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Titles start with T (117) Information
Tajrid sayf al-himmah li-stikhraj ma fi dhimmat al-dhimmah: A Scholarly Edition of 'Uthman ibn Ibrahim al-Nabulusi's Text
Author/Editor: Luke Yarbrough
Take Charge!
Author/Editor: Vinton, John
Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles
Author/Editor: Jan Lin
Talking at Trena's
Author/Editor: May, Reuben A. Buford
The Taming of New York's Washington Square: A Wild Civility
Author/Editor: Erich Goode
Taming Passion for the Public Good
Author/Editor: Kann, Mark E
A Taste for Brown Bodies
Author/Editor: Pérez, Hiram
Tax and Time: On the Use and Misuse of Legal Imagination
Author/Editor: Anthony C. Infanti
Taxing America
Author/Editor: Brown, Karen B.; Fellows, Mary Louise
Teaching What You're Not
Author/Editor: Mayberry, Katherine
Tea Party Women
Author/Editor: Deckman, Melissa
Technologies of Speculation: The Limits of Knowledge in a Data-Driven Society
Author/Editor: Sun-ha Hong
Technomobility in China
Author/Editor: Wallis, Cara
Televised Redemption
Author/Editor: Rouse, Carolyn Moxley; Jackson Jr., John L.; Frederick, Marla F
The Television Will Be Revolutionized, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Lotz, Amanda D
Telling Women's Lives
Author/Editor: Long, Judy
Tell the Bosses We're Coming: A New Action Plan for Workers in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: SHAUN RICHMAN
The Tender Cut
Author/Editor: Adler, Patricia A.; Adler, Peter
Terrorism in American Memory: Memorials, Museums, and Architecture in the Post-9/11 Era
Author/Editor: Marita Sturken
The Terrorist Identity
Author/Editor: Arena, Michael P.; Arrigo, Bruce A
Test Tube Families
Author/Editor: Cahn, Naomi R
That Pride of Race and Character
Author/Editor: Light, Caroline E
That's a Pretty Thing to Call It: Prose and Poetry by Artists Teaching in Carceral Institutions
Author/Editor: Leigh Sugar
Theatrical Liberalism
Author/Editor: Most, Andrea
A Theology of Brotherhood: The Federal Council of Churches and the Problem of Race
Author/Editor: Curtis J. Evans
Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian; Decew, Judith Wagner
Theory of Capital Development
Author/Editor: PAUL M. SWEEZY
Theory of Economic Dynamics: An Essay on Cyclical and Long-Run Changes in Capitalist Economy
Author/Editor: M. Kalecki
The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy
Theory of Women in Religions
Author/Editor: Catherine Wessinger
The Therapeutic State
Author/Editor: Nolan Jr., James L
There Was Nothing There: Williamsburg, The Gentrification of a Brooklyn Neighborhood
Author/Editor: Sara Martucci
They Know Us Better Than We Know Ourselves
Author/Editor: Brown, Bridget
They Left Great Marks on Me
Author/Editor: Williams, Kidada E
The Third Asiatic Invasion
Author/Editor: Baldoz, Rick
The Third Net: The Hidden System of Migrant Health Care, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Lisa Sun-Hee Park ,Erin Hoekstra ,Anthony M. Jimenez
This House of Noble Deeds
Author/Editor: Aufses Jr., Arthur H.; Niss, Barbara
This Is Our School!: Race and Community Resistance to School Reform
Author/Editor: Hava Rachel Gordon
This Muslim American Life
Author/Editor: Bayoumi, Moustafa
This Time We Knew
Author/Editor: Cushman, Thomas; Mestrovic, Stjepan
This Year's Model
Author/Editor: Wissinger, Elizabeth
Thomas Hutchinson and the Origins of the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Walmsley, Andrew Stephen
Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State
Author/Editor: Dreisbach, Daniel
Those Damned Immigrants
Author/Editor: Román, Ediberto; Olivas, Michael A
Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory
Author/Editor: Amin, Samir
Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory
Author/Editor: Amin, Samir
The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of Zionism, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: Marjorie N. Feld
Tierra y Libertad
Author/Editor: Bender, Steven W
The Tie That Binds
Author/Editor: Simpson, Andrea Y
Author/Editor: Elias, Amy; Burges, Joel
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue
Author/Editor: Delany, Samuel R
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue 20th Anniversary Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: SAMUEL R. DELANY,Robert F. Reid-Pharr
Tinker Belles and Evil Queens: The Walt Disney Company from the Inside Out
Author/Editor: SEAN GRIFFIN
Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem
Author/Editor: Breslaw, Elaine G
To Be An American
Author/Editor: Hing, Bill Ong
To Fix or To Heal
Author/Editor: Davis, Joseph E.; Gonzalez, Ana Marta
Author/Editor: Molotch, Harvey; Noren, Laura
The Tolerance Trap
Author/Editor: Walters, Suzanna Danuta
To Live Freely in This World
Author/Editor: Mgbako, Chi Adanna
Tomorrow's Parties
Author/Editor: Coviello, Peter
Torah Queeries
Author/Editor: Drinkwater, Gregg; Lesser, Joshua
To Secure These Rights
Author/Editor: Gerber, Scott Douglas
To Serve and Protect
Author/Editor: Benson, Bruce L
To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race
Author/Editor: Moore, Brenda L
To the Break of Dawn
Author/Editor: Cobb, William Jelani
The Toughest Gun Control Law in the Nation: The Unfulfilled Promise of New York's SAFE Act
Author/Editor: James B. Jacobs,Zoe Fuhr
Tours That Bind
Author/Editor: Kelner, Shaul
Toward a Tenderer Humanity and a Nobler Womanhood
Author/Editor: Knupfer, Anne M.; Silk, Leonard
Toward a Unified Criminology
Author/Editor: Agnew, Robert
Toxic Communities
Author/Editor: Taylor, Dorceta
Toxic Lake: Environmental Destruction and the Epic Fight to Save Onondaga Lake
Author/Editor: Thomas Shevory
Toxic Shock: A Social History
Author/Editor: Sharra L. Vostral
Toxic Town
Author/Editor: Little, Peter C
Trade and Investment in the 1990s
Author/Editor: Sato, Ryuzo; Ramachandran, Rama; Arouson, Myra
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality, Vol. 56
Author/Editor: Jane Ward
Trans-Affirmative Parenting: Raising Kids Across the Gender Spectrum
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rahilly
Transcendent in America
Author/Editor: Williamson, Lola
The Transformation of American Sex Education: Mary Calderone and the Fight for Sexual Health
Author/Editor: Ellen S. More
Transformation of Rage
Author/Editor: Johnstone, Peggy Fitzhugh
Transforming Citizenships
Author/Editor: West, Isaac
Transforming Classes
Author/Editor: Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg
Transforming Criminal Justice: An Evidence-Based Agenda for Reform
Author/Editor: Jon B. Gould ,Pamela R. Metzger
Transgender Intimate Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Introduction
Author/Editor: Adam M. Messinger ,Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz
The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution
Author/Editor: Ann Travers
Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives
Author/Editor: Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz
Transitional Justice
Author/Editor: Williams, Melissa S.; Elster, Jon; Nagy, Rosemary
Author/Editor: Suárez-Orozco, Carola; Abo-Zena, Mona M.; Marks, Amy K
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender
Author/Editor: stef m. shuster
Transnational Adoption
Author/Editor: Dorow, Sara K
Transnational Feminism in the United States
Author/Editor: Fernandes, Leela
Transnational Reproduction
Author/Editor: Deomampo, Daisy
Transnational Torture
Author/Editor: Lokaneeta, Jinee
Transpacific Antiracism
Author/Editor: Onishi, Yuichiro
The Traumatic Colonel
Author/Editor: Drexler, Michael J.; White, Ed
A Treasury of Virtues
Author/Editor: al-Qadi al-Qudai
A Treasury of Virtues
Author/Editor: al-Qadi al-Qudai
Treating Victims of Torture and Violence
Author/Editor: Elsass, Peter
Trial by Jury
Author/Editor: Oldham, James
The Trial of Frederick Eberle
Author/Editor: Baer, Friederike
Trojan Horses
Author/Editor: DuBois, Page
Trotskyists on Trial
Author/Editor: Haverty-Stacke, Donna T
A Troubled Marriage
Author/Editor: Goodmark, Leigh
Troublemakers: Students’ Rights and Racial Justice in the Long 1960s
Author/Editor: Kathryn Schumaker
The Trouble with Snack Time: Children’s Food and the Politics of Parenting
Author/Editor: Jennifer Patico
True Sex
Author/Editor: Skidmore, Emily
Trump in the White House
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy
Trust in Black America
Author/Editor: Nunnally, Shayla C
The Truth about Baked Beans: An Edible History of New England, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Meg Muckenhoupt
The Truth About Freud's Technique
Author/Editor: Thompson, Michael Guy
Trying Cases
Author/Editor: Fales II, Haliburton
Turkey’s European Future
Author/Editor: Tocci, Nathalie
Turkey’s European Future
Author/Editor: Tocci, Nathalie
The Tuskegee Student Uprising: A History, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Brian Jones
TV or Not TV
Author/Editor: Goldfarb, Ronald L
The Twilight of Social Conservatism
Author/Editor: Dombrink, John
Two Arabic Travel Books
Author/Editor: al-Sirafi, Abu Zayd
Two Presidents Are Better Than One
Author/Editor: Orentlicher, David