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Titles start with G (144) | Information |
Gabriel García Márquez and Ovid |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Lorna
Gabriel García Márquez and the Cinema |
Author/Editor: Rocco, Alessandro
Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Kingdom: The Golden Age and the Viking Age, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: FIONA EDMONDS
Gaimar's <em>Estoire des Engleis</em>: Kingship and Power |
Author/Editor: Gemma Wheeler
Gained Ground |
Author/Editor: Gruber, Eva; Rosenthal, Caroline
Galdós and Darwin |
Author/Editor: Bell, T. E
The Gardano Music Printing Firms, 1569-1611 |
Author/Editor: Agee, Richard J
Gay Guerrilla |
Author/Editor: Levine Packer, Renée; Leach, Mary Jane
The GDR Remembered |
Author/Editor: Hodgin, Nick; Pearce, Caroline
Gender and Medieval Drama |
Author/Editor: Normington, Katie
Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Jones, Karen
Gender and Sexuality in East German Film |
Author/Editor: Frackman, Kyle; Stewart, Faye
Gender, Home & Identity |
Author/Editor: Grabska, Katarzyna
Gender in Chinese Music |
Author/Editor: Harris, Rachel; Pease, Rowan; Tan, Shzr Ee
Gender, Memory and Documentary Culture, c.900-1300 |
Author/Editor: Laura L. Gathagan ,Charles Insley
Gender, Nation and Conquest in the Works of William of Malmesbury |
Author/Editor: Fenton, Kirsten A
Gender, Race and Patriotism in the Works of Nísia Floresta |
Author/Editor: Hammond Matthews, Charlotte
Gender Violence in Twenty-First-Century Latin American Women's Writing |
Author/Editor: María E. López ,Stephen M. Hart
General Labour History of Africa |
Author/Editor: Bellucci, Stefano; Eckert, Andreas
Generational Shifts in Contemporary German Culture |
Author/Editor: Cohen-Pfister, Laurel; Vees-Gulani, Susanne
Generic Histories of German Cinema |
Author/Editor: Fisher, Jaimey
Genesis: The Making of Literary Works from Homer to Christa Wolf, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: T.J. Reed
Genetic Criticism and the Creative Process |
Author/Editor: Kinderman, William; Jones, Joseph E
The Genius of Valhalla |
Author/Editor: Lucas, John
The Genocide against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan Churches: Between Grief and Denial |
Author/Editor: Philippe Denis
The Gentle Apocalypse: Truth and Meaning in the Poetry of Georg Trakl, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard Millington
The Geographies of Enlightenment Edinburgh |
Author/Editor: Phil Dodds
Geoheritage and Geotourism |
Author/Editor: Hose, Thomas A
George Gascoigne |
Author/Editor: Austen, Gillian
George Lauder (1603-1670): Life and Writings |
Author/Editor: MacDonald, Alasdair A
George Rochberg, American Composer |
Author/Editor: Wlodarski, Amy Lynn
George Smart and Nineteenth-Century London Concert Life |
Author/Editor: Carnelley, John
George Whitefield Chadwick |
Author/Editor: Betz, Marianne
Georgian Gothic |
Author/Editor: Lindfield, Peter N
Georgina Weldon: The Fearless Life of a Victorian Celebrity, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Joanna Martin
Gerald Finzi's Letters, 1915-1956 |
Author/Editor: Gerald Finzi ,Diana McVeagh
German and European Poetics after the Holocaust |
Author/Editor: Hofmann, Gert; MagShamhráin, Rachel; and Michael Shields, Marko Pajevic
The German Bestseller in the Late Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Woodford, Charlotte; Schofield, Benedict
German Culture in Nineteenth-Century America |
Author/Editor: Tatlock, Lynne; Erlin, Matt
German Culture, Politics, and Literature into the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Taberner, Stuart; Cooke, Paul
German-Jewish Life Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust: Beyond Testimony |
Author/Editor: Helen Finch
German Jewish Literature after 1990 |
Author/Editor: Mueller, Agnes; Garloff, Katja
German Jews and the University, 1678-1848 |
Author/Editor: Monika Richarz ,Joydeep Bagchee
The German Legacy in East Central Europe as Recorded in Recent German-Language Literature |
Author/Editor: Glajar, Valentina
German Life Writing in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Dahlke, Birgit; Tate, Dennis; Woods, Roger
German Literary Culture at the Zero Hour |
Author/Editor: Brockmann, Stephen
German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919 |
Author/Editor: Lynne Tatlock ,Kurt Beals
German Literature of the 1990s and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Taberner, Stuart
German Literature of the Early Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Murdoch, Brian
German Literature of the Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Becker-Cantarino, Barbara
German Literature of the High Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Hasty, Will
German Literature of the Nineteenth Century, 1832-1899 |
Author/Editor: Koelb, Clayton; Downing, Eric
German Memory Contests |
Author/Editor: Fuchs, Anne; Cosgrove, Mary; Grote, Georg
German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020 |
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Krimmer ,Patricia Anne Simpson
German Novelists of the Weimar Republic |
Author/Editor: Leydecker, Karl
German Romance III: Iwein, or The Knight with the Lion |
Author/Editor: von Aue, Hartmann; Edwards, Cyril; Edwards, Cyril
German Romance V: Erec |
Author/Editor: von Aue, Hartmann; Edwards, Cyril; Edwards, Cyril
German Romance VII: Ulrich Fuetrer, <em>Iban</em> |
Author/Editor: Joseph M. Sullivan
German Romance VI: Wigamur |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Joseph M.; Sullivan, Joseph M
Germans as Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic |
Author/Editor: Taberner, Stuart; Berger, Karina
German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Baer, Hester; Hill, Alexandra Merley
German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Baer, Hester; Hill, Alexandra Merley Series Title: Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture
Germany's Asia-Pacific Empire |
Author/Editor: Stephenson, Charles
Germany's Genocide of the Herero |
Author/Editor: Sarkin, Jeremy
Germany's Other Modernism: The Jena Paradigm, 1900-1914 |
Author/Editor: Meike G. Werner ,Stephen D. Dowden
Ghetto Voices in Contemporary German Culture |
Author/Editor: Stehle, Maria
Ghosts in Enlightenment Scotland, NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Martha McGill
Ghosts of Kanungu |
Author/Editor: Vokes, Richard
Giovanni Pacini: My Artistic Memoirs |
Author/Editor: Stephen Thomson Moore ,Jane Sylvester
The Global Ethiopian Diaspora: Migrations, Connections, and Belongings |
Author/Editor: Shimelis B. Gulema ,Hewan Girma ,Mulugeta F. Dinbabo
Global Exchanges of Knowledge in the Long Eighteenth Century: Ideas and Materialities c. 1650–1850 |
Author/Editor: James Raven
Globalization and Catching-Up in Transition Economies |
Author/Editor: Kolodko, Grzegorz W
Globalization and Sustainable Development in Africa |
Author/Editor: House-Soremekun, Bessie; Falola, Toyin
Globalized Peripheries: Central Europe and the Atlantic World, 1680-1860, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Jutta Wimmler,Klaus Weber
Global Perspectives on Early Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Karen Louise Jolly ,Britton Elliott Brooks
Glory and Tragedy in Notre-Dame d'Etampes: A forgotten mystic endeavour and its brutal suppression |
Author/Editor: John James
Género y violencia en la narrativa del Cono Sur (1954-2003) |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Betina
Góngora's Soledades and the Problem of Modernity |
Author/Editor: Chemris, Crystal Anne
Günter Grass and His Critics |
Author/Editor: Mews, Siegfried
Günter Grass and the Genders of German Memory: From The Tin Drum to Peeling the Onion and Beyond, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Malchow
God and the Gawain-Poet |
Author/Editor: Hatt, Cecilia A
God and Uncle Sam |
Author/Editor: Snape, Michael
God, Duty and Community in English Economic Life, 1660-1720 |
Author/Editor: Waddell, Brodie
Godly Reformers and their Opponents in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Matthew
Godly Violence in the Puritan Atlantic World, 1636–1676: A Study of Military Providentialism |
Goethe and the Poets of Arabia |
Author/Editor: Mommsen, Katharina Series Title: Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture
Goethe and the Poets of Arabia |
Author/Editor: Mommsen, Katharina; Metzger, Michael M
Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic |
Author/Editor: Nicholls, Angus
Goethe's Faust and European Epic |
Author/Editor: Bohm, Arnd
Goethe's Ghosts |
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon; Block, Richard
Goethe's Werther and the Critics |
Author/Editor: Duncan, Bruce
Goethe Yearbook 12 |
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon J
Goethe Yearbook 13 |
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon J
Goethe Yearbook 14 |
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon J
Goethe Yearbook 15 |
Author/Editor: Richter, Simon; Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 16 |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 17 |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 18 |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 19 |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 20 |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Daniel
Goethe Yearbook 21 |
Author/Editor: Daub, Adrian; Krimmer, Elisabeth
Goethe Yearbook 22 |
Author/Editor: Daub, Adrian; Krimmer, Elisabeth
Goethe Yearbook 23 |
Author/Editor: Daub, Adrian; Krimmer, Elisabeth
Goethe Yearbook 24 |
Author/Editor: Daub, Adrian; Krimmer, Elisabeth
Goethe Yearbook 25 |
Author/Editor: Daub, Adrian; Krimmer, Elisabeth
Goethe Yearbook 26 |
Author/Editor: Simpson, Patricia Anne; Tautz, Birgit
Goethe Yearbook 28 |
Author/Editor: Patricia Anne Simpson ,Birgit Tautz ,Sean Franzel
Goethe Yearbook 30 |
Author/Editor: Patricia Anne Simpson ,Birgit Tautz ,Sean Franzel
Going My Way |
Author/Editor: Prigozy, Ruth; Raubicheck, Walter
The Golem, How He Came into the World, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: MAYA BARZILAI
Good Girls, Good Germans |
Author/Editor: Askey, Jennifer Drake
Good Music for a Free People |
Author/Editor: Newman, Nancy
Good Newes from Fraunce |
Author/Editor: Parmelee, Lisa Ferraro
Goscelin of St Bertin: The Book of Encouragement and Consolation (Liber Confortatorius) |
Author/Editor: Monika Otter
The Gothic Fiction of Adelaida García Morales |
Author/Editor: Lee Six, Abigail
The Gothic Imagination in the Music of Franz Schubert |
Author/Editor: Joe Davies
Gower's Vulgar Tongue: Ovid, Lay Religion, and English Poetry in the Confessio Amantis |
Author/Editor: McCabe, T. Matthew N
The Grail Legend in Modern Literature |
Author/Editor: Marino, John B
The Grail, the Quest, and the World of Arthur |
Author/Editor: Lacy, Norris J
Granville Bantock's Letters to William Wallace and Ernest Newman, 1893-1921 |
Author/Editor: Allis, Michael
Graphic Devices and the Early Decorated Book, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Michelle P. Brown ,Ildar H. Garipzanov ,Benjamin C. Tilghman
The Great Anglo-Russian Naval Alliance of the Eighteenth Century and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Philip MacDougall
Great Books by German Women in the Age of Emotion, 1770-1820 |
Author/Editor: Margaretmary Daley
Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union |
Author/Editor: Salzmann, Stephanie C
The Great Famine in Ireland and Britain’s Financial Crisis |
Author/Editor: Charles Read
Great Power Competition and the Path to Democracy: The Case of Georgia, 1991-2020 |
Author/Editor: Zarina Burkadze
The Great Sea Floods of 1953: The Records of P.J.O. (John) Trist |
Author/Editor: Philip John Owen Trist ,DENISE PARKINSON
The Great Vogue for the Guitar in Western Europe: 1800-1840 |
Author/Editor: Christopher Page ,Paul Sparks ,James Westbrook
The Great War, Memory and Ritual: Commemoration in the City and East London, 1916-1939, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Mark Connelly
Gregory Haimovsky: A Pianist's Odyssey to Freedom, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Marissa Silverman
Grete Meisel-Hess: The New Woman and the Sexual Crisis |
Author/Editor: Helga Thorson
The Grey of Ruthin valor: the valor of the English lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, drawn up from the ministers’ accounts of 1467-8 |
Author/Editor: R. I. JACK
Grieg |
Author/Editor: Grimley, Daniel M
The Growth of Royal Government under Henry III |
Author/Editor: Crook, David; Wilkinson, Louise J
Guardians of the Tradition |
Author/Editor: De Lorenzi, James
Guernsey, 1814-1914 |
Author/Editor: Crossan, Rose-Marie
Guidance for Women in Twelfth-Century Convents |
Author/Editor: Vera Morton,Jocelyn Wogan-Browne,Jane Chance
Guide to Parish and Non-Parochial Registers of Devon and Cornwall 1538-1837 |
Author/Editor: Peskett, Hugh
The Guild Book of the Barbers and Surgeons of York (British Library, Egerton MS 2572): Study and Edition |
Author/Editor: Richard D. Wragg
Gunpowder, Masculinity, and Warfare in German Texts, 1400-1700, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Patrick Brugh
Gunpowder Technology in the Fifteenth Century: A Study, Edition and Translation of the <em>Firework Book</em> |
Author/Editor: Axel E. W. Müller
Gunther Schuller |
Author/Editor: Schuller, Gunther
Guy of Warwick: Icon and Ancestor |
Author/Editor: Wiggins, Alison; Field, Rosalind
György Kurtág |
Author/Editor: Varga, Bálint András