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Titles start with P (198) | Information |
The Paganesque and <em>The Tale of Vǫlsi</em> |
Author/Editor: Merrill Kaplan
Pain and Compassion in Early Modern English Literature and Culture |
Author/Editor: van Dijkhuizen, Jan Frans
Pain and Suffering in Medieval Theology |
Author/Editor: Mowbray, Donald
Painting for a Living in Tudor and Early Stuart England |
Author/Editor: Robert Tittler
Painting, Literature and Film in Colombian Feminine Culture, 1940-2005 |
Author/Editor: Martin, Deborah
The Papacy and Ecclesiology of Honorius II (1124-1130): Church Governance after the Concordat of Worms |
Papal Protection and the Crusader: Flanders, Champagne, and the Kingdom of France, 1095-1222, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Danielle E.A. Park
Papers and Correspondence of Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth: Part I: The French Revolutionary War, 1793 – 1802 |
A Paradise of Priests |
Author/Editor: Saucier, Catherine
The Parish and the Chapel in Medieval Britain and Norway |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Sarah E
Parisian Music-Hall Ballet, 1871-1913 |
Author/Editor: Gutsche-Miller, Sarah
Parliament and Political Pamphleteering in Fourteenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Oliver, Clementine
Parties, Agents and Electoral Culture in England, 1880-1910 |
Author/Editor: Rix, Kathryn
The Partimenti of Giovanni Paisiello: Pedagogy and Practice |
Author/Editor: Nicoleta Paraschivescu ,Chris Walton
Partnerships in Healthcare |
Author/Editor: Suchman, Anthony L.; Hinton-Walker, Patricia; Botelho, Richard J
Partonopeus de Blois: Romance in the Making |
Author/Editor: Eley, Penny
Party Politics and Populism in Zambia: Michael Sata and Political Change, 1955–2014 |
Author/Editor: Sishuwa Sishuwa
Parzival |
Author/Editor: von Eschenbach, Wolfram; Edwards, Cyril
Pastoral Care in Late Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Tinti, Francesca
The Pastoral Care of Women in Late Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Barr, Beth Allison
Pastoralism and Politics in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia |
Author/Editor: Schlee, Günther; Shongolo, Abdullahi A
A Pathway to Excellence: The First 100 Years of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1921-2020, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Bruce R. Smoller
Patronage and the British Navy, 1775-1815 |
Author/Editor: Catherine S. Beck
Paul Dukas |
Author/Editor: Watson, Laura
Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in South Africa: The National Peace Accord, 1991-1994 |
Author/Editor: Liz Carmichael ,Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Peace Not War: Traditions of Restorative Justice in Imperial Ethiopia, 1769 - 1960 |
Peasants and Production in the Medieval North-East |
Author/Editor: Dodds, Ben
Pentatonicism from the Eighteenth Century to Debussy |
Author/Editor: Day-O'Connell, Jeremy
People, Places and Business Cultures |
Author/Editor: Di Martino, Paolo; Popp, Andrew; Scott, Peter
People’s Parks |
Pepe Romero: Dialogues on a Life’s Journey with the Guitar |
Author/Editor: Pepe Romero ,Walter Aaron Clark ,Philippe Entremont
A Perceforest Reader |
Author/Editor: Nigel Bryant
Perception and Action in Medieval Europe |
Author/Editor: Kleinschmidt, Harald
Perceptions of Femininity in Early Irish Society |
Author/Editor: Oxenham, Helen
Perceval |
Author/Editor: de Troyes, Chretien; Bryant, Nigel
Performance and the Middle English Romance |
Author/Editor: Zaerr, Linda Marie
Performance in <em>Beowulf</em> and other Old English Poems |
Author/Editor: Steven J. A. Breeze
Performative Analysis |
Author/Editor: Swinkin, Jeffrey
A Performer’s Guide to the Piano Music of Samuel Adler |
Author/Editor: Bradford Gowen
Performing Arts and Gender in Postcolonial Western Uganda |
Author/Editor: Linda Cimardi
Performing Gender, Place, and Emotion in Music |
Author/Editor: Magowan, Fiona; Wrazen, Louise
Performing Medieval Narrative |
Author/Editor: Vitz, Evelyn Birge; Regalado, Nancy Freeman; Lawrence, Marilyn
Performing Propaganda: Musical Life and Culture in Paris during the First World War |
Author/Editor: Moore, Rachel
The Periodicals of Ferdinand Pelzer (1833-1857): A German Musician in London |
Author/Editor: SARAH CLARKE
Persistent Legacy |
Author/Editor: McGlothlin, Erin; Kapczynski, Jennifer M
Personal Correspondence of Sir John Bellenden of Auchnoull and His Circle, 1560-1582 |
Author/Editor: Peter D. Anderson ,John H. Ballantyne
Personal Names and Naming Practices in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Personal Rule of Charles II, 1681-85 |
Author/Editor: Tapsell, Grant
Perspectives on Gender in Post-1945 German Literature |
Author/Editor: Paul, Georgina
The Peterborough Version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle |
Author/Editor: Home, Malasree
Peter Dickinson: Words and Music |
Author/Editor: Dickinson, Peter
Petitions and Strategies of Persuasion in the Middle Ages: The English Crown and the Church, c.1200-c.1550, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Thomas W. Smith ,Helen Killick
Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France |
Author/Editor: Rushworth, Jennifer
Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the State in German History, 1815-1989 |
Author/Editor: Adam, Thomas
Philip IV and the World of Spain’s Rey Planeta |
Author/Editor: Stephen M. Hart ,Alexander Samson
The Philosopher's Child |
Author/Editor: Turner, Susan M.; Matthews, Gareth B
The Philosopher's English King |
Author/Editor: Craig, Leon Harold
The Philosophical Canon in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries |
Author/Editor: Rogers, G.A.J.; Tomaselli, Sylvana
Philosophy and the Darwinian Legacy |
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Suzanne
Phoenix, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: BRAD PRAGER
Physician to the Fleet |
Author/Editor: Vale, Brian; Edwards, Griffith
Épica y conflicto religioso en el siglo XVI: Anglicanismo y luteranismo desde el imaginario hispánico, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Javier Burguillo,María José Vega
Picturing Divinity in John Donne's Writings |
Author/Editor: Kirsten Stirling
The Pierrot Ensembles |
Author/Editor: Dromey, Christopher; Wintle, Christopher
Pierrot/Lorca |
Author/Editor: Peral Vega, Emilio
Pietro Monte's Collectanea: The Arms, Armour and Fighting Techniques of a Fifteenth-Century Soldier, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Pietro Monte,Jeffrey L. Forgeng,Kelly DeVries,Robert W. Jones,Robert C. Woosnam-Savage
Piety and Polyphony in Sixteenth-Century Holland |
Author/Editor: Jas, Eric
Place-names, Language and the Anglo-Saxon Landscape |
Author/Editor: Higham, Nicholas J.; Ryan, Martin J
The Place of Argument |
Author/Editor: Davies, Rhian; Brooksbank Jones, Anny
Places of Contested Power: Conflict and Rebellion in England and France, 830-1150, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ryan Lavelle
Plague and Public Health in Early Modern Seville |
Author/Editor: Bowers, Kristy Wilson
Plantation Slavery in the Sokoto Caliphate |
Author/Editor: Salau, Mohammed Bashir
Plants, Places, and Power: Toward Social and Ecological Justice in German Literature and Film |
Author/Editor: Maria Stehle
Plato's <em>Republic</em> in the Islamic Context: New Perspectives on Averroes's Commentary |
Author/Editor: Alexander Orwin
The Plays of Juan Ruiz de Alarcón |
Author/Editor: Whicker, Jules
Pleasing and Interesting Anecdotes |
Author/Editor: Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo; Heckert, Deborah; Moore, Stephen Thomson
The Pleasure of Modernist Music |
Author/Editor: Ashby, Arved
Plebeian Modernity |
Author/Editor: Gerasimov, Ilya
The Pèlerinage Allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville |
Author/Editor: Nievergelt, Marco; Gibbs Kamath, Stephanie A. Viereck
Ploughing New Ground: Food, Farming & Environmental Change in Ethiopia, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: GETNET BEKELE
Pluralist Desires |
Author/Editor: Löffler, Philipp
Plymouth Building Accounts of the 16th & 17th Centuries |
Author/Editor: EDWIN WELCH
Poder y escritura femenina en tiempos del Conde-Duque de Olivares (1621-1643) |
Author/Editor: Muñoz Pérez, Laura S
The Poetic Voices of John Gower |
Author/Editor: Irvin, Matthew W
Poetry and Loss |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Nicholas
Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders |
Author/Editor: Margaret Clunies Ross
Poetry, Knowledge and Community in Late Medieval France |
Author/Editor: Dixon, Rebecca; Sinclair, Finn E.; Sylvia Huot and Sarah Kay, Adrian Armstrong
The Poetry of Alfonso X |
Author/Editor: Snow, Joseph T
The Poetry of Kissing in Early Modern Europe: From the Catullan Revival to Secundus, Shakespeare and the English Cavaliers, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Alex Wong
The Poetry of Salvador Espriu |
Author/Editor: Walters, D. Gareth
A Poet's Reich |
Author/Editor: Lane, Melissa S.; Ruehl, Martin A
Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya |
Author/Editor: Hauke-Peter Vehrs
Polio |
Author/Editor: Daniel, Thomas M.; Robbins, Frederick C
Polish Cinema in a Transnational Context |
Author/Editor: Mazierska, Ewa; Goddard, Michael
Polish Literature and National Identity: A Postcolonial Landscape, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Dariusz Skórczewski,Agnieszka Polakowska
The Polish Singers Alliance of America 1888-1998 |
Author/Editor: Blejwas, Stanislaus A
A Polite Exchange of Bullets |
Author/Editor: Banks, Stephen
Political Change and Human Emancipation in the Works of Heinrich von Kleist |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Elystan
Political Conflict in East Ulster, 1920-22: Revolution and Reprisal, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Christopher Magill
Political Culture and Nationalism in Malawi |
Author/Editor: Power, Joey
A Political Ecology of Kenya’s Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People |
The Political Economy of Everyday Life in Africa |
Author/Editor: Adebanwi, Wale
A Political History of the Gambia, 1816-1994 |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Arnold; Perfect, David
Political Journalism in London, 1695-1720: Defoe, Swift, Steele and their Contemporaries, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ashley Marshall
Political Legitimacy in Postcolonial Mali |
Author/Editor: Dorothea E. Schulz
The Political Life of Josiah C. Wedgwood |
Author/Editor: Mulvey, Paul
Political Society in Later Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Benjamin; Watts, John
Political Vocabularies |
Author/Editor: Condren, Conal
Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today: Edinburgh German Yearbook, volume 14, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Frauke Matthes ,Dora Osborne ,Katya Krylova ,Myrto Aspioti
Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany |
Author/Editor: Niven, William; Jordan, James
Politics and Performance in Post-Dictatorship Argentine Film and Theatre |
Author/Editor: Page, Philippa
Politics and the Political Imagination in Later Stuart Britain |
Author/Editor: Nenner, Howard
Politics, Ideology and the Law in Early Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Bakos, Adrianna E
The Politics of Chieftaincy |
Author/Editor: Sackeyfio-Lenoch, Naaborko
The Politics of Peacemaking in Africa |
Author/Editor: Afolabi, Babatunde Tolu
The Politics of Piety |
Author/Editor: Armstrong, Megan C
The Politics of Place |
Author/Editor: Bandoch, Joshua
The Politics of the Dead in Zimbabwe 2000-2020: Bones, Rumours & Spirits |
Author/Editor: Joost Fontein
The Politics of Vaccination |
Author/Editor: Brunton, Deborah
The Politics of Work in a Post-Conflict State |
Author/Editor: Enria, Luisa
Politics, Religion and Ideas in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Britain: Essays in Honour of Mark Goldie, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Justin Champion,John Coffey,Tim Harris,John Marshall
Poly-Olbion: New Perspectives, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Andrew McRae,Philip Schwyzer
The Polyphonic Mass in Early Lutheran Central Europe |
Author/Editor: Alanna Ropchock Tierno
Pope Gregory X and the Crusades |
Author/Editor: Baldwin, Philip B
Popular Culture and Political Agency in Early Modern England and Ireland |
Author/Editor: Braddick, Michael J.; Withington, Phil
Popular Culture, Identity, and Politics in Contemporary Catalonia |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Testa ,Mariann Vaczi
Popular Memory and Gender in Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Kane, Bronach C
Popular Protest and Policing in Ascendancy Ireland, 1691-1761, NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy D. Watt
Popular Revenants |
Author/Editor: Cusack, Andrew; Murnane, Barry
Population, Tradition, and Environmental Control in Colonial Kenya |
Author/Editor: Shanguhyia, Martin S
Population, Welfare and Economic Change in Britain, 1290-1834 |
Author/Editor: Briggs, Chris; Kitson, P.M.; Thompson, S.J
Portrait of Percy Grainger |
Author/Editor: Gillies, Malcolm; Pear, David
Portrayals of Jews in Contemporary Argentine Cinema |
Author/Editor: Vohnsen, Mirna
Portugal: A Traveller's History |
Author/Editor: Livermore, Harold
Portuguese Cinema (1960-2010): Consumption, Circulation and Commerce, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: André Rui Graça
Postcolonial Fictions in the Roman de Perceforest |
Author/Editor: Huot, Sylvia
Postmodernity's Musical Pasts, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Tina Frühauf
Post-Wall German Cinema and National History |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Mary-Elizabeth
Post-War Mothers |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Mary Alvey
Post-War Spanish Women Novelists and the Recuperation of Historical Memory |
Author/Editor: O'Byrne, Patricia
The Potency of Pastoral in the Hispanic Baroque |
Author/Editor: Holloway, Anne
Poverty and Welfare in Guernsey, 1560-2015 |
Author/Editor: Crossan, Rose-Marie
Poverty, Gender and Life-Cycle under the English Poor Law, 1760-1834 |
Author/Editor: Williams, Samantha
Power-Brokers and the Yorkist State, 1461-1485, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Power of African Cultures |
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin
The Power of Laughter and Satire in Early Modern Britain |
Author/Editor: Knights, Mark; Morton, Adam
The Power of Memory in Democratic Politics |
Author/Editor: Brendese, P. J
The Power of the Moment |
Author/Editor: Boykan, Martin
The Power of the Oath |
Author/Editor: Mwanzia Koster, Mickie
Practical Vocal Acoustics |
Author/Editor: Bozeman, Kenneth W
The Practice and Politics of Reading, 650-1500 |
Author/Editor: Daniel Donoghue ,James Simpson ,Nicholas Watson ,Anna Wilson
Pragmatic Toleration |
Author/Editor: Christman, Victoria
Preaching in Eighteenth-Century London |
Author/Editor: Farooq, Jennifer
The Prelate in England and Europe, 1300-1560 |
Author/Editor: Heale, Martin
Premodern Masculinities in Transition |
Author/Editor: Konrad Eisenbichler ,Jacqueline Murray
The Premonstratensian Order in Late Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Gribbin, Joseph A
The Presbyterians of Ulster, 1680-1730 |
Author/Editor: Whan, Robert
The Present and the Past in Medieval Irish Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Evans, Nicholas
Presenting the Romans |
Author/Editor: Mills, Nigel
Prestige, Authority and Power in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts |
Author/Editor: Riddy, Felicity
Pride of Peacocks: A Memoir of a Bedford Firm of Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Surveyors |
Author/Editor: Keith Lazenby ,Richard Moore-Colyer
Priests and their Books in Late Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Dyson, Gerald P
The Principality of Antioch and its Frontiers in the Twelfth Century |
Author/Editor: Buck, Andrew D
Print, Politics and Trade in the French Atlantic: The Labottière Family as Eighteenth-Century Cultural Brokers |
Author/Editor: Jane McLeod
Prints and the Landscape Garden |
Author/Editor: Michael Symes
The Prior of the Knights Hospitaller in Late Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Simon
Privateering, Piracy and British Policy in Spanish America, 1810-1830 |
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Matthew
Privilege, Economy and State in Old Regime France: Marine Insurance, War and the Atlantic Empire under Louis XIV |
Author/Editor: Lewis Wade
The Pro Arte Quartet |
Author/Editor: Barker, John W
The Problem of Labour in Fourteenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Bothwell, James; Goldberg, P.J.P.; Ormrod, W.M
The Problem of Pleasure |
Author/Editor: Erdozain, Dominic
The Problem of the Actress in Modern German Theater and Thought, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: S. E. Jackson
The Problem of Woman in Late-Medieval Hispanic Literature |
Author/Editor: Archer, Robert
Prodigality in Early Modern Drama, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ezra Horbury
A Profane Wit |
Author/Editor: Johnson, James William
Propaganda and Zionist Education |
Author/Editor: Bar-Gal, Yoram
Prophecy and Public Affairs in Later Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Coote, Lesley A
Prophecy, Politics and Place in Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Flood, Victoria
Prophecy, Politics and the People in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Thornton, Tim
Prophetic Trumpets |
Author/Editor: Kinder, Keith; Saffle, Michael
The Prose Brut and Other Late Medieval Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Rajsic, Jaclyn; Kooper, Erik; Hoche, Dominique
Protestant Dissent and Philanthropy in Britain, 1660-1914, Ed. NED - New edition |
A Protestant Lord in James VI's Scotland |
Author/Editor: Kerr-Peterson, Miles
Protestant Missionaries & Humanitarianism in the DRC: The Politics of Aid in Cold War Africa, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Rich
Protestant Pluralism: The Reception of the Toleration Act, 1689-1720, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: RALPH STEVENS
Protest Song in East and West Germany since the 1960s |
Author/Editor: Robb, David
Provincial Society and Empire: The Cumbrian Counties and the East Indies, 1680-1829, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: K. J. Saville-Smith
Proyecciones de Gabriel Miró en la narrativa española de postguerra |
Author/Editor: Laín Corona, Guillermo
The Psalms and Medieval English Literature |
Author/Editor: Atkin, Tamara; Leneghan, Francis
Psychiatry and Racial Liberalism in Harlem, 1936-1968 |
Author/Editor: Doyle, Dennis A
Public Health and the Risk Factor |
Author/Editor: Rothstein, William G
Public Participation in Archaeology |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Suzie; Lea, Joanne
Publishing Business in Eighteenth-Century England |
Author/Editor: Raven, James
Publishing the Grail in Medieval and Renaissance France |
Author/Editor: Tether, Leah
Punishment and Medieval Education |
Author/Editor: Parsons, Ben
Puritan Iconoclasm during the English Civil War |
Author/Editor: Spraggon, Julie
Puritanism and the Pursuit of Happiness |
Author/Editor: Roberts, S. Bryn
The Pursuit of High Culture |
Author/Editor: Bashford, Christina