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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with N (289) | Information |
Nabokov and the Real World: Between Appreciation and Defense |
Author/Editor: ROBERT ALTER
Nabokov's Art of Memory and European Modernism |
Author/Editor: Foster, John Burt
Nabokov's Otherworld |
Author/Editor: Alexandrov, Vladimir E
Nabokov's Pale Fire |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Brian
Nano Comes to Life: How Nanotechnology Is Transforming Medicine and the Future of Biology |
Author/Editor: Sonia Contera
Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris |
Author/Editor: DAVID H. PINKNEY
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol |
Author/Editor: Matthew Dickerson,David O’Hara
Narrative Economics |
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Shiller
The Narrative Imagination |
Nart Sagas |
Author/Editor: John Colarusso,B. George Hewitt,Zaira Khiba Hewitt,Majdalin (Habjawqua) Hilmi,Kadir Natkhwa,Rashid T’haghapsaw,Adrienne Mayor,ADRIENNE MAYOR
Nart Sagas from the Caucasus |
Author/Editor: John Colarusso,B. George Hewitt,Zaira Khiba Hewitt,Majdalin (Habjawqua) Hilmi,Kadir Natkhwa,Rashid T’haghapsaw
Nasser's Gamble |
Author/Editor: Ferris, Jesse
Nathalie Sarraute: A Life Between |
Author/Editor: Ann Jefferson
National Conflict in Czechoslovakia |
Author/Editor: Leff, Carol Skalnik
National Development and Local Reform |
Author/Editor: Ashford, Douglas Elliott
The National Interest and the Human Interest |
Author/Editor: Johansen, Robert C
Nationalism: A World History |
Author/Editor: ERIC STORM
Nationalisms in International Politics, Vol. 31 |
Author/Editor: Kathleen E. Powers
Nationalisms in International Politics, Vol. 32 |
Author/Editor: Kathleen E. Powers
Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town |
Author/Editor: Brubaker, Rogers; Feischmidt, Margit; Fox, Jon
National Leadership and Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Rosenau, James N
The National Origins of Policy Ideas |
Author/Editor: Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K
National Security and United States Policy Toward Latin America |
Author/Editor: Schoultz, Lars
National Wealth of the United States in the Postwar Period |
Author/Editor: Goldsmith, Raymond William
Nation Building |
Author/Editor: Wimmer, Andreas
Nation-Building and Community in Israel |
Author/Editor: Willner, Dorothy
Nation, Language, and the Ethics of Translation |
Author/Editor: Bermann, Sandra; Wood, Michael
The Nation-State in Question |
Author/Editor: T. V. Paul,G. John Ikenberry,John A. Hall
Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation |
Author/Editor: Jensen, Nathan M
Nations under God |
Author/Editor: Grzymała-Busse, Anna
Native Americans on Film |
Author/Editor: M. Elise Marubbio,Eric L. Buffalohead
Native Bias: Overcoming Discrimination against Immigrants, Vol. 35 |
Nativism Reborn? |
Author/Editor: Raymond Tatalovich
NATO and American Security |
Author/Editor: Knorr, Klaus Eugen
NATO in Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Auerswald, David P.; Saideman, Stephen M
Natural Complexity |
Author/Editor: Paul Charbonneau
A Natural History of Amphibians |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Stebbins ,Nathan W. Cohen
A Natural History of Families |
Author/Editor: Forbes, Scott
A Natural History of Shells, Vol. 124 |
Author/Editor: Geerat J. Vermeij
Naturalism in American Fiction |
Author/Editor: John J. Conder
The Naturalist in Britain: A Social History |
Author/Editor: David Elliston Allen
Naturalized Parrots of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World's Most Colorful Colonizers |
Author/Editor: Stephen Pruett-Jones
Natural Rights and the New Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Zuckert, Michael P
Natural Selection in the Wild. (MPB-21), Volume 21 |
Author/Editor: JOHN A. ENDLER
Nature |
Author/Editor: Vermeij, Geerat J
Nature Embodied |
Author/Editor: Corbeill, Anthony
Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference |
Author/Editor: Smith, Justin E. H
The Nature of Natural History |
Author/Editor: Bates, Marston
The Nature of Nutrition |
Author/Editor: Simpson, Stephen J.; Raubenheimer, David
The Nature of Rationality |
Author/Editor: Nozick, Robert
Nature of Roman Comedy |
Author/Editor: Duckworth, George E
The Nature of Socialist Economics |
Author/Editor: Murrell, Peter
The Nature of Space and Time |
Author/Editor: Hawking, Stephen; Penrose, Roger
Nature's Compass |
Author/Editor: Gould, James L.; Gould, Carol Grant
Nature’s Palette: A Color Reference System from the Natural World |
Author/Editor: PATRICK BATY
Nature's Temples: A Natural History of Old-Growth Forests Revised and Expanded |
Author/Editor: Joan Maloof ,Andrew Joslin
Navaho Religion |
Author/Editor: Reichard, Gladys Amanda
Naval Strategy and National Security |
Author/Editor: Miller, Steven E.; Van Evera, Stephen
Nazi Germany's New Aristocracy |
Author/Editor: Ziegler, Herbert F
The Nazi Impact on a German Village, 1 |
Author/Editor: Walter Rinderle,Bernard Norling
A Nazi Past |
Author/Editor: David A. Messenger,Katrin Paehler
Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity |
Author/Editor: Kenneth C. Barnes
The Nazi War on Cancer |
Author/Editor: Proctor, Robert N
The Neanderthal Legacy |
Author/Editor: Mellars, Paul A
Near-Earth Objects |
Author/Editor: Yeomans, Donald K
Near-Earth Objects |
Author/Editor: Yeomans, Donald K
Near Eastern Culture and Society |
Author/Editor: T. CUYLER YOUNG
A Necessary Engagement |
Author/Editor: Nakhleh, Emile
The Necessary Nation |
Author/Editor: Jusdanis, Gregory
Negara: The Theatre State in 19th Century Bali |
Negative Math |
Author/Editor: Martínez, Alberto A
Negotiating Identities: States and Immigrants in France and Germany |
Author/Editor: Riva Kastoryano ,Barbara Harshav
Negotiating Peace |
Author/Editor: Pillar, Paul R
Negotiation: The Game Has Changed |
Author/Editor: Max H. Bazerman
The Negro in France |
Author/Editor: SHELBY T. McCLOY
The Negro in the French West Indies |
Author/Editor: SHELBY T. McCLOY
The Negro's Image in the South |
Author/Editor: CLAUDE H. NOLEN
Nehru's India: A History in Seven Myths |
Author/Editor: Taylor C. Sherman
Neighborhood Organization and Interest-Group Processes |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, David J
Neighbors |
Author/Editor: Gross, Jan
The Neighbors Respond |
Author/Editor: Polonsky, Antony; Michlic, Joanna B
Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: JAN T. GROSS
Neither Monk nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism, Vol. 14 |
Author/Editor: Richard M. Jaffe
Neo-Baroque |
Author/Editor: OMAR CALABRESE,Charles Lambert,Umberto Eco
Neoclassical Finance |
Author/Editor: Ross, Stephen A
The Neolithic Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe |
Author/Editor: Ammerman, Albert J.; Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca
A Neotropical Companion |
Author/Editor: Kricher, John
Nest Building and Bird Behavior |
Author/Editor: Collias, Nicholas E.; Collias, Elsie C
The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution |
Author/Editor: DAVID P. MINDELL
The Neumann Problem for the Cauchy-Riemann Complex. (AM-75), Volume 75 |
Author/Editor: Folland, Gerald B.; Kohn, Joseph John
Neural Networks and Animal Behavior |
Author/Editor: Enquist, Magnus; Ghirlanda, Stefano
Neuro |
Author/Editor: Rose, Nikolas; Abi-Rached, Joelle M
Neuropedia: A Brief Compendium of Brain Phenomena, Vol. 12 |
Author/Editor: Eric H. Chudler ,Kelly Chudler
The Neuroscience of Emotion |
Author/Editor: Adolphs, Ralph; Anderson, David J
Neutralization and World Politics |
Author/Editor: Black, Cyril E.; Falk, Richard A
The Neutrino. (IP-5) |
Author/Editor: Allen, James Smith
Neverending Stories |
Author/Editor: Fehn, Ann; Hoesterey, Ingeborg; Tatar, Maria
Never Say Die |
Author/Editor: James C. Nicholson,Pete Best
The New American Judaism |
Author/Editor: Wertheimer, Jack
The New and Collected Poems of Jane Gentry |
Author/Editor: Julia Johnson,Mary Ann Taylor-Hall
The New Arab Man |
Author/Editor: Inhorn, Marcia C
A New Aristotle Reader |
Author/Editor: Ackrill, J. L
The New Bourgeoisie and the Limits of Dependency |
Author/Editor: Becker, David G
The New Constitutional Order |
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
New Covenant Bound |
Author/Editor: T. Crunk
The New Deal |
Author/Editor: Kiran Klaus Patel
New Deal and States |
Author/Editor: Patterson, James T
The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly |
Author/Editor: Hawley, Ellis Wayne
The New Deal Lawyers |
Author/Editor: Peter H. Irons
New Departures |
Author/Editor: Anthony Perl
The New Division of Labor |
Author/Editor: Levy, Frank; Murnane, Richard J
The New Dramatists of Mexico 1967--1985 |
Author/Editor: Ronald D. Burgess
The New Dynamic Public Finance |
Author/Editor: Kocherlakota, Narayana R
The New Ecology |
Author/Editor: Schmitz, Oswald J
The New Economics One Decade Older |
Author/Editor: Tobin, James
New England State Politics |
Author/Editor: Lockard, Duane
The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920–1950 |
New Essays by De Quincey |
Author/Editor: Tave, Stuart M
New Estimates of Fertility and Population in the United States |
Author/Editor: Coale, Ansley Johnson; Zelnik, Melvin
New Faces, New Voices |
Author/Editor: Abrajano, Marisa; Alvarez, R. Michael
The New Financial Order |
Author/Editor: Shiller, Robert J
New French Thought |
Author/Editor: Lilla, Mark
The New Gilded Age |
Author/Editor: Bartels, Larry M
The New Global Rulers |
Author/Editor: Büthe, Tim; Mattli, Walter
The New Global Universities: Reinventing Education in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Bryan Penprase ,Noah Pickus
New Guinea: Nature and Culture of Earth's Grandest Island |
Author/Editor: Bruce M. Beehler ,Tim Laman ,Geoffrey S. Hope
New Historical Literary Study: Essays on Reproducing Texts, Representing History |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey N. Cox ,Larry J. Reynolds
The New Historicism and Other Old-Fashioned Topics |
Author/Editor: Brook Thomas
The New History |
Author/Editor: Theodore K. Rabb,Robert I. Rotberg,Peter H. Smith,Jacques Julliard,Peter Clarke,Jacques Revel,Lawrence Stone,Miles F. Shore,David Herlihy,Allan G. Bogue,Peter Temin,Barry Supple,E. A. Wrigley,Bernard S. Cohn,John W. Adams,Natalie Z. Davis,Carlo Ginzburg,W
A New History of Classical Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, George A
A New History of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Lowell H. Harrison,James C. Klotter
New Impressions of Africa |
Author/Editor: Roussel, Raymond
The New Industrial State |
Author/Editor: Galbraith, John Kenneth
The New Inflation |
Author/Editor: Slawson, W. David
The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Maddox, Robert James
New Lefts: The Making of a Radical Tradition |
The New Lombard Street |
Author/Editor: Mehrling, Perry
The New Makers of Modern Strategy: From the Ancient World to the Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Hal Brands
The New Map of the World |
Author/Editor: Mazzotta, Giuseppe
The New Mind Readers |
Author/Editor: Poldrack, Russell A
The New Monuments and the End of Man: U.S. Sculpture between War and Peace, 1945–1975 |
The New Natural History of Madagascar |
Author/Editor: STEVEN M. GOODMAN ,Aristide Andrianarimisa ,Amanda H. Armstrong ,Andrew Cooke ,Maarten De Wit ,Jörg U. Ganzhorn ,Laurent Gautier ,Steven M. Goodman
The New Negro: Readings on Race, Representation, and African American Culture, 1892-1938 |
Author/Editor: Henry Louis Gates Jr. ,Gene Andrew Jarrett
The New Neotropical Companion |
Author/Editor: Kricher, John
New Order of the Ages |
Author/Editor: Lienesch, Michael
New Perspectives in German Literary Criticism |
Author/Editor: Amacher, Richard E.; Lange, Victor
New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Abzug,Stephen E. Maizlish
The New Princeton Companion |
Author/Editor: Robert K. Durkee
The New Science of the Enchanted Universe: An Anthropology of Most of Humanity |
The New Social Question: Rethinking the Welfare State |
Author/Editor: Pierre Rosanvallon ,Barbara Harshav ,Nathan Glazer
The New Southern University |
Author/Editor: Charles J. Holden
The Newspaper Press in Kentucky, 1 |
Author/Editor: HERNDON J. EVANS,Barry Bingham Sr.
A New Stoicism |
Author/Editor: Becker, Lawrence C
A New Stoicism |
Author/Editor: Becker, Lawrence C
New Strangers in Paradise, 1 |
Author/Editor: Gilbert H. Muller
The News under Russia's Old Regime |
Author/Editor: McReynolds, Louise
The New Terrain of International Law |
Author/Editor: Alter, Karen J
New Theory of Beauty |
Author/Editor: Sircello, Guy
New Times in Modern Japan |
Author/Editor: Tanaka, Stefan
Newton and the Origin of Civilization |
Author/Editor: Buchwald, Jed Z; Feingold, Mordechai
Newton Demands the Muse |
Author/Editor: Nicolson, Marjorie Hope
Newton the Alchemist |
Author/Editor: Newman, William
The New Urban History |
Author/Editor: Schnore, Leo Francis
New Urban Immigrants |
Author/Editor: Kim, Illsoo
New Wealth for Old Nations |
Author/Editor: Coyle, Diane; Alexander, Wendy; Ashcroft, Brian
The New World |
Author/Editor: Turner, Frederick W
New World Babel |
Author/Editor: Gray, Edward G
The New World: Infinitesimal Epics, Vol. 159 |
Author/Editor: Anthony Carelli
New World Monkeys: The Evolutionary Odyssey |
Author/Editor: Alfred L. Rosenberger
A New World Order |
Author/Editor: Slaughter, Anne-Marie
The New World Primates |
Author/Editor: Moynihan, Martin
The New Worlds of Thomas Robert Malthus |
Author/Editor: Bashford, Alison; Chaplin, Joyce E
The New York Nobody Knows |
Author/Editor: Helmreich, William B
The Next Catastrophe |
Author/Editor: Perrow, Charles
Next Door to the Dead |
Author/Editor: Kathleen Driskell
The Next Great Globalization |
Author/Editor: Mishkin, Frederic S
The Next Justice |
Author/Editor: Eisgruber, Christopher L
Niccolò Machiavelli: An Intellectual Biography |
Author/Editor: Corrado Vivanti ,Simon MacMichael
Niche Construction |
Author/Editor: Odling-Smee, F. John; Laland, Kevin N.; Feldman, Marcus W
Nicolas Poussin, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: ANTHONY BLUNT
Nietzsche |
Author/Editor: Kaufmann, Walter
Nietzsche |
Author/Editor: Kaufmann, Walter A
Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism? |
Author/Editor: Golomb, Jacob; Wistrich, Robert S
Nietzsche's Great Politics |
Author/Editor: Drochon, Hugo
Nietzsche's Jewish Problem |
Author/Editor: Holub, Robert C
Nietzsche's Political Skepticism |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Tamsin
Nietzsche's Zarathustra |
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Jarrett, James L
Nigerian Political Parties |
Author/Editor: Sklar, Robert L
The Night |
Author/Editor: Saenz, Jaime
Nightjars, Potoos, Frogmouths, Oilbird, and Owlet-nightjars of the World, Vol. 9 |
Author/Editor: Nigel Cleere
Night Journey |
Author/Editor: Negroni, María
Night Talk and Other Poems |
Author/Editor: Pevear, Richard
Night Vision: Seeing Ourselves through Dark Moods |
Author/Editor: mariana alessandri
Nilpotence and Periodicity in Stable Homotopy Theory. (AM-128), Volume 128 |
Author/Editor: Ravenel, Douglas C
Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future |
Author/Editor: MacCormick, John
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science |
Author/Editor: Ehrlich, Robert
Nine Seventeenth-Century Organ Transcriptions from the Operas of Lully |
Author/Editor: ALMONTE C. HOWELL JR.
Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature |
Author/Editor: J. V. Ridgely
Nishi Amane and Modern Japanese Thought |
Author/Editor: Havens, Thomas R.H
Nitric Oxide and the Cell |
Author/Editor: Moncada, S.; Nisticò, G.; Bagetta, G
Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Moss,James Stavridis,George C. Herring,Andrew L. Johns,Kathryn C. Statler
The Nobel Factor |
Author/Editor: Offer, Avner; Söderberg, Gabriel
The Nobility of theElection of Bayeux, 1463-1666 |
Author/Editor: Wood, James B Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
The Nobility of the Election of Bayeux, 1463-1666 |
Author/Editor: Wood, James B
No Enchanted Palace |
Author/Editor: Mazower, Mark
No End in Sight |
Author/Editor: Nathan E. Busch
Noh Drama and The Tale of the Genji |
Author/Editor: Goff, Janet Emily
Noir Urbanisms |
Author/Editor: Prakash, Gyan
No Joke |
Author/Editor: Wisse, Ruth R
No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal |
Author/Editor: Espenshade, Thomas J.; Radford, Alexandria Walton
No Man's Land |
Author/Editor: Hahamovitch, Cindy
Non-Abelian Minimal Closed Ideals of Transitive Lie Algebras. (MN-25) |
Author/Editor: Conn, Jack Frederick
Non-Archimedean Tame Topology and Stably Dominated Types (AM-192) |
Author/Editor: Hrushovski, Ehud; Loeser, François
Noncooperative Game Theory |
Author/Editor: Hespanha, João P
Nonintervention and International Order |
Author/Editor: Vincent, R. J
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Control |
Author/Editor: Haddad, Wassim M.; Chellaboina, VijaySekhar
Nonlinear Optimization |
Author/Editor: Ruszczynski, Andrzej
Nonlinear Oscillations in Physical Systems |
Author/Editor: Hayashi, Chihiro
Nonnegative and Compartmental Dynamical Systems |
Author/Editor: Haddad, Wassim M.; Chellaboina, VijaySekhar; Hui, Qing
Nonparametric Comparative Statics and Stability |
Author/Editor: Hale, Douglas; Lady, George; Maybee, John
Nonplussed! |
Author/Editor: Havil, Julian
A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street |
Author/Editor: Lo, Andrew W.; MacKinlay, A. Craig
Non-standard Analysis |
Author/Editor: Abraham Robinson
Nonstate Warfare: The Military Methods of Guerillas, Warlords, and Militias |
No Religion Higher Than Truth |
Author/Editor: Carlson, Maria
Norito: A Translation of the Ancient Japanese Ritual Prayers - Updated Edition, Ed. REV - Revised |
Author/Editor: Donald L. Philippi,Joseph M. Kitagawa
Normal Accidents |
Author/Editor: Perrow, Charles
Normal Two-Dimensional Singularities. (AM-71), Volume 71 |
Author/Editor: Laufer, Henry B
Normandy to Victory |
Author/Editor: William C. Sylvan,Francis G. Smith Jr.,John T. Greenwood
The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology |
Author/Editor: Haesemeyer, Christian; Weibel, Charles A
Northern Arts: The Breakthrough of Scandinavian Literature and Art, from Ibsen to Bergman |
Northern Kentucky University |
Author/Editor: THOMAS R. SCHIFF
North Korea and the World |
Author/Editor: Walter C. Clemens Jr.,Shiping Hua
North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa |
Author/Editor: BRUCE E. BECHTOL JR.
Norway-Sweden |
Author/Editor: Lindgren, Raymond E
No Shadow of a Doubt |
Author/Editor: Kennefick, Daniel
No Son of Mine: A Memoir, Vol. 2 |
Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe |
Author/Editor: HUGO MERCIER
Note Book |
Author/Editor: Nunokawa, Jeff
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Coburn, Kathleen; Christensen, M
Notes from the Balkans |
Author/Editor: Green, Sarah F
Notes on Cobordism Theory |
Author/Editor: Stong, Robert E
Notes on Crystalline Cohomology. (MN-21) |
Author/Editor: Berthelot, Pierre; Ogus, Arthur
Notes on Prosody and Abram Gannibal |
Author/Editor: Nabokov, Vladimir
Notes on Sontag |
Author/Editor: Lopate, Phillip
Not Even Past |
Author/Editor: Sugrue, Thomas J
Not For Profit |
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
Not for Profit |
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
Not for Profit |
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Martha C
Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities |
Nothing is Lost |
Author/Editor: Kocbek, Edvard
Nothing Less than Victory |
Author/Editor: Lewis, John David
Nothing Less Than War |
Author/Editor: Justus D. Doenecke
Nothing Like an Ocean |
Author/Editor: Jim Tomlinson
Nothing to Do with Dionysos?: Athenian Drama in Its Social Context |
Not in the Heavens |
Author/Editor: Biale, David
The Notorious John Morrissey |
Not Working |
Author/Editor: Blanchflower, David G
Not Working: Where Have All the Good Jobs Gone?, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: David G. Blanchflower
The Novel Histories of Galdos |
Author/Editor: Urey, Diane Faye
The Novel of Worldliness |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter
Novel Relations: Victorian Fiction and British Psychoanalysis |
Novels of Flaubert |
Author/Editor: Brombert, Victor H
The Novels of Worldliness |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter
The Novel, Volume 1: History, Geography, and Culture |
Author/Editor: Franco Moretti
The Novel, Volume 2: Forms and Themes |
Author/Editor: Franco Moretti
Now Comes Good Sailing: Writers Reflect on Henry David Thoreau |
Author/Editor: Andrew Blauner
The NSA Report |
Author/Editor: The President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies; Clarke, Richard A.; Morell, Michael J
The Nuclear Borderlands |
Author/Editor: Masco, Joseph
The Nuclear Borderlands: The Manhattan Project in Post–Cold War New Mexico | New Edition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Joseph Masco
Nuclear Logics |
Author/Editor: Solingen, Etel
Nuclear Physics in a Nutshell |
Author/Editor: Bertulani, Carlos A
Nuclear Politics |
Author/Editor: Jasper, James M
Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Narang, Vipin
Nuclear Structure |
Author/Editor: Eisenbud, Leonard; Wigner, Eugene P
The Nude: A Study in Ideal Form, Vol. 2 |
Author/Editor: KENNETH CLARK
Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Bernard Picton ,Christine Morrow
Number 7 |
Author/Editor: Boyd, Julian P
Number-Crunching |
Author/Editor: Nahin, Paul J
Numbers Rule |
Author/Editor: Szpiro, George
Numerical Algorithms for Personalized Search in Self-organizing Information Networks |
Author/Editor: Kamvar, Sep
Numerical Analysis |
Author/Editor: Scott, L. Ridgway
Numerical Calculus |
Author/Editor: Milne, William Edmund
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Computations |
Author/Editor: Xiu, Dongbin
Nurses in Nazi Germany: Moral Choice in History |
Author/Editor: Bronwyn Rebekah McFarland-Icke
Nutrient Cycling and Limitation |
Author/Editor: Vitousek, Peter M
Nutrition and Economic Development in the Eighteenth-Century Habsburg Monarchy |
Author/Editor: Komlos, John