in the Heavens |
Author/Editor: Al-Qāḍī al-Quḍāʿī ,Tahera Qutbuddin ,Shawkat Toorawa
Like Memory, Caverns |
Author/Editor: Dodd, Elizabeth C
Like Water: A Cultural History of Bruce Lee |
The Limits of Community Policing: Civilian Power and Police Accountability in Black and Brown Los Angeles |
Author/Editor: Luis Daniel Gascón,Aaron Roussell
Literary Bioethics: Animality, Disability, and the Human, Vol. 3 |
Author/Editor: Maren Tova Linett
Literature and the Relational Self |
Author/Editor: Schapiro, Barbara Ann
The Little Old Lady Killer: The Sensationalized Crimes of Mexico’s First Female Serial Killer, Vol. 20 |
Author/Editor: Susana Vargas Cervantes
Lives in the Balance |
Author/Editor: Schrag, Philip G.; Schoenholtz, Andrew I.; Ramji-Nogales, Jaya
Living Apart Together: Legal Protections for a New Form of Family |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Grant Bowman
Living on the Spectrum: Autism and Youth in Community, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Fein
Living Out Islam |
Author/Editor: Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq
Living Outside Mental Illness |
Author/Editor: Davidson, Larry
Living with Alzheimer's |
Author/Editor: Beard, Renée L
Living with Brain Injury |
Author/Editor: Stewart, J. Eric
Loathsome Jews and Engulfing Women |
Author/Editor: Loewenstein, Andrea Freud
Locked Out: Regional Restrictions in Digital Entertainment Culture |
Author/Editor: Evan Elkins
Lone Star Muslims |
Author/Editor: Afzal, Ahmed
The Long Revolution of the Global South: Toward a New Anti-Imperialist International |
Author/Editor: Samir Amin
Looking for Leroy |
Author/Editor: Neal, Mark Anthony
Losing Our Heads |
Author/Editor: Janes, Regina
Losing Our Religion |
Author/Editor: Manning, Christel J
Losing Sleep: Risk, Responsibility, and Infant Sleep Safety |
Author/Editor: Laura Harrison
Lotions, Potions, Pills, and Magic |
Author/Editor: Breslaw, Elaine G
Love and Empire |
Author/Editor: Schaeffer, Felicity Amaya
Love and Money |
Author/Editor: Henderson, Lisa
Love, Death, Fame: Poetry and Lore from the Emirati Oral Tradition, Vol. 67 |
Author/Editor: Al-Māyidī ibn Ẓāhir ,Marcel Kurpershoek ,Sultan Alameemi ,Philip F. Kennedy
Lover |
Author/Editor: Harris, Bertha
Loving Justice: Legal Emotions in William Blackstone's England |
Author/Editor: Kathryn D. Temple
Loving to Survive |
Author/Editor: Graham, Dee L.R
Loyalty |
Author/Editor: Levinson, Sanford V.; Woodruff, Paul; Parker, Joel
Luck |
Author/Editor: Margaret Randall ,Barbara Byers
Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Eleanor