Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with R (124) | Information |
A Rabble in Arms |
Author/Editor: Zelner, Kyle F
Race Against the Court |
Author/Editor: Spann, Girardeau A
Race and Media: Critical Approaches |
Author/Editor: Lori Kido Lopez
Race and the Politics of Deception |
Author/Editor: Mele, Christopher
The Race Card: From Gaming Technologies to Model Minorities |
Author/Editor: Tara Fickle
Race Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Fossett, Judith Jackson
Race, Ethnicity, and Policing |
Author/Editor: Rice, Stephen K.; White, Michael D
Race for Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Jun, Helen Heran
Race in Cuba |
Author/Editor: ESTEBAN MORALES DOMÍNGUEZ,Gary Prevost,August Nimtz
Race in Translation |
Author/Editor: Shohat, Ella; Stam, Robert
A Race So Different |
Author/Editor: Chambers-Letson, Joshua Takano
Race to Revolution |
Author/Editor: Horne, Gerald
Race War! |
Author/Editor: Horne, Gerald
The Race Whisperer |
Author/Editor: Price, Melanye T
Racial Asymmetries |
Author/Editor: Sohn, Stephen Hong
Racial Immanence: Chicanx Bodies beyond Representation |
Author/Editor: Marissa K. López
Racial Indigestion |
Author/Editor: Tompkins, Kyla Wazana
Racial Innocence |
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Robin
Racialized Media: The Design, Delivery, and Decoding of Race and Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Matthew W. Hughey ,Emma González-Lesser
The Racial Mundane |
Author/Editor: Kim, Ju Yon
The Racial Railroad |
Author/Editor: Julia H. Lee
Racial Reconciliation and the Healing of a Nation: Beyond Law and Rights |
Author/Editor: Charles J. Ogletree Jr.,Austin Sarat
Racial Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Wong, Edlie L
Radicalism at the Crossroads: African American Women Activists in the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Dayo F. Gore
The Radical Lives of Helen Keller, Vol. 1 |
Author/Editor: Kim E. Nielsen ,Harvey J. Kaye
Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919 |
Author/Editor: Cal Winslow
Radio Fields |
Author/Editor: Bessire, Lucas
The Rag Race |
Author/Editor: Mendelsohn, Adam D
Raising Brooklyn |
Author/Editor: Mose, Tamara R
Raising Generation Rx |
Author/Editor: Blum, Linda M
Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Theology |
Author/Editor: Harriss, M. Cooper
Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Theology |
Author/Editor: Harriss, M. Cooper
Realist Ecstasy: Religion, Race, and Performance in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Lindsay V. Reckson
Reality TV |
Author/Editor: Murray, Susan; Ouellette, Laurie
Real Knockouts |
Author/Editor: McCaughey, Martha
The Real Price of War: How You Pay for the War on Terror |
Author/Editor: Joshua S. Goldstein
The Reawakening of the Arab World |
Author/Editor: Samir Amin
Rebel Girls |
Author/Editor: Taft, Jessica K
Rebels at the Bar |
Author/Editor: Norgren, Jill
Rebuilding Expertise: Creating Effective and Trustworthy Regulation in an Age of Doubt |
Author/Editor: William D. Araiza
A Recipe for Gentrification: Food, Power, and Resistance in the City |
Author/Editor: Alison Hope Alkon ,Yuki Kato ,Joshua Sbicca
Reconstructing Lenin |
Author/Editor: Krausz, Tamás
Recovery from Addiction |
Author/Editor: Cloud, William; Granfield, Robert
A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism |
Author/Editor: IAN ANGUS
Redefining Fatherhood |
Author/Editor: Dowd, Nancy E
Reemerging Jewish Culture in Germany |
Author/Editor: Gilman, Sander L.; Remmler, Karen
Refining Expertise |
Author/Editor: Ottinger, Gwen
Reflections: The Life and Writings of a Young Blind Woman in Post-Revolutionary France, Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Thérèse-Adèle Husson ,CATHERINE J. KUDLICK ,ZINA WEYGAND
Reframing Randolph |
Author/Editor: Kersten, Andrew E.; Lang, Clarence
Refugee Roulette |
Author/Editor: Ramji-Nogales, Jaya; Schoenholtz, Andrew I.; Schrag, Philip G
Re-Imagining Black Women: A Critique of Post-Feminist and Post-Racial Melodrama in Culture and Politics |
Author/Editor: Nikol G. Alexander-Floyd
Reimagining Equality: A New Deal for Children of Color |
Author/Editor: Nancy E. Dowd
Relation of Virginia: A Boy's Memoir of Life with the Powhatans and the Patawomecks |
Religion and Progressive Activism: New Stories About Faith and Politics |
Author/Editor: Ruth Braunstein,Todd Nicholas Fuist,Rhys H. Williams
Religion and the Creation of Race and Ethnicity |
Author/Editor: Prentiss, Craig R
Religion and US Empire: Critical New Histories |
Author/Editor: Tisa Wenger ,Sylvester A. Johnson
Religion in the Kitchen |
Author/Editor: Pérez, Elizabeth
Religion Is Raced: Understanding American Religion in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Grace Yukich ,Penny Edgell
Religion, Law, USA |
Author/Editor: Joshua Dubler,Isaac Weiner
Religion Morality & the Law |
Author/Editor: Pennock, Ronald; Chapman, John W
Religion Out Loud |
Author/Editor: Weiner, Isaac
Religion, Race, and COVID-19: Confronting White Supremacy in the Pandemic |
Author/Editor: Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas ,Michael Eric Dyson
Relocations |
Author/Editor: Tongson, Karen
Renegade Revolutionary |
Author/Editor: Papas, Phillip
Reorganizing Government: A Functional and Dimensional Framework |
Author/Editor: Alejandro E. Camacho,Robert L. Glicksman
RePresenting Bisexualities |
Author/Editor: Pramaggiore, Maria; Hall, Donald E
Representing the Race |
Author/Editor: Jarrett, Gene Andrew
Representing Youth |
Author/Editor: Best, Amy L
Reproducing Racism |
Author/Editor: Roithmayr, Daria
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth |
Author/Editor: Dána-Ain Davis
Reproductive Rights as Human Rights: Women of Color and the Fight for Reproductive Justice |
Author/Editor: Zakiya Luna
A Republic of Men |
Author/Editor: Kann, Mark E
The Requirements of the Sufi Path: A Defense of the Mystical Tradition |
Author/Editor: Ibn Khaldūn ,Carolyn Baugh ,Devin J. Stewart ,Shawkat M. Toorawa
Researching Gender-Based Violence: Embodied and Intersectional Approaches |
Author/Editor: April D. J. Petillo ,Heather R. Hlavka
A Respectable Woman |
Author/Editor: Dabel, Jane E
Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself |
Author/Editor: Garcia, Lorena
Restricted Access |
Author/Editor: Ellcessor, Elizabeth
Rethinking Community Resilience: The Politics of Disaster Recovery in New Orleans |
Author/Editor: Min Hee Go
Rethinking Democracy: Socialist Register 2018 |
Rethinking Revolution |
Author/Editor: Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg
The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology |
Returns of War: South Vietnam and the Price of Refugee Memory |
Author/Editor: Long T. Bui
Return to the Source: Selected Speeches by Amilcar Cabral |
Author/Editor: Amilcar Cabral
Revoking Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Herzog, Ben; Román, Ediberto
Revolution and Evolution in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: James,Grace Lee Boggs,Grace Lee Boggs
Revolutionary Doctors |
Author/Editor: Brouwer, Steve Brouwer
Revolutionary Medicine |
Author/Editor: Abrams, Jeanne E
A Revolution in Type: Gender and the Making of the American Yiddish Press |
Author/Editor: Ayelet Brinn
Revolutions in the Atlantic World |
Author/Editor: Klooster, Wim
Revolutions in the Atlantic World, New Edition |
Author/Editor: Klooster, Wim
The Revolution Will Be Hilarious: Comedy for Social Change and Civic Power, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Caty Borum
Rhetorics of Insecurity |
Author/Editor: Gambetti, Zeynep; Godoy-Anativia, Marcial
Ricanness: Enduring Time in Anticolonial Performance |
Author/Editor: Sandra Ruiz
A Rich Brew: How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture |
Author/Editor: Shachar M. Pinsker
Righteous Lives |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Kim Lacy
The Rights of Women |
Author/Editor: Lapidus, Lenora M.; Martin, Emily J.; Luthra, Namita
The Right to Be Parents |
Author/Editor: Ball, Carlos A
The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race |
Author/Editor: Baum, Bruce
The Rise of Baptist Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Smith, Oran P
The Rise of Big Data Policing |
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Andrew Guthrie
The Rise of Digital Sex Work |
Author/Editor: Kurt Fowler
The Rise of the Tea Party |
Author/Editor: DiMaggio, Anthony
The Rise of Wisdom Moon |
Author/Editor: Krishna mishra
Risible Rhymes |
Author/Editor: al-Sanhuri, Muhammad ibn Mahfuz
The Road to Abolition? |
Author/Editor: Ogletree Jr., Charles J.; Sarat, Austin
The Robbery of Nature: Capitalism and the Ecological Rift |
Author/Editor: John Bellamy Foster ,Brett Clark
The Rodrigo Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Delgado, Richard
Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons |
Author/Editor: Duncan, Martha Grace
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Volume One |
Author/Editor: Hélène Cuvigny ,Roger S. Bagnall
Rome in Egypt's Eastern Desert: Volume Two, Vol. 13 |
Author/Editor: Hélène Cuvigny ,Roger S. Bagnall
Ron Carey and the Teamsters: How a UPS Driver Became the Greatest Union Reformer of the 20th Century by Putting Members First |
Author/Editor: KEN REIMAN
Root Shock |
Author/Editor: Mindy Thompson Fullilove
A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America |
Author/Editor: Kirsten Fermaglich
The Ruins |
Author/Editor: Farrell, Trace
The Rule of Law |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Rules of Disengagement |
Author/Editor: Cohn, Marjorie; Gilberd, Kathleen
The Rules of Logic, Vol. 99 |
Author/Editor: Tony Street ,Joseph E. Lowry
Run for the Border |
Author/Editor: Bender, Steven W
Russia |
Author/Editor: Dutkiewicz, Piotr; Trenin, Dmitri
Russia and the Long Transition from Capitalism to Socialism |
Author/Editor: Samir Amin
The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce |
Russia's First Modern Jews |
Author/Editor: Fishman, David E.; Funabashi, Yoichi
Rustic Warriors |
Author/Editor: Eames, Steven
Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War Against Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Wieder, Alan