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Titles start with D (78) Information
Daily Life and Demographics in Ancient Japan
Author/Editor: William Wayne Farris
Author/Editor: Combs, Paul
Dances with Sheep: The Quest for Identity in the Fiction of Murakami Haruki
Author/Editor: Matthew Carl Strecher
Dancing with the Modernist City: Metropolitan Dance Texts around 1900
Author/Editor: Wesley Lim
Dark Matter
Author/Editor: Sofer, Andrew
The Deadlock of Democracy in Brazil
Author/Editor: Ames, Barry
Dean Worcester's Fantasy Islands
Author/Editor: Rice, Mark
Dear Wizard
Author/Editor: Delbanco, Nicholas
Debating Oaxaca Archaeology
Author/Editor: Joyce Marcus
Decentralization and Popular Democracy
Author/Editor: Faguet, Jean Paul
Decisiveness and Fear of Disorder: Political Decision-Making in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Julius Maximilian Rogenhofer
Author/Editor: Epstein, Marcy Joy; Pettway, Travar
Defacing Power
Author/Editor: Steele, Brent J
Defending Diversity
Author/Editor: Gurin, Patricia; Lehman, Jeffrey S.; Lewis, Earl
Defending the Holy Land
Author/Editor: Maoz, Zeev
Defensive Internationalism
Author/Editor: Bobrow, Davis B.; Boyer, Mark A
Defusing Democracy
Author/Editor: Boylan, Delia Margaret
Delegating Responsibility: International Cooperation on Migration in the European Union
Demanding Choices
Author/Editor: Bowler, Shaun; Donovan, Todd Andrew
Democracy and Institutions
Author/Editor: Crepaz, Markus M. L.; Koelble, Thomas Albert; Wilsford, David
Democracy, Dictatorship, and Term Limits
Author/Editor: Baturo, Alexander
Democracy, Electoral Systems, and Judicial Empowerment in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Yadav, Vineeta; Mukherjee, Bumba
Democracy's Promise
Author/Editor: Wong, Janelle
Democracy without Associations
Author/Editor: Chhibber, Pradeep K
Democratic Laboratories
Author/Editor: Karch, Andrew
Democratic Peace
Author/Editor: Ish-Shalom, Piki
Democratization by Institutions
Author/Editor: Anderson, Leslie E
The Demography of the Semai Senoi
Author/Editor: ALAN G. FIX
Author/Editor: Musheno, Michael Craig; Ross, Susan M
The Derecognition of States
Author/Editor: Gëzim Visoka
The Deregulatory Moment?
Author/Editor: Boatright, Robert G
Destination Detroit: Discourses on the Refugee in a Post-Industrial City
Author/Editor: RASHMI LUTHRA
Developing Writers in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Gere, Anne R
Developing Writers in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Gere, Anne R
Development in Multiple Dimensions
Author/Editor: Lee, Alexander
The Development of Political Institutions: Power, Legitimacy, Democracy
Author/Editor: Federico Ferrara
Devils and Rebels
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Larry
The Dianshizhai Pictorial
Author/Editor: Xiaoqing, Ye
The Dictator's Dilemma at the Ballot Box: Electoral Manipulation, Economic Maneuvering, and Political Order in Autocracies
Author/Editor: Masaaki Higashijima
Digging for Gold: Papers on Archaeology for Profit
Author/Editor: William K. Macdonald
Digital Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Eyman, Douglas
Digital Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Eyman, Douglas
Digital Rubbish
Author/Editor: Gabrys, Jennifer
Digital Rubbish
Author/Editor: Gabrys, Jennifer
Digital Samaritans
Author/Editor: Ridolfo, Jim
Digital Samaritans
Author/Editor: Ridolfo, Jim
Digital Tools in Urban Schools
Author/Editor: Mahiri, Jabari
Digital Tools in Urban Schools
Author/Editor: Mahiri, Jabari
The Dilemma of Compliance: Political Parties and Post-Election Disputes
Author/Editor: Svitlana Chernykh
Disability in Twentieth-Century German Culture
Author/Editor: Poore, Carol
Disability Theory
Author/Editor: Siebers, Tobin Anthony
Disabled Veterans in History
Author/Editor: Gerber, David A
Disarmed Democracies
Author/Editor: Auerswald, David P
Discarded, Discovered, Collected
Author/Editor: Verhoogt, Arthur
Discipline and Desire
Author/Editor: Morrison, Elise
Discovering Addiction
Author/Editor: Campbell, Nancy D
Disorienting Politics: Chimerican Media and Transpacific Entanglements
Author/Editor: Fan Yang
Disruptions as Opportunities: Governing Chinese Society with Interactive Authoritarianism
Author/Editor: Taiyi Sun
Dissent in Dangerous Times
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin
The Distinction of Peace
Author/Editor: Goetze, Catherine
The Distinction of Peace
Author/Editor: Goetze, Catherine
Dividing Lines
Author/Editor: Williams, Andreá N
The DNA Mystique
Author/Editor: Nelkin, Dorothy; Lindee, M. Susan
Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia, 1966–1970: An Annotated Bibliography Covering North America, Europe, and Australia
Author/Editor: Frank Joseph Shulman
Doing Time on the Outside
Author/Editor: Braman, Donald
A Domestic Cook Book: Containing a Careful Selection of Useful Receipts for the Kitchen
Author/Editor: Pinchbeck, Dan
Author/Editor: Pinchbeck, Dan
Double Jeopardy: A Critique of Seven Yüan Courtroom Dramas
Author/Editor: Ching-Hsi Perng
Down Syndrome Culture: Life Writing, Documentary, and Fiction Film in Iberian and Latin American Contexts
Author/Editor: Benjamin Fraser ,Michael Bérubé
The Drama of the American Short Story, 1800-1865
Author/Editor: Collins, Michael J
The Dramaturgy of Senecan Tragedy
Author/Editor: Kohn, Thomas
Dreams for Dead Bodies
Author/Editor: Robinson, M. Michelle
Drones and Support for the Use of Force
Author/Editor: Walsh, James Igoe; Schulzke, Marcus
Drones and Support for the Use of Force
Author/Editor: Walsh, James Igoe; Schulzke, Marcus
Dying Inside
Author/Editor: Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin Dov; Crowder, Carla
Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade
Author/Editor: Jensen, Bjarne Sloth; Wong, Kar-yiu
The Dynamics of European Integration: Causes and Consequences of Institutional Choices
Author/Editor: Thomas König