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Titles start with E (186) Information
Eça de Queirós and the Victorian Press
Author/Editor: Pinto Coelho, Teresa
The Earliest Instrument: Ritual Power and Fertility Magic of the Flute in Upper Paleolithic Culture
Author/Editor: LANA NEAL
The Early English Baptists, 1603-49
Author/Editor: Wright, Stephen
Early Germanic Literature and Culture
Author/Editor: Murdoch, Brian; Read, Malcolm
The Early Letters of Bishop Richard Hurd, 1739 to 1762
Author/Editor: Brewer, Sarah
Early Medieval Stone Monuments
Author/Editor: Williams, Howard; Kirton, Joanne; Gondek, Meggen
Early Modern German Literature 1350-1700
Author/Editor: Reinhart, Max
Early Modern Military Identities, 1560-1639
Author/Editor: Woodcock, Matthew; O'Mahony, Cian
Early Modern Tragicomedy
Author/Editor: Mukherji, Subha; Lyne, Raphael
East Anglia and its North Sea World in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Bates, David; Liddiard, Robert
East Anglian English
Author/Editor: Fisiak OBE, Jacek; Trudgill, Peter
East Anglia's History
Author/Editor: Harper-Bill, Christopher; Rawcliffe, Carole; Wilson, Richard G
The East India Company and Religion, 1698-1858
Author/Editor: Carson, Penelope
The East India Company's London Workers
Author/Editor: Makepeace, Margaret
The East India Company's Maritime Service, 1746-1834
Author/Editor: Sutton, Jean
Ecology and German Realism: Poetics, Politics, and the Conquest of Nature
Author/Editor: Alexander Robert Phillips
The Economics of Ethnic Conflict
Author/Editor: Dafinger, Andreas
Economy and Culture in North-East England, 1500-1800, Ed. NED - New edition
Economy of Ghana
Author/Editor: Aryeetey, Ernest; Kanbur, Ravi
Edgar Julius Jung, Right-Wing Enemy of the Nazis
Author/Editor: Magub, Roshan
Edgar, King of the English, 959-975
Author/Editor: Scragg, Donald
Edinburgh German Yearbook 1
Author/Editor: Joshua, Eleoma; Vilain, Robert
Edinburgh German Yearbook 10
Author/Editor: Dawson, Leanne
Edinburgh German Yearbook 11
Author/Editor: Schmitz, Helmut; Davies, Peter
Edinburgh German Yearbook 12: Repopulating the Eighteenth Century: Second-Tier Writing in the German Enlightenment, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Wood ,Johannes Birgfeld
Edinburgh German Yearbook 13: Music in German Politics / Politics in German Music
Author/Editor: Siobhán Donovan ,Maria Euchner
Edinburgh German Yearbook 15: Tracing German Visions of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Jenny Watson ,Michel Mallet ,Hanna Schumacher
Edinburgh German Yearbook 2
Author/Editor: Colvin, Sarah; Davies, Peter
Edinburgh German Yearbook 3
Author/Editor: Philpotts, Matthew; Rolle, Sabine
Edinburgh German Yearbook 4
Author/Editor: Joshua, Eleoma; Schillmeier, Michael
Edinburgh German Yearbook 5
Author/Editor: Bradley, Laura; Leeder, Karen
Edinburgh German Yearbook 6
Author/Editor: Cosgrove, Mary; Richards, Anna
Edinburgh German Yearbook 7
Author/Editor: Jeremiah, Emily; Matthes, Frauke
Edinburgh German Yearbook 8
Author/Editor: Davies, Peter; Hammel, Andrea
Edinburgh German Yearbook 9
Author/Editor: Osborne, Dora
Edmund Rubbra: Symphonist
Author/Editor: Black, Leo
Educating Liberty: Democracy and Aristocracy in J.S. Mill's Political Thought, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Chris Barker
The Education and Employment of Girls in Luton, 1874-1924: Widening Opportunities and Lost Freedoms
Author/Editor: Anne Allsopp
Education in Twelfth-Century Art and Architecture
Author/Editor: Cleaver, Laura
The Education of the Anglican Clergy, 1780-1839, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: SARA SLINN
Edward Elgar and Adrian Boult
Author/Editor: Nigel Simeone
Edward III and the English Peerage
Author/Editor: Bothwell, J.S
Edward III and the War at Sea
Author/Editor: Cushway, Graham
Edward I: New Interpretations, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Andy King,Andrew M. Spencer
Edward J. Dent: A Life of Words and Music
Author/Editor: Karen Arrandale
Edward the Confessor
Author/Editor: Mortimer, Richard
Edward Wilmot Blyden and the Racial Nationalist Imagination
Author/Editor: Tibebu, Teshale
El Coliseo de la Cruz: 1736-1860
Author/Editor: Thomason, Phillip B
El cuerpo vestido y la construcción de la identidad en las narrativas autobiográficas del Siglo de Oro
Author/Editor: Juárez Almendros, Encarnación
El discurso colonial en textos novohispanos: espacio, cuerpo y poder
Author/Editor: Rivera-Ayala, Sergio
El documental cinematográfico y televisivo contemporáneo
Author/Editor: Estrada, Isabel M
Electoral Reform at Work
Author/Editor: Salmon, Philip
Electricity in Africa: The Politics of Transformation in Uganda, Ed. NED - New edition
El ferí de Benastepar, o los moros de Sierra Bermeja: Edición, Introducción y notas de Javier Muñoz de Morales Galiana y Daniel Muñoz Sempere
Elgar's Earnings
Author/Editor: Drysdale, John
Elgar the Music Maker
Author/Editor: McVeagh, Diana
Elias Canetti's Counter-Image of Society
Author/Editor: Arnason, Johann P.; Roberts, David
El imperio de la virtud
Author/Editor: Terukina Yamauchi, Jorge L
An Elite Family in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: O'Day, Rosemary
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Bennett
Elite Women and Polite Society in Eighteenth-Century Scotland
Author/Editor: Glover, Katharine
Elite Women in Ascendancy Ireland, 1690-1745
Author/Editor: Wilson, Rachel
The Elizabethan Invention of Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Brackmann, Rebecca
Elizabethan Naval Administration
Elliott Carter: Collected Essays and Lectures, 1937-1995
Author/Editor: Carter, Elliott; Bernard, Jonathan W
El niño en el cine argentino de la postdictadura (1983-2008)
Author/Editor: Dufays, Sophie
Elsa Asenijeff's <em>Is That Love?</em> and <em>Innocence</em>: A Voice Reclaimed
Author/Editor: Elsa Asenijeff ,Eva Hoffmann ,Alexis B. Smith
El teatro en Murcia en el siglo XVII (1593-1695)
Author/Editor: Sánchez Martínez, Rafael
El Teatro Pánico de Fernando Arrabal
Author/Editor: Santos Sánchez, Diego
El testimonio en la pentagonía de Reinaldo Arenas
Author/Editor: Panichelli-Batalla, Stéphanie
Elves in Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Hall, Alaric
<em>Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht</em>, c.1350: An Account of the Oriental World by an Anonymous Low German Writer
Author/Editor: Albrecht Classen
The Emergence of Britain's Global Naval Supremacy
Author/Editor: Harding, Richard
The Emergence of British Power in India, 1600-1784
Author/Editor: Bryant, G J
Emerging German-Language Novelists of the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Marven, Lyn; Taberner, Stuart
Emersonian Circles
Author/Editor: Mott, Wesley T.; Burkholder, Robert E
<em>Ipomedon</em>: A Twelfth-Century Romance in the French of England
Author/Editor: Neil Cartlidge ,Judith Weiss
Emma and Claude Debussy: The Biography of a Relationship
Emotional Practice in Old English Literature
Author/Editor: Alice Jorgensen
Emotion, Cognition, and Representation
Author/Editor: Cicchetti, Dante; Toth, Sheree L
Emotion in Old Norse Literature
Author/Editor: Rikhardsdottir, Sif
Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature
Author/Editor: Brandsma, Frank; Larrington, Carolyne; Saunders, Corinne
<em>Perceforest</em>: The Prehistory of King Arthur's Britain
Author/Editor: Nigel Bryant
<em>Piers Plowman</em> and its Manuscript Tradition
Author/Editor: Sarah Wood
Empire and Nation in Early English Renaissance Literature
Author/Editor: Mottram, Stewart
Empire, Development and Colonialism
Author/Editor: Duffield, Mark; Hewitt, Vernon
The Empire of Habit
Author/Editor: Baltes, John
<em>The Muses Threnodie</em>: <em>Or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Master Gall</em> by Henry Adamson
Author/Editor: Henry Adamson ,David J. Parkinson
Enchanted Calvinism
Author/Editor: Mohr, Adam
The Enclosed Garden and the Medieval Religious Imaginary
Author/Editor: Liz Herbert McAvoy
Encountering Disgrace
Author/Editor: McDonald, Bill
Encounters with British Composers
Author/Editor: Palmer, Andrew
Encounters with Islam in German Literature and Culture
Author/Editor: Hodkinson, James; Morrison, Jeffrey
The End-Times in Medieval German Literature: Sin, Evil, and the Apocalypse, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Ernst Ralf Hintz,Scott E. Pincikowski
Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities
Author/Editor: Onciul, Bryony; Stefano, Michelle L.; Hawke, Stephanie
England and Bohemia in the Age of Chaucer
England and Scotland in the Fourteenth Century: New Perspectives
Author/Editor: King, Andy; Penman, Michael A
England and the 1641 Irish Rebellion
Author/Editor: Cope, Joseph
English Alabaster Carvings and their Cultural Contexts
Author/Editor: Murat, Zuleika
The English and French Navies, 1500-1650: Expansion, Organisation and State-Building
Author/Editor: Benjamin W. D. Redding
The English and their Legacy, 900-1200
Author/Editor: Roffe, David
The English Aristocracy at War
Author/Editor: Simpkin, David
The English Catholic Community, 1688-1745
Author/Editor: Glickman, Gabriel
English Catholic Exiles in Late Sixteenth-Century Paris
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Katy
The English Clown Tradition from the Middle Ages to Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Hornback, Robert
The English East India Company's Silk Enterprise in Bengal, 1750-1850
Author/Editor: Hutková, Karolina
English Government in the Thirteenth Century
Author/Editor: Jobson, Adrian
English Local History: An Introduction, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: KATE TILLER
English Medieval Church Towers: The Northern Province, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: W. E. David Ryan
English Medieval Misericords
Author/Editor: Hardwick, Paul
English Nuns and the Law in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Makowski, Elizabeth
The English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle
Author/Editor: McIlroy, Claire Elizabeth
English Public Opinion and the American Civil War
Author/Editor: Campbell, Duncan Andrew
English: Shared Futures
Author/Editor: Eaglestone, Robert; Marshall, Gail
English Vernacular Minuscule from Æthelred to Cnut, circa 990 - circa 1035
Author/Editor: Stokes, Peter A
English Vernacular Minuscule from Æthelred to Cnut, circa 990 - circa 1035
Author/Editor: Stokes, Peter A
English Victorian Churches: Architecture, Faith, & Revival
Author/Editor: JAMES STEVENS CURL ,Geoff Brandwood ,Barry Orford
Enlightened Feudalism
Author/Editor: Hayhoe, Jeremy
Enlightened War
Author/Editor: Krimmer, Elisabeth; Simpson, Patricia Anne
An Enlightenment Statesman in Whig Britain
Author/Editor: Aston, Nigel; Campbell Orr, Clarissa
The Entanglements of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Author/Editor: Coale, Samuel Chase
Enterprising Women and Shipping in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Doe, Helen
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice (1677-1691)
Author/Editor: Goldie, Mark
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice (1677-1691) VII: Index
Author/Editor: Hawkyard, Alasdair
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice I
Author/Editor: Goldie, Mark
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice II
Author/Editor: Spurr, John
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice III
Author/Editor: Harris, Tim
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice IV
Author/Editor: Taylor, Stephen
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice V
Author/Editor: Knights, Mark
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice VI
Author/Editor: McElligott, Jason
Environment, Society and Landscape in Early Medieval England
Author/Editor: Williamson, Tom
Envisioning Social Justice in Contemporary German Culture
Author/Editor: Twark, Jill E.; Hildebrandt, Axel
Ephemeral Print Culture in Early Modern England: Sociability, Politics and Collecting
Author/Editor: Tim Somers
The Epic Mirror: Poetry, Conflict Ethics and Political Community in Colonial Peru
Author/Editor: Imogen Choi
Episcopal Culture in Late Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Giandrea, Mary Frances
Episcopal Visitations in Bedfordshire, 1706-1720
Author/Editor: Patricia Bell
Epistolario de Pilar de Zubiaurre (1906-1970)
Author/Editor: González-Allende, Iker
The Erard Grecian Harp in Regency England
Author/Editor: Panagiotis Poulopoulos
Erik Chisholm, Scottish Modernist (1904-1965)
Author/Editor: Purser, John
Erik Satie
Author/Editor: Potter, Caroline
Author/Editor: Kibreab, Gaim
The Eritrean National Service
Author/Editor: Kibreab, Gaim
Ernest John Moeran: His Life and Music
Author/Editor: Ian Maxwell
Ernest Newman
Author/Editor: Watt, Paul
The Erotic in the Literature of Medieval Britain
Author/Editor: Hopkins, Amanda; Rushton, Cory James
Escribir la catalanidad
Author/Editor: King, Stewart
Essay on the Life and Manners of Robert Grosseteste
Author/Editor: Philip Perry ,JACK P. CUNNINGHAM
Essays on the History of English Music in Honour of John Caldwell
Author/Editor: Hornby, Emma; Maw, David
Essays on the Literary Baroque in Spain and Spanish America
Author/Editor: Beverley, John
Estetizar el exceso: Cleopatra en la cultura hispánica medieval y del Siglo de Oro, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: JAVIER JIMÉNEZ BELMONTE,Charles Davis
E. T. A. Hoffmann and the Serapiontic Principle
Author/Editor: Brown, Hilda M
Ethics and Exemplary Narrative in Chaucer and Gower
Author/Editor: Mitchell, J. Allan
Ethics and Society in Nigeria: Identity, History, Political Theory, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Nimi Wariboko
Ethics in the Arthurian Legend
Author/Editor: Melissa Ridley Elmes ,Evelyn Meyer
The Ethics of William Carlos Williams's Poetry
Author/Editor: Copestake, Ian D
Author/Editor: Markakis, John
The Ethiopian Red Terror Trials
Author/Editor: Tronvoll, Kjetil; Schaefer, Charles; Aneme, Girmachew Alemu
Ethiopian Warriorhood
Author/Editor: Berhane-Selassie, Tsehai
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Bruce Berman ,Dickson Eyoh ,Will Kymlicka
Ethnicity in Zimbabwe
Author/Editor: Msindo, Enocent
The Eulenburg Affair
Author/Editor: Domeier, Norman; Schneider, Deborah Lucas
Europe and the Decline of Social Democracy in Britain: From Attlee to Brexit
Author/Editor: Williamson, Adrian
European Music, 1520-1640
Author/Editor: Haar, James
European Music and Musicians in New York City, 1840-1900
Author/Editor: Graziano, John
European Perspectives on John Updike
Author/Editor: Mazzeno, Laurence W.; Norton, Sue
Evangelicalism and the Church of England in the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Atherstone, Andrew; Maiden, John
Evangelicalism in the Church of England c.1790-c.1890
Author/Editor: Smith, Mark; Taylor, Stephen
Evangelicals in the Royal Navy, 1775-1815
Author/Editor: Blake, Richard
Exemplary Comparison from Homer to Petrarch
Author/Editor: Sayce, Olive
Exeter Freemen 1266-1967
Exhibitions, Music and the British Empire
Author/Editor: Sarah Kirby
Exilio en el espacio literario argentino de la posdictadura
Author/Editor: Cisterna Gold, María Inés
Expansion and Crisis in Louis XIV's France
Author/Editor: Dee, Darryl
Expectations of Romance
Author/Editor: Furrow, Melissa
Expectations of the Law in the Middle Ages, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Anthony Musson
The Experimental Music of Hermeto Pascoal and Group, 1981-1993
Author/Editor: Neto, Luiz Costa-Lima
Experiments with Truth: Narrative Non-fiction and the Coming of Democracy in South Africa, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Hedley Twidle
Explaining Tonality
Author/Editor: Brown, Matthew
The Exploitations of Medieval Romance
Author/Editor: Ashe, Laura; Djordjevic, Ivana; Weiss, Judith
Explorations in Baltic Medical History, 1850-2015
Author/Editor: Hansson, Nils; Wistrand, Jonatan
Explorations in Music and Esotericism
Author/Editor: Marjorie Roth ,Leonard George
Explorations in Schenkerian Analysis
Author/Editor: Beach, David; Mak, Su Yin
Expressing Identities in the Basque Arena
Author/Editor: MacClancy, Jeremy
Expressionist Film -- New Perspectives
Author/Editor: Scheunemann, Dietrich
Eyewitness and Crusade Narrative: Perception and Narration in Accounts of the Second, Third and Fourth Crusades, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Marcus Bull,William J. Purkis
Ezra Pound and the Career of Modern Criticism: Professional Attention, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Coyle,Roxana Preda