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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M ( displaying 500 of 693 ) | Information |
The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World |
Author/Editor: Loring M. Danforth
The Machiavellian Moment |
Author/Editor: Pocock, John Greville Agard
The Machiavellian Moment |
Author/Editor: Pocock, John Greville Agard
Machiavellian Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Victoria
Machiavelli's Ethics |
Author/Editor: Benner, Erica
Machiavelli's God |
Author/Editor: Viroli, Maurizio
The Machine Has a Soul: American Sympathy with Italian Fascism |
Author/Editor: KATY HULL
Machine Learning in Asset Pricing |
Author/Editor: Stefan Nagel
A Machine to Make a Future |
Author/Editor: Rabinow, Paul; Dan-Cohen, Talia
Macroeconomics and Financial Crises: Bound Together by Information Dynamics |
Macroeconomic Theory |
Author/Editor: Wickens, Michael
The Macropolitics of Congress |
Author/Editor: Adler, E. Scott; Lapinski, John S
Madam Belle |
Author/Editor: MARYJEAN WALL
Madame le Professeur |
Author/Editor: Jo Burr Margadant
Madeline McDowell Breckinridge and the Battle for a New South |
Author/Editor: Melba Porter Hay,Marjorie Julian Spruill
Made to Measure: New Materials for the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Philip Ball
Made with Words |
Author/Editor: Pettit, Philip
Madison's Advice to My Country |
Author/Editor: Koch, Adrienne
Mad Loves |
Author/Editor: Hadlock, Heather
Madness and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Gauchet, Marcel; Swain, Gladys
Madness in Civilization |
Author/Editor: Scull, Andrew
Madness in Literature |
Author/Editor: LILLIAN FEDER
Mae Murray |
Author/Editor: Michael G. Ankerich,Kevin Brownlow
Mafias on the Move |
Author/Editor: Varese, Federico
Magazines and the Making of America |
Author/Editor: Haveman, Heather A
Magical Mathematics |
Author/Editor: Diaconis, Persi; Graham, Ron
Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds |
Author/Editor: GEORGE W. HUDLER
The Magic Hours: The Films and Hidden Life of Terrence Malick |
Magic in the Web |
Author/Editor: ROBERT B. HEILMAN
Magnetic Ions in Crystals |
Author/Editor: Stevens, K. W
Magnetic Reconnection: A Modern Synthesis of Theory, Experiment, and Observations, Vol. 61 |
Author/Editor: Masaaki Yamada
Maimonides |
Author/Editor: Halbertal, Moshe
Maimonides in His World |
Author/Editor: Stroumsa, Sarah
The Maine Woods |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry David; Moldenhauer, Joseph J
Maintaining and Restoring Balance in International Trade |
Author/Editor: Machlup, Fritz; Fellner, William; Triffin, Robert
Major Lyricists of the Northern Sung |
Author/Editor: Liu, James J.Y
Makers of Ancient Strategy |
Author/Editor: Hanson, Victor Davis
Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age |
Author/Editor: Paret, Peter; Craig, Gordon A.; Gilbert, Felix
Makeshift Altar: Poems |
Author/Editor: AMY M. ALVAREZ
Make Way for Her |
Author/Editor: Katie Cortese,Lisa Williams
Making a Good Life |
Author/Editor: Dow, Katharine
Making a Match |
Author/Editor: Cook, Ann Jennalie
Making and Breaking Mathematical Sense |
Author/Editor: Roi Wagner
Making and Marketing Arms |
Author/Editor: Kolodziej, Edward A
Making Bourbon: A Geographical History of Distilling in Nineteenth-Century Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Karl Raitz
Making Christians: Clement of Alexandria and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy |
Making Cities Work |
Author/Editor: Inman, Robert
Making Democracy Work |
Author/Editor: Putnam, Robert D.; Leonardi, Robert; Nanetti, Raffaella Y
Making Good Communities Better, 2 |
Author/Editor: IRWIN T. SANDERS
Making Heretics |
Author/Editor: Winship, Michael P
Making Human Rights a Reality |
Author/Editor: Hafner-Burton, Emilie M
Making It Count: Statistics and Statecraft in the Early People's Republic of China |
Author/Editor: ARUNABH GHOSH
Making Men |
Author/Editor: Gleason, Maud W
Making Mice |
Author/Editor: Rader, Karen
Making Money in the Early Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Rory Naismith
Making Motherhood Work |
Author/Editor: Collins, Caitlyn
Making Multicandidate Elections More Democratic |
Author/Editor: Merrill, Samuel
The Making of an Arab Nationalist |
Author/Editor: Cleveland, William L
The Making of an Economist, Redux |
Author/Editor: Colander, David
The Making of Barbarians: Chinese Literature and Multilingual Asia, Vol. 49 |
Author/Editor: HAUN SAUSSY
The Making of British Socialism |
Author/Editor: Bevir, Mark
The Making of Colonial Lucknow, 1856-1877 |
Author/Editor: Oldenburg, Veena Talwar
The Making of Martin Luther |
Author/Editor: Rex, Richard
The Making of Modern Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Ryan, Alan
The Making of Princeton University: From Woodrow Wilson to the Present |
Author/Editor: James Axtell
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy |
Author/Editor: Bresson, Alain
The Making of the Cold War Enemy |
Author/Editor: Robin, Ron Theodore
The Making of the Magdalen |
Author/Editor: Jansen, Katherine Ludwig
The Making of the Medieval Middle East |
Author/Editor: Jack Tannous
The Making of the Modern Muslim State: Islam and Governance in the Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 90 |
Author/Editor: MALIKA ZEGHAL
The Making of Urban America: A History of City Planning in the United States |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. REPS
Making Peace |
Author/Editor: Kent, Susan Kingsley
Making Peace with the 60s |
Author/Editor: DAVID BURNER
Making Sense of War |
Author/Editor: Weiner, Amir
Making Silence Speak |
Author/Editor: Lardinois, André; McClure, Laura
The Makings of Indonesian Islam |
Author/Editor: Laffan, Michael
Making the Arab World |
Author/Editor: Gerges, Fawaz A
Making the Body Beautiful: A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery |
Author/Editor: Sander L. Gilman
Making the Cut: Hiring Decisions, Bias, and the Consequences of Nonstandard, Mismatched, and Precarious Employment |
Author/Editor: David S. Pedulla
Making the Modern Reader |
Author/Editor: Benedict, Barbara M
Making Up Your Own Mind |
Author/Editor: Burger, Edward B
Making Volunteers |
Author/Editor: Eliasoph, Nina
Making War and Building Peace |
Author/Editor: Doyle, Michael W.; Sambanis, Nicholas
Making War at Fort Hood |
Author/Editor: MacLeish, Kenneth T
Making Waste |
Author/Editor: Gee, Sophie
Malinowski and the Work of Myth |
Author/Editor: Strenski, Ivan
Mambu |
Author/Editor: Burridge, Kenelm
Mammals of China |
Author/Editor: Smith, Andrew T.; Xie, Yan
Mammals Of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Roger W. Barbour,Wayne H. Davis
Mammals of North America |
Author/Editor: Kays, Roland W.; Wilson, Don E
Mammoth Cave Curiosities |
Mammoth Cave National Park |
Author/Editor: RAYMOND KLASS,Ronald R. Switzer
Mamoulian |
Author/Editor: David Luhrssen
The Management of Hate |
Author/Editor: Shoshan, Nitzan
Managing Egypt's Poor and the Politics of Benevolence, 1800-1952 |
Author/Editor: Ener, Mine
Managing Medical Authority: How Doctors Compete for Status and Create Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Menchik
Managing Mexico |
Author/Editor: Babb, Sarah
Managing Risk in Developing Countries |
Author/Editor: Samuels, Barbara C
Managing the President's Program |
Author/Editor: Rudalevige, Andrew
Man and Water |
Author/Editor: L. Douglas James
Mandala Symbolism |
Author/Editor: C. G. JUNG,R. F. C. HULL
Mandeville’s Fable: Pride, Hypocrisy, and Sociability |
Man-Devil: The Mind and Times of Bernard Mandeville, the Wickedest Man in Europe |
Author/Editor: John Callanan
Manet: A Model Family |
Author/Editor: Diana Seave Greenwald ,Hilton Als ,Emily A. Beeny ,Adrienne Chaparro ,Aimee Marcereau DeGalan ,Kathryn Kremnitzer ,Nancy Locke ,Gianfranco Pocobene
The Man from Porlock |
The Manhattan Cocktail |
Author/Editor: Albert W. A. Schmid
The Manhattan Nobody Knows |
Author/Editor: Helmreich, William B
Manhunts |
Author/Editor: Chamayou, Grégoire
The Maniac in the Cellar |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Winifred
The Man I Pretend to Be |
Author/Editor: Gozzano, Guido
Manpower Planning in a Free Society |
Author/Editor: Lester, Richard Allen
Manufacturing Ideology |
Author/Editor: Tsutsui, William M
Manufacturing Miracles |
Author/Editor: Gereffi, Gary; Wyman, Donald L
The Man Who Loved Birds |
The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus |
Author/Editor: Gunnar Broberg ,Anna Paterson
The Man Who Saved Geometry: The Multidimensional Mind of Donald Coxeter |
Author/Editor: SIOBHAN ROBERTS ,Douglas R. Hofstadter
The Man Who Understood Democracy: The Life of Alexis de Tocqueville |
Author/Editor: Olivier Zunz
The Many and the One |
Author/Editor: Madsen, Richard; Strong, Tracy B
The Many Deaths of Jew Süss |
Author/Editor: Yair Mintzker
Many-Storied House |
Author/Editor: George Ella Lyon
The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Author/Editor: Dewitt, Bryce Seligman; Graham, Neill
Mapping Literary Modernism |
Author/Editor: Quinones, Ricardo J
Mappings |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Susan Stanford
Mapping St. Petersburg |
Author/Editor: Buckler, Julie A
Mapping the Transnational World: How We Move and Communicate across Borders, and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Emanuel Deutschmann
Margaret Cavendish and the Exiles of the Mind, 1 |
Author/Editor: Anna Battigelli
Margaret Mead |
Author/Editor: Lutkehaus, Nancy C
The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History |
Author/Editor: BOB PERELMAN
Margins and Metropolis |
Author/Editor: Herrin, Judith
Marianne Moore |
Author/Editor: Stapleton, Laurence
Maria Theresa: The Habsburg Empress in Her Time |
Marie Dressler |
Author/Editor: Betty Lee
The Marine World: A Natural History of Ocean Life |
Author/Editor: FRANCES DIPPER ,Marc Dando
The Market Approach to Education |
Author/Editor: Witte, John F
Market Demand |
Author/Editor: Hildenbrand, Werner
The Market for Skill: Apprenticeship and Economic Growth in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Patrick Wallis
Marketing Modernism in Fin-de-Siècle Europe |
Author/Editor: Robert Jensen
Market Rebels |
Author/Editor: Rao, Hayagreeva
Markets from Networks |
Author/Editor: White, Harrison C
Market Threads |
Author/Editor: Çalişkan, Koray
Marking Time |
Author/Editor: Rabinow, Paul
Mark of the Beast |
Markov Processes from K. Itô's Perspective (AM-155) |
Author/Editor: Stroock, Daniel W
Mark Twain and the Bible |
Author/Editor: Allison Ensor
Mark Twain and the Community |
Author/Editor: Thomas Blues
Mark Twain And The South, 1 |
Author/Editor: Arthur G. Pettit
Mark Twain's Civil War |
Author/Editor: Mark Twain,David Rachels
Marriage and Fertility |
Author/Editor: Rabb, Theodore K.; Rotberg, Robert I
Marriage on the Border: Love, Mutuality, and Divorce in the Upper South during the Civil War |
Author/Editor: Allison Dorothy Fredette
Marriage to Death |
Author/Editor: RUSH REHM
Marrow: Poems |
Author/Editor: darlene anita scott
Marshall's Great Captain: Lieutenant General Frank M. Andrews and Air Power in the World Wars |
Author/Editor: Kathy Wilson
Martin van Buren and the American Political System |
Author/Editor: Cole, Donald B
Martín López |
Author/Editor: C. Harvey Gardiner
Martyrs and Tricksters |
Author/Editor: Armbrust, Walter
Marxism and Form |
Marxism and the Crisis of Development in Prewar Japan |
Author/Editor: Hoston, Germaine A
Marxism, Morality, and Social Justice |
Author/Editor: Peffer, Rodney G
The Marxist and the Movies |
Author/Editor: LARRY CEPLAIR
Marx, Justice and History |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Marshall
Marx's Inferno |
Author/Editor: Roberts, William Clare
Mary Pickford |
Author/Editor: Christel Schmidt
Masada |
Author/Editor: Magness, Jodi
Author/Editor: Otto F. Apel Jr.,Pat Apel
The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature |
Author/Editor: Noble, Marianne
Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens |
Author/Editor: Ober, Josiah
Mass Flourishing |
Author/Editor: Phelps, Edmund S
The Master Architects |
Author/Editor: Richard Hume Werking
The Master Equation and the Convergence Problem in Mean Field Games |
Author/Editor: Cardaliaguet, Pierre; Delarue, François; Lasry, Jean-Michel
Master of Modern Physics: The Scientific Contributions of H. A. Kramers |
Author/Editor: D. TER HAAR
Masters and Slaves in the House of the Lord, 1 |
Author/Editor: John B. Boles
Masters of Bedlam |
Author/Editor: Scull, Andrew; MacKenzie, Charlotte; Hervey, Nicholas
Masters of Craft |
Author/Editor: RICHARD E. OCEJO
Masters of the Universe |
Author/Editor: Stedman Jones, Daniel
The Match Girl and the Heiress |
Author/Editor: Koven, Seth
Matching with Transfers |
Author/Editor: Pierre-André Chiappori
Mate Choice |
Author/Editor: Gil G. Rosenthal
Mate Choice in Plants (MPB-19), Volume 19: Tactics, Mechanisms, and Consequences. (MPB-19) |
Math Bytes |
Author/Editor: Chartier, Tim P
Mathematical Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Problems in Complex Media Electromagnetics |
Author/Editor: Roach, G. F.; Stratis, I. G.; Yannacopoulos, A. N
Mathematical Aspects of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations (AM-163) |
Author/Editor: Bourgain, Jean; Kenig, Carlos E.; Klainerman, Sergiu
The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665 |
Author/Editor: Mahoney, Michael Sean
Mathematical Evolutionary Theory |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Marcus W
Mathematical Excursions to the World's Great Buildings |
Author/Editor: Hahn, Alexander J
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics |
Author/Editor: von Neumann, John; Wheeler, Nicholas A
Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices |
Author/Editor: Ferreirós, José
The Mathematical Mechanic |
Author/Editor: Levi, Mark
The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems, Vol. 139 |
Author/Editor: MARK LEVI
Mathematical Methods for Geophysics and Space Physics |
Author/Editor: Newman, William I
Mathematical Methods in Elasticity Imaging |
Author/Editor: Ammari, Habib; Bretin, Elie; Garnier, Josselin
Mathematical Methods of Statistics (PMS-9), Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Cramér, Harald
Mathematical Modeling of Earth's Dynamical Systems |
Author/Editor: Slingerland, Rudy; Kump, Lee
A Mathematical Nature Walk |
Author/Editor: Adam, John A
The Mathematical Radio: Inside the Magic of AM, FM, and Single-Sideband |
Author/Editor: PAUL J. NAHIN
Mathematical Statistical Mechanics |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Colin J
Mathematical Techniques in Finance |
Author/Editor: Cerný, Ales
A Mathematical Theory of Evidence |
Author/Editor: Glenn Shafer
Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Diekmann, Odo; Heesterbeek, Hans; Britton, Tom
Mathematicians |
Author/Editor: Cook, Mariana
The Mathematician's Brain |
Author/Editor: Ruelle, David
Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany |
Author/Editor: Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard
The Mathematician's Mind: The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field |
Author/Editor: Jacques Hadamard,P. N. Johnson-Laird
Mathematicians under the Nazis |
Author/Editor: Segal, Sanford L
Mathematics and Computation: A Theory Revolutionizing Technology and Science |
Author/Editor: Avi Wigderson
Mathematics and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Brams, Steven J
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume 1: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics |
Author/Editor: G. POLYA
Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume 2: Logic, Symbolic and mathematical |
Author/Editor: G. POLYA
A Mathematics Course for Political and Social Research |
Author/Editor: Moore, Will H.; Siegel, David A
Mathematics Elsewhere |
Author/Editor: Ascher, Marcia
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt |
Author/Editor: Imhausen, Annette
Mathematics in Ancient Iraq: A Social History |
Mathematics in India |
Author/Editor: Plofker, Kim
Mathematics in Nature |
Author/Editor: Adam, John A
Mathematics in Population Biology |
Author/Editor: Thieme, Horst R
The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook |
Author/Editor: Victor J. Katz ,Annette Imhausen ,Eleanor Robson ,Joseph W. Dauben ,Kim Plofker ,J. Lennart Berggren
The Mathematics of Secrets |
Author/Editor: Holden, Joshua
The Mathematics of Shock Reflection-Diffraction and von Neumann's Conjectures |
Author/Editor: Chen, Gui-Qiang; Feldman, Mikhail
The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth: The Early History of Trigonometry |
The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects |
Author/Editor: Beineke, Jennifer; Rosenhouse, Jason
The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects |
Author/Editor: Beineke, Jennifer; Rosenhouse, Jason
The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects |
Author/Editor: Beineke, Jennifer; Rosenhouse, Jason
Mathematics without Apologies |
Author/Editor: Harris, Michael
Mathematics without Apologies |
Author/Editor: Harris, Michael
Mathletics |
Author/Editor: Winston, Wayne L
Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Fans Use Mathematics in Sports, Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Mating Systems and Strategies |
Matrices and Society |
Author/Editor: Bradley, Ian; Meek, Ronald L
Matrices, Moments and Quadrature with Applications |
Author/Editor: Golub, Gene H.; Meurant, Gérard
Matrix Completions, Moments, and Sums of Hermitian Squares |
Author/Editor: Bakonyi, Mihály; Woerdeman, Hugo J
Matrix Mathematics |
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Dennis S
The Matrix of Modernism |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Sanford
The Matrix of Policy in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: Averch, Harvey A.; Koehler, John E.; Denton, Frank H
A Matter of Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Scalia, Antonin; Gutmann, Amy
A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law |
Author/Editor: Scalia, Antonin; Gutmann, Amy
A Matter of Obscenity: The Politics of Censorship in Modern England |
Author/Editor: Christopher Hilliard
Matters of Life and Death: Making Moral Theory Work in Medical Ethics and the Law |
Author/Editor: David Orentlicher
Matters of Life and Death: Perspectives on Public Health, Molecular Biology, Cancer, and the Prospects for the Human Race |
Author/Editor: John Cairns
Matthew Arnold |
Author/Editor: Stange, George Robert
Maureen O'Hara |
Author/Editor: Aubrey Malone
Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression |
Author/Editor: Gregg, John
Maverick Marine |
Author/Editor: Hans Schmidt
Mavericks: Interviews with the World's Iconoclast Filmmakers |
Author/Editor: Gerald Peary
Mavericks on the Border |
Author/Editor: J. Douglas Canfield
Max Plus at Work |
Author/Editor: Heidergott, Bernd; Olsder, Geert Jan; van der Woude, Jacob
Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology |
Author/Editor: Swedberg, Richard
Max Weber in America |
Author/Editor: Scaff, Lawrence A
Maxwell's Demon |
Author/Editor: Leff, Harvey S.; Rex, Andrew F
Maxwell Taylor's Cold War |
Author/Editor: Ingo Trauschweizer
Maya Iconography |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth P. Benson ,Gillett G. Griffin
Mayakovsky |
Author/Editor: Brown, Edward James
Maya Society under Colonial Rule: The Collective Enterprise of Survival |
Author/Editor: Nancy M. Farriss
Mayors in the Middle: Politics, Race, and Mayoral Control of Urban Schools |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Henig,Wilbur C. Rich
MCAT Preparation Guide |
Author/Editor: Miriam S. Willey,Barbara M. Jarecky
McClure's Magazine and the Muckrakers |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Harold S
Meaning and Power in a Southeast Asian Realm |
Author/Editor: Errington, Shelly
Meaning and Truth in Religion |
Author/Editor: Christian, William A
Meaning in Life and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Susan
The Meaning of More's Utopia |
Author/Editor: Logan, George M
The Meaning of Relativity |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Albert
The Meaning of the Library |
Author/Editor: Crawford, Alice
Mean...Moody...Magnificent!: Jane Russell and the Marketing of a Hollywood Legend |
Author/Editor: Christina Rice
Measure For Measure, the Law and the Convent |
Author/Editor: Gless, Darryl J
The Measure of Civilization |
Author/Editor: Morris, Ian
The Measure of Merit |
Author/Editor: Carson, John
Measures and Men |
Author/Editor: Kula, Witold
Measuring Military Power |
Author/Editor: Epstein, Joshua M
Measuring Poverty around the World |
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Anthony B
Measuring Tomorrow |
Author/Editor: Laurent, Éloi
Mecca |
Author/Editor: F. E. Peters
The Mechanical Adaptations of Bones |
Author/Editor: Currey, John D
Mechanical Design in Organisms |
Author/Editor: S. A. Wainwright,W. D. Biggs,J. D. Currey,J. M. Gosline
Mechanical Design of Structural Materials in Animals |
Author/Editor: Gosline, John M
Mechanism and Materialism |
Author/Editor: Schofield, Robert E
A Mechanistic Approach to Plankton Ecology |
Author/Editor: Kiørboe, Thomas
Mechanistic Home Range Analysis. (MPB-43) |
Author/Editor: Moorcroft, Paul R.; Lewis, Mark A
The Mechanization of the Mind: On the Origins of Cognitive Science |
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Dupuy ,M. B. DeBevoise
Medea: Essays on Medea in Myth, Literature, Philosophy, and Art |
Author/Editor: James J. Clauss,Sarah Iles Johnston
The Medea Hypothesis |
Author/Editor: Ward, Peter
Media And Revolution |
Author/Editor: Jeremy D. Popkin
The Mediation of Ornament, Vol. 38 |
Author/Editor: OLEG GRABAR
Medical Ethnobiology of the Highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Berlin, Elois Ann; Berlin, Brent
The Medical Messiahs |
Author/Editor: Young, James Harvey
Medical Thinking |
Author/Editor: King, Lester Snow
Medicine and Moral Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Marshall
Medicine in Kentucky, 1 |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. ELLIS
Medicine in the English Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Getz, Faye
Medicine, Mind, and the Double Brain: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Thought |
Medieval Christianity in Practice, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: Miri Rubin
Medieval Cities |
Author/Editor: Pirenne, Henri
Medieval Colonialism |
Author/Editor: Burns, Robert Ignatius
Medieval Persian Court Poetry |
Author/Editor: Meisami, Julie Scott
The Medieval Prison |
Author/Editor: Geltner, G
Medieval Statecraft and Perspectives of History |
Author/Editor: Strayer, Joseph R.; Bisson, Thomas N.; Benton, John F
Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron |
Author/Editor: Lovell, Ernest J
Meeting at Grand Central |
Author/Editor: Cronk, Lee; Leech, Beth L
Meeting Globalization's Challenges: Policies to Make Trade Work for All |
Author/Editor: LUÍS A. V. CATÃO,MAURICE OBSTFELD,Christine Lagarde
Meeting Needs |
Author/Editor: Braybrooke, David
Meetings of the Mind |
Author/Editor: Damrosch, David
Megadisasters |
Author/Editor: Diacu, Florin
Megaphone Bureaucracy |
Author/Editor: Grube, Dennis C
Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical |
Author/Editor: SHAUL MAGID
Melancholia of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Hansen, Thomas Blom
The Melancholy Art |
Author/Editor: Holly, Michael Ann
Mellencamp |
Mellencamp: American Troubadour, Ed. upd |
Melville's Quarrel With God |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Lawrance Roger
Membership and Morals |
Author/Editor: Rosenblum, Nancy L
The Memoir of Marco Parenti |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Mark Salber
Memory |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Richard F.; Madigan, Stephen A
Memory Lane: The Perfectly Imperfect Ways We Remember |
Memphis Under the Ptolemies: Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition, 2 |
Author/Editor: Dorothy J. Thompson
Men and Ideas |
Author/Editor: Huizinga, Johan
Men and Nations |
Author/Editor: Halle, Louis Joseph
Mendelssohn and His World |
Author/Editor: Todd, R. Larry
Men in Wonderland |
Author/Editor: Robson, Catherine
Men of Bronze |
Author/Editor: Kagan, Donald; Viggiano, Gregory F
The Menshevik Leaders in the Russian Revolution |
Author/Editor: Galili y Garcia, Ziva
Mental Illness and American Society, 1875-1940 |
Author/Editor: GERALD Ν. GROB
Men Who Migrate, Women Who Wait |
Author/Editor: Brettell, Caroline B
Men, Women, and Chain Saws |
Author/Editor: Clover, Carol J
Mercenaries, Pirates, and Sovereigns |
Author/Editor: Thomson, Janice E
Merchant Moscow |
Author/Editor: West, James L.; Petrov, Iurii A
The Merchant Prince of Poverty Row, 1 |
Author/Editor: BERNARD F. DICK
The Merchant Prince of Poverty Row: Harry Cohn of Columbia Pictures |
Author/Editor: BERNARD F. DICK
Merchants of the Right: Gun Sellers and the Crisis of American Democracy |
Mercy on Trial |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin
Mere Possibilities |
Author/Editor: Stalnaker, Robert
Merit, Meaning, and Human Bondage |
Author/Editor: Arpaly, Nomy
Meritocracy and Economic Inequality |
Author/Editor: Arrow, Kenneth; Bowles, Samuel; Durlauf, Steven N
Merleau-Ponty and the Foundation of Existential Politics |
Author/Editor: Whiteside, Kerry H
Meromorphic Functions and Analytic Curves. (AM-12) |
The Message Matters |
Author/Editor: Vavreck, Lynn
Messages from an Owl |
Author/Editor: Terman, Max R
Metacommunity Ecology, Volume 59 |
Author/Editor: Leibold, Mathew A.; Chase, Jonathan M
Metamorphic Verse |
Author/Editor: Hulse, Clark
The Metamorphoses of Shakespearean Comedy |
Author/Editor: Carroll, William C
The Metamorphoses of the Self |
Author/Editor: John M. Dunaway
Metaphors of Mind in Fiction and Psychology |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Kearns
Metaphors of Self |
Author/Editor: JAMES OLNEY
Metaphysical Song |
Author/Editor: Tomlinson, Gary
Metastable Liquids: Concepts and Principles |
Met Her on the Mountain: The Murder of Nancy Morgan |
Author/Editor: Mark I. Pinsky
The Methodists and Revolutionary America, 1760-1800 |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Dee E
Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research |
Author/Editor: Canova, Fabio
#MeToo and Beyond: Perspectives on a Global Movement |
Metric Methods of Finsler Spaces and in the Foundations of Geometry. (AM-8) |
Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms |
Author/Editor: Angèle Christin
Metropolitan City Expenditures |
Author/Editor: Roy W. Bahl
Metternich's German Policy, Volume I |
Author/Editor: Kraehe, Enno E
Metternich's German Policy, Volume II |
Author/Editor: Kraehe, Enno E
A Mexican Elite Family, 1820-1980: Kinship, Class Culture |
The Mexican Heartland |
Author/Editor: Tutino, John
Mexican Lobby |
Author/Editor: THOMAS D. SCHOONOVER,Ebba Wesener Schoonover
Michael Curtiz |
Author/Editor: ALAN K. RODE,Patrick McGilligan
Michael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology |
Author/Editor: Geison, Gerald L
Michael Oakeshott's Skepticism |
Author/Editor: Botwinick, Aryeh
Michelangelo: A Life on Paper |
Michelangelo, God's Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece |
Michelangelo's Poetry |
Author/Editor: Cambon, Glauco
Microbial Life History: The Fundamental Forces of Biological Design |
Author/Editor: STEVEN A. FRANK
Microeconomics |
Author/Editor: Bowles, Samuel
The Microeconomics of Public Policy Analysis |
Author/Editor: LEE S. FRIEDMAN
Microfoundations of Financial Economics |
Author/Editor: Lengwiler, Yvan
The Microtheory of Innovative Entrepreneurship |
Author/Editor: Baumol, William J
Mid-Century Modernism and the American Body: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Power in Design |
Author/Editor: Kristina Wilson
Midday In Italian Literature |
Author/Editor: Perella, Nicolas James
Middle-Class Providence, 1820-1940 |
Author/Editor: Gilkeson, John S
The Middle Passage |
Author/Editor: Klein, Herbert S
Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough, Vol. 36 |
Author/Editor: Paula Bialski
The Midi in Revolution |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Hubert C
Midlife |
Author/Editor: Setiya, Kieran
The Midnight Washerwoman and Other Tales of Lower Brittany, Vol. 28 |
Author/Editor: François-Marie Luzel ,Michael Wilson ,Caroline Pedler
The Mighty Eighth in WWII |
Author/Editor: J. Kemp McLaughlin
Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness |
Migrants and Militants |
Author/Editor: Verkaaik, Oskar
The Migrant's Jail: An American History of Mass Incarceration |
Author/Editor: BRIANNA NOFIL
Migration and Democracy: How Remittances Undermine Dictatorships |
Émigrés: French Words That Turned English |
Author/Editor: Richard Scholar
Mike Barry and the Kentucky Irish American |
Mikhail Sholokhov and His Art |
Militant Mediator, 1 |
Author/Editor: Dennis C. Dickerson
Military Agility: Ensuring Rapid and Effective Transition from Peace to War |
Author/Editor: Meir Finkel,Moshe Tlamim
Military Attache |
Author/Editor: Vagts, Alfred
A Military History of China, 2 |
Author/Editor: David A. Graff,Robin Higham
The Military in Politics |
Author/Editor: Stepan, Alfred C
Military Justice and the Right to Counsel |
Author/Editor: S. Sidney Ulmer
Military Power |
Author/Editor: Biddle, Stephen
The Military Revolution and Political Change: Origins of Democracy and Autocracy in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Brian M. Downing
The Milky Way |
Author/Editor: Waller, William H
Millions, Billions, Zillions |
Author/Editor: Kernighan, Brian
Milton and His England |
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Don Marion
Milton and the Martial Muse |
Author/Editor: Freeman, James A
Milton and the Revolutionary Reader |
Author/Editor: Achinstein, Sharon
Milton and the Science of the Saints |
Author/Editor: Christopher, Georgia B
The Miltonic Moment, 1 |
Author/Editor: J. Martin Evans
Milton in Early America |
Author/Editor: Sensebaugh, George Frank
Milton's Epics and the Book of Psalms |
Author/Editor: Radzinowicz, Mary Ann
Milton's Ontology, Cosmogony, and Physics |
Author/Editor: Walter Clyde Curry
Mimesis |
Author/Editor: Auerbach, Erich; Said, Edward W
The Mimetic Tradition of Reform in the West |
Author/Editor: Morrison, Karl F
Mina Loy: Strangeness Is Inevitable |
Author/Editor: JENNIFER R. GROSS
Mind and Art |
Author/Editor: Sircello, Guy
Mind and Nature |
Author/Editor: Weyl, Hermann; Pesic, Peter
The Mind in Exile: Thomas Mann in Princeton |
The Mind of a Bee |
Author/Editor: LARS CHITTKA
The Mind of Empire |
The Mind of Kierkegaard |
Author/Editor: Collins, James Daniel
Mind over Magma |
Author/Editor: Young, Davis A
The Minds of Marginalized Black Men |
Author/Editor: Young, Alford A
The Mind's Provisions: A Critique of Cognitivism |
Author/Editor: Vincent Descombes ,Stephen Adam Schwartz
Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us |
Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us |
The Miner's Canary: Unraveling the Mysteries of Extinction, Vol. 13 |
The Minneapolis Reckoning: Race, Violence, and the Politics of Policing in America |
Author/Editor: Michelle S. Phelps
Minority Politics in the Punjab |
Author/Editor: Nayar, Baldev Raj
Minor White, Memorable Fancies |
Author/Editor: Minor White ,Todd Cronan ,Peter C. Bunnell ,Todd Cronan ,Andrew Kensett
Minstrel of the Appalachians, 1 |
Author/Editor: Loyal Jones,John M. Forbes
Miracles, Convulsions, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century Paris |
Author/Editor: Kreiser, B. Robert
Miracles of Our Lady |
Author/Editor: Gonzalo de Berceo,Richard Terry Mount,Annette Grant Cash
The Miraculous Flying House of Loreto: Spreading Catholicism in the Early Modern World |
Author/Editor: Karin Vélez
Mirage in the West |
Author/Editor: Echeverria, Durand
Mirages and Mad Beliefs |
Author/Editor: Prendergast, Christopher
The Mirror and the Mind: A History of Self-Recognition in the Human Sciences |
A Mirror for Socialism |
Author/Editor: Rozman, Gilbert
A Mirror in the Roadway: Literature and the Real World |
Author/Editor: Morris Dickstein
Mirror, Mirror |
Author/Editor: Blackburn, Simon
A Mirror of Chaucer's World |
Author/Editor: Loomis, Roger Sherman
Mirror of His Beauty |
Author/Editor: Schäfer, Peter
The Mirror of Justice |
Author/Editor: Ziolkowski, Theodore
A Mirror to Nature |
Author/Editor: ROSE A. ZIMBARDO
Misdemeanorland |
Author/Editor: Kohler-Hausmann, Issa
Miskwabik, Metal of Ritual, 1 |
Author/Editor: Amelia M. Trevelyan
Misogynous Economies |
Author/Editor: Laura Mandell
Miss America Kissed Caleb |
Author/Editor: Billy C. Clark
The Missile Defense Controversy |
Mission to Yenan |
Author/Editor: Carolle J. Carter
The Mississippi Territory and the Southwest Frontier, 1795-1817 |
Author/Editor: Robert V. Haynes
Mistaken Identity |
Author/Editor: Bybee, Keith J
Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film |
Author/Editor: DUDLEY ANDREW
Mitzvah Girls |
Author/Editor: Fader, Ayala
Mnemosyne: The Parallel Between Literature and the Visual Arts, Vol. 16 |
Author/Editor: MARIO PRAZ
Mobilizing for Peace |
Author/Editor: Rochon, Thomas R
Mobilizing Women for War |
Author/Editor: Rupp, Leila J
Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals |
Author/Editor: Keeling, Matt J.; Rohani, Pejman
Modeling Populations of Adaptive Individuals |
Author/Editor: Steven F. Railsback,Bret C. Harvey
Modeling with Data |
Author/Editor: Klemens, Ben
The Model Ombudsman |
Author/Editor: Hill, L. B
Models for Ecological Data: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: James S. Clark
Models in Ecosystem Science |
Author/Editor: Charles D. Canham ,Jonathan J. Cole ,William K. Lauenroth
Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology: Integrating Conceptual, Theoretical, and Empirical Approaches |
Author/Editor: Lee Alan Dugatkin
The Modern American Vice Presidency |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Joel Kramer
Modern Anti-windup Synthesis |
Author/Editor: Zaccarian, Luca; Teel, Andrew R
Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning |
Author/Editor: Daniel A. Barber
Modern Architecture: Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 |
The Modern Art of Dying |
Author/Editor: Lavi, Shai J
Modern Astrodynamics: Fundamentals and Perturbation Methods |
Author/Editor: Victor R. Bond,Mark C. Allman
Modern Chinese Legal Reform |
Author/Editor: Xiaobing Li,Qiang Fang
Modern Greek Lessons |
Author/Editor: Faubion, James D
Modern Greek Writers |
Author/Editor: Keeley, Edmund; Bien, Peter
Modernism, Media, and Propaganda |
Author/Editor: Wollaeger, Mark
Modernist Anthropology |
Author/Editor: Manganaro, Marc
Modernist Poetics of History |
Author/Editor: Longenbach, James
Modernity's Wager |
Author/Editor: Seligman, Adam B
Modernization and British Colonial Rule in Egypt, 1882-1914 |
Author/Editor: Tignor, Robert L
Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies |
Modernization and the Japanese Factory |
Author/Editor: Marsh, Robert Mortimer; Mannari, Hiroshi
Modern Japanese Fiction and Its Traditions |
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas
The Modern Japanese Prose Poem |
Author/Editor: Keene, Dennis
A Modern Legal Ethics |
Author/Editor: Markovits, Daniel
Modern Manors |
Author/Editor: Jacoby, Sanford M
Modern Methods in Complex Analysis (AM-137), Volume 137 |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Thomas; Catlin, David W.; D'Angelo, John P
The Modern Mountain Cookbook: A Plant-Based Celebration of Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Jan A. Brandenburg ,Beth Feagan
Modern Political Science |
Author/Editor: Adcock, Robert; Bevir, Mark; Stimson, Shannon C
Modern Pricing of Interest-Rate Derivatives |
Author/Editor: Rebonato, Riccardo
The Modern Satiric Grotesque and Its Traditions |
Author/Editor: JOHN R. CLARK
The Modern School Movement |
Author/Editor: Avrich, Paul
Modern Shakespeare Offshoots |
Author/Editor: Cohn, Ruby
The Modern Spirit of Asia |
Author/Editor: van der Veer, Peter
Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy |
Modular Forms and Special Cycles on Shimura Curves. (AM-161) |
Author/Editor: Kudla, Stephen S.; Rapoport, Michael; Yang, Tonghai
Moduli Stacks of Étale (ϕ, Γ)-Modules and the Existence of Crystalline Lifts: (AMS-215), Vol. 408 |
Author/Editor: Matthew Emerton ,Toby Gee
Molding Japanese Minds: The State in Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Sheldon Garon
Molds, Molecules, and Metazoa |
Author/Editor: Grant, Peter R.; Horn, Henry S
Molds, Mushrooms, and Medicines: Our Lifelong Relationship with Fungi |
Author/Editor: Nicholas P. Money
Molecular Approaches to Evolution |
Author/Editor: Ninio, Jacques
Molecular Machines |
Author/Editor: Zocchi, Giovanni
Molecular Mechanisms for Sensory Signals |
Author/Editor: Kosower, Edward M
The Molecular Switch: Signaling and Allostery |
Author/Editor: Rob Phillips,Nigel Orme
The Moment of Caravaggio, Vol. 51 |
Author/Editor: Michael Fried
Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity. (AM-159) |
Author/Editor: Katz, Nicholas M
Mommy Goose |
Monarchs and Milkweed |
Author/Editor: Agrawal, Anurag
A Monetary and Fiscal History of the United States, 1961–2021 |
Author/Editor: Alan S. Blinder
Monetary Economics and Policy: A Foundation for Modern Currency Systems |
Monetary Equilibrium and Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Zolotas, Xenophon Euthymiou
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Milton; Schwartz, Anna Jacobson
Money |
Money and Capital Markets in Postbellum America |
Author/Editor: James, John A
Money Capital: New Monetary Principles for a More Prosperous Society |
Money Changes Everything |
Author/Editor: Goetzmann, William N