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Titles start with S (149) Information
Sacred Violence
Author/Editor: Kahn, Paul W
Sails of the Herring Fleet
Author/Editor: Blau, Herbert
Salome's Modernity
Author/Editor: Dierkes-Thrun, Petra
Salt and State: An Annotated Translation of the <em>Songshi</em> Salt Monopoly Treatise
Author/Editor: Cecilia Lee-fang Chien
Samurai with Telephones: Anachronism in Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Christopher Smith
The Sandy Ridge and Halstead Paleo-Indian Sites: Unifacial Tool Use and Gainey Phase Definition in South-Central Ontario
Author/Editor: Henry T. Wright,Anita Buehrle
The San Francisco Mime Troupe Reader
Author/Editor: Mason, Susan Vaneta
The Sarah Siddons Audio Files
Author/Editor: Pascoe, Judith
Sartorial Fandom: Fashion, Beauty Culture, and Identity
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Affuso ,Suzanne Scott
Satiric Advice on Women and Marriage
Author/Editor: Smith, Warren S
Saving New Sounds: Podcast Preservation and Historiography
Author/Editor: Jeremy Wade Morris ,Eric Hoyt
Schoolbook Nation
Author/Editor: Moreau, Joseph
School Choice and the Future of American Democracy
Author/Editor: Abernathy, Scott
Science Fiction in Argentina
Author/Editor: Page, Joanna
Science Fiction in Argentina
Author/Editor: Page, Joanna
The Scourge of War
Author/Editor: Diehl, Paul F
Scriptures, Shrines, Scapegoats, and World Politics: Religious Sources of Conflict and Cooperation in the Modern Era
Author/Editor: Zeev Maoz,Errol A. Henderson
The Scroll and the Marble
Author/Editor: Bing, Peter
The Sea
Author/Editor: Miller, Peter N
Secrecy and Cultural Reality
Author/Editor: Herdt, Gilbert
The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Other Eccentric Readings
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Michael
Secret Spaces of Childhood
Author/Editor: Goodenough, Elizabeth N
Secular Morality and International Security
Author/Editor: Fanis, Maria
Securing the Sacred
Author/Editor: Bosco, Robert M
Security. Cooperation. Governance.: The Canada-United States Open Border Paradox
Author/Editor: Christian Leuprecht ,Todd Hataley
Security Integration in Europe
Author/Editor: Cross, Mai'a
Seeds of Mobilization: The Authoritarian Roots of South Korea's Democracy
Author/Editor: Joan E. Cho
Seeing the Past with Computers
Author/Editor: Kee, Kevin; Compeau, Timothy J
Seeking a Future for the Past: Space, Power, and Heritage in a Chinese City
Author/Editor: Philipp Demgenski
Self-Financed Candidates in Congressional Elections
Author/Editor: Steen, Jennifer A
Selma and the Liuzzo Murder Trials
Author/Editor: Turner, James P
Sensational Devotion
Author/Editor: Stevenson, Jill C
Sensing Health: Bodies, Data, and Digital Health Technologies
Sensual Relations
Author/Editor: Howes, David
Separate Destinations
Author/Editor: Gimpel, James Graydon
Set in Motion
Author/Editor: Ammons, A. R.; Burr, Zofia
A Setting For Excellence
Author/Editor: Mayer, Frederick W
A Setting For Excellence, Part II
Author/Editor: Mayer, Frederick W
Settlers of Unassigned Lands
Author/Editor: McLeod, Charles
Settlers of Unassigned Lands
Author/Editor: McLeod, Charles
Seven Stories of Threatening Speech
Author/Editor: Miller, Ruth A
Sex, Identity, Aesthetics: The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies
Author/Editor: Jina B. Kim ,Joshua Kupetz ,Crystal Yin Lie ,Cynthia Wu
Shakespeare and the Legacy of Loss
Author/Editor: Anderson, Emily Hodgson
Shakin' All Over
Author/Editor: McKay, George
Shattering Hamlet's Mirror
Author/Editor: Carlson, Marvin
Shih-shuo Hsin-yu
Author/Editor: Liu I-ch’ing,Liu Chün,Richard B. Mather
Shipping Out: Race, Performance, and Labor at Sea
Author/Editor: Anita Gonzalez
Author/Editor: Morrison, James V
Show Me Your Environment
Author/Editor: Baker, David
The Sian Incident: A Pivotal Point in Modern Chinese History
Author/Editor: Tien-wei Wu
Signaling Goodness
Author/Editor: Nelson, Phillip J.; Greene, Kenneth V
Signifying Bodies
Author/Editor: Couser, G. T
Silent Hill
Author/Editor: Perron, Bernard
Silent Hill
Author/Editor: Perron, Bernard
Author/Editor: Magelssen, Scott
Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America
Author/Editor: Eli Sperling ,Edwin Seroussi
Sites of Translation
Author/Editor: Gonzales, Laura
Sites of Translation
Author/Editor: Gonzales, Laura
Skate Life
Author/Editor: Yochim, Emily C
Skate Life
Author/Editor: Yochim, Emily C
The Skin of Meaning
Author/Editor: Shurin, Aaron
Slaves to Fashion
Author/Editor: Ross, Robert J. S
Slayers and Their Vampires
Author/Editor: McClelland, Bruce A
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy
Author/Editor: Acs, Zoltan J.; Yeung, Bernard Yin
Small Change
Author/Editor: La Raja, Raymond J
Smartland Korea
Author/Editor: Jin, Dal Yong
Author/Editor: Miller, Ruth A
The Snodgrass Site of the Powers Phase of Southeast Missouri
The Social Benefits of Education
Author/Editor: Behrman, Jere R.; Stacey, Nevzer
Social Dimensions of U.S. Trade Policies
Author/Editor: Deardorff, Alan Verne; Stern, Robert Mitchell
Social Exchange and Interaction
Socialism after Hayek
Author/Editor: Burczak, Ted
The Social Life of Criticism
Author/Editor: Stern, Kimberly J
Social Memory in Athenian Public Discourse
Author/Editor: Steinbock, Bernd
Social Organization in South China, 1911–1949: The Case of Kuan Lineage in K’ai-p’ing County
Author/Editor: Yuen-fong Woon
The Social Politics of Medieval Diplomacy
Author/Editor: Huffman, Joseph Patrick
Social Science and Policy-Making
Author/Editor: Featherman, David Lee; Vinovskis, Maris Arvids
Social Singing among the Mapuche
Author/Editor: MISCHA TITIEV
Sociopolitical Aspects of Canal Irrigation in the Valley of Oaxaca
Author/Editor: Kent V. Flannery,SUSAN H. LEES
The Sola Valley and the Monte Albán State: A Study of Zapotec Imperial Expansion
Author/Editor: Andrew K. Balkansky
Someone Shot My Book
Author/Editor: Carr, Julie
Someone to Watch Over Me
Author/Editor: Büchmann-Møller, Frank
Soul Music
Author/Editor: Rudinow, Joel
Sounding Like a No-No
Author/Editor: Royster, Francesca T
Sounding Together: Collaborative Perspectives on U.S. Music in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Charles Hiroshi Garrett ,Carol J. Oja
The Sound of Listening
Author/Editor: Metres, Philip
Sounds of the Underground
Author/Editor: Graham, Stephen
Spanish-Guarani Relations in Early Colonial Paraguay
Author/Editor: ELMAN R. SERVICE
Speaking in Tongues
Author/Editor: Carlson, Marvin
Speaking Our Selves: New Plays by African Women
Author/Editor: Asiimwe Deborah Kawe ,Robert H. Vorlicky ,Esi Sutherland-Addy
Spectacles of Reform
Author/Editor: Hughes, Amy E
Spectacular Disappearances
Author/Editor: Fawcett, Julia H
The Staff of Oedipus
Author/Editor: Rose, Martha L
The Stage Life of Props
Author/Editor: Sofer, Andrew
Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
Author/Editor: Kim Marra ,Robert A. Schanke
Staging Masculinity
Author/Editor: Gunderson, Erik
Staging Philanthropy
Author/Editor: Quataert, Jean Helen
Staging Philosophy
Author/Editor: Krasner, David; Saltz, David Z
Stamping American Memory
Author/Editor: Brennan, Sheila
The Stamp of Class
Author/Editor: Lenhart, Gary
Standards of Pottery Description
Standing Your Ground
Author/Editor: Huth, Paul K
StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy
Author/Editor: Simon Dor
Starting Over
Author/Editor: Newton, Judith
Star Worlds
Author/Editor: Bainbridge, William S
State Institutions, Civic Associations, and Identity Demands: Regional Movements in Greater Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Amy H. Liu ,Joel Sawat Selway
State Institutions, Private Incentives, Global Capital
Author/Editor: Sobel, Andrew Carl
State Learning and International Change
Author/Editor: Farkas, Andrew
State of Empowerment: Low-Income Families and the New Welfare State
Author/Editor: Carolyn Barnes
State of Translation
Author/Editor: Wigen, Einar
State Trading in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Cottier, Thomas; Mavroidis, Petros Constantinos; Schefer, Krista Nadakavukaren
The State You See: How Government Visibility Creates Political Distrust and Racial Inequality
Author/Editor: Aaron J. Rosenthal
The Steuben Village and Mounds: A Multicomponent Late Hopewell Site in Illinois
Author/Editor: DAN F. MORSE
Stop Reading! Look!
Author/Editor: Stetler, Pepper
Story of Willow Run
Author/Editor: Marion F. Wilson
Story Tech: Power, Storytelling, and Social Change Advocacy
Author/Editor: Filippo Trevisan ,Michael Vaughan ,Ariadne Vromen
The Strange and Terrible Visions of Wilhelm Friess
Author/Editor: Green, Jonathan
Strange Cocktail
Author/Editor: Jacobs, Adriana X
Strangers in Berlin
Author/Editor: Seelig, Rachel
Strangers to the Law
Author/Editor: Keen, Lisa Melinda; Goldberg, Suzanne Beth
Strangers to the Law: Gay People on Trial
Author/Editor: Lisa Keen ,Suzanne B. Goldberg
Strange Science
Author/Editor: Karpenko, Lara; Claggett, Shalyn
Strange Science
Author/Editor: Karpenko, Lara; Claggett, Shalyn
The Strategy of Campaigning
Author/Editor: Skinner, Kiron; Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce; Kudelia, Serhiy
The Street Porter and the Philosopher
Author/Editor: Levy, David M.; Peart, Sandra J
Strengthening International Courts
Author/Editor: Johns, Leslie
Striving to Save
Author/Editor: Sherraden, Margaret Sherrard; McBride, Amanda Moore
Structure and Regional Diversity in the Meadowood Interaction Sphere
Author/Editor: Karine Taché
Struggles for Political Change in the Arab World: Regimes, Oppositions, and External Actors after the Spring
Author/Editor: Lisa Blaydes ,Amr Hamzawy ,Hesham Sallam
Strung Together
Author/Editor: Miller, Sean
Studies in Malaysian Oral and Musical Traditions
Author/Editor: Alton L. Becker,John K. Musgrave,George B. Simmons,Thomas R. Trautmann
Studies in the Natural Radioactivity of Prehistoric Materials
A Study of Some Michigan Indians
A Study of the Glacial Kame Culture in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana
The Stuff of Fiction
Author/Editor: Bauer, Douglas
Stumbling Blocks Before the Blind
Author/Editor: Wheatley, Edward
The Subject and Other Subjects
Author/Editor: Siebers, Tobin Anthony
Subversions of the American Century
Author/Editor: Lifshey, Adam
Suing the Gun Industry
Author/Editor: Lytton, Timothy D
Suing the Tobacco and Lead Pigment Industries
Author/Editor: Gifford, Donald G
Sukeroku’s Double Identity: The Dramatic Structure of Edo Kabuki
Author/Editor: Barbara E. Thornbury
The Supreme Court and the NCAA
Author/Editor: Porto, Brian
Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings in the U.S. Senate
Author/Editor: Farganis, Dion; Wedeking, Justin
The Supreme Court on Trial
Author/Editor: Thomas, George C
Author/Editor: Meeropol, Michael Allen
Susan Glaspell in Context
Author/Editor: Gainor, J. Ellen
Swallows and Settlers: The Great Migration from North China to Manchuria
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Gottschang,Diana Lary
Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics
Author/Editor: Benjamin Abrams ,Peter Gardner
Systemic Choices
Author/Editor: Daneke, Gregory A