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Titles start with M (349) Information
Macaulay and the Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Nathaniel Wolloch
Machado de Assis: The World Keeps Changing to Remain the Same
Author/Editor: Mario Higa
Machaut and the Medieval Apprenticeship Tradition
Author/Editor: Kelly, Douglas
Machiavelli's Gospel
Author/Editor: Parsons, William B
Magic and the Supernatural in Medieval English Romance
Author/Editor: Saunders, Corinne
Magna Carta and the England of King John
Author/Editor: Loengard, Janet S
Magnetic North: Conversations with Tomas Venclova, Ed. NED - New edition
Mahler's Nietzsche: Politics and Philosophy in the <em>Wunderhorn</em> Symphonies
Author/Editor: Leah Batstone
Makers and Users of Medieval Books
Author/Editor: Meale, Carol M.; Pearsall, Derek
Making an Industrial Revolution: Skill, Knowledge, Community and Innovation
Author/Editor: Gillian Cookson
Making Headway
Author/Editor: Barnes, Andrew E
Making Martyrs: The Language of Sacrifice in Russian Culture from Stalin to Putin, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Yuliya Minkova
The Making of Medieval History
Author/Editor: Loud, Graham A.; Staub, Martial
The Making of Restoration Poetry
Author/Editor: Hammond, Paul
The Making of the Elizabethan Navy 1540-1590
Author/Editor: Loades, David
The Making of the Irish Protestant Ascendancy
Author/Editor: Walsh, Patrick
The Making of Victorian Bristol
Author/Editor: Malpass, Peter
Making Sense of Place
Author/Editor: Convery, Ian; Corsane, Gerard; Davis, Peter
Malmesbury Abbey 670-1539: Patronage, Scholarship and Scandal
Author/Editor: Tony McAleavy
Malory and his European Contemporaries
Author/Editor: Edlich-Muth, Miriam
Malory's Contemporary Audience
Author/Editor: Crofts, Thomas H
Malory's Library: The Sources of the Morte Darthur
Author/Editor: Norris, Ralph
Malory's Magic Book
Author/Editor: McCausland, Elly
Managing British Colonial and Post-Colonial Development
Author/Editor: Sunderland, David
Mandela's Kinsmen
Author/Editor: Gibbs, Timothy
Manhood Enslaved
Author/Editor: Marshall, Kenneth E
Manhood, Morality & the Transformation of Angolan Society: MPLA Veterans & Post-war Dynamics, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: JOHN SPALL
Manners Make a Nation
Author/Editor: Shutt, Allison K
Mannock Strickland (1683-1744)
Author/Editor: Williams, Richard G
Manorial Account Rolls and Rentals of Walsham Le Willows 1327 to 1559
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Author/Editor: Colmeiro, José F
Manufacturing in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1979: Interest Group Politics, Protectionism & the State
Author/Editor: Victor Muchineripi Gwande
The Manuscript and Meaning of Malory's Morte Darthur
Author/Editor: Whetter, K.S
Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain
Author/Editor: Atkin, Tamara; Rajsic, Jaclyn
The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema
Author/Editor: Rogowski, Christian
The Mappae Mundi of Medieval Iceland, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Dale Kedwards
Mapping Morality in Postwar German Women's Fiction
Author/Editor: Mattson, Michelle
María de Zayas and her Tales of Desire, Death and Disillusion
Author/Editor: Margaret R. Greer
María Félix: A Mexican Film Star and her Legacy
Author/Editor: Niamh Thornton
Marcabru: A Critical Edition
Author/Editor: Simon Gaunt ,Ruth Harvey ,Linda Paterson
Marching to the Canon
Author/Editor: Messing, Scott
Marco Polo's Le Devisement du Monde
Author/Editor: Gaunt, Simon
Margaret of Anjou
Author/Editor: Maurer, Helen E
Margery Kempe's Spiritual Medicine: Suffering, Transformation and the Life-Course, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Laura Kalas
Margins of Insecurity
Author/Editor: Nolutshungu, Sam C
Marguerite de Navarre: A Critical Companion
Marianna Martines
Author/Editor: Godt, Irving; Rice, John A
Marie de France
Author/Editor: Burgess, Glyn S
Marie de France: A Critical Companion
Author/Editor: Kinoshita, Sharon; McCracken, Peggy
Marikana: A People's History
Author/Editor: Julian Brown
Maritime Bristol in the Slave-Trade Era
Author/Editor: Nicholas Rogers
Maritime Empires
Author/Editor: Killingray, David; Lincoln, Margarette; Rigby, Nigel
Maritime Enterprise and Empire
Author/Editor: Munro, J. Forbes
Maritime Kent Through the Ages: Gateway to the Sea
Author/Editor: Stuart Bligh ,Elizabeth Edwards ,Sheila Sweetinburgh
Maritime Power and the Power of Money in Louis XIV’s France: Private Finance, the Contractor State, and the French Navy
Markets on the Margins
Author/Editor: Philip, Kate
Mark Twain under Fire
Author/Editor: Fulton, Joe B
Mark Twain under Fire
Author/Editor: Fulton, Joe B
The Marlborough Mound: Prehistoric Mound, Medieval Castle, Georgian Garden
Author/Editor: Richard Barber
Marriage, Adultery and Inheritance in Malory's Morte Darthur
Author/Editor: Cherewatuk, Karen
Marriage, Gender, and Desire in Early Enlightenment German Comedy
Author/Editor: Potter, Edward T
Marriage in Medieval England: Law, Literature and Practice
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Conor
Marriage of Convenience
Author/Editor: Birn, Anne-Emanuelle
Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe
Author/Editor: Beattie, Cordelia; Stevens, Matthew Frank
Martinu and the Symphony
Author/Editor: MICHAEL CRUMP
Martinu's Subliminal States: A Study of the Composer's Writings and Reception, with a Translation of His "American Diaries", Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Svatos
The Marvellous and the Monstrous in the Sculpture of Twelfth-Century Europe
Author/Editor: Ambrose, Kirk
Marvell's Ambivalence
Author/Editor: Yoshinaka, Takashi
Marylin: A Novel of Passing
Author/Editor: ARTHUR RUNDT ,Chauncey J. Mellor ,Peter Höyng ,Peter Höyng ,Chauncey J. Mellor ,Priscilla D. Layne
Masquerade and Money in Urban Nigeria: The Case of Calabar
Author/Editor: Jordan A. Fenton
Masquerades in African Society: Gender, Power and Identity
Author/Editor: Walter E.A. van Beek ,Harrie M. Leyten
Masques, Mayings and Music-Dramas
Author/Editor: Savage, Roger
Massacre at the Champ de Mars
Author/Editor: Andress, David
Massenet and His Letters
Author/Editor: Dibbern, Mary
Massenet: Catalogue Général des Oeuvres/Massenet: General Catalogue of Works
Author/Editor: Oléon, Hervé; Dibbern, Mary
Matatu Work: Gender, Labor, and Mobility in Nairobi
Author/Editor: Meghan E. Ference
Material Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Wharton, Joanna
The Material Text in Wycliffite Biblical Scholarship
Author/Editor: Lavinsky, David
The Material World of a Restoration Queen Consort: The Privy Purse Accounts of Catherine of Braganza
Author/Editor: MARIA HAYWARD
Mathilde Möhring
Author/Editor: THEODOR FONTANE ,Rachael Huener ,Helen Chambers
Matter and Spirit
Author/Editor: Lawler, James
Maurice Duruflé
Author/Editor: Frazier, James E
Max Stirner and Nihilism: Between Two Nothings
Author/Editor: Tim Dowdall
Médicos escritores en España, 1885-1955
Author/Editor: Sosa-Velasco, Alfredo J
Measure: In Pursuit of Musical Time
Author/Editor: Marc D. Moskovitz
Meat Matters
Author/Editor: Watts, Sydney
The Mechanization of the Heart:
Author/Editor: Fuchs, Thomas; Grene, Marjorie
Mediators, Contract Men, and Colonial Capital: Mechanized Gold Mining in the Gold Coast Colony, 1879-1909, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Cassandra Mark-Thiesen
Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1123-1995
Author/Editor: Waddington, Keir
Medical Texts in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Emily Kesling
Medicine and the Workhouse
Author/Editor: Reinarz, Jonathan; Schwarz, Leonard
The Medicine of the Friars in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Peter Murray Jones
Medicine, Religion and Gender in Medieval Culture
Author/Editor: Yoshikawa, Naoë Kukita
Medicine's Moving Pictures
Author/Editor: Reagan, Leslie J.; Tomes, Nancy; Treichler, Paula A
Medieval Allegory and the Building of the New Jerusalem
Author/Editor: Meyer, Ann R
Medieval Anchorites in their Communities, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Cate Gunn,Liz Herbert McAvoy
Medieval Anchoritisms
Author/Editor: McAvoy, Liz Herbert
Medieval and Early Modern Murder: Legal, Literary and Historical Contexts, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Larissa Tracy
Medieval and Early Modern Religious Cultures: Essays Honouring Vincent Gillespie on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Ed. NED - New edition
Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal
Author/Editor: Schaffer, Martha E.; Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio
Medieval Arms and Armour: A Sourcebook. Volume II: 1400–1450
Author/Editor: Ralph Moffat
Medieval Arms and Armour: a Sourcebook. Volume I: The Fourteenth Century
Author/Editor: Ralph Moffat
Medieval Cantors and their Craft
Author/Editor: Bugyis, Katie Ann-Marie; Kraebel, A.B.; Fassler, Margot E
Medieval Cartularies as Active Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Tucker, Joanna
The Medieval Changeling: Health, Childcare, and the Family Unit
Author/Editor: Rose A. Sawyer
The Medieval Clothier
Author/Editor: Lee, John S
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 10
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 11
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 12
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 13
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 14
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 15, Ed. NED - New edition
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 16, Ed. NED - New edition
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 17
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 18
Author/Editor: CORDELIA WARR
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 2
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 7
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 8
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 9
Author/Editor: Netherton, Robin; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval Dress and Textiles in Britain
Author/Editor: Sylvester, Louise M.; Chambers, Mark C.; Owen-Crocker, Gale R
Medieval East Anglia
Author/Editor: Harper-Bill, Christopher
Medieval English and Dutch Literatures: the European Context: Essays in Honour of David F. Johnson
Medieval English Theatre 37
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Sarah; King, Pamela M.; Greg Walker, Meg Twycross
Medieval English Theatre 38
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Sarah; King, Pamela M.; Greg Walker, Meg Twycross
Medieval English Theatre 39
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Sarah; Kipling, Gordon; Twycross, Meg
Medieval English Theatre 40
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Sarah; Dutton, Elisabeth; Meg Twycross, Gordon Kipling
Medieval English Theatre 41, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Carpenter,Elisabeth Dutton,Gordon Kipling,Meg Twycross
Medieval English Theatre 42: Religious Drama and Community
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Dutton ,Olivia Robinson
Medieval English Theatre 43
Author/Editor: Meg Twycross ,Sarah Carpenter ,Elisabeth Dutton ,Gordon Kipling
Medieval English Theatre 44
Author/Editor: Meg Twycross ,Sarah Carpenter ,Elisabeth Dutton ,Gordon Kipling
Medieval English Theatre 45
Author/Editor: Meg Twycross ,Sarah Carpenter ,Elisabeth Dutton ,Gordon Kipling
The Medieval French <em>Ovide moralisé</em>: An English Translation [3 volume set]
Author/Editor: K. SARAH-JANE MURRAY ,MATTHIEU BOYD ,William W. Kibler ,Glyn S. Burgess ,Cristian Bratu ,Raymond Cormier ,Anne-Hélène Miller ,Edward G. Ouellette ,V
Medieval Futures
Author/Editor: Burrow, J.A.; Wei, Ian P
The Medieval German Lohengrin
Author/Editor: Matthews, Alastair
Medieval Ghost Stories
Author/Editor: Joynes, Andrew
Medieval Hispanic Studies in Memory of Alan Deyermond
Author/Editor: Beresford, Andrew M.; Haywood, Louise M.; Weiss, Julian
Medieval Iberia
Author/Editor: Corfis, Ivy A.; Harris-Northall, Ray
Medieval into Renaissance
Author/Editor: King, Andrew; Woodcock, Matthew
Medievalism: a Critical History, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: David Matthews
Medievalism and Reception
Author/Editor: Ellie Crookes ,Ika Willis
Medievalism in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones
Author/Editor: Carroll, Shiloh
Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: M.J. Toswell,Anna Czarnowus
Medievalism in Nineteenth-Century Belgium: The 1848 Monument to Godfrey of Bouillon
Author/Editor: Simon John
Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-First Century, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Andrew B. R. Elliott
Medievalist Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Montoya, Alicia C
Medievalist Traditions in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Celebrating the Calendar Year, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Clare A. Simmons
Medieval Latin and Middle English Literature
Author/Editor: Cannon, Christopher; Nolan, Maura
Medieval Life
Author/Editor: Gilchrist, Roberta
The Medieval Literary: Beyond Form, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Robert J. Meyer-Lee,Catherine Sanok
Medieval Liturgical Chant and Patristic Exegesis
Author/Editor: Hornby, Emma
Medieval Lowestoft
Author/Editor: Butcher, David
Medieval Manuscripts and their Provenance: Essays in Honour of Barbara A. Shailor
Author/Editor: A. S. G. Edwards
Medieval Manuscripts, Readers and Texts: Essays in Honour of Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
Author/Editor: Misty Schieberle ,Amanda Bohne
The Medieval Merlin Tradition in France and Italy
Author/Editor: Campbell, Laura Chuhan
The Medieval Military Engineer: From the Roman Empire to the Sixteenth Century, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Peter Purton
The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England
Author/Editor: Jones, E.A
The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England
Author/Editor: Jones, E.A
Medieval Narratives of Alexander the Great
Author/Editor: Bridges, Venetia
Medieval Petitions
Author/Editor: Ormrod, W. Mark; Dodd, Gwilym; Musson, Anthony
Medieval Pets
Author/Editor: Walker-Meikle, Kathleen
The Medieval Pig
Author/Editor: Dolly Jørgensen
Medieval Powys
Author/Editor: Stephenson, David
Medieval Religious Women in the Low Countries
Author/Editor: Scheepsma, Wybren; Johnson, David F
Medieval Romance and Material Culture
Author/Editor: Perkins, Nicholas
Medieval Romance, Medieval Contexts
Author/Editor: Purdie, Rhiannon; Cichon, Michael
The Medieval Romance of Alexander
Author/Editor: Jehan Wauquelin,Nigel Bryant
Medieval Saints' Lives
Author/Editor: Campbell, Emma
A Medieval Songbook: Trouvère MS C
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Eva Leach ,Joseph W. Mason ,Matthew P. Thomson
Medieval St Andrews
Author/Editor: Brown, Michael; Stevenson, Katie
Medieval Suffolk: An Economic and Social History, 1200-1500
Author/Editor: Bailey, Mark
Medieval Theatre Performance
Author/Editor: Butterworth, Philip; Normington, Katie
The Medieval Tournament as Spectacle: Tourneys, Jousts and Pas d'Armes, 1100-1600, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Alan V. Murray,Karen Watts
Medieval Translations and Cultural Discourse
Author/Editor: Rikhardsdottir, Sif
The Medieval Warrior Aristocracy
Author/Editor: Cowell, Andrew
The Medieval Welsh Englynion y Beddau: The 'Stanzas of the Graves', or 'Graves of the Warriors of the Island of Britain', attributed to Taliesin
Medieval Welsh Genealogy: An Introduction and Textual Study, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: BEN GUY
Medieval Women Religious, c. 800-c. 1500: New Perspectives
The Mediterranean Fleet, 1930-1939
Author/Editor: PAUL G. HALPERN
Meeting the Other in Norse Myth and Legend
Author/Editor: McKinnell, John
Melody in the Dark: British Musical Films, 1946–1972
Author/Editor: Adrian Wright
Melville's Mirrors
Author/Editor: Yothers, Brian
The Memoir of John Butter: Surgeon, Militiaman, Sportsman and Founder of the Plymouth Royal Eye Infirmary
Author/Editor: Dee Tracey ,Mike Tracey
The Memoirs of Ceija Stojka, Child Survivor of the Romani Holocaust
Author/Editor: Ceija Stojka ,Lorely E. French
Memorias cronológicas sobre el origen de la representación de comedias en España (año de 1785)
Author/Editor: Armona, José Antonio de; Davis, Charles; Varey, J. E
Memory and Myths of the Norman Conquest
Author/Editor: Brownlie, Siobhan
Men and Masculinities in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
Author/Editor: Pugh, Tison; Marzec, Marcia Smith
The Men and Women We Want
Author/Editor: Petit, Jeanne D
Mendelssohn, Goethe, and the Walpurgis Night
Author/Editor: Cooper, John Michael
Mendelssohn's Instrumental Music
Author/Editor: Goldman, David P
Mendelssohn, the Organ, and the Music of the Past
Author/Editor: Thym, Jürgen
Men in African Film and Fiction
Author/Editor: Ouzgane, Lahoucine
Mental Health Care in Modern England
Author/Editor: Cherry, Steven
Merchant Crusaders in the Aegean, 1291-1352
Author/Editor: Carr, Mike
Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860-1960
Author/Editor: Carter, Tim
Merlin and the Grail
Author/Editor: de Boron, Robert; Bryant, Nigel
The Mester de Clerecía: Intellectuals and Ideologies in Thirteenth-Century Castile
Author/Editor: Weiss, Julian
Author/Editor: Pirholt, Mattias
Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film
Author/Editor: Butler, Erik
The Metre of Old Saxon Poetry
Author/Editor: Suzuki, Seiichi
Mexican Genders, Mexican Genres: Cinema, Television, and Streaming Since 2010, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Paul Julian Smith
Middle-Aged Women in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Niebrzydowski, Sue
The Middle Ages in Computer Games: Ludic Approaches to the Medieval and Medievalism
Author/Editor: Robert Houghton
Middle English Biblical Poetry and Romance
Author/Editor: Cathy Hume
Middle English Lyrics
Author/Editor: Boffey, Julia; Whitehead, Christiania
Middle English Romance and the Craft of Memory
Author/Editor: McKinstry, Jamie
Middle English Texts in Transition
Author/Editor: Horobin, Simon; Mooney, Linne R
Midshipmen and Quarterdeck Boys in the British Navy, 1771-1831
Author/Editor: Cavell, S.A
Migrants and Masculinity in High-Rise Nairobi: The Pressure of being a Man in an African City
Author/Editor: Mario Schmidt
Militarization and Democracy in West Germany's Border Police, 1951-2005
Military Communities in Late Medieval England
Author/Editor: Baker, Gary P.; Lambert, Craig L.; Simpkin, David
Military Cultures and Martial Enterprises in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of Richard P. Abels, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: John D. Hosler,Steven Isaac
The Military Papers and Correspondence of Major General Guy Dawnay, 1915–1919
Author/Editor: Aimée Fox
The Military Papers of Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Volume 1: 1940-42
Author/Editor: Timothy Bowman
Military Society and the Court of Chivalry in the Age of the Hundred Years War, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Philip J. Caudrey
The Militia in Eighteenth-Century Ireland
Author/Editor: Garnham, Neal
The Milne Papers, The Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alexander Milne, Bt., K.C.B. (1806–1896): Volume II, The Royal Navy and the Outbreak of the American Civil War, 1860-1862
Author/Editor: Alexander Milne ,JOHN BEELER
Milton and the Terms of Liberty, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Graham Parry ,Joad Raymond
Minna Wagner: A Life, with Richard Wagner
Author/Editor: Eva Rieger ,Chris Walton
Minstrels and Minstrelsy in Late Medieval England
Author/Editor: Richard Rastall ,Andrew Taylor
Minutes of the Oxford Paving Commissioners 1771–1801
The Miracles of Our Lady of Rocamadour: Analysis and Translation, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Marcus Bull
Miracles of the Virgin in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Williams Boyarin, Adrienne
The Miraculous and the Writing of Crusade Narrative, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Beth C. Spacey
Miraculous Rhymes
Author/Editor: Hunt, Tony
Miscellanea - Volume 59
Author/Editor: Patricia Bell ,Joyce Godber
Missionary Women
Author/Editor: Semple, Rhonda Anne
The Mission of Apolo Kivebulaya: Religious Encounter & Social Change in the Great Lakes c.1865-1935, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Emma Wild-Wood
The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts, Ed. NED - New edition
Mobility and Identity in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Ed. NED - New edition
Mobility in the English Novel from Defoe to Austen, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Chris Ewers
Modeling Motherhood in Weimar Germany: Political and Psychological Discourses in Women’s Writing
Author/Editor: Katherine E. Calvert
The Modern Brass Ensemble in Twentieth-Century Britain
Author/Editor: John Miller
Modern German Political Drama 1980-2000
Author/Editor: Haas, Birgit
Modern German Thought from Kant to Habermas
Author/Editor: de Berg, Henk; Large, Duncan
A Modern History of the Somali: Nation and State in the Horn of Africa, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: I.M. LEWIS
Modernity and Plato
Author/Editor: Schmitt, Arbogast; Adluri, Vishwa
Modern Spiritualism and the Church of England, 1850-1939
Author/Editor: Byrne, Georgina A
Monarchy, State and Political Culture in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of W. Mark Ormrod, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Gwilym Dodd,Craig Taylor
Monasteries and Society in the British Isles in the Later Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Stöber, Karen
Monastic Hospitality
Author/Editor: Kerr, Julie
Money and Markets: Essays in Honour of Martin Daunton, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Julian Hoppit ,Duncan Needham ,Adrian Leonard
Monks Eleigh Manorial Records, 1210-1683
Monsieur Francisque’s Touring Troupe and Anglo-French Theatrical Culture, 1690-1770
Author/Editor: Robert V. Kenny
Monsters, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature
Author/Editor: Oswald, Dana M
Montage as Perceptual Experience: Berlin Alexanderplatz from Döblin to Fassbinder, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Mario Slugan,Gerd Gemünden,Johannes von Moltke
The Montpellier Codex
Author/Editor: Bradley, Catherine A.; Desmond, Karen
Mosén Diego de Valera
Author/Editor: Moya García, Cristina
Motherhood and Meaning in Medieval Sculpture: Representations from France, c.1100-1500, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Marian Bleeke
Mountain of Destiny
Author/Editor: Höbusch, Harald
Mountains and the German Mind: Translations from Gessner to Messner, 1541-2009, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sean Ireton,Caroline Schaumann
Movement and Identity in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Author/Editor: Wright, Sarah Breckenridge
Movements, Borders, and Identities in Africa
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin; Usman, Aribidesi
Moving Images on the Margins: Experimental Film in Late Socialist East Germany, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Seth Howes
Moving People in Ethiopia
Author/Editor: Pankhurst, Alula; Piguet, Francois
Mozart, Genius, and the Possibilities of Art
Author/Editor: Edmund J. Goehring
Mozart's Così fan tutte
Author/Editor: Woodfield, Ian
Mozart's Viennese Instrumental Music
Author/Editor: Keefe, Simon P
MS Junius 11 and its Poetry
Author/Editor: Carl Kears
Mujeres épicas españolas
Author/Editor: Ratcliffe, Marjorie
Mujer pública y vida privada
Author/Editor: Fernández, Pura
The Multimedia Works of Contemporary Latin American Women Writers and Artists
Author/Editor: Jane E. Lavery ,Sarah E. L. Bowskill
The Multiple Worlds of Pynchon's Mason & Dixon
Author/Editor: Hinds, Elizabeth Jane Wall
Murder on the Middle Passage: The Trial of Captain Kimber, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Rogers Nicholas
Museums and Biographies
Author/Editor: Hill, Kate
Museums in China
Author/Editor: Varutti, Marzia
Musical Analyses and Musical Exegesis: The Shepherd's Melody in Richard Wagner's <em>Tristan and Isolde</em>
Author/Editor: Jean-Jacques Nattiez ,Pierre Boulez ,Joan Huguet
Musical Creativity in Twentieth-Century China
Author/Editor: Stock, Jonathan P.J
Musical Debate and Political Culture in France, 1700-1830, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: R. J. Arnold
Musical Encounters at the 1889 Paris World's Fair, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Annegret Fauser
Musical Functionalism
Author/Editor: Breivik, Magnar
Musical Journeys: Performing Migration in Twentieth-Century Music, Ed. NED - New edition
The Musical Madhouse
Author/Editor: Berlioz, Hector; Bruce, Alastair; Macdonald, Hugh
The Musical Novel
Author/Editor: Petermann, Emily
The Musical Relationship between Claude Debussy and Igor Stravinsky
Author/Editor: Mark McFarland
Musical Salon Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Bunzel, Anja; Loges, Natasha
Musical Theater in Eighteenth-Century Parma
Author/Editor: Butler, Margaret R
Music and Ceremony at the Court of Charles V
Author/Editor: Ferer, Mary Tiffany
Music and Death: Funeral Music, Memory and Re-Evaluating Life
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Marx
Music and Faith
Author/Editor: Arnold, Jonathan
Music and Instruments of the Elizabethan Age: The Eglantine Table, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Fleming,Christopher Page
Music and Literature in German Romanticism
Author/Editor: Donovan, Siobhán; Elliott, Robin
Music and Meaning in Old Hispanic Lenten Chants
Author/Editor: Hornby, Emma; Maloy, Rebecca
Music and Modernity in Enlightenment Spain
Author/Editor: Ana P. Sánchez-Rojo
Music and Musical Composition at the American Academy in Rome
Author/Editor: Brody, Martin
Music and Musicians in the Escorial Liturgy under the Habsburgs, 1563-1700
Author/Editor: Noone, Michael J
The Music and Music Theory of Paul Hindemith, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Simon Desbruslais
Music and Religion in the Writings of Ian McEwan
Author/Editor: IAIN QUINN
Music and Soviet Power, 1917-1932
Author/Editor: Frolova-Walker, Marina; Walker, Jonathan
Music and the Occult
Author/Editor: Godwin, Joscelyn
Music and Time: Psychology, Philosophy, Practice
Author/Editor: Michelle Phillips ,Matthew Sergeant
Music and Ultra-Modernism in France: A Fragile Consensus, 1913-1939
Author/Editor: Kelly, Barbara L
The Musica of Hermannus Contractus
Author/Editor: Ellinwood, Leonard; Snyder, John L
Music as Social and Cultural Practice
Author/Editor: Bucciarelli, Melania; Joncus, Berta
Music at German Courts, 1715-1760
Author/Editor: Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.; Stockigt, Janice B
Music Criticism in France, 1918-1939
Author/Editor: Kelly, Barbara L.; Moore, Christopher
Music Education in Crisis
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
The Music for <em>Victory at Sea</em>: Richard Rodgers, Robert Russell Bennett, and the Making of a TV Masterpiece
Author/Editor: George J. Ferencz
Music for St Cecilia's Day: From Purcell to Handel
Author/Editor: White, Bryan
Musicians of Bath and Beyond: Edward Loder (1809-1865) and his Family
Author/Editor: Temperley, Nicholas
Music in 1853
Author/Editor: Macdonald, Hugh
Music, Indigeneity, Digital Media
Author/Editor: Hilder, Thomas R.; Stobart, Henry; Tan, Shzr Ee
Music in Edwardian London
Author/Editor: Simon McVeigh
Music in Elizabethan Court Politics
Author/Editor: Butler, Katherine
Music in Goethe's Faust
Author/Editor: Byrne Bodley, Lorraine
Music in Independent Schools
Author/Editor: Morris, Andrew; Rainbow, Bernarr; Dickinson, Peter
Music in North-East England, 1500-1800, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Stephanie Carter,Kirsten Gibson,Roz Southey
Music in Print and Beyond
Author/Editor: Monson, Craig A.; Marvin, Roberta Montemorra
Music in Their Time: The Memoirs and Letters of Dora and Hubert Foss, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Lloyd,Diana Sparkes,Brian Sparkes,Simon Wright
Music in the West Country: Social and Cultural History across an English Region, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Stephen Banfield
Music into Fiction
Author/Editor: Ziolkowski, Theodore
Music in Twentieth-Century Oxford: New Directions
Author/Editor: Robin Darwall-Smith ,Susan Wollenberg
Music in Vienna
Author/Editor: Jones, David Wyn
Musicking Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Albright, Daniel
Music, Liturgy, and Confraternity Devotions in Paris and Tournai, 1300-1550, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Sarah Ann Long
Music, Medicine and Religion at the Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Rome: 1550–1750
Author/Editor: Naomi J. Barker
Music, Morality and Social Reform in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Author/Editor: Paul Watt
Music, Myth and Story in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Katherine Butler ,Samantha Bassler
Music, Nature and Divine Knowledge in England, 1650-1750: Between the Rational and the Mystical
Author/Editor: Tom Dixon ,Penelope Gouk ,Chloë Dixon ,Philippe Sarrasin Robichaud
The Music of American Folk Song
Author/Editor: Crawford Seeger, Ruth; Polansky, Larry; Tick, Judith
The Music of Animaniacs
Author/Editor: Scoggin, Lisa
The Music of Arbeau's Orchésographie, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: G. Yvonne Kendall,Linda J. Tomko
The Music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Author/Editor: Schulenberg, David
The Music of Frank Bridge
Author/Editor: Huss, Fabian
The Music of Frederick Delius: Style, Form and Ethos, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jeremy Dibble
The Music of Herbert Howells
Author/Editor: Cooke, Phillip A.; Maw, David
The Music of James MacMillan
Author/Editor: Cooke, Phillip A
The Music of Joseph Joachim, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Katharina Uhde
The Music of Lennox Berkeley
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
The Music of Leos Janácek: Motive, Rhythm, Structure, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Zdeněk Skoumal
The Music of Luigi Dallapiccola
Author/Editor: Fearn, Raymond
The Music of Peter Maxwell Davies, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Nicholas Jones,Richard McGregor
The Music of Simon Holt
Author/Editor: Charlton, David
The Music of the Moravian Church in America
Author/Editor: Knouse, Nola Reed
Music, Pantomime and Freedom in Enlightenment France, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Hedy Law
Music Performance Issues: 1600-1900
Author/Editor: Jerold, Beverly
Musics Lost and Found: Song Collectors and the Life and Death of Folk Tradition, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Michael Church
Music's Modern Muse
Author/Editor: Kahan, Sylvia
Music Speaks
Author/Editor: Albright, Daniel
Music Theatre in Britain, 1960-1975
Author/Editor: Hall, Michael
Music Theory and Mathematics
Author/Editor: Douthett, Jack; Hyde, Martha M.; Smith, Charles J
Music Theory in Concept and Practice
Author/Editor: Baker, James M.; Beach, David W.; Bernard, Jonathan W
Muslim Fula Business Elites and Politics in Sierra Leone, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Alusine Jalloh
Must Close Saturday
Author/Editor: Wright, Adrian
My Beloved Man
Author/Editor: Stroeher, Vicki P.; Clark, Nicholas; Brimmer, Jude
My Shadow in Dachau
Author/Editor: Heiser, Dorothea; Taberner, Stuart; Jens, Walter
Mystical Islam and Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary German Literature
Author/Editor: Twist, Joseph
Mysticism in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Temple, Liam Peter
The Myth of Abstraction: The Hidden Origins of Abstract Art in German Literature
Author/Editor: Andrea Meyertholen
The Myth of the Press Gang
Author/Editor: Dancy, J. Ross