Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M (106) | Information |
Macaronic Sermons |
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Siegfried
Mad at School |
Author/Editor: Price, Margaret
Mad Heart Be Brave |
Author/Editor: Ali, Mohammed Kazim
The Madisonian Turn |
Author/Editor: Strom, Kaare; Bergman, Torbjörn
The Magellan Fallacy |
Author/Editor: Lifshey, Adam
Maguey Utilization in Highland Central Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons,Mary H. Parsons,Sandra L. Dunavan
Majoritarian Cities |
Author/Editor: Kraus, Neil
Making Endless War: The Vietnam and Arab-Israeli Conflicts in the History of International Law |
Author/Editor: Brian Cuddy ,Victor Kattan
Making Human |
Author/Editor: Weinert, Matthew S
Making Israel |
Author/Editor: Morris, Benny
Making Men Ridiculous |
Author/Editor: Nappa, Christopher
Making News at The New York Times |
Author/Editor: Usher, Nikki
Making News at The New York Times |
Author/Editor: Usher, Nikki
Making Security Social |
Author/Editor: Eghigian, Greg A
Making Sense of the Arab State |
Author/Editor: Steven Heydemann ,Marc Lynch
Making Waves |
Author/Editor: Peters, Scott M
Mammographies |
Author/Editor: DeShazer, Mary K
Managing Motherhood, Managing Risk |
Author/Editor: Allen, Denise Roth
Manifesto for the Humanities |
Author/Editor: Smith, Sidonie A
Manifesto for the Humanities |
Author/Editor: Smith, Sidonie Ann
The Many Faces of Political Islam |
Author/Editor: Ayoob, Mohammed
The Many Faces of Strategic Voting |
Author/Editor: Aldrich, John H; Blais, André; Stephenson, Laura B
The Many Faces of Strategic Voting |
Author/Editor: Aldrich, John H; Blais, André; Stephenson, Laura B
Mao Zedong’s “Talks at the Yan’an Conference on Literature and Art": A Translation of the 1943 Text with Commentary |
Author/Editor: Bonnie S. McDougall
Mapping Michel Serres |
Author/Editor: Abbas, Niran
Margaret Webster |
Author/Editor: Barranger, Milly S
Marginal People in Deviant Places: Ethnography, Difference, and the Challenge to Scientific Racism |
Author/Editor: Janice M. Irvine
Market Dreams |
Author/Editor: Weiner, Elaine Susan
Markets and Cultural Voices |
Author/Editor: Cowen, Tyler
Markets and Medicine |
Author/Editor: Giaimo, Susan
Mark One or More |
Author/Editor: Williams, Kim M
The Martian's Daughter |
Author/Editor: Whitman, Marina
Martin Luther King |
Author/Editor: Hodgson, Godfrey
Marx Went Away--But Karl Stayed Behind |
Author/Editor: Humphrey, Caroline
Material Witness |
Author/Editor: Leigh, Ted
Materia Magica |
Author/Editor: Wilburn, Andrew T
The Matrix of Lyric Transformation: Poetic Modes and Self-Presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry |
Author/Editor: Zong-qi Cai
Meadowood Phase Settlement Pattern in the Niagara Frontier Region of Western New York State |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH E. GRANGER JR.
Measurement of Nontariff Barriers |
Author/Editor: Deardorff, Alan Verne; Stern, Robert Mitchell
The Measure of Manliness |
Author/Editor: Bourrier, Karen
The Media Players |
Author/Editor: Wittek, Stephen
Mediating Culture in the Seventeenth-Century German Novel |
Author/Editor: Williams, Gerhild Scholz
The Media Welfare State |
Author/Editor: Mjøs, Ole J; Syvertsen, Trine; Moe, Hallvard
The Media Welfare State |
Author/Editor: Mjøs, Ole J; Syvertsen, Trine; Moe, Hallvard
Medicinal Plants of Native America, Vols. 1 and 2 |
Author/Editor: Daniel E. Moerman,Richard I. Ford
The Medieval Constitution of Liberty: Political Foundations of Liberalism in the West |
Medieval Jerusalem |
Author/Editor: Lassner, Jacob
Medieval Women and Their Objects |
Author/Editor: Bradbury, Nancy; Adams, Jennifer
Mediterranean in Dis/order: Space, Power, and Identity |
Author/Editor: Rosita Di Peri ,Daniel Meier
Melancholy, Love, and Time |
Author/Editor: Toohey, Peter G
Memories of the Revolution |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Holly; Tropicana, Carmelita; Dolan, Jill
The Merchant of Prato's Wife |
Author/Editor: Crabb, Ann Morton
Mergers of Teaching Hospitals in Boston, New York, and Northern California |
Author/Editor: Kastor, John Alfred
The Mertiyo Rathors of Merto, Rajasthan: Select Translations Bearing on the History of a Rajput Family, 1462–1660, Volumes 1–2 |
Author/Editor: Richard D. Saran,Norman P. Ziegler
The Metanarrative of Blindness |
Author/Editor: Bolt, David
Mex-Ciné |
Author/Editor: Aldama, Frederick L
Michigan Ferns and Lycophytes |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Daniel D
Microdramas |
Author/Editor: Muse, John H
Middle Class Union |
Author/Editor: Robbins, Mark W
Millennial Reflections on International Studies |
Author/Editor: Brecher, Michael; Harvey, Frank P
The Ming Dynasty: Its Origins and Evolving Institutions |
Author/Editor: Charles O. Hucker
Minority Parties in U.S. Legislatures |
Author/Editor: Clark, Jennifer
Miranda's Waning Protections |
Author/Editor: White, Welsh S
The Mirror Diary |
Author/Editor: Hongo, Garrett
Miscellaneous Studies in Typology and Classification |
Miss Kansas City |
Author/Editor: Frank, Joan
Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context |
Author/Editor: Batto, Nathan F; Huang, Chi; Tan, Alexander C
Méliès Boots: Footwear and Film Manufacturing in Second Industrial Revolution Paris |
Author/Editor: Matthew Solomon
Mobilizing the Metropolis: How the Port Authority Built New York |
Author/Editor: Philip Mark Plotch ,Jen Nelles
The Moccasin Bluff Site and the Woodland Cultures of Southwestern Michigan |
Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis |
Author/Editor: Franzese, Robert J; Kam, Cindy
Modern China, 1840–1972: An Introduction to Sources and Research Aids |
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Nathan
The Modern Legislative Veto |
Author/Editor: Berry, Michael J
Monetary Divergence |
Author/Editor: Bearce, David
Monetary Politics |
Author/Editor: Oatley, Thomas H
Money, Mandates, and Local Control in American Public Education |
Author/Editor: Shelly, Bryan
Mongrel Nation |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Ashley
Monstrous Kinds |
Author/Editor: Bearden, Elizabeth
Monte Alban's Hinterland, Part I: The Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Central and Southern Parts of the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Richard E. Blanton,Stephen Kowalewski,Gary Feinman,Jill Appel,Laura Finsten,Eva Fisch,Kent V. Flannery,Richard E. Blanton
Monte Albán's Hinterland, Part II: Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in Tlacolula, Etla, and Ocotlan, the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, Vols. 1 and 2 |
Author/Editor: Stephen A. Kowalewski,Gary M. Feinman,Laura Finsten,Richard E. Blanton,Linda M. Nicholas,Robert D. Drennan,J. Michael Elam,Kent V. Flannery,Barbara Macnider
The Morality of Laughter |
Author/Editor: Buckley, F. H
More Secure, Less Free? |
Author/Editor: Sidel, Mark
Mortal Kombat: Games of Death |
Author/Editor: DAVID CHURCH
The Most Noble of People |
Author/Editor: Coope, Jessica
A Mouth Sweeter Than Salt |
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin
Moving Beyond Prozac, DSM, and the New Psychiatry |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Bradley
Mr. Democrat |
Author/Editor: Scroop, Daniel Mark
Mrs. Shipley's Ghost |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Jeffrey
Much Ado about Culture |
Author/Editor: Acheson, Archibald Lloyd Keith; Maule, Christopher John
Murder Most Queer |
Author/Editor: Schildcrout, Jordan
Murder Most Queer: The Homicidal Homosexual in the American Theater |
Author/Editor: Jordan Schildcrout
Murder Scenes |
Author/Editor: Elder, Sace
Musashino in Tuscany: Japanese Overseas Travel Literature, 1860–1912 |
Author/Editor: Susanna Fessler
Music in American Crime Prevention and Punishment |
Author/Editor: Hirsch, Lily E
Music Is My Life |
Author/Editor: Stein, Daniel
Music on the Move |
Muslims in a Post-9/11 America |
Author/Editor: Gillum, Rachel M
¡Muy Pop! |
Author/Editor: Aldama, Frederick L; Stavans, Ilan
¡Muy Pop!: Conversations on Latino Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Ilan Stavans,Frederick L. Aldama
My Body Politic |
Author/Editor: Linton, Simi
My Life as a Filmmaker |
Author/Editor: Yamamoto, Satsuo
My Life as a Night Elf Priest |
Author/Editor: Nardi, Bonnie
The Myopia and Other Plays by David Greenspan |
Author/Editor: Greenspan, David; Robinson, Marc
Myst and Riven |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Mark J
Myst and Riven |
Author/Editor: Wolf, Mark J
The Myths of Fiction |
Author/Editor: Cueva, Edmund