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Titles start with F ( displaying 500 of 539 ) | Information |
Fabricating History |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Barton R
A Fabulous Failure: The Clinton Presidency and the Transformation of American Capitalism, Vol. 155 |
The Face of Nature |
Author/Editor: Tissol, Garth
The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism |
Author/Editor: Dunlop, John B
Faces of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: James C. Klotter,Freda C. Klotter
Faces of Muhammad |
Author/Editor: Tolan, John
The Faces of Terrorism |
Author/Editor: Smelser, Neil J
Faces of the State: Secularism and Public Life in Turkey |
Author/Editor: Yael Navaro-Yashin
Face Value |
Author/Editor: Todorov, Alexander
Facial Growth in the Rhesus Monkey |
Author/Editor: Schneiderman, Emet D
Facing Evil |
Author/Editor: John Kekes
Facing Fear |
Author/Editor: Laffan, Michael; Weiss, Max
Facing the Challenge of Democracy |
Author/Editor: Sniderman, Paul M.; Highton, Benjamin
Facing Up to the American Dream |
Author/Editor: Hochschild, Jennifer L
Fact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation and Reality in the Natural and the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: RICHARD W. MILLER
Factory Girls: Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan |
Author/Editor: E. Patricia Tsurumi
Faculty Retirement in the Arts and Sciences |
Author/Editor: Rees, Albert; Smith, Sharon P
The Failed Welfare Revolution |
Author/Editor: Steensland, Brian
Failing in the Field |
Author/Editor: Karlan, Dean; Appel, Jacob
Failure and Success in America |
Author/Editor: Banta, Martha
Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale |
Author/Editor: Jack Zipes
Fairy Tales for the Disillusioned |
Author/Editor: Schultz, Gretchen; Seifert, Lewis
Faith Communities and the Fight for Racial Justice: What Has Worked, What Hasn't, and Lessons We Can Learn |
Faithful and Fearless: Moving Feminist Protest inside the Church and Military |
Faith in Black Power |
Author/Editor: KERRY PIMBLOTT,Steven F. Lawson,Cynthia Griggs Fleming
Faith in Schools? |
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Ian
Faith in the Fight |
Author/Editor: Ebel, Jonathan H
The Faith of a Heretic |
Author/Editor: Kaufmann, Walter A
The Faith of a Physicist |
Author/Editor: Polkinghorne, John C
The Faith of John Dryden |
Author/Editor: G. DOUGLAS ATKINS
The Faith of Scientists |
Author/Editor: Frankenberry, Nancy K
The Fallacies of Cold War Deterrence and a New Direction, 1 |
Author/Editor: Keith B. Payne
The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Noah
The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Noah
Fallen Tigers: The Fate of America's Missing Airmen in China during World War II |
Author/Editor: Daniel Jackson
Falling Behind? |
Author/Editor: Teitelbaum, Michael S
The Fall of Kentucky's Rock: Western Kentucky Democratic Politics since the New Deal |
Family and Population in 19th Century America |
Author/Editor: Hareven, Tamara K.; Vinovskis, Maris A
Family and Property in Sung China |
Author/Editor: Patricia Buckley Ebrey
Family Growth in Metropolitan America |
Author/Editor: Westoff, Charles F
Family History at the Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Tamara Hareven,Andrejs Plakans
Family in Transition |
Author/Editor: St. Erlich, Vera
The Family Legacy of Henry Clay |
Author/Editor: Lindsey Apple
Family or Freedom |
Author/Editor: Emily West
Family Planning in Japanese Society: Traditional Birth Control in a Modern Urban Culture |
Author/Editor: Samuel Coleman ,Patricia G. Steinhoff
Family Planning in Taiwan |
Author/Editor: Freedman, Ralph; Takeshita, John Y
Family Secrets and the Psychoanalysis of Narrative |
Author/Editor: Rashkin, Esther
Family Tightrope |
Author/Editor: Kibria, Nazli
Family Values |
Author/Editor: Brighouse, Harry; Swift, Adam
Famine: A Short History |
Author/Editor: Cormac Ó Gráda
Fantasies of Salvation |
Author/Editor: Tismaneanu, Vladimir
The Fantastic in Literature |
Author/Editor: Rabkin, Eric S
Fantasy, Forgery, and the Byron Legend |
A Farewell to Alms |
Author/Editor: Clark, Gregory
Farewell to the Party of Lincoln: Black Politics in the Age of F.D.R |
Author/Editor: Nancy J. Weiss
Far from Land |
Author/Editor: Brooke, Michael
Farm and Nation in Modern Japan |
Author/Editor: Havens, Thomas R.H
Farm Families and Change in 20th-Century America |
Farm Labor in Germany, 1810-1945 |
Author/Editor: Wunderlich, Frieda
Farm to Factory: A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution, Vol. 29 |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Allen
Farm Trouble |
Author/Editor: Soth, Lauren
The Faroe Islands |
Fascinating Mathematical People |
Author/Editor: Albers, Donald J.; Alexanderson, Gerald L
Fascinating Rhythm |
Author/Editor: Yaffe, David
The Fascinating World of Graph Theory |
Author/Editor: Benjamin, Arthur; Chartrand, Gary; Zhang, Ping
Fascism in Film |
Author/Editor: Landy, Marcia
The Fascist Persuasion in Radical Politics |
Author/Editor: Gregor, A. James
Fascist Visions: Art and Ideology in France and Italy |
Author/Editor: Matthew Affron ,Mark Antliff
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe |
Author/Editor: ROGER PENROSE
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe |
Author/Editor: Penrose, Roger
Fatal Women: Lesbian Sexuality and the Mark of Aggression |
Author/Editor: Lynda Hart
Fatal Years |
Author/Editor: Preston, Samuel H.; Haines, Michael R
Fat Chance: Diet Mania, Greed, and the Infamous Fen-Phen Swindle |
Fateful Beauty |
Author/Editor: Mao, Douglas
The Fate of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Longino, Helen E
The Fate of Meaning |
Author/Editor: Sheriff, John K
The Fate of Rome |
Author/Editor: Harper, Kyle
Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society |
Author/Editor: Hallett, Judith P
Father Time: A Natural History of Men and Babies |
Author/Editor: Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Faulkner |
Author/Editor: Adams, Richard Perrill
Fault Lines |
Author/Editor: Rajan, Raghuram G
Fault-related Rocks |
Author/Editor: Snoke, Arthur W.; Tullis, Jan; Todd, Victoria R
Faulty Foundations |
Author/Editor: Hunter, Holland; Szyrmer, Janusz M
Faust I & II, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
F.B. Eyes |
Author/Editor: Maxwell, William J
Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death |
Author/Editor: Kierkegaard, Søren
Fearful Symmetry |
Author/Editor: Zee, A
Fearful Symmetry |
Author/Editor: Frye, Northrop
Fearless Symmetry |
Author/Editor: Ash, Avner; Gross, Robert
Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America's Founders |
Feasting With Cannibals |
Author/Editor: Walens, Stanley
Federal Courts in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Tachau, Mary K. Bonsteel
Federal Policymaking and the Poor |
Author/Editor: Rich, Michael J
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis |
Author/Editor: Bernanke, Ben S
Federal Theatre, 1935-1939 |
Author/Editor: Mathews, Jane DeHart
Feedback Systems |
Author/Editor: Aström, Karl Johan; Murray, Richard M
Feeding Gotham |
Author/Editor: Baics, Gergely
Feeding the Ghosts: Poems |
Author/Editor: RAHUL MEHTA
Feeding the World |
Author/Editor: Federico, Giovanni
Fellow Men: Fantin-Latour and the Problem of the Group in Nineteenth-Century French Painting |
Author/Editor: Bridget Alsdorf
Female Acts in Greek Tragedy |
Author/Editor: Foley, Helene P
Female Control: Sexual Selection by Cryptic Female Choice |
Female Labor Supply |
Author/Editor: Smith, James P
The Female Population of France in the 19th Century |
Author/Editor: Van de Walle, Etienne
The Feminine Reclaimed |
Author/Editor: Stevie Davies
Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities |
Author/Editor: Nancy J. Chodorow
Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 |
Feminist Literary Criticism, 2 |
Author/Editor: Josephine Donovan
Feminists, Islam, and Nation |
Author/Editor: Badran, Margot
Fenimore Cooper |
Author/Editor: Railton, Stephen
Ferns, Spikemosses, Clubmosses, and Quillworts of Eastern North America |
Author/Editor: EMILY B. SESSA
Fertility and Family Planning in the United States |
Author/Editor: Whelpton, Pascal Kidder; Campbell, Arthur A.; Patterson, John E
Fertility and Scarcity in America |
Author/Editor: Lindert, Peter H
Fertility Differences in a Modernizing Country |
Author/Editor: Yaukey, David
The Festive Play of Fernando Arrabal |
Author/Editor: Luis Oscar Arata
Fetish, Recognition, Revolution |
Author/Editor: James T. Siegel
The Fetters of Rhyme: Liberty and Poetic Form in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Rebecca M. Rush
Fever |
Author/Editor: Kluger, Matthew J
A Few Honest Words |
Author/Editor: Jason Howard,Rodney Crowell
The Fiction of Relationship |
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Arnold
The Fiction of the Poet |
Author/Editor: Balakian, Anna Elizabeth
Fictions in Autobiography |
Author/Editor: Eakin, Paul John
Fictions of Form in American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Cushman, Stephen
Fictions of the Self, 1550-1800 |
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Arnold
Fiddler Crabs of the World |
Author/Editor: Crane, Jocelyn
Field Effect in Semiconductor-Electrolyte Interfaces: Application to Investigations of Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Surfaces |
Field Guide to Coastal Wildflowers of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe |
Author/Editor: Paul Sterry ,Andrew Cleave
Field Guide to North American Flycatchers: Empidonax and Pewees |
Author/Editor: Cin-Ty Lee ,Andrew Birch
Field Guide to Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the East Coast of North America |
Author/Editor: David A. Ebert ,Marc Dando
Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: David A. Ebert,Marc Dando
A Field Guide to the Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific |
Field Guide to the Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti |
Author/Editor: Steven C. Latta ,Christopher C. Rimmer ,Kent P. McFarland ,Dana Gardner ,Cynthie Fisher ,Barry Kent MacKay ,Tracy Pedersen ,Bart Rulon ,Kristin Will
Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas |
Author/Editor: Peter van der Sleen,James S. Albert,Peter van der Sleen
Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey H. Skevington,Michelle M. Locke,Andrew D. Young,Kevin Moran,William J. Crins,Stephen A. Marshall
A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Tanzania |
Author/Editor: Foley, Charles; Foley, Lara; Lobora, Alex
Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas |
A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia, Vol. 107 |
Author/Editor: Robert Burton ,John Croxall
A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia, Vol. 58 |
Author/Editor: Robert Burton ,John Croxall
Fields of Learning |
Author/Editor: Laura Sayre,Sean Clark,Frederick L. Kirschenmann
Fields of Play in Modern Drama |
Author/Editor: Whitaker, Thomas R
Fieldwork |
Author/Editor: Scholz, Christopher
The Fifth Freedom |
Author/Editor: Chen, Anthony S
Fifth Symposium on the Structure of Low-Medium Mass Nuclei |
Fifty Years of Segregation |
Author/Editor: John A. Hardin
Fighter Pilot |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM R. DUNN,Edward M. Coffman
Fighting for Democracy |
Author/Editor: Parker, Christopher S
Fighting for Status |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Renshon
Fighting for the Speakership |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Jeffery A.; Stewart, Charles
Fighting Jim Crow in the County of Kings |
Author/Editor: Brian Purnell
Fighting over Fidel |
Author/Editor: Rojas, Rafael
Fighting the Cold War |
Fighting Words |
Author/Editor: Greenawalt, Kent
Figural Language in the Novel |
Author/Editor: Saldivar, Ramon
The Figure of Dante |
Author/Editor: Mazzaro, Jerome
Figure of Faust in Valery and Goethe |
Author/Editor: Weinberg, Kurt
Figures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic Change |
Author/Editor: Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz
Filelfo in Milan |
Author/Editor: Robin, Diana
Filibuster |
Author/Editor: Wawro, Gregory J.; Schickler, Eric
Film and the Dream Screen |
Author/Editor: Eberwein, Robert T
Film Essays and a Lecture |
Author/Editor: Eisenstein, Sergei; Leyda, Jay
The Films of Carlos Saura: The Practice of Seeing |
Author/Editor: Marvin D’Lugo
The Films of Theo Angelopoulos |
Author/Editor: Horton, Andrew
The Final Act |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Michael Cotey
Final Matters |
Author/Editor: Borbély, Szilárd
Final Words |
Author/Editor: 578 Men and Women Executed on Texas Death Row,Randall Horton
Finance and the Good Society |
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
Financial and Administrative Organization and Development |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Stanford Jay
Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System |
Author/Editor: Tirole, Jean
Financial Crisis, Contagion, and Containment |
Author/Editor: Desai, Padma
The Financial Diaries |
Author/Editor: Morduch, Jonathan; Schneider, Rachel
Financial Econometrics |
Author/Editor: Gourieroux, Christian; Jasiak, Joann
Financial Economics of Insurance |
Financing the American Dream |
Author/Editor: Calder, Lendol
Finding Equilibrium |
Author/Editor: Düppe, Till; Weintraub, E. Roy
Finding Fibonacci |
Author/Editor: Devlin, Keith
Finding Oneself in the Other |
Author/Editor: Cohen, G. A
Finding the Mean |
Author/Editor: Salkever, Stephen G
Finding the Words: The Education of James O. Freedman |
The Finest Place We Know: A Centennial History of Murray State University, 1922-2022 |
Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces. (AM-7), Volume 7 |
Author/Editor: Halmos, Paul R
Finley Peter Dunne and Mr. Dooley |
Author/Editor: Charles Fanning
Fire Across the Sea |
Author/Editor: Havens, Thomas R.H
Fire in the Dragon and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folklore |
Author/Editor: Géza Róheim ,Alan Dundes
The Fire Is upon Us |
Author/Editor: Buccola, Nicholas
Firepower: How the NRA Turned Gun Owners into a Political Force |
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Lacombe
Firewalking and Religious Healing |
Author/Editor: Danforth, Loring M
The First Amendment, Democracy, and Romance |
Author/Editor: Shiffrin, Steven H
The First Book |
Author/Editor: Zuba, Jesse
The First Cold Warrior |
A First Course in Scientific Computing |
Author/Editor: Landau, Rubin H
The First Crash |
Author/Editor: Dale, Richard
The First Encounter |
Author/Editor: Bely, Andrey
The First Fossil Hunters |
Author/Editor: Mayor, Adrienne
The First Galaxies in the Universe |
Author/Editor: Loeb, Abraham; Furlanetto, Steven R
The First Hundred Years of Mikhail Bakhtin |
Author/Editor: Emerson, Caryl
The First Modern Jew |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Daniel B
First Nights |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Niall
The First Serious Optimist |
Author/Editor: Ian Kumekawa
First Signals |
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
Fiscal Disobedience |
Author/Editor: Roitman, Janet
The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. COCHRANE
Fish Ecology, Evolution, and Exploitation |
Author/Editor: Andersen, Ken H
A Fishing Guide to Kentucky's Major Lakes |
Author/Editor: Arthur B. Lander Jr.
Fishing the Jumps |
Author/Editor: Lamar Herrin
Fit |
Author/Editor: Geddes, Robert
Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of Species (MPB-41) |
Author/Editor: Gavrilets, Sergey
Fits, Trances, and Visions: Experiencing Religion and Explaining Experience from Wesley to James |
Author/Editor: Ann Taves
Five Days in August |
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D
Five Days in August |
Author/Editor: Gordin, Michael D
Five Fictions in Search of Truth |
Author/Editor: Jehlen, Myra
Five Frames for the Decameron |
Author/Editor: Potter, Joy Hambuechen
The Five Habits of Highly Effective Honeybees (and What We Can Learn from Them) |
Author/Editor: Seeley, Thomas D
Five Hundred Years of Chinese Poetry, 1150-1650 |
Author/Editor: Yoshikawa, Kojiro; Wixted, John Timothy
The Five-Million-Year Odyssey: The Human Journey from Ape to Agriculture |
Five New World Primates |
Author/Editor: Terborgh, John
Fixing Frege |
Author/Editor: Burgess, John P
Fixing Social Security: The Politics of Reform in a Polarized Age |
Author/Editor: R. DOUGLAS ARNOLD
Fixing the Climate: Strategies for an Uncertain World |
Author/Editor: Charles F. Sabel ,David G. Victor
The Flame of Eternity |
Author/Editor: Michalski, Krzysztof
The Flaming Sword |
Author/Editor: Thomas Dixon,John David Smith
Flannery O'Connor and the Language of Apocalypse |
Flatheads and Spooneys, 1 |
Author/Editor: Jens Lund
Flatland |
Author/Editor: Abbott, Edwin Abbott
Flaubert and Joyce |
Author/Editor: Cross, Richard K
Flavors from Home |
Author/Editor: Aimee Zaring
The Flavors of Modernity |
Author/Editor: Gian-Paolo Biasin
Flies and Disease |
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Bernard
Flies and Disease |
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Bernard
Flight Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Stengel, Robert F
The Flight from Reality in the Human Sciences |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds: An Illustrated and Photographic Guide |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Cofta,Michal Skakuj
The Flood Year 1927 |
Author/Editor: Parrish, Susan Scott
Florapedia: A Brief Compendium of Floral Lore |
Author/Editor: Carol Gracie ,Amy Jean Porter
Florentine Histories: Newly Translated Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Florentine Magnates |
Author/Editor: Lansing, Carol
Florentine Politics and Society, 1343-1378 |
Author/Editor: Brucker, Gene A
Flowers of the Forest: Plants and People in the New Forest National Park, Vol. 52 |
Author/Editor: Clive Chatters
Flowing Traces |
Author/Editor: Sanford, James H.; LaFleur, William R.; Nagatomi, Masatoshi
Flow of Rarefied Gases |
Flows in Networks |
Author/Editor: L. R. FORD JR. ,D. R. FULKERSON ,Robert G. Bland ,James B. Orlin
Flows in Networks |
Author/Editor: Ford, Lester Randolph; Fulkerson, D. R
Flows on Homogeneous Spaces. (AM-53), Volume 53 |
Author/Editor: Auslander, Louis; Hahn, F.; Green, L
Fluid Metals |
Author/Editor: Hensel, Friedrich; Warren, William W
The Flying Phoenix |
Author/Editor: Jordan, David K.; Overmyer, Daniel L
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky. (From Vols. 10 and 18, Collected Works) |
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R.F.C. HULL
Flying Snakes and Griffin Claws: And Other Classical Myths, Historical Oddities, and Scientific Curiosities |
Fly Me to the Moon |
Author/Editor: Belbruno, Edward
Flyover Country |
Author/Editor: Smith, Austin
The Folds of Olympus: Mountains in Ancient Greek and Roman Culture |
Author/Editor: JASON KÖNIG
Following the Wild Bees |
Author/Editor: Seeley, Thomas D
Following the Wild Bees |
Author/Editor: Seeley, Thomas D
Food and Drug Legislation in the New Deal |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Charles O
Food and Everyday Life on Kentucky Family Farms, 1920-1950, 1 |
Author/Editor: John van Willigen,Anne van Willigen
Food Fights over Free Trade |
Author/Editor: Davis, Christina L
Food Webs and Niche Space. (MPB-11), Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: JOEL E. COHEN
Food Webs (MPB-50) |
Author/Editor: McCann, Kevin S
Football and Philosophy |
Footloose in Jacksonian America |
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Clark
Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels |
Author/Editor: Morris, Ian; Macedo, Stephen
Foraging Kentucky: An Introduction to the Edible Plants, Fungi, and Tree Crops of the Southeast |
Foraging Theory |
For All These Rights |
Author/Editor: Klein, Jennifer
For a Voice and the Vote |
Forbidden Fruit |
Author/Editor: Lebow, Richard Ned
For Brotherhood and Duty |
Author/Editor: Brian R. McEnany
Force and Geometry in Newton's Principia |
Author/Editor: De Gandt, François
The Forces of Economic Growth |
Author/Editor: Greiner, Alfred; Semmler, Willi; Gong, Gang
Ford--A Village in the West Highlands of Scotland |
Author/Editor: John B. Stephenson,Sheena Carmichael
Ford Madox Ford, 1873-1939 |
Author/Editor: Harvey, David Dow
Forecast for Japan |
Author/Editor: Morley, James William
Foreign Aid |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Charles
Foreign Aid |
Author/Editor: Paul Mosley
Foreign Direct Investment |
Author/Editor: Razin, Assaf; Sadka, Efraim
Foreign Friends: Syngman Rhee, American Exceptionalism, and the Division of Korea |
Author/Editor: David P. Fields
Foreign Influences in American Life |
Author/Editor: Bowers, David F
Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany |
Author/Editor: Homze, Edward L
Foreign Policy and Interdependence in Gaullist France |
Author/Editor: Morse, Edward
Foreign Policy and the Bureaucratic Process |
Author/Editor: Bacchus, William I
Foreign Policy and the Developing Nation |
Foreign Policy at the Periphery |
Author/Editor: Bevan Sewell,Maria Ryan
Foreign Policy, Inc. |
The Foreign Powers in Latin America |
Author/Editor: Goldhamer, Herbert
Foreign Relations |
Author/Editor: Gabaccia, Donna R
Foreign Seizures |
Author/Editor: Eugene F. Mooney
The Forest: A Fable of America in the 1830s |
Author/Editor: Alexander Nemerov
Forgers and Critics, New Edition |
Author/Editor: Grafton, Anthony
Forgery and Memory at the End of the First Millennium |
Author/Editor: Levi Roach
Forging American Communism |
Author/Editor: Johanningsmeier, Edward P
Forging the Franchise |
Author/Editor: Teele, Dawn Langan
Forgiveness Work: Mercy, Law, and Victims' Rights in Iran |
Author/Editor: ARZOO OSANLOO
For Honor, Glory, and Union, 1 |
Author/Editor: Ruth C. Carter
For Jobs and Freedom |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Zieger
For King, Constitution, and Country |
Author/Editor: ROBERT R. DOZIER
For Love of the Prophet |
Author/Editor: Salomon, Noah
Formal Verification of Control System Software |
Author/Editor: Pierre-Loïc Garoche
Formation of a Provincial Nobility |
Author/Editor: DeWald, Jonathan
The Formation of Ch'an Ideology in China and Korea |
Author/Editor: ROBERT E. BUSWELL JR.
The Formation of Christendom |
Author/Editor: JUDITH HERRIN
The Formation of Christendom, Vol. 120, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: JUDITH HERRIN
Formation of English Neo-Classical Thought |
Author/Editor: Johnson, James William
The Formation of National Party Systems |
Author/Editor: Chhibber, Pradeep; Kollman, Ken
The Formation of Turkish Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Banu Turnaoğlu
Formations of Belief |
Author/Editor: Nord, Philip; Guenther, Katja; Weiss, Max
The Formative Years of Relativity |
The Form of Greek Romance |
Author/Editor: Reardon, B. P
The Form of the Unfinished |
Author/Editor: Rajan, Ballachandra
Forms |
Author/Editor: Levine, Caroline
Forms of Becoming: The Evolutionary Biology of Development |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Minelli ,Mark Epstein
For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves! |
For Slavery and Union |
Author/Editor: PATRICK A. LEWIS
For the Glory of God |
Author/Editor: Stark, Rodney
For the Many: American Feminists and the Global Fight for Democratic Equality |
The Fortunes of Apuleius and the Golden Ass: A Study in Transmission and Reception, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: Julia Haig Gaisser
Fortune Tellers |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Walter
Forty Minutes to Glory |
Author/Editor: Doug Brunk,Larry Vaught,Tom Leach,Jack Givens,Joe B. Hall
Forward-Looking Decision Making |
Author/Editor: Hall, Robert E
Forward with Patton |
Fossil Legends of the First Americans |
Author/Editor: Mayor, Adrienne
Foundational Essays on Topological Manifolds, Smoothings, and Triangulations. (AM-88), Volume 88 |
Author/Editor: Kirby, Robion C.; Siebenmann, Laurence C
Foundations: How the Built Environment Made Twentieth-Century Britain |
Author/Editor: SAM WETHERELL
Foundations of Algebraic Analysis (PMS-37), Volume 37 |
Author/Editor: Kashiwara, Masaki; Kawai, Takahiro; Kimura, Tatsuo
Foundations of Algebraic Topology |
Author/Editor: Eilenberg, Samuel; Steenrod, Norman
The Foundations of Philosophical Semantics |
Author/Editor: John L. Pollock
Foundations of Social Evolution |
Author/Editor: STEVEN A. FRANK
Foundations of Space-Time Theories |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Michael
Foundations of the Nazi Police State, 1 |
Author/Editor: GEORGE C. BROWDER
Foundations of the Nazi Police State: The Formation of Sipo and SD |
Author/Editor: GEORGE C. BROWDER
Founded in Fiction: The Uses of Fiction in the Early United States |
Author/Editor: Thomas Koenigs
The Founder's Dilemmas |
Author/Editor: Wasserman, Noam
The Founders on Religion |
Author/Editor: Hutson, James H
The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America |
Author/Editor: Lambert, Frank
The Founding Fathers and the Politics of Character |
Author/Editor: Andrew S. Trees
Founding Gods, Inventing Nations |
Author/Editor: McCants, William F
The Founding Myths of Israel |
Author/Editor: Sternhell, Zeev
Founding Visions |
Four Archetypes |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G
Four Colors Suffice: How the Map Problem Was Solved - Revised Color Edition, Vol. 128 |
Four Comedies by Pedro Calderón de la Barca |
Author/Editor: KENNETH MUIR,Ann L. Mackenzie
Fourier Analysis on Local Fields. (MN-15) |
Author/Editor: Taibleson, M. H
Fourier Restriction for Hypersurfaces in Three Dimensions and Newton Polyhedra (AM-194) |
Author/Editor: Isroil A. Ikromov,Detlef Müller
Fourier Transforms. (AM-19), Volume 19 |
Author/Editor: Trust, Salomon; Chandrasekharan, Komaravolu
The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel |
Author/Editor: Plaks, Andrew H
Four Middle English Mystery Cycles |
Author/Editor: Stevens, Martin
Fourteen Points for the Twenty-First Century: A Renewed Appeal for Cooperative Internationalism |
Author/Editor: Richard H. Immerman,Jeffrey A. Engel
The Fourth Dimension |
Author/Editor: Ritsos, Yannis
The Fourth Pig |
Author/Editor: Mitchison, Naomi
The Fourth Pig |
Author/Editor: Mitchison, Naomi
The Foxes of Belair: Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the Quest for the Triple Crown |
Author/Editor: JENNIFER S. KELLY
Fractals in the Natural Sciences |
Author/Editor: Fleischmann, M.; Tildesley, D. J.; Ball, R. C
The Fracture of Meaning |
Author/Editor: DAVID POLLACK
Fragile by Design |
Author/Editor: Calomiris, Charles W.; Haber, Stephen H
A Fragile Power |
Author/Editor: Mukerji, Chandra
Fragmentary Forms: A New History of Collage |
Author/Editor: FREYA GOWRLEY
Framing Authority |
Author/Editor: Crane, Mary Thomas
Framing Democracy |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Jamie Terence
Framing Europe: Attitudes to European Integration in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Juan Díez Medrano
France before 1789: The Unraveling of an Absolutist Regime |
Author/Editor: Jon Elster
France in the Age of the Scientific State |
Author/Editor: Gilpin, Robert
Frances Burney, Dramatist |
Author/Editor: Barbara Darby
France's New Deal |
Author/Editor: Nord, Philip
France's Rhineland Policy, 1914-1924 |
Author/Editor: McDougall, Walter A
France under Napoleon |
Author/Editor: Louis Bergeron ,R. R. PALMER
Francis Bacon |
Author/Editor: Perez Zagorin
Francois Hotman |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Donald R
Frankenstein's Children |
Author/Editor: Morus, Iwan Rhys
Franklin on Franklin |
Author/Editor: Paul M. Zall
Frank L. McVey and the University of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Eric A. Moyen
Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Author/Editor: Stanley Corngold,Jack Greenberg,Benno Wagner,Eric Patton,Ruth Hein
Franz Liszt and His World |
Author/Editor: Gibbs, Christopher H.; Gooley, Dana
Franz Schubert and His World |
Author/Editor: Gibbs, Christopher H.; Solvik, Morten
Fraud |
Author/Editor: Balleisen, Edward J
A Fraught Embrace |
Author/Editor: Swidler, Ann; Watkins, Susan Cotts
Frau Lou |
Author/Editor: Binion, Rudolph
Fréchet Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions and Porous Sets in Banach Spaces (AM-179) |
Author/Editor: Lindenstrauss, Joram; Preiss, David; Tišer, Jaroslav
Frederick the Great's Philosophical Writings |
Author/Editor: Avi Lifschitz,Angela Scholar
Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will |
Author/Editor: KEVIN J. MITCHELL
Freedom and Domination |
Author/Editor: Rustow, Dankwart A.; Attanasio, Salvator
Freedom and Fulfillment: Philosophical Essays |
Author/Editor: Joel Feinberg
Freedom and Its Betrayal |
Author/Editor: Berlin, Isaiah; Hardy, Henry
Freedom and Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Bok, Hilary
Freedom and Solidarity |
Author/Editor: FRED DALLMAYR
Freedom at Risk, 1 |
Author/Editor: CAROL WILSON
Freedom from Fear: An Incomplete History of Liberalism |
Author/Editor: ALAN S. KAHAN
The Freedom Movement's Lost Legacy: Black Abolitionism since Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Keith P. Griffler
Freedom of Association |
Author/Editor: Amy Gutmann
Freedom of Mind and Other Essays |
Author/Editor: Hampshire, Stuart
Freedom of the Individual |
Author/Editor: Hampshire, Stuart
Freedom of the Screen |
Author/Editor: Laura Wittern-Keller
Freedom on the Border |
Author/Editor: Catherine Fosl,Tracy E. K’Meyer
Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals |
Freedom Rights |
Author/Editor: Danielle L. McGuire,John Dittmer
Freedom's Main Line |
Author/Editor: Derek Charles Catsam
Freedom's Orphans |
Author/Editor: Tubbs, David L
Freedom to Offend |
Free Frank, 1 |
Author/Editor: Juliet E.K. Walker
Free Market Fairness |
Author/Editor: Tomasi, John
The Free-Market Innovation Machine |
Author/Editor: Baumol, William J
Freemasonry and American Culture, 1880-1930 |
Author/Editor: Dumenil, Lynn
Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut, 1789-1835 |
Author/Editor: Lipson, Dorothy Ann
Free Men in an Age of Servitude |
Author/Editor: Lee H. Warner
Free Soil |
Author/Editor: Joseph G. Rayback
The Freest Speech in Russia: Poetry Unbound, 1989–2022 |
Free Time |
Author/Editor: Rose, Julie
Free to Be Foolish |
Author/Editor: Leichter, Howard M
Free Trade Reimagined |
Author/Editor: Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
Free Trade Today |
Author/Editor: Jagdish Bhagwati
Free Trade Under Fire |
Author/Editor: Irwin, Douglas A
Free Trade under Fire |
Author/Editor: Irwin, Douglas A
Free Trade under Fire: Fifth Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Douglas A. Irwin
Free Verse |
Author/Editor: Hartman, Charles O
Freight Transportation in the Soviet Union |
Author/Editor: Williams, Ernest William
French Economy and the State |
Author/Editor: Baum, Warren C
French Film Theory and Criticism, Volume 1: A History/Anthology, 1907-1939. Volume 1: 1907-1929 |
Author/Editor: Richard Abel
French Film Theory and Criticism, Volume 2: A History/Anthology, 1907-1939. Volume 2: 1929-1939 |
Author/Editor: Richard Abel
The French Generation of 1820 |
Author/Editor: Spitzer, Alan Barrie
French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Shelby T. McCloy
French Legitimists and the Politics of Moral Order in the Early Third Republic |
Author/Editor: Locke, Robert R
French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, and the Ideology of Culture |
Author/Editor: David Carroll
The French Navy and American Independence |
Author/Editor: Dull, Jonathan R
French Nuclear Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Kohl, Wilfred L
French Peasants in Revolt |
Author/Editor: Margadant, Ted W
French Protestantism and the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: Poland, Burdette Crawford
French Provincial Police and the Fall of the Second Republic |
Author/Editor: Forstenzer, Thomas R
The French Republic under Cavaignac, 1848 |
Author/Editor: De Luna, Frederick A
The French Revolution in Miniature |
Author/Editor: Slavin, Morris
French Revolution of 1830 |
Author/Editor: Pinkney, David H
The French Way |
Author/Editor: Kuisel, Richard F
Freud's Wishful Dream Book |
Author/Editor: Welsh, Alexander
Freud, the Reluctant Philosopher |
Author/Editor: Tauber, Alfred I
Friction |
Author/Editor: Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt
Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection |
Author/Editor: Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of the Soul: A Study of Heroic Individualism |
Author/Editor: Leslie Paul Thiele
Friendly Fire |
Author/Editor: Snook, Scott A
Fringe and Fortune: The Role of Critics in High and Popular Art |
Frog Pond Philosophy |
Author/Editor: STRACHAN DONNELLEY,Ceara Donnelley,Bruce Jennings,Frederick L. Kirschenmann
From a Cause to a Style |
Author/Editor: Glazer, Nathan
From a Philosophical Point of View |
Author/Editor: White, Morton
From Asylum to Community |
Author/Editor: Grob, Gerald N
From Berlin to Baghdad |
Author/Editor: Hal Brands
From Bonaventure to Bellini |
Author/Editor: John V. Fleming
From Caligari to Hitler |
Author/Editor: Kracauer, Siegfried
From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China |
Author/Editor: LIZHI LIU
From Clocks to Chaos: The Rhythms of Life |
Author/Editor: Leon Glass,Michael C. Mackey
From Communion to Cannibalism |
Author/Editor: Kilgour, Maggie
From Communists to Foreign Capitalists |
Author/Editor: Bandelj, Nina
From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia |
From Drawing to Painting: Poussin, Watteau, Fragonard, David, and Ingres, Vol. 47 |
Author/Editor: Pierre Rosenberg
From Dust to Life |
Author/Editor: Chambers, John; Mitton, Jacqueline
From Dust to Life |
Author/Editor: Chambers, John; Mitton, Jacqueline
From Duty to Desire: Remaking Families in a Spanish Village |
Author/Editor: Jane Fishburne Collier
From Economic Crisis to Reform |
Author/Editor: Pop-Eleches, Grigore
From England to France |
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
From Game to War and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folklore |
Author/Editor: Alan Dundes
From Gentlemen to Townsmen |
From Guilt to Shame |
Author/Editor: Leys, Ruth
From Heaven to Earth |
Author/Editor: Ruiz, Teofilo F
From Higher Aims to Hired Hands |
Author/Editor: Khurana, Rakesh
From Hitler to Ulbricht |
From India to the Planet Mars |
Author/Editor: Flournoy, Theodore; Shamdasani, Sonu
From Insurrection to Revolution in Mexico |
Author/Editor: Tutino, John
From Jacobin to Liberal |
Author/Editor: Jullien, Marc-Antoine
From Mae to Madonna, 1 |
Author/Editor: June Sochen
From My Cold, Dead Hands |
From My Life: Poetry and Truth, Part Four. Campaign in France 1792. Seige of Mainz, Vol. 5 |
Author/Editor: Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE ,Robert R. Heitner ,Thomas P. Saine ,Thomas P. Saine ,Thomas P. Saine ,Jeffrey L. Sammons
From My Old Kentucky Home to the White House, 1 |
Author/Editor: Catherine Conner
From Neighborhoods to Nations |
Author/Editor: Ioannides, Yannis
From New Deal Banking Reform to World War II Inflation |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Milton; Schwartz, Anna Jacobson
From Newton's Sleep |
Author/Editor: Joseph Vining
From Pariah to Patriot |
Author/Editor: John G. Gagliardo
From Peoples into Nations: A History of Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: JOHN CONNELLY
From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization |
Author/Editor: Rivasseau, V
From Poliziano to Machiavelli |
Author/Editor: Peter Godman
From Populations to Ecosystems |
Author/Editor: Loreau, Michel
From Prague After Munich |
Author/Editor: Kennan, George Frost
From Protagoras to Aristotle |
Author/Editor: Segvic, Heda; Burnyeat, Myles
From Provinces into Nations |
Author/Editor: Watkins, Susan Cotts
From Red Hot to Monkey's Eyebrow |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Rennick,Linda Boileau
From Religion to Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Cornford, Francis MacDonald
From Ritual to Romance |
Author/Editor: JESSIE L. WESTON
From School to Salon: Reading Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry |
Author/Editor: Mary Loeffelholz
From Scottsboro to Munich |
Author/Editor: Pennybacker, Susan D
From Serf to Russian Soldier |
Author/Editor: Wirtschafter, Elise Kimerling
From Shakespeare to Existentialism: Essays on Shakespeare and Goethe; Hegel and Kierkegaard; Nietzsche, Rilke and Freud; Jaspers, Heidegger, and Toynbee |
From Steam to Diesel |
Author/Editor: Churella, Albert
From Subject to Citizen |
Author/Editor: Hazareesingh, Sudhir
From Subsistence to Exchange and Other Essays |
Author/Editor: Bauer, Peter Tamas
From the Calculus to Set Theory 1630-1910: An Introductory History |
Author/Editor: I. Grattan-Guinness,H. J. M. Bos,R. Bunn,J. W. Dauben,I. Grattan-Guinness,T. W. Hawkins,K. Møller Pedersen
From the Farm to the Table |
Author/Editor: GARY HOLTHAUS
From the Ground Up |
Author/Editor: Grannis, Rick
From the Mountain, From the Valley |
Author/Editor: James Still,Ted Olson
From the Outside In |
Author/Editor: Sparrow, Bartholomew H
From Valor to Pedigree |
Author/Editor: Schalk, Ellery
From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World Role |
Author/Editor: Fareed Zakaria
Frontier Fictions |
Author/Editor: Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh
Frontier in American Literature |
Author/Editor: Fussell, Edwin S
Frontier Kentucky |
Author/Editor: OTIS K. RICE
The Frontier Mind |
Author/Editor: Arthur K. Moore
Frontier Mission |
Author/Editor: Walter Brownlow Posey
Frontiers in Complex Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Bonifant, Araceli; Lyubich, Misha; Sutherland, Scott
Frontiers of Business Cycle Research |
Author/Editor: Thomas F. Cooley