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Titles start with B (78) Information
Baby Ninth Amendments: How Americans Embraced Unenumerated Rights and Why It Matters
Backlash Against the ADA
Author/Editor: Krieger, Linda Hamilton
A Bad and Stupid Girl
Author/Editor: McGarry, Jean
Bad Boys
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Ann Arnett
Bad Chaucer: The Great Poet’s Greatest Mistakes in the Canterbury Tales
Author/Editor: Tison Pugh
Baghdad Bulletin
Author/Editor: Enders, David
Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan
Author/Editor: Emelyn Elizabeth Gardner ,Geraldine Jencks Chickering
Banking on Reform
Author/Editor: Bernhard, William T
Barack Obama's America
Author/Editor: White, John Kenneth
Baroque Horrors
Author/Editor: Castillo, David
A Beckett Canon
Author/Editor: Cohn, Ruby
Becoming a Nazi Town
Author/Editor: Imhoof, David
Before Norms
Author/Editor: Jackman, Robert W.; Miller, Ross Alan
The Behavioral Origins of War
Author/Editor: Bennett, D. Scott; Stam III, Allan C
Beholding Disability in Renaissance England
Author/Editor: Allison P. Hobgood
Being Human during COVID
Author/Editor: Kristin Ann Hass
The Best of Pickering
Author/Editor: Pickering, Sam
The Best of the Grammarians
Author/Editor: Schironi, Francesca
Between a River and a Mountain
Author/Editor: Wehrle, Edmund F
Between HIV Prevention and LGBTI Rights: The Political Economy of Queer Activism in Ghana
Author/Editor: Ellie Gore
Between Military Rule and Democracy
Author/Editor: Gürsoy, Yaprak
Between National Socialism and Soviet Communism
Author/Editor: Holian, Anna
Between the Middle East and the Americas
Author/Editor: Shohat, Ella; Alsultany, Evelyn
Between Two Plenums: China’s Intraleadership Conflict, 1959–1962
Author/Editor: Ellis Joffe
Beyond Berlin
Author/Editor: Rosenfeld, Gavriel D.; Jaskot, Paul B
Beyond Busing
Author/Editor: Dimond, Paul R
Beyond Groupthink
Author/Editor: 't Hart, Paul; Stern, Eric; Sundelius, Bengt
Beyond Notation
Author/Editor: Kim, Rebecca Y
Beyond Sputnik
Author/Editor: Neal, Homer Alfred; Smith, Tobin; McCormick, Jen
Beyond the Bauhaus
Author/Editor: Barnstone, Deborah Ascher
Beyond the Bauhaus
Author/Editor: Barnstone, Deborah Ascher
Beyond the Death of God: Religion in 21st Century International Politics
Author/Editor: Simone Raudino ,Patricia Sohn
Beyond the Makerspace: Making and Relational Rhetorics
Beyond the River, Under the Eye of Rome
Author/Editor: Timothy C. Hart
Biblical Judgments: New Legal Readings in the Hebrew Bible
Author/Editor: Daphne Barak-Erez
A Bibliography of Chinese Language Materials on the People's Communes
Author/Editor: Wei-yi Ma
Big Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Svensson, Patrik
Big Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Svensson, Patrik
The Biological and Social Analyses of a Mississippian Cemetery from Southeast Missouri: The Turner Site, 23BU21A
Author/Editor: THOMAS K. BLACK III
The Biopolitics of Disability
Author/Editor: Mitchell, David T
The Birth of the Archive
Author/Editor: Friedrich, Markus
Bits and Pieces: Screening Animal Life and Death
Author/Editor: Sarah O’Brien
Black America in the Shadow of the Sixties
Author/Editor: Lang, Clarence
The Black Arts Enterprise and the Production of African American Poetry
Author/Editor: Rambsy, Howard
Black Cultural Life in South Africa
Author/Editor: Saint, Lily
Black Cultural Traffic
Author/Editor: Elam, Harry J.; Jackson, Kennell
Black Eggs: Poems by Kurihara Sadako
The Black Musician and the White City
Author/Editor: Absher, Amy
Blood Libel
Author/Editor: Johnson, Hannah
Blues, How Do You Do?
Author/Editor: O'Connell, Christian
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750-1837
Author/Editor: Johns, Alessa
Bodies and Ruins
Author/Editor: Crew, David
Bodies in Commotion
Author/Editor: Sandahl, Carrie; Auslander, Philip
Bodies of Modernism
Author/Editor: Linett, Maren
The Body of Poetry
Author/Editor: Finch, Annie Ridley Crane
Body Parts of Empire
Author/Editor: Balce, Nerissa
Book of the Disappeared: The Quest for Transnational Justice
Author/Editor: Jennifer Heath ,Ashraf Zahedi
Borrowing Credibility
Author/Editor: Grittersová, Jana
Boundaries of the Text: Epic Performances in South and Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger,Laurie J. Sears
Brandishing the First Amendment
Author/Editor: Piety, Tamara
Breaking Ground
Author/Editor: Cohen, Getzel M.; Joukowsky, Martha Sharp
Bridges to Cuba/Puentes a Cuba
Author/Editor: Behar, Ruth
Bridging the Information Gap
Author/Editor: Ringe, Nils; Victor, Jennifer N; Carman, Christopher J
Britain and World Power since 1945
Author/Editor: McCourt, David M
The British Blues Network
Author/Editor: Kellett, Andrew
Broadway Rhythm
Author/Editor: Symonds, Dominic
Brokers and Bureaucrats
Author/Editor: Frye, Timothy M
Brushed in Light: Calligraphy in East Asian Cinema
Author/Editor: Markus Nornes
The Buddhist Poetry of the Great Kamo Priestess: Daisaiin Senshi and Hosshin Wakashu
Author/Editor: Edward Kamens
Building a New Biocultural Synthesis
Author/Editor: Goodman, Alan H.; Leatherman, Thomas Leland
Building Character
Author/Editor: Cook, Amy
Building Tall
Author/Editor: Tishman, John L; Shachtman, Tom
Building the Cold War Consensus
Author/Editor: Fordham, Benjamin
Bulldaggers, Pansies, and Chocolate Babies
Author/Editor: Wilson, James F
Bulldaggers, Pansies, and Chocolate Babies: Performance, Race, and Sexuality in the Harlem Renaissance
Author/Editor: James F. Wilson
Butch Queens Up in Pumps
Author/Editor: Bailey, Marlon M
Butterfly, the Bride
Author/Editor: Weisbrod, Carol
Bytes and Backbeats
Author/Editor: Savage, Steve