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Titles start with R (234) Information
Race, Decolonization, and Global Citizenship in South Africa
Author/Editor: Eze, Chielozona
Radical Nostalgia:
Author/Editor: Glazer, Peter
Rainer Maria Rilke's The Book of Hours
Author/Editor: Rilke, Rainer Maria; Ranson, Susan; Hutchinson, Ben
Rain of Years:
Author/Editor: Schilling, Bernard
Ralph Kirkpatrick
Author/Editor: Kirkpatrick, Ralph; Kirkpatrick, Meredith
Ralph Vaughan Williams and Adrian Boult
Author/Editor: Nigel Simeone
The Rameau Compendium
Author/Editor: Sadler, Graham
Ramiro de Maeztu and England
Author/Editor: Jiménez Torres, David
Ramón Gómez de la Serna: New Perspectives
Author/Editor: Ricardo Fernández Romero
Ramon Llull as a Vernacular Writer
Author/Editor: Badia, Lola; Santanach, Joan; Soler, Albert
Ransoming Prisoners in Precolonial Muslim Western Africa
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lofkrantz
Rape and Ravishment in the Literature of Medieval England
Author/Editor: Saunders, Corinne
Rational Dissenters in Late Eighteenth-Century England: 'An ardent desire of truth', Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: VALERIE SMITH
Reading Abolition
Author/Editor: Yothers, Brian
Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies: Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their Patterns of Growth. A Study of the Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: JOANNA TUCKER
Reading and War in Fifteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Nall, Catherine
Reading and Writing in Medieval England: Essays in Honor of Mary C. Erler, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Martin Chase,Maryanne Kowaleski
Reading Goethe
Author/Editor: Swales, Martin; Swales, Erika
Reading Mahler
Author/Editor: Niekerk, Carl
Reading Marechera
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Grant
Reading Nuruddin Farah
Author/Editor: Moolla, F. Fiona
Reading Performance: Spanish Golden-Age Theatre and Shakespeare on the Modern Stage
Author/Editor: Fischer, Susan L
Readings in Medieval Textuality
Author/Editor: Cervone, Cristina Maria; Smith, D. Vance
Reading W. G. Sebald
Author/Editor: Blackler, Deane
The Real Agricultural Revolution: The Transformation of English Farming, 1939-1985
Author/Editor: Paul Brassley ,David Harvey ,Matt Lobley ,Michael Winter
Realities and Fantasies of German Female Leadership: From Maria Antonia of Saxony to Angela Merkel, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Krimmer,Patricia Anne Simpson
Reasoning against Madness
Author/Editor: Meyer, Manuella
Rebellion in Medieval Europe, c.1000-c.1500
Author/Editor: Adrian Jobson ,Harriet Kersey ,Gordon McKelvie
Recasting German Identity
Author/Editor: Taberner, Stuart; Finlay, Frank
The Reception of Chaucer's Shorter Poems, 1400-1450: Female Audiences, English Manuscripts, French Contexts, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: KARA A. DOYLE
The Reception of Machiavelli in Early Modern Spain
Author/Editor: Howard, Keith David
The Reception of Papal Legates in England, 1170-1250: Narrating the <em>Adventus</em> Ceremony
Recollections From My Life
Author/Editor: Moore, Stephen Thomson
Recondite Harmony
Author/Editor: Burton, Deborah
Reconsidering Gender, Time and Memory in Medieval Culture
Author/Editor: Cox, Elizabeth; McAvoy, Liz Herbert; Magnani, Roberta
Records, Administration and Aristocratic Society in the Anglo-Norman Realm
Author/Editor: Vincent, Nicholas
Records of Convocation III: Canterbury, 1313-1377
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation II: Sodor and Man, 1878-2003
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation I: Sodor and Man, 1229-1877
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation IV: Canterbury, 1377-1414
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation IX: Canterbury, 1701-1708
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation V: Canterbury, 1414-1443
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation VI: Canterbury, 1444-1509
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation VII: Canterbury, 1509-1603
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation VIII: Canterbury, 1603-1700
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation X: Canterbury, 1708-1713
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XI: Canterbury, 1714-1760
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XII: Canterbury, 1761-1852
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XIII: York, 1313-1461
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XIV: York, 1461-1625
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XIX: Introduction
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XVIII: Ireland, 1690-1869, Part 2: Lower House: 1703-13; Both Houses: 1714-1869
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XVII: Ireland, 1690-1869, Part 1: Both Houses: 1690-1702; Upper House: 1703-1713
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XVI: Ireland, 1101-1690
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XV: York, 1625-1861
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Records of Convocation XX: Index
Author/Editor: Gerald Bray
Redcoats to Tommies: The Experience of the British Soldier from the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Kevin Linch ,Matthew Lord
The Rediscovered Writings of Veza Canetti
Author/Editor: Preece, Julian
Rediscovering Lost Landscapes: Topographical Art in north-west Italy, 1800-1920
The Red Vienna Sourcebook, Ed. NED - New edition
Red Vienna, White Socialism, and the Blues
Author/Editor: McFarland, Rob
Reel Resistance - The Cinema of Jean-Marie Teno
Author/Editor: Thackway, Melissa; Teno, Jean-Marie
Refashioning Medieval and Early Modern Dress: A Tribute to Robin Netherton, Ed. NED - New edition
Reflections of an American Harpsichordist
Author/Editor: Kirkpatrick, Meredith
The Reflector
Author/Editor: Jennifer Battaglia ,Margie Hodges Shaw ,Susan Daiss ,Martha J. Gdowski
Reformation and Religious Identity in Cambridge, 1590-1644
Author/Editor: Hoyle, David
The Reformation and Robert Barnes
Author/Editor: Maas, Korey D
Reformation and the German Territorial State
Author/Editor: Smith, William Bradford
The Refrain and the Rise of the Vernacular in Medieval French Music and Poetry
Author/Editor: Saltzstein, Jennifer
Regency in Sixteenth-Century Scotland
Author/Editor: Blakeway, Amy
Regional Identities in North-East England, 1300-2000
Author/Editor: Green, Adrian; Pollard, A.J
Regional Integration, Identity and Citizenship in the Greater Horn of Africa
Author/Editor: Mengisteab, Kidane; Bereketeab, Redie
The Register of the Goldsmiths' Company Vol I : Deeds and Documents, c. 1190 to c. 1666
Author/Editor: Lisa Jefferson
The Register of the Goldsmiths' Company Vol II : Deeds and Documents, c. 1190 to c. 1666: Original Text
Author/Editor: Lisa Jefferson
The Register of the Goldsmiths' Company Vol III : Deeds and Documents, c. 1190 to c. 1666: Translation
Author/Editor: Lisa Jefferson
The Reign of Edward II
Author/Editor: Dodd, Gwilym; Musson, Anthony
The Reign of Henry IV
Author/Editor: Dodd, Gwilym; Biggs, Douglas
The Reigns of Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig, 939-959: New Interpretations
Author/Editor: Mary Elizabeth Blanchard ,Christopher Riedel
Reimagining History in Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicles
Author/Editor: Spence, John
Reimagining Psychiatric Epidemiology in a Global Frame: Toward a Social and Conceptual History
Author/Editor: Anne M. Lovell ,Gerald M. Oppenheimer
Reimagining Shakespeare's Playhouse
Author/Editor: Falocco, Joe
Reimagining the Gendered Nation: Citizenship and Human Rights in Postcolonial Kenya
Reinventing Medieval Liturgy in Victorian England: Thomas Frederick Simmons and the Lay Folks' Mass Book
Author/Editor: David Jasper ,Jeremy J. Smith
Relecturas y narraciones femeninas de la Revolución Mexicana
Author/Editor: Molina Sevilla de Morelock, Ela
Religion and the Demographic Revolution
Author/Editor: Brown, Callum G
Religion and the Origins of the German Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Ahnert, Thomas
Religion in Contemporary German Drama
Author/Editor: Crowe, Sinéad
Religion in the British Navy, 1815-1879
Author/Editor: Blake, Richard
Religion, Politics and the Public Sphere, 1500-1850
Author/Editor: David Como ,Michael Questier
Religion, Reason, and Culture in the Age of Goethe
Author/Editor: Krimmer, Elisabeth; Simpson, Patricia Anne
Religion, Reform and Modernity in the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Ingram, Robert G
Religion, Time and Memorial Culture in Late Medieval Ripon
Author/Editor: Werronen, Stephen
Religious Conflict at Canterbury Cathedral in the Late Twelfth Century: The Dispute between the Monks and the Archbishops, 1184-1200
Author/Editor: JAMES BARNABY
Religious Life in Normandy, 1050-1300
Author/Editor: Hicks, Leonie V
Religious Men and Masculine Identity in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Cullum, P.H.; Lewis, Katherine J
Religious Politics in Post-Reformation England
Author/Editor: Fincham, Kenneth; Lake, Peter
Reliquary Tabernacles in Fourteenth-Century Italy: Image, Relic and Material Culture
Author/Editor: Beth Williamson
Remains of the Past in Old English Literature
Author/Editor: Jan-Peer Hartmann
Remaking English Society
Author/Editor: Hindle, Steve; Shepard, Alexandra; Walter, John
Remaking Mutirikwi
Author/Editor: Fontein, Joost
Remaking the Comedia
Author/Editor: Erdman, Harley; Paun de García, Susan
Remembering Africa
Author/Editor: Göttsche, Dirk
Renaissance France at War
Author/Editor: Potter, David
Renaissance Historical Fiction
Author/Editor: Davis, Alex
Renaissance Military Memoirs
Author/Editor: Harari, Yuval Noah
Renaissance Papers 2003
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher; Hester, M. Thomas
Renaissance Papers 2004
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher; Hester, M. Thomas
Renaissance Papers 2005
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher; Hester, M. Thomas
Renaissance Papers 2006
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher; Hester, M. Thomas
Renaissance Papers 2007
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher; Hester, M. Thomas
Renaissance Papers 2008
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher
Renaissance Papers 2009
Author/Editor: Cobb, Christopher
Renaissance Papers 2010
Author/Editor: Shifflett, Andrew; Gieskes, Edward
Renaissance Papers 2011
Author/Editor: Shifflett, Andrew; Gieskes, Edward
Renaissance Papers 2012
Author/Editor: Shifflett, Andrew; Gieskes, Edward
Renaissance Papers 2013
Author/Editor: Pearce, Jim; Kucinski, Joanna
Renaissance Papers 2014
Author/Editor: Pearce, Jim; Risvold, Ward J.; Dixon, Nathan
Renaissance Papers 2015
Author/Editor: Pearce, Jim; Risvold, Ward J
Renaissance Papers 2016
Author/Editor: Pearce, Jim; Risvold, Ward J
Renaissance Papers 2017
Author/Editor: Pearce, Jim; Risvold, Ward J
Renaissance Papers 2018, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jim Pearce,Ward J. Risvold,Suzanne J. Sanders
Renaissance Papers 2019, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jim Pearce ,William Given
Renaissance Papers 2020
Author/Editor: Jim Pearce ,Ward J. Risvold ,William Given ,Holly Fling
Renaissance Papers 2021
Author/Editor: Jim Pearce ,Ward J. Risvold ,William Given
Renaissance Papers 2022
Author/Editor: Jim Pearce ,Ward J. Risvold ,William Given
Renaissance Papers 2023
Author/Editor: Lisandra Estevez ,Jim Pearce ,Vergil Demery
Renegotiating Postmemory: The Holocaust in Contemporary German-Language Jewish Literature, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Maria Roca Lizarazu
The Representation of the Political in Selected Writings of Julio Cortázar
Author/Editor: Orloff, Carolina
Representations of Flight and Expulsion in East German Prose Works
Author/Editor: Niven, Bill
Representation, Subversion, and Eugenics in Günter Grass's The Tin Drum
Author/Editor: Arnds, Peter
Representing Beasts in Early Medieval England and Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Bintley, Michael D.J.; Williams, Thomas J.T
Representing Bushmen
Author/Editor: Moran, Shane
Representing Mental Illness in Late Medieval France
Author/Editor: Singer, Julie
Representing Non-Western Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Author/Editor: Zon, Bennett
Representing the Dead: Epitaph Fictions in Late-Medieval France, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: HELEN J. SWIFT
Representing the Good German in Literature and Culture after 1945
Author/Editor: O Dochartaigh, Pól; Schönfeld, Christiane
Representing War and Violence, 1250-1600
Author/Editor: Bellis, Joanna; Slater, Laura
Re-reading Poetry
Author/Editor: Lambert, Sterling
Re-Reading the Beethoven Violin Sonatas
Author/Editor: Daniel Tong
Resistance to Love in Medieval English Romance: Negotiating Consent, Gender, and Desire
Author/Editor: HANNAH PIERCY
The Restoration of the Church of England: Canterbury Diocese and the Archbishop’s Peculiars
Author/Editor: Tom Reid
Restoration Scotland, 1660-1690
Author/Editor: Jackson, Clare
Restoring Creation: The Natural World in the Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives of Cuthbert and Guthlac
Author/Editor: Brooks, Britton Elliott
The Restraint of the Press in England, 1660-1715: The Communication of Sin
Author/Editor: Alex W. Barber
Resurrecting Cannibals
Author/Editor: Behrend, Heike
Rethinking Chaucer's Legend of Good Women
Author/Editor: Collette, Carolyn P
Rethinking Hanslick
Author/Editor: Grimes, Nicole; Donovan, Siobhán; Marx, Wolfgang
Rethinking Medieval Translation
Author/Editor: Campbell, Emma; Mills, Robert
Rethinking Modern Polish Identities: Transnational Encounters
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Pasieka ,Paweł Rodak
Rethinking the Public Fetus: Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy
Author/Editor: Elisabet Björklund ,Solveig Jülich
Rethinking the Renaissance and Reformation in Scotland: Essays in Honour of Roger A. Mason
Author/Editor: Steven J. Reid
Returning Memories
Author/Editor: Wienand, Christiane
Re-using Manuscripts in Late Medieval England: Repairing, Recycling, Sharing
Author/Editor: Hannah Ryley
A Revelation of Purgatory
Author/Editor: McAvoy, Liz Herbert
Revelation Restored: The Apocalypse in Later Seventeenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Johnston, Warren
The Reverend Jennie Johnson and African Canadian History, 1868-1967
Author/Editor: Reid-Maroney, Nina
Revisiting the Codex Buranus: Contents, Contexts, Compositions, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Tristan E. Franklinos,Henry Hope
Revisiting the Nazi Occult
Author/Editor: Black, Monica; Kurlander, Eric
The Revivifying Word
Author/Editor: Koelb, Clayton
Reviving Haydn
Author/Editor: Proksch, Bryan
The Revolt of Owain Glyndŵr in Medieval English Chronicles
Author/Editor: Marchant, Alicia
The Revolt of Owain Glyndŵr in Medieval English Chronicles
Author/Editor: Marchant, Alicia
The Revolt of Owain Glyndwr in Medieval English Chronicles
Author/Editor: Marchant, Alicia
Revolution and Counterrevolution in Poland, 1980-1989
Author/Editor: Paczkowski, Andrzej; Manetti, Christina
Rewriting Arthurian Romance in Renaissance France
Author/Editor: Taylor, Jane H.M
Rewriting Classical Mythology in the Hispanic Baroque
Author/Editor: Torres, Isabel
Rewriting Identities in Contemporary Germany: Radical Diversity and Literary Interventions
Author/Editor: Selma Rezgui ,Laura Marie Sturtz ,Tara Talwar Windsor
Rewritings, Sequels, and Cycles in Sixteenth-Century Castilian Romances of Chivalry
Author/Editor: Gutiérrez Trápaga, Daniel
Rewriting the First Crusade: Epistolary Culture in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Thomas W. Smith
Rewriting the Italian Novella in Counter-Reformation Spain
Author/Editor: Rabell, Carmen R
Rewriting the Past in Scottish Literature, 1350-1550
Author/Editor: Kate Ash-Irisarri
Rhetoric and Reality in Early Modern Spain
Author/Editor: Pym, Richard J
Rich and Poor in Nineteenth-Century Spain
Author/Editor: Ridao Carlini, Inma
The Richard Baxter Treatises
Author/Editor: Argent, Alan
Richard Wagner and the Centrality of Love
Author/Editor: Emslie, Barry
Richard Wagner in Paris
Author/Editor: Coleman, Jeremy
Richard Wagner's Beethoven (1870)
Author/Editor: Allen, Roger
Richard Wagner's Essays on Conducting: A New Translation with Critical Commentary
Author/Editor: Chris Walton
The Richest East India Merchant
Author/Editor: Webster, Anthony
The Rise and Demise of Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Atlantic World
Author/Editor: Misevich, Philip; Mann, Kristin
The Rise of an Early Modern Shipping Industry
Author/Editor: Barker, Rosalin
The Rise of Methodism: A Study of Bedfordshire, 1736-1851
Author/Editor: Jonathan Rodell
Rites of Passage
Author/Editor: McDonald, Nicola F.; Ormrod, W. M
The Road Not Taken: A Documented Biography of Randall Thompson, 1899-1984, Ed. NED - New edition
The Road to Soweto
Author/Editor: Brown, Julian
Robert `Curthose', Duke of Normandy (c.1050-1134)
Author/Editor: Aird, William M
Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford and Duke of Ireland (1362-1392): The Rise and Fall of a Royal Favourite
Author/Editor: James Ross
Robert Frost's Political Body
Author/Editor: Kosc, Grzegorz
Robert Frost's Political Body
Author/Editor: Kosc, Grzegorz
Series Title: Studies in American Literature and Culture
Robert Furse: A Devon Family Memoir of 1593
Author/Editor: ROBERT FURSE ,Anita Travers
Robert Lowell in a New Century
Author/Editor: Austenfeld, Thomas
Robert Musil and the Question of Science: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Problem of the Two Cultures, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Tim Mehigan
Robert Thornton and his Books
Author/Editor: Fein, Susanna; Johnston, Michael
Robert Willis (1800-1875) and the Foundation of Architectural History
Author/Editor: Buchanan, Alexandrina
Robin Hood: Legend and Reality, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: David Crook
Rockefeller Money, the Laboratory and Medicine in Edinburgh 1919-1930:
Author/Editor: Lawrence, Christopher
The Rodney Papers, Volume II, 1763-1780: Selections from the Correspondence of Admiral Lord Rodney, Volume II, 1763-1780
Author/Editor: Lord Rodney ,DAVID SYRETT
Roger Morrice and the Puritan Whigs
Author/Editor: Goldie, Mark
Roger of Lauria (c.1250-1305): "Admiral of Admirals", Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Charles D. Stanton
Roguery in Print
Author/Editor: Liapi, Lena
Roles of the Sea in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Gorski, Richard
Roman Catholicism in Bedfordshire 1700-1900: The Other Non-Conformists
Author/Editor: Peter Doyle
Romance and Exemplarity in Post-War Spanish Women's Narratives
Author/Editor: Kebadze, Nino
Romance and its Contexts in Fifteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Radulescu, Raluca L
Romance Rewritten
Author/Editor: Archibald, Elizabeth; Leitch, Megan G.; Saunders, Corinne
The Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure
Romantic Rapports
Author/Editor: Peer, Larry H.; Clason, Christopher R
A Romantic Symphony: The Autobiography of Howard Hanson
Author/Editor: Howard Hanson ,Vincent A. Lenti
Romantic Violin Performing Practices: A Handbook, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: David Milsom
Roman Warships
Author/Editor: Pitassi, Michael
The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars
Author/Editor: Johnson, Douglas H
Rossini and Post-Napoleonic Europe
Author/Editor: Roberts, Warren
The Royal Abbey of Reading
Author/Editor: Baxter, Ron
Royal and Urban Gunpowder Weapons in Late Medieval England, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Dan Spencer
The Royal Charters of Jersey, 1341-1687
Author/Editor: Tim Thornton
The Royal Doctors, 1485-1714:
Author/Editor: Furdell, Elizabeth Lane
Royal Genealogy in the Age of Shakespeare, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sara Trevisan
Royalism, Print and Censorship in Revolutionary England
Author/Editor: McElligott, Jason
Royalism, Religion and Revolution: Wales, 1640-1688
Author/Editor: Sarah Ward Clavier
The Royal Musical Association: Creating Scholars, Advancing Research
Author/Editor: Leanne Langley
The Royal Navy and the Mediterranean, 1919-1929
Author/Editor: PAUL HALPERN
The Royal Pardon: Access to Mercy in Fourteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Lacey, Helen
The Royal Touch in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Brogan, Stephen
The Royal Workshops of the Alhambra: Industrial Activity in Early Modern Granada
Author/Editor: Alberto García Porras ,Chloë N. Duckworth ,David J. Govantes-Edwards
The Ruler Portraits of Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Karkov, Catherine E
Rulers and Ruled in Frontier Catalonia, 880-1010
Author/Editor: Jarrett, Jonathan
Ruling Fourteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Ambühl, Rémy; Bothwell, James; Tompkins, Laura
Ruling Ireland, 1685-1742
Author/Editor: Hayton, D.W
Runic Amulets and Magic Objects
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Mindy; Mees, Bernard
Rural Conflict, Crime and Protest: Herefordshire, 1800-1860
Author/Editor: Shakesheff, Timothy
Rural Society and Economic Change in County Durham
Author/Editor: Brown, A.T
Rural Society and the Anglican Clergy, 1815-1914
Author/Editor: Lee, Robert
Rural Women Workers in Nineteenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Verdon, Nicola
Ruth Crawford Seeger's Worlds
Author/Editor: Allen, Ray; Hisama, Ellie M