Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with G (96) | Information |
Gallatin |
Author/Editor: Dungan, Nicholas
Gamer Trouble: Feminist Confrontations in Digital Culture |
Author/Editor: Amanda Phillips
Gaming Sexism: Gender and Identity in the Era of Casual Video Games |
Author/Editor: Amanda C. Cote
The Gang's All Queer |
Author/Editor: Panfil, Vanessa R
Gangsters |
Author/Editor: Yablonsky, Lewis
The Garden Politic: Global Plants and Botanical Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century America |
Author/Editor: Mary Kuhn
Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives (Volume 1) |
Author/Editor: Aryashura
Garland of the Buddha’s Past Lives (Volume 1) |
Author/Editor: Aryashura
Garland of the Buddha's Past Lives (Volume 2) |
Author/Editor: Aryashura
Gay Dads |
Author/Editor: Goldberg, Abbie E
Gay Warriors |
Author/Editor: Burg, B. R
Geek Girls: Inequality and Opportunity in Silicon Valley |
Author/Editor: France Winddance Twine
Geisha of a Different Kind |
Author/Editor: Han, C. Winter
Gendered Community |
Author/Editor: Weiss, Penny A
Gender in Judaism and Islam |
Author/Editor: Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh; Wenger, Beth S
The Gender Line |
Author/Editor: Levit, Nancy
Gender Myths v. Working Realities |
Author/Editor: Beiner, Theresa M
Gender, Psychology, and Justice: The Mental Health of Women and Girls in the Legal System |
Author/Editor: Corinne C. Datchi,Julie R. Ancis
Gender Reckonings |
Author/Editor: Messerschmidt, James W.; Messner, Michael A.; Connell, Raewyn
Genders 22 |
Author/Editor: Berry, Ellen E
The Gender Trap |
Author/Editor: Kane, Emily W
Gender Violence, 3rd Edition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Laura L. O’Toole ,Jessica R. Schiffman ,Rosemary Sullivan
Gender, Violence, and Human Security |
Author/Editor: Tripp, Aili Mari; Ferree, Myra Marx; Ewig, Christina
General Richard Montgomery and the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Shelton, Hal T
The Gentlemen and the Roughs |
Author/Editor: Foote, Lorien
Gershom Scholem and the Mystical Dimension of Jewish History |
Author/Editor: Dan, Joseph
Get a Job |
Author/Editor: Crutchfield, Robert D
Getting Ahead |
Author/Editor: Dominguez, Silvia
Getting in the Game |
Author/Editor: Brake, Deborah L
Getting Over Equality: A Critical Diagnosis of Religious Freedom in America, Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: STEVEN D. SMITH
Getting to the Rule of Law |
Author/Editor: Fleming, James E
Getting Wasted |
Author/Editor: Vander Ven, Thomas
Ghosts of Jim Crow |
Author/Editor: Higginbotham, F. Michael
Gilded Age Cocktails: History, Lore, and Recipes from America's Golden Age |
Author/Editor: Cecelia Tichi
Gilded Suffragists |
Author/Editor: Neuman, Johanna
Girlfighting |
Author/Editor: Brown, Lyn Mikel
Girlhood in the Borderlands: Mexican Teens Caught in the Crossroads of Migration |
Author/Editor: Lilia Soto
Girl Zines |
Author/Editor: Piepmeier, Alison
Giving Up Baby |
Author/Editor: Oaks, Laury
Glen |
Author/Editor: Hendrick, Joshua D Series Title: Default Book Series
Gülen |
Author/Editor: Hendrick, Joshua D
Global Asian American Popular Cultures |
Author/Editor: Dave, Shilpa; Nishime, LeiLani; Oren, Tasha
Global Bollywood |
Author/Editor: Kavoori, Anandam; Punathambekar, Aswin
Global Families |
Author/Editor: Choy, Catherine Ceniza
The Global Flow of Information |
Author/Editor: Subramanian, Ramesh; Katz, Eddan
Global Guyana: Shaping Race, Gender, and Environment in the Caribbean and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Oneka LaBennett
Global Imperialism and the Great Crisis |
Author/Editor: Screpanti, Ernesto
Global Justice Reform |
Author/Editor: Chodosh, Hiram E
Global Mixed Race |
Author/Editor: King-O'Riain, Rebecca C.; Small, Stephen; Mahtani, Minelle
Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Horace
Global Obscenities |
Author/Editor: Eisenstein, Zillah
Global Sustainable Cities: City Governments and Our Environmental Future |
Author/Editor: Danielle Spiegel-Feld ,Katrina Miriam Wyman ,John J. Coughlin
Global TV |
Author/Editor: Bielby, Denise D.; Harrington, C. Lee
God and Blackness |
Author/Editor: Abrams, Andrea C
Godel's Proof |
Author/Editor: Nagel, Ernest; Newman, James R
God Hates Fags |
Author/Editor: Cobb, Michael
God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York's Evolving Immigrant Community |
Author/Editor: Kenneth J. Guest
God is a Conservative |
Author/Editor: Heineman, Kenneth J
The God Market |
Author/Editor: Nanda, Meera
God Mocks |
Author/Editor: Lindvall, Terry
God on the Big Screen: A History of Hollywood Prayer from the Silent Era to Today |
Author/Editor: Terry Lindvall
God's Gangs |
Author/Editor: Flores, Edward Orozco
God's Resistance: Mobilizing Faith to Defend Immigrants |
Author/Editor: Brad Christerson ,Alexia Salvatierra ,Robert Chao Romero ,Nancy Wang Yuen
Golem |
Author/Editor: Barzilai, Maya
Good Eats: 32 Writers on Eating Ethically |
The Good Fight Continues |
Author/Editor: Carroll, Peter N.; Nash, Michael; Small, Melvin
Good Guys, Bad Guys: The Perils of Men's Gender Activism |
Author/Editor: Emily K. Carian
Good Intentions in Global Health: Medical Missions, Emotion, and Health Care across Borders |
Author/Editor: Nicole S. Berry
Gotham Unbound |
Author/Editor: Jacobs, James B.; Friel, Coleen; Raddick, Robert
Governed through Choice |
Author/Editor: Denbow, Jennifer M
Government by Dissent |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert W.T
The Government of Things: Foucault and the New Materialisms |
Author/Editor: Thomas Lemke
Gowanus |
Author/Editor: Alexiou, Joseph
Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna |
Author/Editor: Bagnall, Roger S.; Casagrande-Kim, Roberta; Ersoy, Akin
Graffiti Grrlz: Performing Feminism in the Hip Hop Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón
A Grand Illusion? |
Author/Editor: Judt, Tony
Grandmothers at Work |
Author/Editor: Harrington Meyer, Madonna
Greasers and Gringos |
Author/Editor: Bender, Steven W
A Great Conspiracy against Our Race |
Author/Editor: Vellon, Peter G
The Great Financial Crisis |
Author/Editor: Foster, John Bellamy; Magdoff, Fred
The Green Space: The Transformation of the Irish Image, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: Marion R. Casey
Grief Taboo in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Boker, Pamela A
The Ground Has Shifted |
Author/Editor: Fluker, Walter Earl
Growing a Life |
Author/Editor: Pevec, Illéne
Growing God’s Family |
Author/Editor: Perry, Samuel L
Growing God’s Family: The Global Orphan Care Movement and the Limits of Evangelical Activism |
Author/Editor: Samuel L. Perry
Growing Up Bank Street: A Greenwich Village Memoir, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: Donna Florio
Growing Up Latinx: Coming of Age in a Time of Contested Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Jesica Siham Fernández
Growing Up Queer: Kids and the Remaking of LGBTQ Identity |
Author/Editor: Mary Robertson
Guadalupe in New York: Devotion and the Struggle for Citizenship Rights among Mexican Immigrants |
Author/Editor: Alyshia Gálvez
The Guantánamo Lawyers |
Author/Editor: Hafetz, Jonathan; Denbeaux, Mark P
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now? |
Author/Editor: Dillard, Angela D
A Guide to Civil Procedure: Integrating Critical Legal Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Brooke Coleman ,Suzette Malveaux ,Portia Pedro ,Elizabeth Porter
Guiding God's Marriage: Faith and Social Change in Premarital Counseling |
Author/Editor: Courtney Ann Irby
Gun Crusaders |
Author/Editor: Melzer, Scott
Gun Women: Firearms and Feminism in Contemporary America |