Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with L (76) | Information |
Labor and the Chinese Revolution: Class Strategies and Contradictions of Chinese Communism, 1928–1948 |
Author/Editor: S. Bernard Thomas
Lady Dicks and Lesbian Brothers: Staging the Unimaginable at the WOW Cafe Theater |
Author/Editor: KATE DAVY
Lake Superior Copper and the Indians: Miscellaneous Studies of Great Lakes Prehistory |
Author/Editor: JAMES B. GRIFFIN
Languages of Modern Jewish Cultures |
Author/Editor: Norich, Anita; Miller, Joshua L
The Language(s) of Politics: Multilingual Policy-Making in the European Union |
Author/Editor: Nils Ringe
The Last Pescadores of Chimalhuacán, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons
The Last Saltmakers of Nexquipayac, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons
Las yerbas de la gente: A Study of Hispano-American Medicinal Plants |
Late Prehistoric Bison Procurement in Southeastern New Mexico: The 1977 Season at the Garnsey Site |
Author/Editor: John D. Speth,William J. Parry
Late Sophocles |
Author/Editor: Van Nortwick, Thomas
Latin American Elections |
Author/Editor: Nadeau, Richard; Lewis-Beck, Michael S.; Bélanger, Éric
The Latin American Voter |
Author/Editor: Carlin, Ryan E; Singer, Matthew M; Zechmeister, Elizabeth J
Latin Inscriptions in the Kelsey Museum |
Author/Editor: Tuck, Steven
Latin Numbers |
Author/Editor: Herrera, Brian E
Latinx Shakespeares: Staging U.S. Intracultural Theater |
Author/Editor: Carla Della Gatta
Law and Democracy in the Empire of Force |
Author/Editor: White, James Boyd; Powell, H. Jefferson
Law and Kingship in Thailand During the Reign of King Chulalongkorn |
Author/Editor: David M. Engel
Law and the Postmodern Mind |
Author/Editor: Goodrich, Peter; Carlson, David Gray
Law and the Rural Economy in the Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: Kehoe, Dennis P
Law in Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Kearns, Thomas R
Law in the Domains of Culture |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Kearns, Thomas R
Law, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Terrorism |
Author/Editor: Douglas, Roger
The Law of Ancient Athens |
Author/Editor: Phillips, David
Law's Madness |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Douglas, Lawrence; Umphrey, Martha
The Laws of the Roman People |
Author/Editor: Williamson, Callie
Law Stories |
Author/Editor: Bellow, Gary; Minow, Martha
Law's Violence |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Kearns, Thomas R
Leadership in Committee |
Author/Editor: Evans, C. Lawrence
Leadership Organizations in the House of Representatives |
Author/Editor: Meinke, Scott
Leading Questions |
Author/Editor: Pahre, Robert David
The Learned Collector |
Author/Editor: Stirling, Lea
Learning Legacies |
Author/Editor: Robbins, Sarah R
Learning Legacies |
Author/Editor: Robbins, Sarah R
Learning to Love: Intimacy and the Discourse of Development in China |
Author/Editor: Sonya E. Pritzker
Lee Konitz |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Andy
Legal Modernism |
Author/Editor: Luban, David
Legal Rights |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Kearns, Thomas R
A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents |
Author/Editor: Chopra, Samir; White, Laurence F
Legislative Entrepreneurship in the U.S. House of Representatives |
Author/Editor: Wawro, Gregory
Lenin's Last Struggle |
Author/Editor: Lewin, Moshe
Lessons from the Past |
Author/Editor: Pownall, Frances Anne
Lessons in Gratitude: A Memoir on Race, the Arts, and Mental Health |
Author/Editor: Aaron P. Dworkin
Lewd and Notorious |
Author/Editor: Kittredge, Katharine
LGBT Youth in America's Schools |
Author/Editor: Cianciotto, Jason; Cahill, Sean
LGBT Youth in America's Schools |
Author/Editor: Jason Cianciotto ,Sean Cahill
Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Tolerance |
Author/Editor: Cohen-Almagor, Raphael
The Liberal Illusion |
Author/Editor: Barbieri, Katherine
Liberalism and Transformation: The Global Politics of Violence and Intervention |
Author/Editor: Dillon Stone Tatum
Liberating Economics |
Author/Editor: Barker, Drucilla; Feiner, Susan F
Life and Thought in the Ancient Near East |
Author/Editor: Orlin, Louis L
The Life and Work of Francis Willey Kelsey |
Author/Editor: Pedley, John G
Life on the Periphery: Economic Change in Late Prehistoric Southeastern New Mexico |
Author/Editor: John D. Speth
Lifting the Fog of Peace |
Author/Editor: Davidson, Janine
The Limits of Legitimacy |
Author/Editor: Zilis, Michael
The Limits to Union |
Author/Editor: Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan
The Limits to Union: Same-Sex Marriage and the Politics of Civil Rights |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller
The Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Japanese Literary Studies: Politics, Language, Textuality |
Author/Editor: Michael K. Bourdaghs
Listening to Homer |
Author/Editor: Scodel, Ruth
Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of African American Folksong in the 1930s |
Author/Editor: JONATHAN W. STONE
Listening with a Feminist Ear: Soundwork in Bombay Cinema |
Author/Editor: Pavitra Sundar
The Lithic Industries of the Illinois Valley in the Early and Middle Woodland Period |
Litigating in the Shadow of Death |
Author/Editor: White, Welsh S
The Little Death of Self |
Author/Editor: Boruch, Marianne
Lives in Play |
Author/Editor: Claycomb, Ryan
Lives in the Law |
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Douglas, Lawrence; Umphrey, Martha
Lives of Lawyers Revisited |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Michael J
Living Ideology in Cuba |
Author/Editor: Gordy, Katherine
Living in the Future |
Author/Editor: Nakley, Susan
Living Labor: Fiction, Film, and Precarious Work |
Author/Editor: Joseph B. Entin
Lobbying the Autocrat: The Dynamics of Policy Advocacy in Nondemocracies |
Author/Editor: Max Grömping ,Jessica C. Teets
Locating the Proper Authorities |
Author/Editor: Drezner, Daniel William
Long Suffering |
Author/Editor: Gonzalez Rice, Karen
LONGTERM and PEAKSCAN: Neutron Activation Analysis Computer Programs |
Author/Editor: Thomas Meyers,Mark Denies
Look at Me! |
Author/Editor: Brim, Orville G
Louie Louie |
Author/Editor: Marsh, Dave
The Lying Brain |
Author/Editor: Littlefield, Melissa M