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Titles start with P (146) Information
A Page of Madness
Author/Editor: Gerow, Aaron
Page to Stage
Author/Editor: Murphy, Vincent
Pain, Death, and the Law
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin
Paleoethnobotany of the Kameda Peninsula Jomon
Author/Editor: GARY W. CRAWFORD
Paninian Studies: Professor S. D. Joshi Felicitation Volume
Author/Editor: Madhav M. Deshpande,Saroja Bhate
Papyri from Karanis
Author/Editor: Verhoogt, Arthur; Claytor, Graham
Paradigms and Sand Castles
Author/Editor: Geddes, Barbara
The Paradox of Gender Equality
Author/Editor: Goss, Kristin A
Paris and the Art of Transposition: Early Twentieth Century Sino-French Encounters
Author/Editor: Angie Chau
Parlor Ponds
Author/Editor: Hamera, Judith
Parodies of Ownership
Author/Editor: Schur, Richard L
Parodies of Ownership
Author/Editor: Schur, Richard L
Partisan Gerrymandering and the Construction of American Democracy
Author/Editor: Engstrom, Erik
Party Competition and Responsible Party Government
Author/Editor: Adams, James Frolik
Party Discipline in the U.S. House of Representatives
Author/Editor: Pearson, Kathryn
Passing Illusions
Author/Editor: Wallach, Kerry
Passing Performances: Queer Readings of Leading Players in American Theater History
Author/Editor: Robert A. Schanke ,Kim Marra ,Jill Dolan
Passionate Amateurs
Author/Editor: Ridout, Nicholas
A Passion for Cooperation: Adventures of a Wide-Ranging Scientist
Author/Editor: Robert Axelrod
The Past as Present in the Drama of August Wilson
Author/Editor: Elam, Harry J
Author/Editor: Kee, Kevin
Author/Editor: Kee, Kevin
Patchwork Nation
Author/Editor: Gimpel, James Graydon; Schuknecht, Jason E
Paula Vogel
Author/Editor: Mansbridge, Joanna
Paul Robeson and the Cold War Performance Complex
Author/Editor: Perucci, Tony
Paul Wellstone
Author/Editor: Lofy, Bill
Pearl from the Dragon’s Mouth: Evocation of Scene and Feeling in Chinese Poetry
Author/Editor: Cecile Chu-chin Sun
The Pedagogical Contract
Author/Editor: Too, Yun Lee
The People's Own Landscape
Author/Editor: Moranda, Scott
People's Wars in China, Malaya, and Vietnam
Author/Editor: Marc Opper
Performance and Media
Author/Editor: Bay-Cheng, Sarah; Parker-Starbuck, Jennifer; Saltz, David Z
Performance, Transparency, and the Cultures of Surveillance
Author/Editor: Harding, James M
Performing America
Author/Editor: Mason, Jeffrey D.; Gainor, J. Ellen
Performing Queer Latinidad
Author/Editor: Rivera-Servera, Ramon
Performing the Intercultural City
Author/Editor: Knowles, Ric
Performing Unification
Author/Editor: Cornish, Matt
Persecution and Rescue
Author/Editor: Seibel, Wolfgang
The Persistence of Dance: Choreography as Concept and Material in Contemporary Art
Author/Editor: Erin Brannigan
The Phantom Respondents
Author/Editor: Brehm, John O
Philadelphia Freedom
Author/Editor: Kairys, David
Physician Communication with Patients
Author/Editor: Christianson, Jon; Warrick, Louise H; Finch, Michael
The Pioneers of Judicial Behavior
Author/Editor: Maveety, Nancy L
Pivotal Voices, Era of Transition
Author/Editor: Gonzalez, Rigoberto
The Place of Law
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Douglas, Lawrence; Umphrey, Martha
A Player and a Gentleman
Author/Editor: Hughes, Amy E; Stubbs, Naomi J
Playing Doctor
Author/Editor: Turow, Joseph
The Playing Fields of Eton
Author/Editor: LaVaque-Manty, Mika
Playing God
Author/Editor: Bial, Henry
Playing Underground
Author/Editor: Bottoms, Stephen J
Play Redux
Author/Editor: Myers, David
Play Redux
Author/Editor: Myers, David
Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs: Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grasslands
Author/Editor: Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg
Poems of the Five Mountains: An Introduction to the Literature of the Zen Monasteries
Author/Editor: Marian Ury
Poetry, History, Memory: Wang Jingwei and China in Dark Times
Author/Editor: Zhiyi Yang
Poetry Los Angeles
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Laurence
A Poetry Precise and Free
Author/Editor: Jones, Nicholas
Poetry's Afterlife
Author/Editor: Stein, Kevin
Poetry's Afterlife
Author/Editor: Stein, Kevin
Author/Editor: Bjerg, Ole
Policy Issues Affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families
Author/Editor: Cahill, Sean; Tobias, Sarah
Policy Issues Affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Families
Author/Editor: Sean Cahill ,Sarah Tobias
The Political Biographies of Cornelius Nepos
Author/Editor: Stem, S. R
Political Complexity
Author/Editor: Richards, Diana Eva-Ann
The Political Consequences of Motherhood
Author/Editor: Greenlee, Jill
The Political Economy of Dual Transformations
Author/Editor: Bartlett, David L
The Political Economy of Expertise
Author/Editor: Esterling, Kevin M
The Political Economy of Regional Peacemaking
Author/Editor: Lobell, Steven E.; Ripsman, Norrin M
Political Leadership in Contemporary Japan
Author/Editor: Terry Edward MacDougall
Political Psychology in International Relations
Author/Editor: McDermott, Rose
Political Survival of Small Parties in Europe
Author/Editor: Spoon, Jae-Jae
Politics and Foreign Direct Investment
Author/Editor: Jensen, Nathan; Biglaiser, Glen; Li, Quan
Politics, Faith, and the Making of American Judaism
Author/Editor: Adams, Peter
Politics in the Pews
Author/Editor: McDaniel, Eric L
The Politics of Community Policing
Author/Editor: Lyons, William (Bill) Thomas
The Politics of Expertise
Author/Editor: Sending, Ole Jacob
The Politics of Intimacy
Author/Editor: Durnová, Anna
The Politics of Millennials
Author/Editor: Rouse, Stella M; Ross, Ashley D
The Politics of Preference
Author/Editor: Parikh, Sunita
The Politics of Purity
Author/Editor: Coppin, Clayton Anderson; High, Jack C
The Politics of Rights
Author/Editor: Scheingold, Stuart A
The Politics of Sociability
Author/Editor: Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig
The Politics of Subjectivity in American Foreign Policy Discourses
Author/Editor: Solomon, Ty
The Politics of the Trail
Author/Editor: Lowenheim, Oded
Politics Over Process
Author/Editor: Park, Hong Min; Smith, Steven S; Vander Wielen, Ryan J
Politics, Policy, and Organizations
Author/Editor: Krause, George A.; Meier, Kenneth J
The Pop Palimpsest
Author/Editor: Burns, Lori; Lacasse, Serge
Portraits of Violence
Author/Editor: Biernoff, Suzannah
Positive Political Theory I
Author/Editor: Austen-Smith, David; Banks, Jeffrey S
Positive Political Theory II
Author/Editor: Austen-Smith, David; Banks, Jeffrey S
The Possibility of Popular Justice
Author/Editor: Merry, Sally Engle; Milner, Neil
(Post-)colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
The Post-Conflict Environment
Author/Editor: Monk, Daniel Bertrand; Mundy, Jacob
The Postdevelopmental State: Dilemmas of Economic Democratization in Contemporary South Korea
Author/Editor: Jamie Doucette
The Postwar Transformation of Germany
Author/Editor: Brady, John Shannon; Crawford, Beverly; Wiliarty, Sarah Elise
The Power-Conflict Story
Author/Editor: Kadera, Kelly
Powerful Voices
Author/Editor: Duchan, Joshua S
Power of Freedom: Hu Shih's Political Writings
Author/Editor: Chih-p’ing Chou ,Carlos Yu-Kai Lin
The Powers that Punish
Author/Editor: Bright, Charles
Power without Force
Author/Editor: Jackman, Robert W
Preaching to Convert
Author/Editor: Fletcher, John
Predators and Parasites
Author/Editor: Lowenheim, Oded
Preference Pollution
Author/Editor: George, David
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Southern Valley of Mexico: The Chalco-Xochimilco Region
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons,Elizabeth Brumfiel,Mary H. Parsons,David J. Wilson,Michael E. Whalen,Kamer Aga-Oglu,Nancy Liu,Keith Kintigh,Joyce Marcus
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junín, Peru: The Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons,Charles M. Hastings,Matos M. Ramiro
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junín, Peru: Volume 2, The Wanka Region
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Parsons,Charles M. Hastings,Ramiro Matos M.,Terence N. D’Altroy,Timothy K. Earle,Charles M. Hastings,Ramiro Matos M.,Jeffrey R. Parsons
Prehistoric Biological Relationships in the Great Lakes Region
Prehistoric Copper Mining in Michigan: The Nineteenth-Century Discovery of “Ancient Diggings" in the Keweenaw Peninsula and Isle Royale
Author/Editor: John R. Halsey
Prehistoric Food Production in North America
Author/Editor: Richard I. Ford
The Prehistoric People of the Fort Ancient Culture of the Central Ohio Valley
Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico
Author/Editor: JEFFREY R. PARSONS,Richard E. Blanton,Mary H. Parsons
Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain: An Early Village Sequence from Khuzistan, Iran
Author/Editor: FRANK HOLE,KENT V. FLANNERY,JAMES A. NEELY,Hans Helbaek,Cyril S. Smith,Colin Renfrew,I. W. Cornwall
The Prehistory of the Burnt Bluff Area
Present Shock in Late Fifth-Century Greece
Author/Editor: Dunn, Francis
The President Electric
Author/Editor: Raphael, Timothy
The Presidential Expectations Gap
Author/Editor: Waterman, Richard; Silva, Carol L; Jenkins-Smith, Hank
Presidential Responsiveness and Public Policy-Making
Author/Editor: Cohen, Jeffrey E
The Price of Racial Reconciliation
Author/Editor: Walters, Ronald
Pride, Not Prejudice: National Identity as a Pacifying Force in East Asia
Author/Editor: Eunbin Chung
The Primary Rules
Author/Editor: Jewitt, Caitlin E
Principles of Corporate Renewal, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Platt, Harlan D
Printing and Prophecy
Author/Editor: Green, Jonathan
The Prism of Race
Author/Editor: Lehmann, David
Private Guns, Public Health
Author/Editor: Hemenway, David
Private Guns, Public Health, New Ed
Author/Editor: Hemenway, David
The Problem of the Color[blind]
Author/Editor: Catanese, Brandi W
Profiles in Cultural Evolution: Papers from a Conference in Honor of Elman R. Service
Author/Editor: A. Terry Rambo,Kathleen Gillogly
Projecting History
Author/Editor: Alter, Nora M
“Proletarian Hegemony" in the Chinese Revolution and the Canton Commune of 1927
Author/Editor: S. Bernard Thomas
Prometheus Reimagined
Author/Editor: Lin, Albert C
Proofs of Genius
Author/Editor: Gailey, Amanda
Proofs of Genius
Author/Editor: Gailey, Amanda
Property Control and Social Strategies in Settlers in a Middle Eastern Plain
Author/Editor: BARBARA C. ASWAD
Protest and the Politics of Blame
Author/Editor: Javeline, Debra Lynn
Protohistoric Yamato: Archaeology of the First Japanese State
Author/Editor: Gina L. Barnes
Provincial Soldiers and Imperial Instability in the Histories of Tacitus
Author/Editor: Master, Jonathan
The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders
Author/Editor: Post, Jerrold M
Psychology and Constructivism in International Relations
Author/Editor: Shannon, Vaughn P; Kowert, Paul A
Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Holsti, Ole Rudolf
Publishing Blackness
Author/Editor: Hutchinson, George; Young, John K
Publishing The Prince
Author/Editor: Soll, Jacob
Punishing Schools
Author/Editor: Lyons, William (Bill) Thomas; Drew, Julie
Punishment and Political Order
Author/Editor: McBride, Keally
Putting Faith in Partnerships
Author/Editor: Monsma, Stephen V
Putting Federalism in Its Place: The Territorial Politics of Social Policy Revisited
Author/Editor: Scott L. Greer ,Daniel Béland ,André Lecours ,Kenneth Dubin
Putting Inequality in Context
Author/Editor: Ellis, Christopher
The Puzzle of Judicial Behavior
Author/Editor: Baum, Lawrence