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Titles start with T (123) Information
Taking Stock of German Studies in the United States
Author/Editor: Halverson, Rachel J.; Costabile-Heming, Carol Anne
Tallis and Byrd's <em>Cantiones sacrae</em> (1575): A Sacred Argument
Author/Editor: Jeremy L. Smith
A Tanner's Worth of Tune
Author/Editor: Wright, Adrian
Tanzanian Development
Author/Editor: Potts, David
Tarana: mulheres, migração e a economia do caju no sul de Moçambique, 1945 - 1975, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jeanne Marie Penvenne ,António Roxo Leão
Tatort Germany
Author/Editor: Kutch, Lynn M.; Herzog, Todd
Technological Change in Modern Surgery
Author/Editor: Schlich, Thomas; Crenner, Christopher
The Technological Unconscious in German Modernist Literature
Author/Editor: Powell, Larson
The Telemann Compendium
Author/Editor: Zohn, Steven
Television in Spain
Author/Editor: Smith, Paul Julian
Telling the Story in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Duys, Kathryn A.; Emery, Elizabeth; Postlewate, Laurie
The Templar Estates in Lincolnshire, 1185-1565: Agriculture and Economy, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: J. Michael Jefferson
Tempo and Tactus in the German Baroque: Treatises, Scores, and the Performance of Organ Music
Author/Editor: Julia Dokter
The Tender Gaze: Compassionate Encounters on the German Screen, Page, and Stage, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Muriel Cormican ,Jennifer Marston William
Tennyson's Philological Medievalism
Author/Editor: Sarah Weaver
Territoriality and the Early Medieval Landscape: The Countryside of the East Saxon Kingdom
Territories of Conflict
Author/Editor: Fanta Castro, Andrea; Herrero-Olaizola, Alejandro; Rutter-Jensen, Chloe
The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291
Author/Editor: Morton, Nicholas
Textiles and Textile Imagery in Early Medieval English Literature: Traditions and Contexts
Textiles of Medieval Iberia: Cloth and Clothing in a Multi-Cultural Context
Textiles of the Viking North Atlantic: Analysis, Interpretation, Re-creation
Textiles, Text, Intertext
Author/Editor: Clegg Hyer, Maren; Frederick, Jill
Texts and Traditions of Medieval Pastoral Care
Author/Editor: Gunn, Cate; Innes-Parker, Catherine
Textual Cultures: Cultural Texts
Author/Editor: Da Rold, Orietta; Treharne, Elaine
Textual Distortion
Author/Editor: Treharne, Elaine; Walker, Greg
Textual Identities in Early Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Fay ,Rebecca Stephenson ,Renée R. Trilling
Textual Traditions and Medieval Literary Culture: Essays in Honour of Siân Echard
Author/Editor: William Green ,Daniel Helbert ,Noëlle Phillips
That Jealous Demon, My Wretched Health
Author/Editor: Noble, Jonathan
The Theatre of Antonio Buero Vallejo: Ideology, Politics and Censorship
Author/Editor: O'Leary, Catherine
`The Furie of the Ordnance'
Author/Editor: Bull, Stephen
Themes in West Africa's History, Ed. NED - New edition
`The Novels of Erich Maria Remarque
Author/Editor: Murdoch, Brian
The Theophilus Legend in Medieval Text and Image
Author/Editor: Root, Jerry
'The Right Ordering of Souls'
Author/Editor: Burgess, Clive
They Called You Dambudzo: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Flora Veit-Wild
Things that Didn't Happen: Writing, Politics and the Counterhistorical, 1678-1743, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: John McTague
Thinking Through Chrétien de Troyes
Author/Editor: Stahuljak, Zrinka; Sarah Kay, Virginie Greene; Peggy McCracken, Sharon Kinoshita and
Thinking Through German Literature with Andrew Jaszi: A Foundational Approach Applied to Goethe and Kafka
Author/Editor: Kenneth M. Ralston
Thirteenth Century England X
Author/Editor: Prestwich, Michael; Britnell, Richard; Frame, Robin
Thirteenth Century England XI
Author/Editor: Weiler, Björn; Burton, Janet; Schofield, Phillipp
Thirteenth Century England XII
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Schofield, Philipp; Weiler, Bjorn
Thirteenth Century England XIII
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Lachaud, Frédérique; Schofield, Phillipp
Thirteenth Century England XIV
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Schofield, Phillipp; Weiler, Björn
Thirteenth Century England XV
Author/Editor: Burton, Janet; Schofield, Phillipp; Weiler, Björn
Thirteenth Century England XVI
Author/Editor: Spencer, Andrew; Watkins, Carl
Thirteenth Century England XVIII: Proceedings of the Cambridge Conference, 2019
Author/Editor: Andrew M. Spencer ,Carl Watkins
'This Great Firebrand': William Laud and Scotland, 1617-1645
Author/Editor: James, Leonie
Thomas Becket and his Biographers
Author/Editor: Staunton, Michael
Thomas Hoccleve: New Approaches
Author/Editor: Jenni Nuttall ,David Watt
Thomas King
Author/Editor: Gruber, Eva
Thomas Mann's Death in Venice
Author/Editor: Shookman, Ellis
Thomas More's Trial by Jury
Author/Editor: Kelly, Henry Ansgar; Karlin, Louis W.; Wegemer, Gerard B
Thomas Morley: Elizabethan Music Publisher
Author/Editor: Murray, Tessa
Thomas of Eccleston's <em>De adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam</em> ["The Arrival of the Franciscans in England"], 1224-c.1257/8: Commentary and Analysis
Author/Editor: MICHAEL J.P. ROBSON
Thomas Pringle
Author/Editor: Vigne, Randolph
Thomas Tallis and his Music in Victorian England
Author/Editor: Cole, Suzanne
Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Thought
Author/Editor: Dodd, Elizabeth S.; Gorman, Cassandra
The Thorney Liber Vitae (London, British Library, Additional MS 40,000, fols 1-12r)
Author/Editor: Rollason, Lynda
The Three Choirs Festival: A History
Author/Editor: Boden, Anthony; Hedley, Paul
Three Hundred Years of Composers' Instruments
Author/Editor: Cobbe, Alec; Nobbs, Christopher
Three Political Tales from Medieval Germany: <em>Duke Ernst</em>, <em>Henry of Kempten</em>, and <em>Reynard the Fox</em>
Author/Editor: Brian Murdoch
Three Preludes to the <em>Song of Roland</em>: <em>Gui of Burgundy</em>, <em>Roland at Saragossa</em>, and <em>Otinel</em>
Three Questions for Sixty-Five Composers
Author/Editor: Varga, Bálint András
The Thun-Hohenstein Album: Cultures of Remembrance in a Paper Armory
Author/Editor: Chassica Kirchhoff
T.H. White's Troubled Heart
Author/Editor: Sprague, Kurth
Time and the French Revolution
Author/Editor: Shaw, Matthew
Tirso de Molina: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Esther Fernández
Tolerance and Coexistence in Early Modern Spain
Author/Editor: Dadson, Trevor J
Tomb and Temple
Author/Editor: Griffith-Jones, Robin; Fernie, Eric
Tome: Studies in Medieval Celtic History and Law in Honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards
Author/Editor: Edmonds, Fiona; Russell, Paul
Torn Between Cultures: A Life of Kathi Meyer-Baer
Author/Editor: David Josephson
Torture and Brutality in Medieval Literature
Author/Editor: Tracy, Larissa
Toscanini in Britain
Author/Editor: Dyment, Christopher
The Tournaments at Le Hem and Chauvency: Sarrasin: The Romance of Le Hem; Jacques Bretel: The Tournament at Chauvency, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Nigel Bryant
Town and Countryside in western Berkshire, c.1327-c.1600
Author/Editor: Yates, Margaret
Town Courts and Urban Society in Late Medieval England, 1250-1500
Author/Editor: Goddard, Richard; Phipps, Teresa
Township Violence and the End of Apartheid
Author/Editor: Kynoch, Gary
Trade and Economic Developments, 1450-1550
Author/Editor: Mate, Mavis E
Trade and Empire in Early Nineteenth-Century Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Knight, G. Roger
Traditions and Innovations in the Study of Medieval English Literature
Author/Editor: Brewer, Charlotte; Windeatt, Barry
Trafficking Knowledge in Early Twentieth-Century Spain
Author/Editor: Sinclair, Alison
Tragedy and the Tragic in German Literature, Art, and Thought
Author/Editor: Dowden, Stephen D.; Quinn, Thomas P
Transactional Culture in Colonial Dakar, 1902-44
Author/Editor: Rachel M. Petrocelli
Transatlantic German Studies
Author/Editor: Lützeler, Paul Michael; Höyng, Peter
Transcultural Memory and European Identity in Contemporary German-Jewish Migrant Literature
Author/Editor: Jessica Ortner
Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Jean E. Conacher
The Transformation of British Naval Strategy
Author/Editor: Davey, James
The Transformation of the Irish Church in the Twelfth Century
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Marie Therese
Transforming the Republic of Letters
Author/Editor: Shelford, April G
Transhumance and the Making of Ireland's Uplands, 1550-1900, Ed. NED - New edition
Translating Beowulf: Modern Versions in English Verse
Author/Editor: Magennis, Hugh
Translating Early Medieval Poetry
Author/Editor: Birkett, Tom; March-Lyons, Kirsty
Translators and their Prologues in Medieval England
Author/Editor: Dearnley, Elizabeth
Translingual Identities
Author/Editor: Steinitz, Tamar
The Transmission of Medieval Romance
Author/Editor: Putter, Ad; Jefferson, Judith
Transnational German Film at the End of Neoliberalism: Radical Aesthetics, Radical Politics
Author/Editor: Claudia Breger ,Olivia Landry
Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature
Author/Editor: Herrmann, Elisabeth; Smith-Prei, Carrie; Taberner, Stuart
Transnational Women Writers in the Wilmot Coterie, 1798-1840: Beyond Borders and Boundaries
Author/Editor: Alexis Wolf
Transport Corridors in Africa
Author/Editor: Hugh Lamarque ,Paul Nugent
Traumatic Verses
Author/Editor: Nader, Andrés
Treacherous Foundations
Author/Editor: Coates, Geraldine
Trees as Symbol and Metaphor in the Middle Ages: Comparative Contexts
Author/Editor: Michael D. J. Bintley ,Pippa Salonius
Trees in Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Hooke, Della
Trees in the Religions of Early Medieval England
Author/Editor: Bintley, Michael D.J
Trial by Fire and Battle in Medieval German Literature
Author/Editor: Ziegler, Vickie L
The Triumph of Corporate Capitalism in France 1867-1914
Author/Editor: Freedeman, Charles E
The Trojan Legend in Medieval Scottish Literature
Author/Editor: Wingfield, Emily
Troubadour Poems from the South of France
Author/Editor: William D. Paden,Frances Freeman Paden
Troubadour Texts and Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendy Pfeffer
The Troyes Mémoire: The Making of a Medieval Tapestry
Author/Editor: TINA KANE ,Nancy Willard ,Robert D. Brown
The True Chronicles of Jean le Bel, 1290 - 1360
Author/Editor: Le Bel, Jean; Bryant, Nigel
Tudor Church Reform
Author/Editor: Bray, Gerald
Tuning the Kingdom
Author/Editor: Kafumbe, Damascus
"Turbulent Foresters": A Landscape Biography of Ashdown Forest
Author/Editor: BRIAN SHORT
The Turner Letters: Letters from Home: from Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire to St Andrews, New Brunswick, 1830-1845
Author/Editor: David Newman ,Bob Ricketts ,James Collett-White
Turning Points in African Democracy
Author/Editor: Mustapha, Abdul Raufu; Whitfield, Lindsay
Turning Points in Historiography
Author/Editor: Wang, Q. Edward; Iggers, Georg G
The Twelve-Tone Music of Luigi Dallapiccola
Author/Editor: Alegant, Brian
Twenty Years On
Author/Editor: Rechtien, Renate; Tate, Dennis
The Twilight of the East India Company
Author/Editor: Webster, Anthony
Two Ælfric Texts: The Twelve Abuses and The Vices and Virtues
Author/Editor: Clayton, Mary; Clayton, Mary
Two Ælfric Texts: The Twelve Abuses and The Vices and Virtues
Author/Editor: Clayton, Mary; Clayton, Mary
Tzvetan Todorov: Thinker and Humanist, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Henk de Berg,Karine Zbinden