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Titles start with S ( displaying 500 of 991 ) Information
Sabbatai á¹¢evi
Author/Editor: Scholem, Gershom Gerhard
Sabbatai Ṣevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1626–1676
Author/Editor: GERSHOM SCHOLEM,Yaacob Dweck,R. J. Zwi Werblowsky
Sabers through the Reich
Author/Editor: WILLIAM STUART NANCE,Robert M. Citino
The Sack of Rome, 1527, Vol. 26
The Sacred and Civil Calendar of the Athenian Year
Author/Editor: Mikalson, Jon D
The Sacred and the Secular University
Author/Editor: JON H. ROBERTS ,JAMES TURNER ,John F. Wilson
Sacred Foundations: The Religious and Medieval Roots of the European State
Author/Editor: Anna Grzymała-Busse
Sacred Language, Vernacular Difference: Global Arabic and Counter-Imperial Literatures, Vol. 52
Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry
Author/Editor: Fukagawa Hidetoshi ,Tony Rothman
Sacred Mountains
Author/Editor: Andrew R. H. Thompson
Sacred Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Shuger, Debora K
A Sacred Space Is Never Empty
Author/Editor: Smolkin, Victoria
Sadness and Happiness: Poems by Robert Pinsky
Author/Editor: Robert Pinsky
Safeguarding Democratic Capitalism
Author/Editor: Leffler, Melvyn
Safe Havens for Hate: The Challenge of Moderating Online Extremism
Author/Editor: TAMAR MITTS
The Safety of Small Things: Poems
Author/Editor: JANE HICKS
The Saffron Wave
Author/Editor: Hansen, Thomas Blom
The SA Generals and the Rise of Nazism, 1
Author/Editor: Bruce Campbell
Sailing the Water's Edge
Author/Editor: Milner, Helen V.; Tingley, Dustin
The Sailor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of American Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: David F. Schmitz
Saint Patrick Retold
Author/Editor: Flechner, Roy
Saints and Their Miracles in Late Antique Gaul
Author/Editor: Van Dam, Raymond
Sakamato Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration
Author/Editor: Jansen, Marius B
Author/Editor: Marteau, Robert
Salutary Neglect
Author/Editor: Henretta, James A
Salvation and the Savage
Salvator Rosa in French Literature
Author/Editor: James S. Patty
Samothracian Reflections
Samuel Beckett
Author/Editor: Harvey, Lawrence E
Samuel Johnson and the Impact of Print: (Originally published as Printing Technology, Letters, and Samuel Johnson)
Author/Editor: ALVIN KERNAN
Samuel Johnson and the Tragic Sense
Author/Editor: Damrosch, Leopold
Samuel Richardson
Author/Editor: Flynn, Carol Houlihan
Samuel Richardson and the Dramatic Novel
Author/Editor: Sandino, Augusto C.; Ramírez, Sergio
Author/Editor: Sonenscher, Michael
The Sans-Culottes: The Popular Movement and Revolutionary Government, 1793-1794
Author/Editor: Albert Soboul ,Rémy Inglis Hall
Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus: A Ghost Story and a Biography
Author/Editor: Clifton Crais ,Pamela Scully
Sarah Bernhardt
Author/Editor: Taranow, Gerda
Sarmiento's Travels in the U.S. in 1847
Author/Editor: Rockland, Michael Aaron
The Satanic Epic
Author/Editor: Forsyth, Neil
Satire, 1
Satire and Society in Wilhelmine Germany
Author/Editor: Ann Taylor Allen
Satiric Inheritance
Author/Editor: Seidel, Michael A
Saul Bass
Author/Editor: Jan-Christopher Horak
A Savage War
Author/Editor: Murray, Williamson; Hsieh, Wayne Wei-siang
Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva
Author/Editor: JANAKI BAKHLE
Saving America?
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Saving America's Wildlife: Ecology and the American Mind, 1850-1990
Author/Editor: THOMAS R. DUNLAP
Saving Belief
Author/Editor: Lynne Rudder Baker
Saving Capitalism
Saving God
Author/Editor: Johnston, Mark
Savory Memories
Author/Editor: L. Elisabeth Beattie,Elisabeth Watts Beattie,Ronni Lundy,Jim Wayne Miller
Sayings of the Ancestors
Say's Law
Author/Editor: Sowell, Thomas
Author/Editor: Rivera, Eléna
Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Dennis S
Scale and the Incas
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Andrew James
Scale, Heterogeneity, and the Structure and Diversity of Ecological Communities
Author/Editor: Ritchie, Mark E
Scaling in Ecology with a Model System, Vol. 118
Author/Editor: Aaron M. Ellison ,Nicholas J. Gotelli
Author/Editor: Clark, Anna
The Scandal of Kabbalah
Author/Editor: Dweck, Yaacob
Scattering in Quantum Field Theories
Author/Editor: Iagolnitzer, Daniel
Scattering Theory for Automorphic Functions. (AM-87), Volume 87
Author/Editor: Lax, Peter D.; Phillips, Ralph S
Scenarios of Power
Author/Editor: Wortman, Richard S
The Schlieffen Plan
Author/Editor: Hans Ehlert,Michael Epkenhans,Gerhard P. Gross,David T. Zabecki
Schoenberg and His World
Author/Editor: Frisch, Walter
A Scholar's Conscience, 1
Author/Editor: FAITH BERRY
Scholastic Magic
Author/Editor: Swartz, Michael D
School Choice
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Alan
Schoolhouses, Courthouses, and Statehouses
Author/Editor: Hanushek, Eric A.; Lindseth, Alfred A
Schooling German Girls and Women
Author/Editor: Albisetti, James C
Schooling Islam
Author/Editor: Hefner, Robert W.; Zaman, Muhammad Qasim
School Lunch Politics
Author/Editor: Levine, Susan
The School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch
Author/Editor: Cribiore, Raffaella
School of Love
Author/Editor: Richmond, H. M
The School of the French Revolution
Author/Editor: R. R. PALMER
Schools for All
Author/Editor: William Preston Vaughn
Schools of Thought: Twenty-Five Years of Interpretive Social Science
Author/Editor: Joan W. Scott ,Debra Keates
Schumann and His World
Author/Editor: Todd, R. Larry
Science a la Mode
Author/Editor: Rothman, Tony
The Science and Art of Renaissance Music
Author/Editor: Haar, James; Corneilson, Paul
Science and Polity in France
Author/Editor: Gillispie, Charles Coulston
Science and Polity in France
Author/Editor: Gillispie, Charles Coulston
Science and Scepticism
Author/Editor: Watkins, John W.N
Science and the Cure of Diseases
Author/Editor: Racker, Efraim
Science and the Navy
Author/Editor: Sapolsky, Harvey M
Science and the Secrets of Nature: Books of Secrets in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
Author/Editor: William Eamon
Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry
Author/Editor: HELEN E. LONGINO
Science, Jews, and Secular Culture: Studies in Mid-Twentieth-Century American Intellectual History
Author/Editor: David A. Hollinger
The Science of Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Smart, Ninian
The Science of Roman History
Author/Editor: Scheidel, Walter
The Science of Sacrifice
Author/Editor: Mizruchi, Susan L
The Science of War
Author/Editor: O'Hanlon, Michael E
Science on Stage
Author/Editor: Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten
Science Without Numbers
Author/Editor: Field, Hartry H
Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World
Author/Editor: Wesley C. Salmon
Scientific Management in Action
Author/Editor: Aitken, Hugh G.J
Scientific Parallel Computing
Author/Editor: L. Ridgway Scott ,Terry Clark ,Babak Bagheri
The Scientist's Guide to Writing
Author/Editor: Heard, Stephen B
Scissors, Paper, Rock
Scorched Earth: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature
Scotland and Its First American Colony, 1683-1760
Author/Editor: Landsman, Ned C
Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
Scotland and Its First American Colony, 1683-1765
Author/Editor: Landsman, Ned C
Scott, Chaucer, and Medieval Romance
Scottish Philosophy and British Physics, 1740-1870
Author/Editor: Olson, Richard S
Scott's Shadow
Author/Editor: Duncan, Ian
Scott the Rhymer
The Scourges of Heaven
Author/Editor: David Dick
Scouting and Scoring
Author/Editor: Phillips, Christopher
Author/Editor: Brunette, Peter; Wills, David
Scripting Addiction
Author/Editor: Carr, E. Summerson
Scripting the Moves: Culture and Control in a "No-Excuses" Charter School
Author/Editor: Joanne W. Golann
Scripture, Canon and Commentary
Author/Editor: Henderson, John B
Author/Editor: Waldfogel, Joel
The Sculpture of Donatello
Author/Editor: Janson, Horst Woldemar
Author/Editor: Lamb, Jonathan
The Scythian Empire: Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China
The Sea and the Second World War: Maritime Aspects of a Global Conflict
Author/Editor: Marcus Faulkner,Alessio Patalano
A Sea Monster's Tale: In Search of the Basking Shark
Author/Editor: Colin Speedie
Sea of Storms
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Stuart B
The Search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940
Author/Editor: Grattan-Guinness, I
Search for the American Right Wing
Author/Editor: Hixson, William B
Searching for a Corporate Savior
Author/Editor: Khurana, Rakesh
Searching for the Oldest Stars
Author/Editor: Frebel, Anna
Seashells of Southern Florida: Living Marine Mollusks of the Florida Keys and Adjacent Regions: Bivalves
Author/Editor: Paula M. Mikkelsen ,Rüdiger Bieler
A Season of Inquiry
Author/Editor: LOCH K. JOHNSON
Seaweeds of the World: A Guide to Every Order, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: John H. Bothwell
Secondary School Reform in Imperial Germany
Author/Editor: Albisetti, James C
The Second Great Contraction
Author/Editor: Reinhart, Carmen M.; Rogoff, Kenneth S
The Second Red Scare and the Unmaking of the New Deal Left
Author/Editor: Storrs, Landon R.Y
Second Site, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: James Nisbet
The Secretary of Defense
The Secret Body: How the New Science of the Human Body Is Changing the Way We Live
Author/Editor: Daniel M. Davis
Secret City
Author/Editor: Green, Constance McLaughlin
The Secret Formula: How a Mathematical Duel Inflamed Renaissance Italy and Uncovered the Cubic Equation
The Secret History of RDX: The Super-Explosive that Helped Win World War II
Author/Editor: COLIN F. BAXTER
The Secret Life of Science
Author/Editor: Baumberg, Jeremy J
The Secret of Our Success
Author/Editor: Henrich, Joseph
Secret Reports on Nazi Germany
Author/Editor: Neumann, Franz; Marcuse, Herbert; Kirchheimer, Otto
Secrets and Leaks
Author/Editor: Sagar, Rahul
Secrets and Leaks
Author/Editor: Sagar, Rahul
The Secrets of Pirate Management
Author/Editor: Leeson, Peter T
Secrets of the Sideshows
Author/Editor: JOE NICKELL
Secret Wars
Author/Editor: Carson, Austin
The Secular City
Author/Editor: Cox, Harvey
Secular Cycles
Author/Editor: Turchin, Peter; Nefedov, Sergey A
The Secular Enlightenment
Author/Editor: MARGARET C. JACOB
The Secular Mind
Author/Editor: Coles, Robert
Securing Prosperity
Author/Editor: Osterman, Paul
Securing the Peace
Author/Editor: Toft, Monica Duffy
Securing the Right to Employment
Author/Editor: Harvey, Philip
Author/Editor: Hamilton, John T
Security and Economy in the Third World
Author/Editor: Ball, Nicole
Security in Disarmament
Author/Editor: Falk, Richard A.; Barnet, Richard J
The Seducer's Diary
Author/Editor: Kierkegaard, Søren
The Seduction of Culture in German History
Author/Editor: Lepenies, Wolf
The Seduction of Unreason
Author/Editor: Wolin, Richard
The Seduction of Unreason
Author/Editor: Wolin, Richard
The Seed Of Sally Good'n, 1
Author/Editor: Ruth Polk Patterson
Seeds of Amazonian Plants
Author/Editor: Cornejo, Fernando; Janovec, John
Seeing America
Author/Editor: Melissa A. McEuen
Seeing the World
Author/Editor: Stevens, Mitchell; Miller-Idriss, Cynthia; Shami, Seteney
Seeing with Their Hearts: Chicago Women and the Vision of the Good City, 1871-1933
Author/Editor: Maureen A. Flanagan
Seeking the Bomb: Strategies of Nuclear Proliferation, Vol. 188
Author/Editor: Vipin Narang
The Seiberg-Witten Equations and Applications to the Topology of Smooth Four-Manifolds. (MN-44), Volume 44
Author/Editor: Morgan, John W
Selected Later Poems of Marie Luise Kaschnitz
Author/Editor: Kaschnitz, Marie Luise
Selected Letters of C.G. Jung, 1909-1961
Author/Editor: Jung, C. G.; Adler, Gerhard; Jaffé, Aniela
The Selected Letters of Nikos Kazantzakis
Author/Editor: Kazantzakis, Nikos
Selected Poems
Author/Editor: Sophocles
Selected Poems by C.P. Cavafy
Author/Editor: Cavafy, C. P
Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli
Author/Editor: Pascoli, Giovanni
Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid
Author/Editor: HaNagid, Shmuel
Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol
Author/Editor: Ibn Gabirol, Solomon
Selected Poems of Tudor Arghezi
Author/Editor: Arghezi, Tudor
Selected Poetry of Andrea Zanzotto
Author/Editor: Zanzotto, Andrea
Selected Scientific Works of Hans Christian Ørsted
Author/Editor: Ørsted, Hans Christian
Selected Scientific Works of Hans Christian Ørsted
Author/Editor: Ørsted, Hans Christian
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Miguel de Unamuno,Allen Lacy,Martin Nozick,Anthony Kerrigan,Allen Lacy,Martin Nozick,Allen Lacy
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Miguel de Unamuno,Anthony Kerrigan,Allen Lacy,Martin Nozick,Martin Nozick,Allen Lacy,Allen Lacy
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 3
Author/Editor: Unamuno, Miguel de; Kerrigan, Anthony
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 4: The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations
Author/Editor: Miguel de Unamuno ,Anthony Kerrigan ,Salvador de Madariaga ,William Barrett
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 5
Author/Editor: Unamuno, Miguel de; Kerrigan, Anthony; Nozick, Martin
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 6
Author/Editor: Unamuno, Miguel de; Kerrigan, Anthony; Nozick, Martin
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 7
Author/Editor: Miguel de Unamuno,Anthony Kerrigan,Martin Nozick
Selected Works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich
Author/Editor: Zeldovich, Yakov Borisovich; Ostriker, Jeremiah P
Selected Works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich, Volume I
Author/Editor: Zeldovich, Yakov Borisovich; Barenblatt, G. I.; Sunyaev, Rashid Alievich
Selected Works of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich, Volume II
Author/Editor: Zeldovich, Yakov Borisovich; Ostriker, Jeremiah P
Selected Writings on Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Herder, Johann Gottfried
Selections from Classical Chinese Historical Texts: Glossaries, Analyses, Exercises, Vol. 52
Author/Editor: 袁 乃 瑛,Naiying Yuan ,唐 海 濤,Haitao Tang ,蓋 杰 民,James Geiss
Author/Editor: Jayne, John E.; Rogers, C. Ambrose
The Self-Assembling Brain: How Neural Networks Grow Smarter
Self-Deception Unmasked
Author/Editor: Mele, Alfred R
Self-Determination and History in the Third World
Author/Editor: Gordon, David C
Author/Editor: Gewirth, Alan
Self-Imitation in the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Author/Editor: Laden, Marie-Paule
The Self-Inflicted Wound
Author/Editor: ROBERT F. DURDEN
Author/Editor: Gill, Mary Louise; Lennox, James G
Self-Organization in Biological Systems
Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems. (MPB-42)
Author/Editor: Solé, Ricard; Bascompte, Jordi
Self-Policing in Politics: The Political Economy of Reputational Controls on Politicians
Author/Editor: Glenn R. Parker
Author/Editor: Peng, Jiming; Roos, Cornelis; Terlaky, Tamás
Selfsimilar Processes
Author/Editor: Embrechts, Paul
Self, Text, and Romantic Irony
Author/Editor: Garber, Frederick
Selling Catholicism
Author/Editor: Christopher Owen Lynch
Selling Our Souls
Author/Editor: Reich, Adam Dalton
Selling Women Short
Author/Editor: Roth, Louise Marie
Selma to Saigon
Author/Editor: Daniel S. Lucks
The Semantics of Desire
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Philip M
Semiclassical Soliton Ensembles for the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (AM-154)
Author/Editor: Kamvissis, Spyridon; McLaughlin, Kenneth D.T-R; Miller, Peter D
The Semiclassical Way to Dynamics and Spectroscopy
Author/Editor: Heller, Eric J
Author/Editor: Plotz, John
Seminar on Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem. (AM-57), Volume 57
Author/Editor: Palais, Richard S
Seminar on Differential Geometry. (AM-102), Volume 102
Author/Editor: Yau, Shing-tung
Seminar on Micro-Local Analysis. (AM-93), Volume 93
Author/Editor: Guillemin, Victor; Kashiwara, Masaki; Kawai, Takahiro
Seminar On Minimal Submanifolds. (AM-103), Volume 103
Author/Editor: Bombieri, Enrico
Seminar on Singularities of Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations. (AM-91), Volume 91
Author/Editor: Hörmander, Lars
Seminar on Transformation Groups. (AM-46), Volume 46
Author/Editor: Borel, Armand
Semitic Words in Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period
Author/Editor: Hoch, James E
The Senate of Imperial Rome
Author/Editor: Richard J.A. Talbert
Senatorial Politics and Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: MALCOLM E. JEWELL
Seneca's Troades
Author/Editor: Fantham, Elaine
The Sense of Dissonance
Author/Editor: Stark, David
The Sense of Music
Author/Editor: Monelle, Raymond
The Sense of Music
Sense Of Place
The Sense of the Past
Author/Editor: Williams, Bernard; Burnyeat, Myles
Sensory Inhibition
Author/Editor: Von Bekesy, Georg
Sensuous Seas
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Eugene H
Sentimental Bodies
Author/Editor: Burgett, Bruce
The Sentimental Education of the Novel
Author/Editor: Cohen, Margaret
The Separate City
Author/Editor: Christopher Silver,John V. Moeser
Sequel to History: Postmodernism and the Crisis of Representational Time
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth
The Serengeti Rules
Author/Editor: Carroll, Sean B
The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters
Author/Editor: SEAN B. CARROLL
Sergeant York
Author/Editor: David D. Lee
Sergey Prokofiev and His World
Author/Editor: Morrison, Simon
A Series of Fortunate Events: Chance and the Making of the Planet, Life, and You
Author/Editor: Sean B. Carroll
Servants and Masters in 18th-Century France
Author/Editor: Maza, Sarah C
Services and Employment: Explaining the U.S.-European Gap
Author/Editor: Mary Gregory,Wiemer Salverda,Ronald Schettkat
Serving Two Masters
Author/Editor: Elisabeth W. Sommer
Setting the People Free
Author/Editor: Dunn, John
Settling Accounts
Author/Editor: Borneman, John
Settling for Less: Why States Colonize and Why They Stop
Author/Editor: LACHLAN McNAMEE
The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology
Author/Editor: Chambers, Chris
The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology
Author/Editor: Chambers, Chris
The Seven Hills of Rome
Author/Editor: Heiken, Grant; Funiciello, Renato; Rita, Donatella de
Seven One-Act Plays by Holberg
Author/Editor: Holberg, Ludvig
Seven Rules for Social Research
Author/Editor: Firebaugh, Glenn
The Seventeenth-Century Resolve
Author/Editor: John L. Lievsay
Seventeenth-Century Science and the Arts
Author/Editor: Rhys, Hedley Howell
The Seven Years War and the Old Regime in France
Author/Editor: Riley, James C
Several Complex Variables: Proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 1987-1988. (MN-38)
Author/Editor: Fornaess, John Erik
The Severed Word
Author/Editor: Brownlee, Marina Scordilis
Sex after Fascism
Author/Editor: Herzog, Dagmar
Sex Allocation
Author/Editor: West, Stuart
Sex and Evolution. (MPB-8), Volume 8
Sex and Secularism
Author/Editor: Scott, Joan Wallach
Sex and Suffrage in Britain, 1860-1914
Author/Editor: Kent, Susan Kingsley
Sex, Color, and Mate Choice in Guppies
Author/Editor: ANNE E. HOUDE
Sexing the World
Author/Editor: Corbeill, Anthony
Sex in Public
Author/Editor: Naiman, Eric
Sexual Conflict
Author/Editor: Arnqvist, Göran; Rowe, Locke
Sexual Identities, Queer Politics
Author/Editor: Mark Blasius
Sexual Selection
Sexual Suspects: Eighteenth-Century Players and Sexual Ideology
Author/Editor: Kristina Straub
Sexual Symmetry
Author/Editor: Konstan, David
Shades of the Planet
Author/Editor: Dimock, Wai Chee; Buell, Lawrence
Shadow Empires: An Alternative Imperial History
Author/Editor: Thomas Barfield
The Shadow of Death
Author/Editor: Harry Gordon
The Shadow of Death
Author/Editor: Canuel, Mark
The Shadow of Eternity
Author/Editor: Sharon Cadman Seelig
The Shadows and Lights of Waco
Author/Editor: Faubion, James D
Shafarevich Maps and Automorphic Forms
Author/Editor: Kollár, János
Shaker Made: Inside Pleasant Hill's Shaker Village
The Shaker Village, 1
Author/Editor: Raymond Bial
Author/Editor: Herder, Johann Gottfried
Author/Editor: Knapp, Robert S
Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine
Author/Editor: Frye, Roland Mushat
Shakespeare and Elizabeth: The Meeting of Two Myths
Author/Editor: Helen Hackett
Shakespeare and Spenser
Author/Editor: Watkins, Walter Barker Critz
Shakespeare and the Dramaturgy of Power
Author/Editor: Cox, John D
Shakespeare and the Energies of Drama
Author/Editor: Goldman, Michael
Shakespeare and the Folktale: An Anthology of Stories
Shakespeare and the Greek Romance
Author/Editor: Carol Gesner
Shakespeare and the Outer Mystery
Author/Editor: ROBERT H. WEST
Shakespeare and the Poet's Life
Shakespeare and the Renaissance Concept of Honor
Author/Editor: Watson, Curtis Brown
Shakespeare and the Uses of Comedy
Author/Editor: J.A. Bryant Jr.
Shakespearean Meanings
Author/Editor: Burckhardt, Sigurd
Shakespearean Representation
Author/Editor: Felperin, Howard
Shakespearean Romance
Author/Editor: Felperin, Howard
Shakespeare's Brain
Author/Editor: Crane, Mary Thomas
Shakespeare's Festive Comedy
Author/Editor: Barber, Cesar Lombardi
Shakespeare's Life and Times
Author/Editor: Frye, Roland Mushat
Shakespeare's Living Art
Author/Editor: Colie, Rosalie Littell
Shakespeare's Mature Tragedies
Author/Editor: McElroy, Bernard
Shakespeare's Revision of KING LEAR
Author/Editor: Urkowitz, Steven
Shakespeare’s Tragic Art
Author/Editor: Rhodri Lewis
The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship across the Modern Mediterranean
Shamanism and the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Flaherty, Gloria
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Author/Editor: MIRCEA ELIADE ,WILLARD R. TRASK ,Wendy Doniger
The Shame of Southern Politics
Author/Editor: LESLIE DUNBAR,Dan T. Carter
Shame: The Politics and Power of an Emotion
Author/Editor: DAVID KEEN
Shantyboat Journal
Author/Editor: DON WALLIS
Shantyboat On The Bayous, 1
Author/Editor: HARLAN HUBBARD,Don Wallis
Shaped by War and Trade
Author/Editor: Katznelson, Ira; Shefter, Martin
The Shape of Apocalypse in Modern Russian Fiction
Author/Editor: Bethea, David M
The Shape of Fear, 1
Author/Editor: Susan J. Navarette
The Shape of Power: Stories of Race and American Sculpture
Author/Editor: Karen Lemmey ,Tobias Wofford ,Grace Yasumura ,Renée Ater ,Jacqueline Francis ,Elizabeth Hutchinson ,Tess Korobkin ,Jami Powell ,James Smalls
The Shape of the New
Author/Editor: Montgomery, Scott L.; Chirot, Daniel
The Shape of the River
Author/Editor: Bowen, William G.; Bok, Derek
The Shape of the River
Author/Editor: G., Bowen William; Bok, Derek
The Shape of the Signifier
Author/Editor: Michaels, Walter Benn
Shaping Jazz
Author/Editor: Phillips, Damon J
Shaping Modern Times in Rural France: The Transformation and Reproduction of an Aveyronnais Community
Author/Editor: Susan Carol Rogers
The Shaping of 'Abbasid Rule
Author/Editor: Jacob Lassner
The Shaping of Liberal Politics in Revolutionary France
Author/Editor: Sa'adah, Anne
Shaping of the Elizabethan Regime
Author/Editor: MacCaffrey, Wallace T
The Shaping of the Elizabethan Regime
Author/Editor: MacCaffrey, Wallace T
Shaping Race Policy
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Robert
Shaping Strategy
Author/Editor: Brooks, Risa
A Shared World
Author/Editor: Greene, Molly
Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop: The Team That Changed Children's Television
Author/Editor: Nat Segaloff ,Mallory Lewis ,David Copperfield
Sharing Responsibility: The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities, Vol. 43
Author/Editor: Luke Glanville
Sharks of the World: A Complete Guide
Author/Editor: David A. Ebert ,Marc Dando ,Sarah Fowler
Sharp Cut, 1
Author/Editor: Steven H. Gale
Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution and the United States, 1944-1954
Author/Editor: Piero Gleijeses
Shattered Past
Author/Editor: Jarausch, Konrad H.; Geyer, Michael
Shattering Silence: Women, Nationalism, and Political Subjectivity in Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Begoña Aretxaga
Shattering the Myth
Author/Editor: Lawrence, Bruce B
The Shawnee, 1
Author/Editor: JERRY E. CLARK
Shelleyan Eros
Author/Editor: Ulmer, William A
Shelley's CENCI
Author/Editor: Curran, Stuart
Shelley's Major Poetry
Author/Editor: Baker, Carlos
Shell Shock Cinema
Author/Editor: Kaes, Anton
The Sheriff, 1
Author/Editor: Colin S. Gray
The Sheriff: America's Defense of the New World Order
Author/Editor: Colin S. Gray
She Said What?, 1
Author/Editor: MARIA BRADEN
The Shield of Achilles, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: W. H. AUDEN ,Alan Jacobs
The Shield of Homer
Author/Editor: Stanley, Keith
The Shifting Grounds of Race
Author/Editor: Kurashige, Scott
Shifting Involvements
Author/Editor: Hirschman, Albert O
The Shi'is of Iraq
Author/Editor: Nakash, Yitzhak
Shinto and the State, 1868-1988
Author/Editor: Helen Hardacre
Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World
Author/Editor: Casson, Lionel
Ships, Machinery and Mossback
Author/Editor: Bowen, Harold Gardiner
Ships That Sail No More
Author/Editor: Giles T. Brown
The Shocking Miss Pilgrim
Author/Editor: Frederica Sagor Maas
Shock to the System: Coups, Elections, and War on the Road to Democratization
Author/Editor: Michael K. Miller
Shoemaker by Levy: The Man Who Made an Impact
Author/Editor: David H. Levy
Shooting the Pacific War
Author/Editor: Thayer Soule
Shopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London's West End
A Short History of Celebrity
Author/Editor: Inglis, Fred
A Short History of German Philosophy
Author/Editor: Hösle, Vittorio
A Short History of Medieval Philosophy
Author/Editor: Weinberg, Julius Rudolf
A Short History of the Jews
Author/Editor: Michael Brenner ,Jeremiah Riemer
A Short Life of Kierkegaard
Author/Editor: Lowrie, Walter
Short of the Glory
Author/Editor: Tracy Campbell
Author/Editor: Fischer, Lucy
Should We Risk It?
Author/Editor: Kammen, Daniel M.; Hassenzahl, David M
Showman of the Screen
Author/Editor: A. T. McKENNA,Patrick McGilligan
The Shriek of Silence
A Shrinking Island
Author/Editor: Esty, Jed
Sick Souls, Healthy Minds
Author/Editor: Kaag, John
Author/Editor: Simon Henderson
Sidney J. Furie
Author/Editor: DANIEL KREMER
Sidney Lumet, 2
Author/Editor: Frank R. Cunningham
Siegfried Kracauer
Author/Editor: Koch, Gertrud
Signals of War
Author/Editor: Freedman, Lawrence; Gamba-Stonehouse, Virginia
The Significance of Consciousness
Author/Editor: Siewert, Charles
Silas House: Exploring an Appalachian Writer's Work
Author/Editor: Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt ,Denise Giardina ,Adam Booth ,David O. Hoffman ,Maurice Manning ,Jennifer Adkins Reynolds ,Donna Summerlin ,Natalie Sypolt ,M
Silence in the Land of Logos
Author/Editor: Montiglio, Silvia
The Silence of Heaven
Author/Editor: Oz, Amos
Silent Heroes, 1
The Silent Majority
Author/Editor: Lassiter, Matthew D
The Silent Masters
Author/Editor: Godman, Peter
Silent Players
Author/Editor: Anthony Slide
Silent Poetry
The Silent Revolution
Author/Editor: Inglehart, Ronald
The Silent Sex
Author/Editor: Karpowitz, Christopher F.; Mendelberg, Tali
Silent Sparks
Author/Editor: Lewis, Sara
Silent Voices
Author/Editor: Berinsky, Adam J
The Silicon Jungle
Author/Editor: Baluja, Shumeet
The Silver Lining: The Benefits of Natural Disasters
Author/Editor: SETH R. REICE
Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120
Author/Editor: Arthur, James; Clozel, Laurent
Simple Games: Desirability Relations, Trading, Pseudoweightings
Simplicity and Excellence: Elizabeth Kremer from Beaten Biscuits to Shaker Lemon Pie
Author/Editor: DEIRDRE A. SCAGGS ,EVALINA KREMER SETTLE ,Ouita Michel ,sara bradley
Simulated Worlds
Author/Editor: Bremer, Stuart A
Author/Editor: Fredriksen, Paula
Sin and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation
Author/Editor: Tentler, Thomas N
Singing The Glory Down
Author/Editor: William Lynwood Montell
The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads. (Abridgement)
Author/Editor: Bronson, Bertrand Harris
Single Digits
Author/Editor: Chamberland, Marc
Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions (PMS-30), Volume 30
Author/Editor: Stein, Elias M
Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces. (AM-61), Volume 61
Author/Editor: Milnor, John
The Sin of Knowledge: Ancient Themes and Modern Variations
Author/Editor: Theodore Ziolkowski
Sino-Soviet Conflict, 1956-1961
Author/Editor: Zagoria, Donald S
The Sino-Soviet Split
Author/Editor: Lüthi, Lorenz M
The Sins of the Father
Author/Editor: Thomas Dixon,Steven Weisenburger
Sir Barton and the Making of the Triple Crown
Siren Songs
Author/Editor: Smart, Mary Ann
Sir Walter Raleigh
Author/Editor: Wallace, Willard Mosher
Sisters in Pain
Author/Editor: L. Elisabeth Beattie,Mary Angela Shaughnessy
Sister States, Enemy States
Author/Editor: Kent T. Dollar,Larry H. Whiteaker,W. Calvin Dickinson
Site Reading
Author/Editor: Alworth, David J
Situated Meaning
Author/Editor: Jane M. Bachnik,Charles J. Quinn Jr.
The Situation of Poetry: Contemporary Poetry and Its Traditions
Author/Editor: ROBERT PINSKY
Siva's Warriors
Author/Editor: Velcheru Narayana Rao,Gene H. Roghair
Six Circles, One Dewdrop
Author/Editor: Arthur H. Thornhill III
Six French Poets of Our Time
Author/Editor: Greene, Robert W
The Sixth Element: How Carbon Shapes Our World
Sixty Years of Biology
Size and Cycle
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
Skeletons in Our Closet: Revealing Our Past through Bioarchaeology
Skeptical Approach to Religion
Author/Editor: More, Paul Elmer
The Skeptic Disposition
Author/Editor: Goodheart, Eugene
The Skeptic Disposition In Contemporary Criticism
Author/Editor: Goodheart, Eugene
The Sky Is for Everyone: Women Astronomers in Their Own Words
Sky Watch: Chasing an American Saddlebred Story
Author/Editor: EMMA HUDELSON
Slave And Freeman
Author/Editor: WILLARD B. GATEWOOD Jr.
Slave Life in Rio de Janeiro, 1808-1850
Author/Editor: MARY C. KARASCH
Slavery and Freedom in the Bluegrass State: Revisiting My Old Kentucky Home
Author/Editor: Gerald L. Smith
Slavery and Methodism
Author/Editor: Mathews, Donald G
Slavery and the Culture of Taste
Author/Editor: Gikandi, Simon
Slaves, Masters, and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Kathleen
Slaves of God: Augustine and Other Romans on Religion and Politics
Author/Editor: Toni Alimi
Slaves Tell Tales
Author/Editor: Forsdyke, Sara
Sleepwalking into a New World
Author/Editor: Wickham, Chris
Slender Is The Thread
Author/Editor: HARRY M. CAUDILL
Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles, and Further Adventures in Applied Mathematics
Author/Editor: Banks, Robert B
Slouch: Posture Panic in Modern America
Author/Editor: Beth Linker
The Slow Moon Climbs: The Science, History, and Meaning of Menopause
Author/Editor: SUSAN P. MATTERN
Author/Editor: Koven, Seth
Smack-Bam, or The Art of Governing Men
Author/Editor: Laboulaye, Édouard
Small Groups and Political Behavior
Author/Editor: Verba, Sidney
Small Perturbation Theory
Author/Editor: Sears, William Rees
Small Screen, Big Feels: Television and Cultural Anxiety in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Melissa Ames
Small-Town America
Author/Editor: Wuthnow, Robert
Small Unmanned Aircraft
Author/Editor: Beard, Randal W.; McLain, Timothy W
Small Wars, Big Data
Author/Editor: Berman, Eli; Felter, Joseph H.; Shapiro, Jacob N
Small Worlds
Author/Editor: Watts, Duncan J
The Smile of Truth
Author/Editor: Tomarken, Annette H
Smokescreen: Debunking Wildfire Myths to Save Our Forests and Our Climate
Author/Editor: CHAD T. HANSON
Smoky Mountain Voices, 1
Smoothings of Piecewise Linear Manifolds. (AM-80), Volume 80
Author/Editor: Hirsch, Morris W.; Mazur, Barry
Snakes of the World: A Guide to Every Family, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Mark O’Shea
Sneaking a Look at God's Cards: Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Mechanics - Revised Edition
Author/Editor: GianCarlo Ghirardi ,Gerald Malsbary
Snipers, Shills, and Sharks: eBay and Human Behavior
Author/Editor: Ken Steiglitz
Snow Crystals: A Case Study in Spontaneous Structure Formation
Author/Editor: Kenneth G. Libbrecht
Soccer Diplomacy: International Relations and Football since 1914
Author/Editor: Heather L. Dichter
The Social Amoebae
Author/Editor: Bonner, John Tyler
Social and Economic Networks
Author/Editor: Jackson, Matthew O
The Social and Religious Designs of J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos
Author/Editor: Marissen, Michael
Social Bodies
Author/Editor: Horn, David G
Social Butterflies, Vol. 120
Author/Editor: Henry S. Horn
Social Change and Political Participation in Turkey
Author/Editor: Ozbudun, Ergun
Social Change and the Individual
Author/Editor: Tsurumi, Kazuko
Social Change in a Hostile Environment
Author/Editor: Ben-Ami, Aharon
Social Choice with Partial Knowledge of Treatment Response
Author/Editor: Charles F. Manski
The Social Cinema of Jean Renoir
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Christopher
Social Conservatism and the Middle Class in Germany, 1914-1933
Author/Editor: Lebovics, Herman
The Social Construction of Free Trade
Author/Editor: Duina, Francesco
Social Conventions
Author/Editor: Marmor, Andrei
Social Deviancy and Adolescent Personality
Author/Editor: John C. Ball
The Social Documentary Photography of Milton Rogovin
Social Evolution and Inclusive Fitness Theory
Author/Editor: Marshall, James A.R
Social Evolution in Ants
Social Foraging Theory
Author/Editor: Giraldeau, Luc-Alain; Caraco, Thomas
Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871, Volume II
Author/Editor: Hamerow, Theodore S
Social Foundations of German Unification, 1858-1871, Volume I
Author/Editor: Hamerow, Theodore S
The Social History of Bourbon
Author/Editor: Gerald Carson,MIKE VEACH
A Social History of Soviet Trade: Trade Policy, Retail Practices, and Consumption, 1917-1953
Author/Editor: Julie Hessler
Socialism and American Life, Volume I
Author/Editor: Egbert, Donald Drew; Bassett, Thomas D
Socialism and American Life, Volume II
Author/Editor: Egbert, Donald Drew; Persons, Stow
The Socialist System: The Political Economy of Communism
Author/Editor: János Kornai
Socialist Unemployment: The Political Economy of Yugoslavia, 1945-1990
Author/Editor: Susan L. Woodward
Socializing Capital
Author/Editor: Roy, William G
Social Learning
Author/Editor: Hoppitt, William; Laland, Kevin N
The Social Life of Money
Author/Editor: Dodd, Nigel
The Social Life of Money
Author/Editor: Dodd, Nigel
The Social Meaning of Money: Pin Money, Paychecks, Poor Relief, and Other Currencies
Author/Editor: VIVIANA A. ZELIZER ,Nigel Dodd
Social Meanings of Suicide
Author/Editor: Douglas, Jack D
Social Order and the Limits of Law
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Iredell
The Social Origins of Language
Author/Editor: Seyfarth, Robert; Cheney, Dorothy; Platt, Michael L
Social Origins of the Irish Land War
Author/Editor: Clark, Samuel
Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
Author/Editor: Gellately, Robert; Stoltzfus, Nathan
Social Policy in the United States: Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Theda Skocpol
Social Science Concepts
Author/Editor: Goertz, Gary
Social Science Literature
Author/Editor: Gould, Wesley L.; Barkun, Michael
Social Security
The Social Self
Author/Editor: Joseph Alkana
Social States
Author/Editor: Johnston, Alastair Iain
A Social Strategy
Author/Editor: Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan
Social Structure of Revolutionary America
Author/Editor: Main, Jackson Turner
Social Structures
Author/Editor: Martin, John Levi
Social Trends in American Life
Author/Editor: Marsden, Peter V
The Social Vision of William Blake
Author/Editor: Ferber, Michael
Social World of Florentine Humanists, 1390-1460
Author/Editor: Martines, Lauro
Society and Economy in Colonial Connecticut
Author/Editor: Main, Jackson Turner