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Titles start with L (185) Information
Labour, Land and Capital in Ghana
Author/Editor: Austin, Gareth
Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe: The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, c.1350-1850
Author/Editor: Jane Whittle ,Thijs Lambrecht
The Labour Party and the Planned Economy, 1931-1951
Author/Editor: Toye, Richard
The Labour Party and the Politics of War and Peace, 1900-1924
Author/Editor: Bridgen, Paul
La mujer moderna en los escritos de Federica Montseny
Author/Editor: Cruz-Cámara, Nuria
Land, Governance, Conflict and the Nuba of Sudan
Author/Editor: Komey, Guma Kunda
Land, Investment & Politics: Reconfiguring Eastern Africa's Pastoral Drylands
Author/Editor: Jeremy Lind ,Doris Okenwa ,Ian Scoones
Landless Households in Rural Europe, 1600-1900
Author/Editor: Christine Fertig ,Richard Paping ,Henry French
Landlords and Tenants in Britain, 1440-1660
Author/Editor: Whittle, Jane
Land, Migration and Belonging
Author/Editor: Mujere, Joseph
The Landscape Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Higham, Nicholas J.; Ryan, Martin J
Landscapes of Monastic Foundation
Author/Editor: Pestell, Tim
The Landscape Studies of Hayman Rooke (1723-1806)
Author/Editor: Sloan, Emily
Land Tenure Security: State-peasant relations in the Amhara Highlands, Ethiopia, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: SVEIN EGE
Language and Culture in Medieval Britain
Author/Editor: Wogan-Browne et al., Jocelyn
Language, Linguistics and Middle English Literature: Essays in Honor of Karla Taylor
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Allen ,Catherine Sanok
Lascars and Indian Ocean Seafaring, 1780-1860
Author/Editor: Jaffer, Aaron
Las Obras en Verso del Príncipe de Esquilache
Author/Editor: Jiménez Belmonte, Javier
Last Features
Author/Editor: Steingröver, Reinhild
Late-Georgian Churches: Anglican architecture, patronage and churchgoing in England 1790-1840
Author/Editor: Christopher Webster ,Geoff Brandwood
Late Medieval Castles
Author/Editor: Liddiard, Robert
The Late Medieval English College and its Context
Author/Editor: Burgess, Clive; Heale, Martin
Late-Medieval German Women's Poetry
Author/Editor: Albrecht Classen
Late Medieval Heresy: New Perspectives: Studies in Honor of Robert E. Lerner, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Michael D. Bailey,Sean L. Field,John H. Arnold,Peter Biller
The Late Medieval Interlude
Author/Editor: Dunlop, Fiona S
Late Medieval Ipswich
Author/Editor: Amor, Nicholas R
Late Medieval Italian Art and its Contexts: Essays in Honour of Professor Joanna Cannon
Late Medieval Lodging Ranges: The Architecture of Identity, Power and Space
Author/Editor: SARAH KERR
Late Medieval Monasteries and their Patrons
Author/Editor: Stöber, Karen
The Lateran Church in Rome and the Ark of the Covenant: Housing the Holy Relics of Jerusalem
Author/Editor: Oftestad, Eivor Andersen
The Later Medieval Inquisitions Post Mortem
Author/Editor: Hicks, Michael
The Late Victorian Navy
Author/Editor: Parkinson, Roger
Latin American Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Kantaris, Geoffrey; O'Bryen, Rory
Laughter between Two Revolutions
Author/Editor: Izzo, Francesco
Law and Kinship in Thirteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Worby, Sam
Law and Order in Georgian Bedfordshire
Law, City, and King
Author/Editor: Breen, Michael P
Law, Liberty and the Constitution
Author/Editor: Potter, Harry
Law, Literature, and Social Regulation in Early Medieval England
Author/Editor: Anya Adair ,Andrew Rabin
The Lawn Road Flats
Author/Editor: Burke, David
Lay Catholic Societies in Twentieth Century Britain
Lay Religious Life in Late Medieval Durham
Author/Editor: Harvey, Margaret
Laywomen and the Crusade in England, 1150-1300
Author/Editor: Gordon M. Reynolds
Leadership in Medieval English Nunneries
Author/Editor: Spear, Valerie G
Leaders of the Anglo-Saxon Church
Author/Editor: Rumble, Alexander R
Learned Lives in England, 1900-1950: Institutions, Ideas and Intellectual Experience, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: William C. Lubenow
Author/Editor: Barry, Barbara
Lectures on Musical Life
Author/Editor: Bennett, William Sterndale; Temperley, Nicholas; Yang, Yunchung
The Legacy of Gildas: Constructions of Authority in the Early Medieval West
Author/Editor: STEPHEN J. JOYCE
The Legend of Charlemagne in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Hardman, Phillipa; Ailes, Marianne
The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack
Author/Editor: Bell, Karl
The Legend of the Grail
Author/Editor: Bryant, Nigel
Legends of Arthur
Author/Editor: Barber, Richard
Leibniz on Purely Extrinsic Denominations
Author/Editor: Plaisted, Dennis
Lennox Berkeley and Friends
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
Leonard Bernstein and Washington, DC: Works, Politics, and Performances, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Daniel Abraham,Alicia Kopfstein-Penk,Andrew H. Weaver
Leon Kirchner
Author/Editor: Riggs, Robert
Leopoldo Alas (Clarín)
Author/Editor: Valis, Noël
Leo Strauss and the Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy
Author/Editor: Parens, Joshua
Leper Knights
Author/Editor: Marcombe, David
Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen
Author/Editor: Brenner, Elma
Lessons of Travel in Eighteenth-Century France: From Grand Tour to School Trips, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Gábor Gelléri
Let Me Sing and I'm Happy: The Memoir and Handbook of a Singing Actress
Author/Editor: Joan Morris
Lettering the Self in Medieval and Early Modern France
Author/Editor: Kong, Katherine
Letters and Diaries of Kathleen Ferrier
Author/Editor: Fifield, Christopher
Letters I Never Mailed: Clues to a Life
Author/Editor: Wilder, Alec; Demsey, David
Letters of Gerald Finzi and Howard Ferguson
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Howard; Hurd, Michael
The Letters of Henry Martyn, East India Company Chaplain, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Henry Martyn,Scott D. Ayler
The Letters of Hugh Metel
Author/Editor: HUGH METEL ,Constant J. Mews ,Seppo Heikinnen
The Letters of Margaret of Anjou
Author/Editor: Maurer, Helen; Cron, B.M
Letters of Seamen in the Wars with France, 1793-1815
Author/Editor: Watt with Anne Hawkins, Helen
The Letters of the Rozmberk Sisters
Author/Editor: Klassen, John M.; Dolezalová, Eva; Szabo, Lynn
Ælfrician Homilies and Varia: Editions, Translations, and Commentary [2 volume set]
A Liberal Education in Late Emerson
Author/Editor: Meehan, Sean Ross
Liberal Intellectuals and Public Culture in Modern Britain, 1815-1914
Author/Editor: Lubenow, William C
Liberalism and Local Government in Early Victorian London
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Benjamin
Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Richard Anderson,Henry B. Lovejoy
Liberationist Christianity in Argentina (1930-1983): Faith and Revolution
Author/Editor: Pablo Bradbury
Liberation Movements in Power
Author/Editor: Southall, Roger
Liberties and Identities in the Medieval British Isles
Author/Editor: Prestwich, Michael
Lies and Epiphanies
Author/Editor: Walton, Chris
Life After Death: The Viola da Gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch
Author/Editor: Holman, Peter
The Life and Letters of Lady Anne Percy, Countess of Northumberland (1536–1591)
Author/Editor: Anne Percy Lady ,JADE SCOTT
The Life and Music of Elizabeth Maconchy
Author/Editor: Erica Siegel
The Life and Music of Gérard Grisey: Delirium and Form
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Arlo Brown
The Life and Times of Mother Andrea
Author/Editor: Zafra, Enriqueta; Cruz, Anne J
The Life and Works of Robert Baillie (1602-1662)
Author/Editor: Campbell, Alexander D
The Life and Works of Wolfgang Borchert
Author/Editor: Burgess, Gordon
Life at the Margins in Early Modern Scotland
Author/Editor: Allan Kennedy ,Susanne Weston
A Life of Resistance
Author/Editor: Alano, Jomarie
The Life of the Clinician
Author/Editor: Lepore, Michael
The Life, Poems, and Letters of Peter Goldman (1587/8-1627): A Dundee Physician in the Republic of Letters
Author/Editor: William Poole
Life without End: A Thought Experiment in Literature from Swift to Houellebecq, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Karl S. Guthke
Life Writing in Carmen Martín Gaite's Cuadernos de todo and her Novels of the 1990s
Author/Editor: Blanco López de Lerma, Maria-José
Liminality in Cuba's Twentieth-Century Identity
Author/Editor: Fay, Stephen M
Limpopo's Legacy: Student Politics & Democracy in South Africa, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Anne Heffernan
Lionel Tertis
Author/Editor: White, John
Listen with the Ear of the Heart: Music and Monastery Life at Weston Priory, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Maria S. Guarino
Liszt and England
Author/Editor: Wright, William
Liszt and Virtuosity, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Robert Doran
Liszt's Final Decade
Author/Editor: Pesce, Dolores
Liszt's Representation of Instrumental Sounds on the Piano
Author/Editor: Kim, Hyun Joo
Liszt's Transcultural Modernism and the Hungarian-Gypsy Tradition
Author/Editor: Loya, Shay
Literacy and Identity in Early Medieval Ireland
Author/Editor: Johnston, Elva
Literary Adaptations in Spanish Cinema
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Sally
Literary Britten
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Kate
Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Ruth Hemstad ,Janicke S. Kaasa ,Ellen Krefting ,Aina Nøding
Literary Exiles from Nazi Germany
Author/Editor: Evelein, Johannes F
A Literary History of the Low Countries
Author/Editor: Hermans, Theo
Literary Landscapes and the Idea of England, 700-1400
Author/Editor: Clarke, Catherine A.M
The Literary Politics of Mitteleuropa: Reconfiguring Spatial Memory in Austrian and Yugoslav Literature after 1945, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Yvonne Zivkovic
Literary Studies and the Pursuits of Reading
Author/Editor: Downing, Eric; Hess, Jonathan M.; Benson, Richard V
Literary Translation and the Idea of a Minor Romania
Author/Editor: Cotter, Sean
Literary Variety and the Writing of History in Britain's Long Twelfth Century
Author/Editor: Jacqueline M. Burek
Literature and Ageing, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Barry,Margery Vibe Skagen
Literature and Censorship in Restoration Germany
Author/Editor: Heady, Katy
Literature and Film in the Third Reich
Author/Editor: Schoeps, Karl-Heinz; Dell'Orto, Kathleen M
Literature and Institutions of Welfare
Author/Editor: Jess Cotton
Literature and Medievalism in Early Modern England: Strange Histories
Author/Editor: Mike Rodman Jones
The Literature and Politics of the Environment
Author/Editor: John Parham
Literature and Science
Author/Editor: Ruston, Sharon
Literature as a Response to Cultural and Political Repression in Franco's Catalonia
Author/Editor: Cornellà-Detrell, Jordi
Literature in Vienna at the Turn of the Centuries
Author/Editor: Grabovszki, Ernst; Hardin, James
The Literature of Contemporary Sierra Leone: Trauma, Resilience, and Creativity
Author/Editor: Ernest Cole ,Mohamed Kamara
The Literature of German Romanticism
Author/Editor: Mahoney, Dennis F
The Literature of Hell
Author/Editor: Margaret Kean
Literature of the Crusades
Author/Editor: Parsons, Simon Thomas; Paterson, Linda M
Literature of the Sturm und Drang
Author/Editor: Hill, David
The Literature of Weimar Classicism
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon J
Literatures of Alchemy in Medieval and Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Eoin Bentick
A Liturgical Play for the Medieval Feast of Fools: The Laon <em>Ordo Joseph</em>
Author/Editor: Robert C. Lagueux
Liturgy, Politics, and Salvation
Author/Editor: Ramsey, Ann W
The Livery Collar in Late Medieval England and Wales
Author/Editor: Ward, Matthew
The Lives of George Frideric Handel
Author/Editor: Hunter, David
Living Salvation in the East African Revival in Uganda, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jason Bruner
Living Terraces in Ethiopia
Author/Editor: Watson, Elizabeth E
The Lobotomy Letters
Author/Editor: Raz, Mical
The Local Church and Generational Change in Birmingham, 1945-2000
Author/Editor: Jones, Ian
Locality, Mobility, and Nation
Author/Editor: Lawrance, Benjamin N
Localizing Christopher Marlowe: His Life, Plays and Mythology, 1575-1593
Author/Editor: Arata Ide
Local Place and the Arthurian Tradition in England and Wales, 1400-1700
Author/Editor: Mary Bateman
Logic and Humour in the Fabliaux
Author/Editor: Pearcy, Roy J
The Logic of Idolatry in Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: ELLEN McCLURE
The London Chronicles of the Fifteenth Century: A Revolution in English Writing. With an annotated edition of Bradford, West Yorkshire Archives MS 32D86/42, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Mary-Rose McLaren
London Marine Insurance 1438-1824: Risk, Trade, and the Early Modern State
Author/Editor: A.B. Leonard
London's News Press and the Thirty Years War
Author/Editor: Boys, Jayne E.E
London Through Russian Eyes, 1896-1914: An Anthology of Foreign Correspondence
London Zoo and the Victorians, 1828-1859
Author/Editor: Ito, Takashi
London Zoo and the Victorians, NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Takashi Ito
The Long Shadow of the Past
Author/Editor: Krylova, Katya
Looking for the Harp Quartet
Author/Editor: Thakar, Markand
Lope de Vega en la invención de España
Author/Editor: Ryjik, Veronika
Lope de Vega's `Comedias de tema religioso': Re-creations and Re-presentations
Author/Editor: Canning, Elaine
Lope pintado por sí mismo
Author/Editor: Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
Lord Henry Howard (1540-1614): an Elizabethan Life
Author/Editor: Andersson, D. C
A Lord Lieutenant in Wartime
Author/Editor: Batten, Richard
Lord Liverpool
Author/Editor: Hay, William Anthony
Lord of the Pyrenees: Gaston Fébus, Count of Foix (1331-1391)
Author/Editor: Vernier, Richard
Lords and Communities in Early Medieval East Anglia
Author/Editor: Wareham, Andrew
Lordship and Locality in the Long Twelfth Century
Author/Editor: H.C. Boston
Los aposentos del Corral de la Cruz: 1581-1823
Author/Editor: Davis, Charles
Los Bildungsromane Femeninos de Carmen Boullosa y Sandra Cisneros
Author/Editor: Melgar Pernías, Yolanda
Los géneros poéticos del Siglo de Oro
Author/Editor: Cacho Casal, Rodrigo; Holloway, Anne
Losing your Land
Author/Editor: Ansoms, An; Hilhorst, Thea
The Loss of the Wager
Author/Editor: Bulkeley, John; Byron, John; Gurney, Alan
Lost Country Houses of Suffolk
Author/Editor: Roberts, W. M
Lost Nationalism
Author/Editor: Vezzadini, Elena
Louis XIV's Assault on Privilege
Author/Editor: McCollim, Gary B
Love and Death in Goethe
Author/Editor: Dye, Ellis
Love and Dishonour in Elizabethan England: Two Families and a Failed Marriage, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Ralph Houlbrooke
Love, Desire and Identity in the Theatre of Federico García Lorca
Author/Editor: McDermid, Paul
Love in the Poetry of Francisco de Aldana
Author/Editor: Lennon, Paul Joseph
Love Poetry in the Spanish Golden Age
Author/Editor: Torres, Isabel
Lowestoft, 1550-1750
Author/Editor: Butcher, David
Loyalism and the Formation of the British World, 1775-1914
Author/Editor: Blackstock, Allan; O'Gorman, Frank
Loyalism in Ireland, 1789-1829
Author/Editor: Blackstock, Allan
Lucas Fernández: Farsas y églogas
Author/Editor: Maurizi, Françoise
Ludwig Börne
Author/Editor: Heine, Heinrich; Sammons, Jeffrey L.; Sammons, Jeffrey L
Ludwig Leichhardt's Ghosts: The Strange Career of a Traveling Myth, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew Wright Hurley
Luis de Camões
Author/Editor: Fleming, John V
Luis de Góngora and Lope de Vega
Author/Editor: Kerr, Lindsay G
Luise Gottsched the Translator
Author/Editor: Brown, Hilary
Lutosławski's Worlds
Author/Editor: Jakelski, Lisa; Reyland, Nicholas
Lutosławskis Worlds, NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Lisa Jakelski,Nicholas Reyland
Luxembourg Court Cultures in the Long Fourteenth Century: Performing Empire, Celebrating Kingship
Author/Editor: Karl Kügle ,Ingrid Ciulisová ,Václav Žůrek