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Titles start with U (24) Information
Ugly Productions: An Aesthetics of Greek Drama
Author/Editor: A. C. Duncan
Uncanny Creatures: Doll Thinking in Modern German Culture
Author/Editor: Bruford, Bill
Uncle Tom's Cabins
Author/Editor: Davis, Tracy C; Mihaylova, Stefka
Unconventional Sisterhood: Feminist Catholic Nuns in the Philippines
Author/Editor: Heather L. Claussen
Understanding Torture
Author/Editor: Parry, John T
Undertaking Discourse Analysis for Social Research
Author/Editor: Dunn, Kevin C; Neumann, Iver B
Under the Campus, the Land: Anishinaabe Futuring, Colonial Non-Memory, and the Origin of the University of Michigan
Author/Editor: Andrew Herscher
A Unified Theory of Collective Action and Social Change
Author/Editor: Medina, Luis
Unifying Political Methodology
Author/Editor: King, Gary
A University for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Duderstadt, James J
The Unknown Odysseus
Author/Editor: Van Nortwick, Thomas
Unleashing Rights
Author/Editor: Silverstein, Helena
The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit
Author/Editor: Herscher, Andrew
The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit
Author/Editor: Herscher, Andrew
Unsettled History
Author/Editor: Witz, Leslie; Minkley, Gary; Rassool, Ciraj
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Author/Editor: Byers, Walter
Untimely Interventions
Author/Editor: Chambers, Ross
The Urban Voter
Author/Editor: Kaufmann, Karen M
The U.S. Army Stability Operations Field Manual
Author/Editor: William B. Caldwell,Michèle Flournoy,Shawn Brimley,Janine Davidson
The Use of Land and Water Resources in the Past and Present Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
Author/Editor: Kent V. Flannery,ANNE V. T. KIRKBY
Ushering in a New Republic
Author/Editor: Luke, Trevor S
Utopia in Performance
Author/Editor: Dolan, Jill
An Utterly Dark Spot
Author/Editor: Bozovic, Miran