Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with I (473) | Information |
Iaiá Garcia |
Author/Editor: ALBERT I. BAGBY JR.
I Always Knew: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: Barbara Chase-Riboud
I Am You |
Author/Editor: Morrison, Karl F
The I and the Not-I: A Study in the Development of Consciousness |
Author/Editor: M. ESTHER HARDING
Ibn Khaldun |
Author/Editor: Irwin, Robert
Ice Rivers: A Story of Glaciers, Wilderness, and Humanity |
Author/Editor: JEMMA WADHAM
The I Ching |
Author/Editor: Smith, Richard J
Iconography in Medieval Spanish Literature |
The Iconography of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus |
Author/Editor: Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers
I Could Name God in Twelve Ways: Essays |
Author/Editor: Karen Salyer McElmurray
Ida Lupino |
Author/Editor: William Donati
Idea and Act in Elizabethan Fiction |
Author/Editor: Davis, Walter R
Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Blythe, James M
The Idea of a European Superstate |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Glyn
The Idea of a Liberal Theory |
Author/Editor: Johnston, David
The Idea of a Theater |
Author/Editor: Fergusson, Francis
The Idea of Greater Britain |
Author/Editor: Bell, Duncan
The Idea of Prison Abolition |
Author/Editor: TOMMIE SHELBY
The Idea of the Actor |
Author/Editor: Worthen, William B
Ideas and Mechanism |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Margaret Dauler
Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind |
Ideas of Liberty in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Gatti, Hilary
Identity and Control |
Author/Editor: White, Harrison C
Identity and Essence |
Author/Editor: Brody, Baruch A
Identity and Religion in Palestine |
Author/Editor: Lybarger, Loren D
Identity Crisis |
Author/Editor: Sides, John; Tesler, Michael; Vavreck, Lynn
Identity Crisis |
Author/Editor: Sides, John; Tesler, Michael; Vavreck, Lynn
Identity Economics |
Author/Editor: Akerlof, George A.; Kranton, Rachel E
Identity in Democracy |
Author/Editor: Gutmann, Amy
Ideological Profile of Twentieth-Century Italy |
Author/Editor: Bobbio, Norberto
Ideology and International Institutions |
Author/Editor: Erik Voeten
Ideology in the Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Baum, Lawrence
Ideology, Reason, and the Limitation of War |
Author/Editor: Johnson, James Turner
ID Handbook of European Birds |
Author/Editor: Nils van Duivendijk ,Marc Guyt ,AGAMI,James Lidster ,Vincent van der Spek
Idleness |
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Brian
Idolatry and Its Enemies |
Author/Editor: Mills, Kenneth
Idolatry and Representation |
Author/Editor: Batnitzky, Leora
I entered without words: Poems, Vol. 168 |
Author/Editor: jody gladding
If Not, Not |
Author/Editor: Giesey, Ralph E
If You Leave Us Here, We Will Die |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Geoffrey B
Ignaz Seipel |
Author/Editor: Von Klemperer, Klemens
I Hear My People Singing |
Author/Editor: Watterson, Kathryn
Illiberal Reformers |
Author/Editor: Leonard, Thomas C
I'll Tell You What |
Author/Editor: Annibel Jenkins
An Illusion of Equity: The Legacy of Eugenics in Today's Education |
The Illusion of Permanence |
Author/Editor: Hutchins, Francis G
Illustrated Atlas of the Himalaya |
Author/Editor: DAVID ZURICK,JULSUN PACHECO,Basanta Shrestha,Birendra Bajracharya
The Illustrated A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Hovde, Carl F
The Illustrated WALDEN with Photographs from the Gleason Collection |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Shanley, J. Lyndon
Imagery of Sophocles Antigone |
Author/Editor: Robert F. Goheen
Images and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Painting |
Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism |
Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought |
Author/Editor: Deborah Tarn Steiner
Images in Sand |
Author/Editor: Janis Sternbergs
Images of Human Nature |
Author/Editor: Munro, Donald J
The Imaginary Library |
Author/Editor: Kernan, Alvin B
An Imaginary Tale |
Author/Editor: Nahin, Paul J
The Imaginative Argument |
Author/Editor: Cioffi, Frank L
The Imaginative Argument |
Author/Editor: Cioffi, Frank L
The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus |
Author/Editor: VALERIE I. J. FLINT
Imagined Histories |
Author/Editor: Molho, Anthony; Wood, Gordon S
Imagining Language in America |
Author/Editor: Kramer, Michael P
Imagining Otherwise: How Readers Help to Write Nineteenth-Century Novels |
Imagining Virginia Woolf |
Author/Editor: DiBattista, Maria
Imagining War |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Kier
Imago Dei: The Byzantine Apologia for Icons, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: Jaroslav Pelikan ,Judith Herrin
The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750–850 |
Author/Editor: PHILIP WOOD
Immigrant Labor and Racial Conflict in Industrial Societies |
Author/Editor: Freeman, Gary P
Immigrants |
Author/Editor: Legrain, Philippe
Immigration and Freedom |
Author/Editor: Chandran Kukathas
Immorality |
Author/Editor: Milo, Ronald Dmitri
The Immortal Count |
Author/Editor: Arthur Lennig
Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease |
Author/Editor: STEVEN A. FRANK
The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture |
Author/Editor: John Kieschnick
Impact of War on Federal Personnel Administration |
The Impeachment Power: The Law, Politics, and Purpose of an Extraordinary Constitutional Tool |
The Imperative of Integration |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Elizabeth
Imperfect Garden |
Author/Editor: Todorov, Tzvetan
Imperfect Sense: The Predicament of Milton's Irony |
The Imperfect Union |
Author/Editor: Quint, Peter E
Imperial Encounters: Religion and Modernity in India and Britain |
Author/Editor: Peter van der Veer
Imperial Germany and a World Without War |
Author/Editor: Chickering, Roger
Imperialism and Jewish Society |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Seth
Imperialism, Power, and Identity |
Author/Editor: Mattingly, David J
Imperial Japan's Higher Civil Service Examinations |
Author/Editor: Spaulding, Robert M
Imperial Masochism |
Author/Editor: Kucich, John
The Imperial Nation |
Author/Editor: Fradera, Josep
Imperiled Innocents |
Author/Editor: Beisel, Nicola Kay
Impermanent Blackness: The Making and Unmaking of Interracial Literary Culture in Modern America |
Implausible Dream |
Author/Editor: Mittelman, James H
The Implementation of Prolog |
Author/Editor: Boizumault, Patrice
The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the 11th and 12th Centuries |
Author/Editor: Brian Stock
The Importance of Being Civil |
Author/Editor: Hall, John A
The Importance of Being Fuzzy |
Author/Editor: Sangalli, Arturo
The Importance of Feeling English |
Author/Editor: Tennenhouse, Leonard
The Importance of Species |
Author/Editor: Kareiva, Peter; Levin, Simon A
The Imposition of Form |
Author/Editor: Brodsky, Claudia J
The Impossibility of Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers
The Impossibility of Religious Freedom |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers
Impossible? |
Author/Editor: Havil, Julian
Impossible Engineering: Technology and Territoriality on the Canal du Midi |
Author/Editor: Chandra Mukerji
Impossible Individuality |
Author/Editor: Izenberg, Gerald N
The Impossible Observer |
Author/Editor: Robert W. Uphaus
Impossible Subjects |
Author/Editor: Ngai, Mae M
Impossible Subjects |
Author/Editor: Ngai, Mae
The Impression of Influence |
Author/Editor: Grimmer, Justin; Westwood, Sean J.; Messing, Solomon
The Improbable Era |
Author/Editor: Charles P. Roland
The Improvement of Humanity |
Author/Editor: R. R. PALMER
Improving Poor People |
Author/Editor: Katz, Michael B
Improving Public Opinion Surveys |
Author/Editor: Aldrich, John H.; McGraw, Kathleen M
Improvising Out Loud |
Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems |
Author/Editor: Haddad, Wassim M.; Chellaboina, VijaySekhar; Nersesov, Sergey G
In a Different Place |
Author/Editor: Dubisch, Jill
In Amazonia |
Author/Editor: Raffles, Hugh
In an Age of Experts: The Changing Roles of Professionals in Politics and Public Life |
Author/Editor: STEVEN BRINT
In and Out of the Mind |
Author/Editor: Padel, Ruth
In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokohama |
In Capra's Shadow |
Author/Editor: IAN SCOTT
Incentives and Institutions: The Transition to a Market Economy in Russia |
Author/Editor: Serguey Braguinsky,Grigory Yavlinsky
Income and Employment in the Southeast |
Author/Editor: L. Randolph McGee
Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models |
Author/Editor: Bertola, Giuseppe; Foellmi, Reto; Zweimüller, Josef
Incorporating Images |
Author/Editor: Peucker, Brigitte
In Covid's Wake: How Our Politics Failed Us |
Incriminations: Guilty Women/Telling Stories |
Author/Editor: Karen S. McPherson
Indebted |
Author/Editor: Zaloom, Caitlin
Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost |
In Defense of a Political Court |
Author/Editor: Peretti, Terri Jennings
In Defense of the Bush Doctrine |
Author/Editor: ROBERT G. KAUFMAN
Indeterminacy and Society |
Author/Editor: Hardin, Russell
Index and Finding List of Serials Published in the British Isles, 1789--1832 |
Author/Editor: William S. Ward
India |
Author/Editor: Harrison, Selig S
India Abroad: Diasporic Cultures of Postwar America and England |
Author/Editor: Sandhya Shukla
India as a Secular State |
Author/Editor: Smith, Donald Eugene
Indian Nationalism and Hindu Social Reform |
Author/Editor: Heimsath, Charles Herman
Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress |
Author/Editor: McLane, John R
The Indian Ocean Tsunami |
Author/Editor: Pradyumna P. Karan,Shanmugam P. Subbiah,Dick Gilbreath
Indian Security Policy |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Raju G.C
Indian Sex Life: Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought |
Author/Editor: DURBA MITRA
India's Democracy |
Author/Editor: Kohli, Atul
India's Green Revolution |
Author/Editor: Frankel, Francine R
Indifference Pricing |
Author/Editor: Carmona, René
Indigenous Public Health: Improvement through Community-Engaged Interventions |
The Indignant Generation: A Narrative History of African American Writers and Critics, 1934-1960 |
Author/Editor: Lawrence P. Jackson
Individual-based Modeling and Ecology |
Author/Editor: Grimm, Volker; Railsback, Steven F
The Individualists: Radicals, Reactionaries, and the Struggle for the Soul of Libertarianism |
Author/Editor: Matt Zwolinski ,John Tomasi
Individuality and Entanglement |
Author/Editor: Gintis, Herbert
Individual Strategy and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions |
Author/Editor: H. Peyton Young
Indonesia |
Author/Editor: HOWARD W. BEERS
Industrial Concentration and Economic Power in Pakistan |
Author/Editor: White, Lawrence J
The Industrialists: How the National Association of Manufacturers Shaped American Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Jennifer A. Delton
Industrialization and Southern Society, 1877-1984, 1 |
Author/Editor: JAMES C. COBB
Industrialization and Urbanization |
Author/Editor: Rabb, Theodore K.; Rotberg, Robert I
Industrialization Without National Patents |
Author/Editor: Schiff, Eric
Industry Influence in Federal Regulatory Agencies |
Author/Editor: Quirk, Paul J
In Enemy Hands |
Author/Editor: LARRY ZELLERS,John Toland
Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth |
Author/Editor: Claude S. Fischer,Michael Hout,Martín Sánchez Jankowski,Samuel R. Lucas,Ann Swidler,Kim Voss
Inequality, Cooperation, and Environmental Sustainability |
Author/Editor: Baland, Jean-Marie; Bardhan, Pranab; Bowles, Samuel
Inescapable Romance |
Author/Editor: Parker, Patricia A
Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Basile Baudez
Infectious Disease Ecology |
Author/Editor: Ostfeld, Richard S.; Keesing, Felicia; Eviner, Valerie T
Infernal Triad |
Author/Editor: Cullen, Patrick
The Inferno of Dante |
Author/Editor: Margolis, Maxine L
The Infidel and the Professor |
Author/Editor: Rasmussen, Dennis C
The Infinite Desire for Growth |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Daniel
Infinite Loop Spaces (AM-90), Volume 90 |
Author/Editor: Adams, John Frank
Infinity and the Mind |
Author/Editor: Rucker, Rudy
Infinity and the Mind |
Author/Editor: Rucker, Rudy
Inflation Targeting |
Author/Editor: Bernanke, Ben S.; Laubach, Thomas; Mishkin, Frederic S
Influence in Art and Literature |
Author/Editor: Hermeren, Goran
The Influence of Airpower upon History |
Author/Editor: Robin Higham,Mark Parillo,Richard B. Myers
The Influencer Industry: The Quest for Authenticity on Social Media |
Author/Editor: Emily Hund
Information: A Historical Companion |
Author/Editor: Ann Blair ,Paul Duguid ,Anja-Silvia Goeing ,Anthony Grafton
Information and Learning in Markets |
Author/Editor: Vives, Xavier
Information: A Short History |
Information Choice in Macroeconomics and Finance |
Author/Editor: Veldkamp, Laura L
Information Science |
The Inglorious Years: The Collapse of the Industrial Order and the Rise of Digital Society |
Author/Editor: Daniel Cohen ,Jane Marie Todd
In Gold We Trust |
Author/Editor: Gaggio, Dario
In Harm's Way |
Author/Editor: Auyero, Javier; Berti, María Fernanda
In Hawthorne's Shadow |
Author/Editor: Samuel Chase Coale
Inherited Wealth |
Author/Editor: Beckert, Jens
Inheriting Abraham |
Author/Editor: Levenson, Jon D
In Hitler's Munich: Jews, the Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism |
In Hora Mortis / Under the Iron of the Moon: Poems, Vol. 162 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Bernhard ,James Reidel
In Humboldt's Shadow: A Tragic History of German Ethnology |
Author/Editor: H. Glenn Penny
The Injur'd Husband and Lasselia |
Author/Editor: Eliza Haywood,Jerry C. Beasley
Injury |
Author/Editor: Jain, Sarah S. Lochlann
Ink: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Angela Woodward
In My Time of Dying: A History of Death and the Dead in West Africa |
Author/Editor: JOHN PARKER
Innate |
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Kevin J
The Inner Life of Empires |
Author/Editor: Rothschild, Emma
Innocent Abroad |
Innovation and Inequality |
Author/Editor: Saint-Paul, Gilles
Innovation and Its Discontents |
Author/Editor: Jaffe, Adam B.; Lerner, Josh
Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Economic Growth |
Author/Editor: Greenhalgh, Christine; Rogers, Mark
In Our Name |
Author/Editor: Beerbohm, Eric
In Peace and Freedom |
Author/Editor: Bernard LaFayette Jr.,Kathryn Lee Johnson,John Robert Lewis,Raymond Arsenault
In Praise of Good Bookstores |
Author/Editor: JEFF DEUTSCH
In Praise of Poverty |
Author/Editor: Mona Scheuermann
In Praise of Simple Physics |
Author/Editor: Nahin, Paul J
In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio: The Stories, Voices, and Key Insights of the Pioneers Who Shaped the Way We Invest |
In Pursuit of the PhD |
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Rudenstine, Neil L
In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman |
Author/Editor: Cook, William J
In Pursuit of Zeta-3: The World's Most Mysterious Unsolved Math Problem |
Author/Editor: PAUL J. NAHIN
In Quest of the Hero: (Mythos Series), Vol. 143 |
Author/Editor: Otto Rank ,Lord Raglan ,Alan Dundes ,Robert A. Segal
In Quest of the Sacred Baboon |
Author/Editor: Kummer, Hans
In Remembrance of Emmett Till |
Author/Editor: Darryl Mace
In Search of Another Country: Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution, Vol. 63 |
Author/Editor: Joseph Crespino
In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Baron, Hans
In Search of Florentine Civic Humanism, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Baron, Hans
In Search of Israel |
Author/Editor: Brenner, Michael
In Search of Opera |
Author/Editor: Abbate, Carolyn
In Search of Prosperity |
Author/Editor: Rodrik, Dani
In Search of the Causes of Evolution: From Field Observations to Mechanisms |
Author/Editor: Peter R. Grant ,B. Rosemary Grant
In Search of the Good Life |
Author/Editor: FRED DALLMAYR
In Search of the Phoenicians |
Author/Editor: Quinn, Josephine
In Search of the Soul: A Philosophical Essay |
Author/Editor: John Cottingham
In Search of the True West |
Author/Editor: Kingston-Mann, Esther
Insect Hormones |
Insectpedia: A Brief Compendium of Insect Lore, Vol. 8 |
Author/Editor: Eric R. Eaton ,Amy Jean Porter
Insects and Their Beneficial Microbes |
Author/Editor: ANGELA E. DOUGLAS
Insects of North America |
Author/Editor: John C. Abbott ,Kendra K. Abbott
Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890-1940 |
Author/Editor: EWA MORAWSKA
Inshore Fishes of Britain and Ireland, Vol. 33 |
Author/Editor: Lin Baldock ,Frances Dipper ,Charlotte Bolton
Inside China's Grand Strategy |
Inside Comedy: The Soul, Wit, and Bite of Comedy and Comedians of the Last Five Decades |
Inside Greek U. |
Author/Editor: Alan D. DeSantis
Inside Israel's Northern Command |
Author/Editor: Dani Asher
Inside Paradise Lost |
Author/Editor: Quint, David
Inside Relativity |
Author/Editor: Mook, Delo E.; Vargish, Thomas
The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace, Vol. 208 |
Inside the Castle |
Author/Editor: Grossman, Joanna L.; Friedman, Lawrence M
Inside the Critics’ Circle |
Author/Editor: Chong, Phillipa K
Inside the Critics’ Circle: Book Reviewing in Uncertain Times |
Author/Editor: Phillipa K. Chong
Inside the Mind of a Voter: A New Approach to Electoral Psychology |
Author/Editor: Michael Bruter,Sarah Harrison
The Insistence of the Indian |
Author/Editor: Scheckel, Susan
Insomniac Dreams |
Author/Editor: Nabokov, Vladimir; Barabtarlo, Gennady
In Spite of Partition |
Author/Editor: Hochberg, Gil Z
Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems |
Author/Editor: Collet, Pierre; Eckmann, Jean-Pierre
Instability and Non-uniqueness for the 2D Euler Equations, after M. Vishik: (AMS-219), Vol. 215 |
Author/Editor: Dallas Albritton ,Elia Brué ,Maria Colombo ,Camillo De Lellis ,Vikram Giri ,Maximilian Janisch ,Hyunju Kwon
Institutional Change and Globalization |
Author/Editor: John L. Campbell
The Institutional Foundation of Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Shiping Tang
The Institutions of Economic Growth |
Author/Editor: Powelson, John P
Instruments and the Imagination |
Author/Editor: Hankins, Thomas L.; Silverman, Robert J
Insult to Injury |
Author/Editor: Mills, Linda G
Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and Modernity in Brazil |
Author/Editor: James Holston
Insurrections |
Integral Europe |
Author/Editor: Holmes, Douglas R
Integral Pluralism |
Author/Editor: FRED DALLMAYR
Integrated |
Author/Editor: JAMES W. MILLER
Integration |
Author/Editor: McShane, Edward J
Integration of One-forms on P-adic Analytic Spaces. (AM-162) |
Author/Editor: Berkovich, Vladimir G
Intellectual Development of Voltaire |
Author/Editor: Wade, Ira O
Intellectual Experiments of the Greek Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Solmsen, Friedrich
An Intellectual History of Cannibalism |
Author/Editor: Avramescu, Cătălin
An Intellectual History of Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Pierre Manent,Rebecca Balinski,Jerrold Seigel
Intellectual Origins of the French Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Wade, Ira O
Interaction Ritual Chains |
Author/Editor: Collins, Randall
Interest and Prices: Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy |
Interest Groups and Political Development in Turkey |
Author/Editor: Bianchi, Robert
Interest Groups and Trade Policy |
Author/Editor: Gene M. Grossman,Elhanan Helpman
Interest Groups in Italian Politics |
Author/Editor: La Palombara, Joseph
Interest Groups in Soviet Politics |
Interest Rate Models |
Author/Editor: Cairns, Andrew J. G
Interests, Institutions, and Information: Domestic Politics and International Relations |
Author/Editor: Helen V. Milner
The Intermediaries |
Author/Editor: Young, Oran R
Intermediaries in International Conflict |
Author/Editor: Princen, Thomas
Intermediate Structure in Nuclear Reactions |
Author/Editor: Richard H. Lemmer,Leonard S. Rodberg,James E. Young,J. J. Griffin,Alexander Lande,Hugh P. Kennedy,Rudolph Schrils
Intermittent Convex Integration for the 3D Euler Equations: (AMS-217), Vol. 217 |
Author/Editor: Tristan Buckmaster ,Nader Masmoudi ,Matthew Novack ,Vlad Vicol
Internal Migration During Modernization in Late Nineteenth-Century Russia |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Barbara A
International Aid and National Decision |
Author/Editor: Gordenker, Leon
International Aspects of Civil Strife |
Author/Editor: Rosenau, James N
International Conflict and Collective Security |
Author/Editor: WILLARD N. HOGAN
International Ethics: A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader |
Author/Editor: Charles R. Beitz ,Marshall Cohen ,Thomas Scanlon ,A. John Simmons ,LAWRENCE A. ALEXANDER ,CHARLES R. BEITZ ,MARSHALL COHEN ,ROBERT K. FULUNWIDER ,GR
International Finance: Theory into Practice |
Author/Editor: Piet Sercu
The International Human Rights Movement |
Author/Editor: Neier, Aryeh
The International Human Rights Movement: A History, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: ARYEH NEIER
The International Human Rights Movement: A History, Vol. 39, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: ARYEH NEIER
International Incidents |
Author/Editor: Reisman, W. Michael; Willard, Andrew R
International Law and the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: Gould, Wesley L.; Barkun, Michael
International Political Economy: An Intellectual History |
Author/Editor: Benjamin J. Cohen
The International Politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970 |
Author/Editor: Stremlau, John J
International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives |
The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict: Fear, Diffusion, and Escalation |
International System |
Author/Editor: Knorr, Klaus Eugen; Verba, Sidney
International Trade and Political Conflict: Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL J. HISCOX
International Trade and the Tokyo Round Negotiation |
Author/Editor: Winham, Gilbert R
International Trade with Equilibrium Unemployment |
Author/Editor: Davidson, Carl; Matusz, Steven J
An Internet for the People: The Politics and Promise of craigslist |
Author/Editor: Jessa Lingel
The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A History, a Philosophy, a Warning |
Author/Editor: JUSTIN E. H. SMITH
The Internet Trap |
Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Juhl, Peter D
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Author/Editor: Omnès, Roland
Interpreting across Boundaries |
Author/Editor: Larson, Gerald James; Deutsch, Eliot
Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics |
Interpreting Elections |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Stanley
Interpreting Films: Studies in the Historical Reception of American Cinema |
Author/Editor: Janet Staiger
Interpreting Modern Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Collins, James Daniel
Interpreting Political Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Dunn, John
Author/Editor: Wittreich, Joseph Anthony
An Interpretive Introduction to Quantum Field Theory |
Author/Editor: Paul Teller
The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War |
Author/Editor: Kim, Monica
Intertwined Worlds |
Author/Editor: Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava
Intervention and Dollar Diplomacy in the Caribbean, 1900-1921 |
Author/Editor: Munro, Dana Gardner
Intervention in the Caribbean, 1 |
Author/Editor: Bruce Palmer Jr.
Intervention in the Caribbean: The Dominican Crisis of 1965 |
Author/Editor: Bruce Palmer Jr.
Inter/View |
Author/Editor: Mickey Pearlman,Katherine Usher Henderson
In the Beginning Was the Deed |
Author/Editor: Williams, Bernard; Hawthorn, Geoffrey
In the Blood |
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
In the Company of Seahorses, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: Steve Trewhella ,Julie Hatcher
In the Eye's Mind |
Author/Editor: Turner, R. S
In the Footsteps of Audubon |
In the Interest of Others |
Author/Editor: Ahlquist, John S.; Levi, Margaret
In the Land of a Thousand Gods: A History of Asia Minor in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Christian Marek ,PETER FREI ,STEVEN RENDALL
In the Matter of Nat Turner: A Speculative History |
In the Midst of Things: The Social Lives of Objects in the Public Spaces of New York City |
Author/Editor: Mike Owen Benediktsson
In the Moment of Greatest Calamity: Terrorism, Grief, and a Victim's Quest for Justice - New Edition |
Author/Editor: Susan F. Hirsch
In the Public Eye |
Author/Editor: Allen, James Smith
In the Realm of the Diamond Queen: Marginality in an Out-of-the-Way Place |
Author/Editor: Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
In the Shadow of Justice |
Author/Editor: Forrester, Katrina
In the Shadow of Olympus: The Emergence of Macedon |
Author/Editor: Eugene N. Borza
In the Shadow of Power: States and Strategies in International Politics |
Author/Editor: ROBERT POWELL
In the Shadow of Revolution |
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Sheila; Slezkine, Yuri
In the Shadow of the Bomb |
Author/Editor: Schweber, Silvan S
In the Shadow of the Garrison State |
Author/Editor: Friedberg, Aaron L
In the Shadow of the Virgin |
Author/Editor: Starr-LeBeau, Gretchen D
In the Shadow of World Literature |
Author/Editor: Allan, Michael
In the Soviet House of Culture: A Century of Perestroikas |
Author/Editor: Bruce Grant
Intimacy and Exclusion |
Author/Editor: Herzog, Dagmar
Intimate Letters |
Author/Editor: Janácek, Leos
Into the Breach |
Author/Editor: Trezise, Thomas
Into the Great Wide Ocean: Life in the Least Known Habitat on Earth |
Author/Editor: Sönke Johnsen ,Marlin Peterson
Into the Wilderness |
Author/Editor: James J. Holmberg,Phyllis MacAdam
The Intrepid Guerrillas of North Luzon |
Author/Editor: Bernard Norling
Intrepid Laughter |
Author/Editor: ANDREW DICKOS
Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory |
Author/Editor: Baez, John C.; Segal, Irving E.; Zhou, Zhengfang
Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory. (AM-72), Volume 72 |
Author/Editor: Milnor, John
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry |
Author/Editor: Jacob, Daniel J
An Introduction to Benford's Law |
Author/Editor: Berger, Arno; Hill, Theodore P
An Introduction to Black Studies |
Author/Editor: Eric R. Jackson
An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis |
Author/Editor: Riordan, John
Introduction to Differential Equations with Dynamical Systems |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Stephen L.; Haberman, Richard
Introduction to Differential Geometry |
Author/Editor: Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler
An Introduction to Econometric Theory |
Author/Editor: Gallant, A. Ronald
Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces (PMS-32), Volume 32 |
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M.; Weiss, Guido
An Introduction to G-Functions. (AM-133), Volume 133 |
Author/Editor: Dwork, Bernard; Gerotto, Giovanni; Sullivan, Francis J
Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups. (MN-23) |
Author/Editor: Silberger, Allan G
Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law |
Author/Editor: IGNAZ GOLDZIHER ,Andras Hamori ,Ruth Hamori ,Bernard Lewis
Introduction to Jungian Psychology |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; McGuire, William
An Introduction to Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space. (AM-4), Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Murray, Francis Joseph
An Introduction to Materials Science |
Author/Editor: González-Viñas, Wenceslao; Mancini, Héctor L
An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics |
Author/Editor: Dean Corbae ,Maxwell B. Stinchcombe ,Juraj Zeman
Introduction to Mathematical Logic (PMS-13), Volume 13 |
Author/Editor: Church, Alonzo
Introduction to Mathematical Sociology |
Author/Editor: Phillip Bonacich ,Philip Lu
An Introduction to Methods and Models in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology |
Author/Editor: Braude, Stanton; Low, Bobbi S
Introduction to Modeling Convection in Planets and Stars |
Author/Editor: Glatzmaier, Gary A
Introduction to Modern Arabic |
Introduction to Non-Linear Mechanics. (AM-11), Volume 11 |
Author/Editor: Krylov, Nikolai Mitrofanovich; Bogoliubov, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: GERALD B. FOLLAND
Introduction to Ramsey Spaces (AM-174) |
Author/Editor: Todorcevic, Stevo
An Introduction to the Music of Milton Babbitt |
Author/Editor: Mead, Andrew
Introduction to the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains |
Author/Editor: William J. Stewart
Introduction to Topology |
Author/Editor: Lefschetz, Solomon
Introduction to Toric Varieties. (AM-131), Volume 131 |
Author/Editor: Fulton, William
An Introduction to X-Ray Physics, Optics, and Applications |
Author/Editor: MacDonald, Carolyn
Introductory Lectures on Automorphic Forms |
Author/Editor: Baily, Walter L
Invariance Principles and Elementary Particles |
Author/Editor: Sakurai, Jun John
Invariant Forms on Grassmann Manifolds. (AM-89), Volume 89 |
Author/Editor: Stoll, Wilhelm
The Invasion from Mars |
Author/Editor: Cantril, Hadley
Inventing Equal Opportunity |
Author/Editor: Dobbin, Frank
Inventing Falsehood, Making Truth |
Author/Editor: Bull, Malcolm
Inventing Maternity |
Author/Editor: Susan C. Greenfield,Carol Barash
Inventing the "Great Awakening" |
Author/Editor: Frank Lambert
Inventing the Job of President |
Author/Editor: Greenstein, Fred I
The Invention of Enterprise |
Author/Editor: Landes, David S.; Mokyr, Joel; Baumol, William J
The Invention of International Order: Remaking Europe after Napoleon |
Author/Editor: Glenda Sluga
The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Isaac, Benjamin
The Invention of Religion |
Author/Editor: Assmann, Jan
Inventions of Nemesis: Utopia, Indignation, and Justice |
Author/Editor: DOUGLAS MAO
The Invertebrate Tree of Life |
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Giribet,Gregory D. Edgecombe
Investigating Families: Motherhood in the Shadow of Child Protective Services |
Author/Editor: KELLEY FONG
Investigating the President |
Author/Editor: Kriner, Douglas L.; Schickler, Eric
Investment Decisions in Small Business |
Author/Editor: MARTIN B. SOLOMON JR.
Investment under Uncertainty |
Author/Editor: Dixit, Robert K.; Pindyck, Robert S
Investors and Markets |
Author/Editor: Sharpe, William F
The Invisible Hand in Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Cantor
The Invisible Hand of Planning |
Author/Editor: Alchon, Guy
The Invisible Hook |
Author/Editor: Leeson, Peter T
Invisible in the Storm |
Author/Editor: Roulstone, Ian; Norbury, John
Invisible Listeners |
Author/Editor: Vendler, Helen
The Invisible Minority |
The Invisible Safety Net |
Author/Editor: Currie, Janet M
The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope |
Author/Editor: Catherine Wilson
An Invitation to Modern Number Theory |
Author/Editor: Steven J. Miller,Ramin Takloo-Bighash
The Inward Turn of Narrative |
Author/Editor: ERICH KAHLER,Richard Winston,Clara Winston,Joseph Frank
In-Your-Face Politics |
Author/Editor: Mutz, Diana C
Ioláni; or, Tahíti as It Was |
Author/Editor: Collins, Wilkie; Nadel, Ira B
Iran Between Two Revolutions |
Author/Editor: Ervand Abrahamian
The Iranian Metaphysicals |
Author/Editor: Doostdar, Alireza
Iran, Past and Present |
Author/Editor: Wilber, Donald Newton
Iran Rising |
Author/Editor: Saikal, Amin
Iraq |
Author/Editor: Dawisha, Adeed
Iraq |
Author/Editor: Dawisha, Adeed
Ireland's Immortals |
Author/Editor: Williams, Mark
Irish Nationalists and the Making of the Irish Race |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Bruce
The Irish Play on the New York Stage, 1874-1966, 1 |
Author/Editor: John P. Harrington
The Irish Question, 2 |
Author/Editor: Lawrence J. McCaffrey
The Irish Question: Two Centuries of Conflict, Ed. 2 |
Author/Editor: Lawrence J. McCaffrey
The Irish Triangle |
Author/Editor: Hull, Roger H
The Irish Voice in America, 2 |
Author/Editor: Charles Fanning
Irish Women Writers, 1 |
Iron and Steel in the German Inflation, 1916-1923 |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Gerald D
Irrational Exuberance |
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
Irrational Exuberance |
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
Irrationality |
Author/Editor: Smith, Justin E. H
The Irrationals |
Author/Editor: Havil, Julian
The Irrationals: A Story of the Numbers You Can't Count On, Vol. 134 |
Author/Editor: Julian Havil ,Andrew Granville
The Irresistible Fairy Tale |
Author/Editor: Zipes, Jack
Irvin S. Cobb |
Author/Editor: William E. Ellis
Isabella Stewart Gardner: A Life |
Isaiah Berlin: An Interpretation of His Thought |
Author/Editor: JOHN GRAY
Is America Breaking Apart? |
I Say the Sky: Poems |
Author/Editor: NADIA COLBURN
Is Democracy Possible Here? |
Author/Editor: Dworkin, Ronald
Isfahan Is Half the World |
Author/Editor: Jamalzadeh, Sayyed Mohammed Ali; Heston, W
Author/Editor: Gerges, Fawaz A
ISIS: A History, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: FAWAZ A. GERGES
Islam |
Author/Editor: Peters, F. E
Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran |
Author/Editor: Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Islam and Mammon |
Author/Editor: Kuran, Timur
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy |
Author/Editor: Abou El Fadl, Khaled; Cohen, Joshua; Chasman, Deborah
Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry - Revised Edition |
Islamic Modern |
Author/Editor: Peletz, Michael G
Islamic Political Ethics |
Author/Editor: Hashmi, Sohail H
Islamic Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Bowering, Gerhard
Islamic Revival in British India |
Author/Editor: Metcalf, Barbara D
The Islamic Syncretistic Tradition in Bengal |
Author/Editor: Roy, Asim
Islam in Pakistan |
Author/Editor: Zaman, Muhammad Qasim
Islam in South Asia in Practice |
Author/Editor: Metcalf, Barbara D
Islamism and Democracy in India |
Author/Editor: Ahmad, Irfan
Islam Under the Crusaders |
Author/Editor: Burns, Robert Ignatius
The Island of Happiness: Tales of Madame d'Aulnoy |
Author/Editor: Natalie Frank ,Jack Zipes
Island of Shame |
Author/Editor: Vine, David
Islands of Order: A Guide to Complexity Modeling for the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: J. Stephen Lansing,Murray P. Cox,Michael R. Dove
Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? |
Author/Editor: Okin, Susan Moller; Cohen, Joshua; Howard, Matthew
Isolationism Reconfigured |
Author/Editor: Nordlinger, Eric
Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics. (AM-27), Volume 27 |
Author/Editor: Polya, G.; Szegö, G
Is Pluto a Planet? |
Author/Editor: Weintraub, David A
The Israeli Economy: A Story of Success and Costs, Vol. 111 |
Author/Editor: Joseph Zeira
Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics |
Is the Temperature Rising? |
Author/Editor: Philander, S. George
Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892 |
Author/Editor: Pernicone, Nunzio
The Italian Executioners |
Author/Editor: Levis Sullam, Simon
Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship |
Author/Editor: Gregor, A. James
Italian Film in the Light of Neorealism |
Italian Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Chabod, Federico
Italian Intervention in the Spanish Civil War |
Author/Editor: Coverdale, John F
Italian Literary Icons |
Author/Editor: Biasin, Gian-Paolo
The Italian Madrigal |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Alfred
The Italian Madrigal |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Alfred; Sessions, Roger; Strunk, Oliver
The Italian Madrigal |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Alfred
It All Happened in Renfro Valley, 1 |
Author/Editor: PETE STAMPER
Italo Calvino |
Author/Editor: Calvino, Italo
Itinerant Ambassador |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Brown,A. L. Rowse
It's About Time |
Author/Editor: Mermin, N. David
It Seems to Me |
Author/Editor: Leonard C. Schlup,Donald W. Whisenhunt
It's Only a Movie! |
Author/Editor: Raymond J. Haberski Jr.
It's the Cowboy Way!, 1 |
Author/Editor: Don Cusic
It Takes a Nation |
Author/Editor: Blank, Rebecca M
Iuzovka and Revolution, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Friedgut, Theodore H
Iuzovka and Revolution, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Theodore H. Friedgut
I Was Working: Poems |
Author/Editor: ARIEL YELEN
I Wonder as I Wander |