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Titles start with G (389) Information
Galactic Astronomy, Vol. 62
Author/Editor: James Binney ,Michael Merrifield
Galactic Dynamics
Author/Editor: Binney, James; Tremaine, Scott
The Galactic Supermassive Black Hole
Author/Editor: Fulvio Melia
Galbraith, Harrington, Heilbroner
Author/Editor: Okroi, Loren J
Galdos and the Art of the European Novel
Author/Editor: Gilman, Stephen
Author/Editor: Brian J. Dendle
Author/Editor: Furley, David J.; Wilkie, James S
Galileo and His Sources
Author/Editor: Wallace, William A
The Galitzin Quartets of Beethoven
Author/Editor: Chua, Daniel K. L
Galápagos: A Natural History Second Edition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: John Kricher ,Kevin Loughlin ,Kevin Loughlin
The Gamble
Author/Editor: Sides, John; Vavreck, Lynn
The Gamble
Author/Editor: Sides, John; Vavreck, Lynn
The Game of Life
Author/Editor: Shulman, James L.; Bowen, William G
Game of Loans
Author/Editor: Akers, Beth; Chingos, Matthew M
Games for Your Mind: The History and Future of Logic Puzzles
Games Prisoners Play
Author/Editor: Kaminski, Marek M
Game Theory Evolving
Author/Editor: Gintis, Herbert
Game Theory for Applied Economists
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Robert S
Game Theory for Political Scientists
Author/Editor: James D. Morrow
Game Theory in Action
Author/Editor: Schecter, Stephen; Gintis, Herbert
Gaming the World
Author/Editor: Markovits, Andrei S.; Rensmann, Lars
Author/Editor: Havil, Julian
Gangsters and Other Statesmen: Mafias, Separatists, and Torn States in a Globalized World
Author/Editor: Danilo Mandić
Author/Editor: Orenstein, Henry
The Garden and the Workshop
Author/Editor: Hanák, Péter
The Gardener's Botanical: An Encyclopedia of Latin Plant Names - with More than 5,000 Entries
Author/Editor: ROSS BAYTON
Garden Insects of North America
Author/Editor: Cranshaw, Whitney; Shetlar, David
Garden Insects of North America
Author/Editor: Cranshaw, Whitney
The Garden in the Machine: The Emerging Science of Artificial Life
Author/Editor: Claus Emmeche,Steven Sampson
Gardens and Grim Ravines
Author/Editor: Pauline Fletcher
Garibaldi: Citizen of the World: A Biography
Author/Editor: Alfonso Scirocco ,Allan Cameron
Gasdynamic Discontinuities
Author/Editor: Hayes, Wallace Dean
Gatekeepers of Growth
Author/Editor: Maxfield, Sylvia
The Gates Open Slowly
Author/Editor: FRANK L. McVEY
Gateway State
Author/Editor: Miller-Davenport, Sarah
Gateway to Equality
Author/Editor: KEONA K. ERVIN
Gatewood: Kentucky's Uncommon Man
Author/Editor: Matthew Strandmark
Gathering Rare Ores
Author/Editor: Helmreich, Jonathan E
Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions
Author/Editor: Quigg, Chris
Gauging Public Opinion
Author/Editor: Cantril, Hadley
Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups. (AM-116), Volume 116
Author/Editor: Katz, Nicholas M
Gawkers: Art and Audience in Late Nineteenth-Century France
The Gay Archipelago
Author/Editor: Boellstorff, Tom
Gay Poems for Red States
Author/Editor: Willie Edward Taylor Carver Jr.
Gays and the Military
Author/Editor: Wolinsky, Marc; Sherrill, Kenneth
The Gaze and the Labyrinth: The Cinema of Liliana Cavani
Author/Editor: Gaetana Marrone
Author/Editor: Coyle, Diane
Author/Editor: Coyle, Diane
Geminos's Introduction to the Phenomena
Author/Editor: Evans, James; Berggren, J. Lennart
Gender and American Social Science: The Formative Years
Gender and Immortality
Author/Editor: Lyons, Deborah
Gender and Power in Rural Greece
Author/Editor: JILL DUBISCH
Gender and Romance in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Author/Editor: Crane, Susan
Gender and the Writer's Imagination
Author/Editor: Mary Suzanne Schriber
Gender, Class, and Freedom in Modern Political Theory
Author/Editor: Hirschmann, Nancy J
Gender, Class, Race, and Reform in the Progressive Era, 1
Gendering War Talk
Author/Editor: Cooke, Miriam G.; Woollacott, Angela
A Genealogy of Dissent
Author/Editor: David Stricklin
Genealogy of the Tragic
Author/Editor: Billings, Joshua
Gene Banks and the World's Food
Author/Editor: Plucknett, Donald L.; Smith, Nigel J.H
The Gene Hunters
Author/Editor: Juma, Calestous
General Equilibrium Theory of Value
Author/Editor: Balasko, Yves
Generalized Feynman Amplitudes. (AM-62), Volume 62
Author/Editor: Speer, Eugene R
Generals of the Army
Author/Editor: James H. Willbanks,Gordon R. SullivanGeneral
General Theory of Algebraic Equations
Author/Editor: Bézout, Etienne
General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics
Author/Editor: Sears, William Rees
General Theory of Relativity
Author/Editor: P. A. M. DIRAC
A General Who Will Fight
Author/Editor: Harry S. Laver
The General Will before Rousseau
Author/Editor: Riley, Patrick
General William E. DePuy
Author/Editor: HENRY G. GOLE,William A. Stofft
Generation on Fire
Author/Editor: Jeff Kisseloff
Generations and Politics
Author/Editor: Jennings, M. Kent; Niemi, Richard G
Generative Social Science
Author/Editor: Epstein, Joshua M
The Genesis of Ezra Pound's CANTOS
Author/Editor: Bush, Ronald L
The Genesis of German Conservatism
Author/Editor: Epstein, Klaus
Genesis of Young Ottoman Thought
Author/Editor: ŞERIF MARDIN
Genes, Trade, and Regulation
Author/Editor: Bernauer, Thomas
The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality
Author/Editor: Kathryn Paige Harden
Genetics and Developmental Biology
Author/Editor: HOWARD J. TEAS
Genetics and the Extinction of Species: DNA and the Conservation of Biodiversity
Author/Editor: Laura F. Landweber,Andrew P. Dobson
Genetics in the Madhouse
Author/Editor: Porter, Theodore M
Genetic Structure and Selection in Subdivided Populations (MPB-40)
Author/Editor: Rousset, François
Geneva 1954. The Settlement of the Indochinese War
Author/Editor: Randle, Robert F
Geneva, Zurich, Basel
Author/Editor: Bouvier, Nicolas; Craig, Gordon A.; Gossman, Lionel
Genius at Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway
Genius in Bondage
Genius in France
Author/Editor: Jefferson, Ann
The Genome Factor
Author/Editor: Conley, Dalton; Fletcher, Jason
Genomic Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Shmulevich, Ilya; Dougherty, Edward R
Gentlemen Revolutionaries
Author/Editor: Tom Cutterham
Gentry and Common Folk
Author/Editor: ALBERT H. TILLSON JR.
Geochemical Kinetics
Author/Editor: Youxue Zhang
Geographical Genetics (MPB-38)
Author/Editor: Epperson, Bryan K
The Geographic Spread of Infectious Diseases
Author/Editor: Sattenspiel, Lisa
The Geography of Ethnic Violence
Author/Editor: Toft, Monica Duffy
The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR
Author/Editor: Robert J. Kaiser
The Geography of Power in Medieval Japan
Author/Editor: Keirstead, Thomas
A Geological Miscellany
Author/Editor: Craig, G. Y.; Jones, E. J
Geology of the Moon
Author/Editor: Mutch, Thomas A
Geometric Integration Theory
Author/Editor: Whitney, Hassler
The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. (AM-151), Volume 151
Author/Editor: Harris, Michael; Taylor, Richard
The Geometry and Dynamics of Magnetic Monopoles
Author/Editor: Atiyah, Michael Francis; Hitchin, Nigel
The Geometry and Topology of Coxeter Groups. (LMS-32)
Author/Editor: Davis, Michael
Geopedia: A Brief Compendium of Geologic Curiosities, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Marcia Bjornerud ,Haley Hagerman
Geophysical Inverse Theory
Author/Editor: ROBERT L. PARKER
The Geopolitics of Shaming: When Human Rights Pressure Works—and When It Backfires, Vol. 213
Author/Editor: Rochelle Terman
The Geopolitics Of Super Power
Author/Editor: COLIN S. GRAY
Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite
Author/Editor: Joseph Warren Dauben
George Berkeley: A Philosophical Life
Author/Editor: Tom Jones
George Eliot and Herbert Spencer
Author/Editor: Paxton, Nancy L
George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947-1950
Author/Editor: Wilson D. Miscamble
George Keats of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Lawrence M. Crutcher,John E. Kleber
George of Bohemia
Author/Editor: Heymann, Frederick Gotthold
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West
George Rogers Clark and William Croghan: A Story of the Revolution, Settlement, and Early Life at Locust Grove
Author/Editor: Gwynne Tuell Potts
George Seferis
Author/Editor: Seferis, George; Keeley, Edmund; Sherrard, Philip
George Seferis
Author/Editor: Seferis, George; Keeley, Edmund
George Seferis: Collected Poems, Revised Edition
The Georgic Revolution
Author/Editor: Low, Anthony
Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s
Germaine de Staël
Author/Editor: Fontana, Biancamaria
The German Bildungsroman from Wieland to Hesse
Author/Editor: Swales, Martin
The German Diplomatic Service, 1871-1914
Author/Editor: Cecil, Lamar
The German Economy
Author/Editor: Siebert, Horst
German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic
Author/Editor: Efron, John M
German Nationalism and Religious Conflict
Author/Editor: Smith, Helmut Walser
The German NOVELLE
Author/Editor: Martin Swales
German Question/Jewish Question
Author/Editor: Rose, Paul Lawrence
German Rearmament and the West, 1932-1933
Author/Editor: Bennett, Edward W
The German Werkbund
Author/Editor: Campbell, Joan
Germany and the Ottoman Empire, 1914-1918
Author/Editor: Trumpener, Ulrich
Germany Divided: From the Wall to Reunification
Author/Editor: A. James McAdams
Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck
Author/Editor: Nipperdey, Thomas
Germany's New Conservatism
Author/Editor: Von Klemperer, Klemens
Germany's Vision of Empire in Venezuela, 1871-1914
Author/Editor: Herwig, Holger H
Getting Incentives Right
Author/Editor: Cooter, Robert D.; Porat, Ariel
Getting Respect
Author/Editor: Lamont, Michèle; Moraes Silva, Graziella; Welburn, Jessica
Getting Right with Lincoln: Correcting Misconceptions about Our Greatest President
Author/Editor: Edward Steers Jr. ,Joseph Garrera
Getting Saved in America
Author/Editor: Chen, Carolyn
Getting Something to Eat in Jackson: Race, Class, and Food in the American South
Author/Editor: Joseph C. Ewoodzie Jr.
Getting Tough
Author/Editor: Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly
Gettin' Some Age on Me
Gettysburg: Memory, Market, and an American Shrine
Author/Editor: Jim Weeks
Ghana in Transition
Author/Editor: Apter, David Ernest
Ghana's Foreign Policy, 1957-1966
Author/Editor: Thompson, Willard Scott
The Ghost Festival in Medieval China
Author/Editor: Stephen F. Teiser
Ghosts across Kentucky
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
Ghosts of Old Louisville
Author/Editor: David Dominé
Ghosts of the Bluegrass
Author/Editor: James McCormick,Macy Wyatt,William Lynwood Montell
Ghosts of the Gothic
Author/Editor: Wilt, Judith
Giacomo Puccini and His World
Giambattista Della Porta, Dramatist
Author/Editor: Clubb, Louise George
Gibeon, Where the Sun Stood Still
Author/Editor: Pritchard, James B
Gifford Pinchot
Author/Editor: McGeary, M. Nelson
Gifted Tongues
Author/Editor: Fine, Gary Alan
The Gifts of Athena
Author/Editor: Mokyr, Joel
The GI Generation, 1
Author/Editor: Frank F. Mathias
The GI Generation: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Frank F. Mathias
GI Jive, 1
Author/Editor: Frank F. Mathias
GI Jive: An Army Bandsman in World War II
Author/Editor: Frank F. Mathias
Gilded Age Cato
Author/Editor: Charles W. Calhoun
The Gilded Cage: Technology, Development, and State Capitalism in China
Author/Editor: YA-WEN LEI
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Michael
G.I. Nightingales
Author/Editor: Barbara Brooks Tomblin
Ginseng Diggers: A History of Root and Herb Gathering in Appalachia
Author/Editor: Luke Manget
Ginseng Dreams
Author/Editor: Goodrich, Norma Lorre
Giorgio Vasari: The Man and the Book, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: T. S. R. Boase
Giraldi Cinthio on Romances
Author/Editor: HENRY L. SNUGGS
A Girl's A Gun
Author/Editor: Rachel Danielle Peterson,Lisa Williams
The Girl Singer: Poems
Author/Editor: Marianne Worthington
Girls Rock!, 1
Author/Editor: Mina Carson,Tisa Lewis,Susan M. Shaw,Jennifer Baumgardner,Amy Richards
Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome
Give and Take: Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East Africa
Author/Editor: Nitsan Chorev
Glad to the Brink of Fear: A Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Author/Editor: JAMES MARCUS
Glimpses of Creatures in Their Physical Worlds
Author/Editor: Vogel, Steven
Global Analysis
Author/Editor: Spencer, Donald Clayton; Iyanaga, Shokichi
Global Bargaining
Author/Editor: Rothstein, Robert L
Global Body Shopping
Author/Editor: Xiang, Biao
The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire
The Global Carbon Cycle
Author/Editor: Archer, David
The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere
Author/Editor: Tapio Schneider ,Adam H. Sobel ,Edward N. Lorenz
The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Ed. REV - Revised
Author/Editor: Saskia Sassen
The Global Commonwealth of Citizens
Author/Editor: Archibugi, Daniele
The Global Condition
Author/Editor: McNeill, William Hardy
The Global Condition
Author/Editor: McNeill, William Hardy
Global Development
Author/Editor: Lorenzini, Sara
Global Discord: Values and Power in a Fractured World Order
Author/Editor: PAUL TUCKER
Global Environment: Water, Air, and Geochemical Cycles - Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Kay Berner ,Robert A. Berner
Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution
Author/Editor: Pranab Bardhan,Samuel Bowles,Michael Wallerstein
Globalization: A Short History
Author/Editor: Jürgen Osterhammel ,Niels P. Petersson ,Dona Geyer
The Globalization of Inequality
Author/Editor: Bourguignon, François
The Globalization of Inequality
Author/Editor: Bourguignon, François
The Globalization Syndrome
Author/Editor: Mittelman, James H
Globalizing Capital
Author/Editor: Eichengreen, Barry
Globalizing Capital
Author/Editor: Eichengreen, Barry
Global Nonlinear Stability of Schwarzschild Spacetime under Polarized Perturbations
Author/Editor: Sergiu Klainerman,Jérémie Szeftel
The Global Nonlinear Stability of the Minkowski Space (PMS-41)
Author/Editor: Christodoulou, Demetrios; Klainerman, Sergiu
Global Objects: Toward a Connected Art History
Author/Editor: Edward S. Cooke Jr.
Global Political Economy
Author/Editor: Gilpin, Robert
The Global Politics of Arms Sales
Author/Editor: Pierre, Andrew J
Global Production
Author/Editor: Antràs, Pol
The Global Remapping of American Literature
Author/Editor: Giles, Paul
The Global Rules of Art: The Emergence and Divisions of a Cultural World Economy
Global Surgery Formula for the Casson-Walker Invariant. (AM-140), Volume 140
Author/Editor: Lescop, Christine
Global Variational Analysis
Author/Editor: Morse, Marston
The Glory of Hera
Author/Editor: Slater, Philip Elliot
A Glossary of Chickens
Author/Editor: Whitehead, Gary J
The Gnat Is Older than Man: Global Environment and Human Agenda
Author/Editor: Christopher D. Stone
The Goat: A Natural and Cultural History
Author/Editor: SUE WEAVER
Gobsmacked!: The British Invasion of American English
Author/Editor: Ben Yagoda
(God) After Auschwitz
Author/Editor: Braiterman, Zachary
God and Creatures
Author/Editor: Alluntis, Felix; Wolter, Allan B
God and Race in American Politics
Author/Editor: Noll, Mark A
God Bless America
Author/Editor: Kathleen E.R. Smith
Author/Editor: Gene D. Phillips,Walter Murch
The Godfather Doctrine
Author/Editor: Hulsman, John C.; Mitchell, A. Wess
The Godfather of Tabloid
Author/Editor: JACK VITEK
God in Greek Philosophy to the Time of Socrates
Author/Editor: Hack, Roy Kenneth
God Interrupted
Author/Editor: Lazier, Benjamin
God In The Stadium
Author/Editor: Robert J. Higgs
God, Man, and Satan
Author/Editor: Frye, Roland Mushat
Godparents and Kinship in Early Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: JOSEPH Η. LYNCH
Gods and Mortals: Ancient Greek Myths for Modern Readers
Gods and Robots
Author/Editor: Mayor, Adrienne
God's Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights
Author/Editor: CHARLES MARSH
God's Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights
Author/Editor: CHARLES MARSH
God Speaks to Us, Too
Author/Editor: Susan M. Shaw
God's Peculiar People, 1
Author/Editor: ELAINE J. LAWLESS
God's Rascal, 1
Author/Editor: BARRY HANKINS
Goebbels And Der Angriff, 1
Goethe and Rousseau
Author/Editor: Carl Hammer Jr.
Goethe, Volume 3
Author/Editor: von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Gearey, John
Goethe, Volume 9: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
Author/Editor: Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE,Eric A. Blackall,Victor Lange
Gogol From the Twentieth Century: Eleven Essays
Author/Editor: ROBERT A. MAGUIRE
Gogol's Dead Souls
Author/Editor: Woodward, James B
Going Abroad
Author/Editor: William W. Stowe
Going Local
Author/Editor: Grindle, Merilee S
Going the Distance: Eurasian Trade and the Rise of the Business Corporation, 1400-1700
Author/Editor: RON HARRIS
Author/Editor: Nanda, Bal Ram
Golden Age of Chinese Drama
Author/Editor: Shih, Chung-wen
The Golden Age of the Quantity Theory
Author/Editor: Laidler, David E.W
The Golden Age Shtetl
Author/Editor: Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
Golden Cables of Sympathy, 1
Author/Editor: Margaret H. McFadden
The Golden Legend
Author/Editor: de Voragine, Jacobus
The Golden Rhinoceros
Author/Editor: Fauvelle, François-Xavier
The Golden Ticket
Author/Editor: Fortnow, Lance
Gold Rush Diary
Author/Editor: THOMAS D. CLARK
Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque, Vol. 39
Golf and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Andy Wible
Good and Plenty
Author/Editor: Cowen, Tyler
Good-Bye Hegemony!
Author/Editor: Reich, Simon; Lebow, Richard Ned
The Good-Enough Life
Author/Editor: Avram Alpert
Good Families of Barcelona
Author/Editor: McDonogh, Gary Wray
Good Form
Author/Editor: Rosenthal, Jesse
The Good Immigrants
Author/Editor: Hsu, Madeline Y
The Good in the Right
Author/Editor: Audi, Robert
Good Neighbors
Author/Editor: Rosenblum, Nancy L
Goodness and Advice
Author/Editor: Thomson, Judith Jarvis; Gutmann, Amy
Google's PageRank and Beyond
Author/Editor: Langville, Amy N.; Meyer, Carl D
The Gospel of Freedom: Black Evangelicals and the Underground Railroad
The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism
Author/Editor: Lerone A. Martin
The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and the Medieval Concept of Order - Expanded Edition
Author/Editor: Otto von Simson
The Gothic Novel 1790--1830
Author/Editor: ANN B. TRACY
The Gothic Visionary Perspective
Author/Editor: Nolan, Barbara
Governance in a Global Economy: Political Authority in Transition
Author/Editor: Miles Kahler ,David A. Lake
Governing America
Author/Editor: Zelizer, Julian
Governing of Men
Author/Editor: Leighton, A. H
Governing the American State
Author/Editor: Johnson, Kimberley S
Governing the Market
Author/Editor: Wade, Robert
Governing the Urban in China and India: Land Grabs, Slum Clearance, and the War on Air Pollution, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: XUEFEI REN
The Governmental Habit Redux
Author/Editor: Hughes, Jonathan R.T
Government in Science
Author/Editor: Thomas G. Manning
The Government of Emergency: Vital Systems, Expertise, and the Politics of Security, Vol. 28
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Collier ,Andrew Lakoff
The Government of Emergency: Vital Systems, Expertise, and the Politics of Security, Vol. 25
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Collier ,Andrew Lakoff
Government Paternalism
Author/Editor: Le Grand, Julian; New, Bill
Government Risk-Sharing in Foreign Investment
Author/Editor: Whitman, Marina von Neumann
The Grace of the Italian Renaissance
Author/Editor: Mac Carthy, Ita
Grace Period
Author/Editor: Miranda, Gary
Graham Greene, 1
Author/Editor: ROBERT H. MILLER,Harvey Curtis Webster
Graham Greene, 1
Author/Editor: Robert O. Evans
The Grail
Author/Editor: Loomis, Roger Sherman
The Grammar of Ornament
Author/Editor: Jones, Owen
The Grand Contraption: The World as Myth, Number, and Chance
Author/Editor: David Park
Grand Plans
The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire
Author/Editor: Mitchell, A. Wess
The Grant Writing Guide: A Road Map for Scholars
Author/Editor: BETTY S. LAI
Graphic Discovery
Author/Editor: Wainer, Howard
Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks
Author/Editor: Mesbahi, Mehran; Egerstedt, Magnus
Graph Theory in America: The First Hundred Years
Grasping the Democratic Peace
Author/Editor: Russett, Bruce
Grasping Things, 1
Author/Editor: Simon J. Bronner
The Graves County Boys
Gravitation and Inertia
Author/Editor: Ciufolini, Ignazio; Wheeler, John Archibald
Gray Ghost
Author/Editor: James A. Ramage
The Gray Ghost
The Great American Mission
Author/Editor: Ekbladh, David
Great Books, Bad Arguments
Author/Editor: Runciman, W. G
The Great Brain Debate
Author/Editor: Dowling, John E
The Great Brain Race
Author/Editor: Wildavsky, Ben
The Great Brain Race
Author/Editor: Wildavsky, Ben
Great Cases in Constitutional Law
Author/Editor: George, Robert P
The Great Contraction, 1929-1933
Author/Editor: Friedman, Milton; Schwartz, Anna Jacobson
The Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the Expanding American Mainstream
Author/Editor: Richard Alba
The Great Divergence
Author/Editor: Pomeranz, Kenneth
The Great Escape
Author/Editor: Deaton, Angus
The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality, Vol. 136
Author/Editor: ANGUS DEATON
The Greatest of All Plagues: How Economic Inequality Shaped Political Thought from Plato to Marx
Author/Editor: David Lay Williams
The Great Exception
Author/Editor: Cowie, Jefferson
The Great Famine
Author/Editor: Jordan, William Chester
The Great Fear of 1789
Author/Editor: Lefebvre, Georges
The Great Feast of Language in Love's Labour's Lost
Author/Editor: Carroll, William C
The Great Formal Machinery Works
Author/Editor: Jan von Plato
The Great Frontier
Author/Editor: McNeill, William Hardy
The Great Guide: What David Hume Can Teach Us about Being Human and Living Well
The Great Leveler
Author/Editor: Scheidel, Walter
The Great Mother
Author/Editor: Neumann, Erich
The Great Ocean Conveyor
Author/Editor: Broecker, Wally
The Great Powers and Global Struggle, 1490-1990, 1
Author/Editor: Karen A. Rasler,William R. Thompson
The Great Rebalancing
Author/Editor: Pettis, Michael
The Great Rebalancing
Author/Editor: Pettis, Michael
Great Religions of the Modern World
Author/Editor: Jurji, Edward Jabra
The Great Revival, 1
Author/Editor: John B. Boles
Great Siberian Migration
Author/Editor: Treadgold, Donald
Greece--a Jewish History
Author/Editor: Fleming, K. E
Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens
Author/Editor: Ryan K. Balot
Greek and Roman Necromancy
Author/Editor: Daniel Ogden
Greek Art and Aesthetics in the Fourth Century B.C
Author/Editor: Childs, William A. P
Greek Buddha
Author/Editor: Beckwith, Christopher I
The Greek Experience of India
Author/Editor: Stoneman, Richard
Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Unconventional Warfare in the Ancient World
Greek Mythology in Byzantine Art
Author/Editor: Weitzmann, Kurt
Greek Papyri
Author/Editor: Turner, Eric Gardner
The Greek Revolution and the Violent Birth of Nationalism
Greenback Era
Author/Editor: Unger, Irwin
The Green Count of Savoy
Author/Editor: Cox, Eugene L
Green Hills of Magic
Author/Editor: Ruth Ann Musick,Archie L. Musick
The Greening of the South
Author/Editor: THOMAS D. CLARK
Green Plastics: An Introduction to the New Science of Biodegradable Plastics
Author/Editor: E. S. Stevens
The Green River of Kentucky, 1
Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schrödinger Operators and Applications. (AM-158)
Author/Editor: Bourgain, Jean
Green: The History of a Color
Author/Editor: Michel PASTOUREAU ,Jody Gladding
Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians
Author/Editor: Kenneth Levy
Grief: A Philosophical Guide
Author/Editor: Michael Cholbi
Grieving for Guava: Stories
Author/Editor: Cecilia M. Fernandez
Grimm Legacies
Author/Editor: Zipes, Jack
The Gross-Zagier Formula on Shimura Curves
Author/Editor: Yuan, Xinyi; Zhang, Shou-wu; Zhang, Wei
Author/Editor: Robert M. Farley
Groundless Belief: An Essay on the Possibility of Epistemology - Second Edition, Ed. 2
Ground Wars
Author/Editor: Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis
Groundwork: A History of the Renaissance Picture
Author/Editor: David Young Kim
Group Problem Solving
Author/Editor: Laughlin, Patrick R
Group Theory
Author/Editor: Cvitanović, Predrag
Growing Democracy in Japan
Author/Editor: Brian Woodall
Growing Stories from India
Author/Editor: A. WHITNEY SANFORD,Vandana Shiva
Growing Up Hard in Harlan County
Author/Editor: G.C. Jones,Cratis Williams
Growth and Differentiation in Physarum Polycephalum
Author/Editor: W. F. Dove,H. P. Rusch
Growth and Structure of Human Populations
Author/Editor: Coale, Ansley Johnson
Growth in a Traditional Society
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Philip T
The Growth of English Schooling, 1340-1548
Author/Editor: Moran, Jo Ann Hoeppner
The Growth of the Law in Medieval Russia
Author/Editor: Kaiser, Daniel H
The Growth of World Law
Author/Editor: Corbett, Percy Ellwood
Guanzi: Political, Economic, and Philosophical Essays from Early China, Vol. 159
Author/Editor: W. Allyn Rickett
Guaranteed to Fail
Author/Editor: Acharya, Viral V.; Richardson, Matthew; van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn
The Guardian
Author/Editor: John Calhoun Stephens
Guardrails: Guiding Human Decisions in the Age of AI
Guerilla Communism in Malaya
Author/Editor: Pye, Lucian W
Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America
Author/Editor: Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Lawrence; Adam, John A
Guesstimation 2.0
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Lawrence
A Guide to Cyanobacteria
Author/Editor: Mark A. Nienaber,Miriam Steinitz-Kannan
Guide to Tables in Mathematical Statistics
A Guide to the Mammals of China
Author/Editor: Smith, Andrew T.; Xie, Yan; Hoffmann, Robert S
Guide to the Manta and Devil Rays of the World
Author/Editor: Guy Stevens,Daniel Fernando,Marc Dando,Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
Guide to Trollope
Author/Editor: Gerould, Winifred Gregory; Gerould, James Thayer
Guillén on Guillén
Author/Editor: Guillén, Jorge; Gibbons, Reginald
Guilty of Indigence
Author/Editor: Chen, Janet Y
The Gulf
Author/Editor: Michael F. Cairo
The Gull Guide: North America
Author/Editor: Amar Ayyash
Gulls of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East: An Identification Guide
Gulls Simplified
Author/Editor: Pete Dunne,Kevin T. Karlson
The Gunpowder Age
Author/Editor: Andrade, Tonio
Guru English
Author/Editor: Aravamudan, Srinivas
Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies
Author/Editor: Barley, Stephen R.; Kunda, Gideon
Guts and Glory
Author/Editor: Lawrence H. Suid
Gwendolyn Brooks, 1
Author/Editor: D. H. Melhem
Gymnastics of the Mind
Author/Editor: Cribiore, Raffaella