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Titles start with C (150) Information
Campaign Dynamics
Author/Editor: Carsey, Thomas M
Campaign Finance and Political Polarization
Author/Editor: La Raja, Raymond J; Schaffner, Brian F
Campaign Finance and Political Polarization
Author/Editor: La Raja, Raymond J; Schaffner, Brian F
Campaign Reform
Author/Editor: Bartels, Larry M.; Lewis, Lynn Vavreck
Candidates, Congress, and the American Democracy
Author/Editor: Fowler, Linda
Capitalism, Not Globalism
Author/Editor: Clark, William Roberts
Capital, the State, and War
Author/Editor: Anievas, Alexander
Capitol Investments
Author/Editor: Parker, Glenn R
The Captive Stage
Author/Editor: Jones, Douglas A
Capturing Campaign Effects
Author/Editor: Johnston, Richard G. C.; Johnston, Richard G. C
Career Patterns in the Ch’ing Dynasty: The Office of the Governor General
Author/Editor: Raymond W. Chu,William G. Saywell
Caribou Hunting in the Upper Great Lakes: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Paleoenvironmental Perspectives
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Sonnenburg,Ashley K. Lemke,John M. O’Shea
Carrots, Sticks, and Ethnic Conflict
Author/Editor: Esman, Milton J.; Herring, Ronald J
The Case for the Prosecution in the Ciceronian Era
Author/Editor: Alexander, Michael C
Catching Up with the Competition
Author/Editor: Hoekman, Bernard M.; Zarrouk, Jamel
Category 5
Author/Editor: Howard, Judith A.; Zebrowski, Ernest
Cattle Bring Us to Our Enemies
Author/Editor: McCabe, J. Terrence
The Causes of Human Behavior
Author/Editor: Mohr, Lawrence B
Cave Hollow, An Ozark Bluff-Dweller Site
Author/Editor: HORACE MINER
The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture
Author/Editor: Khapaeva, Dina
Centaurs and Amazons
Author/Editor: duBois, Page
Central Documents and Politburo Politics in China
Author/Editor: Kenneth Lieberthal,James Tong,Sai-cheung Yeung
A Century of November
Author/Editor: Wetherell, W. D
Ceremony and Power
Author/Editor: Sumi, Geoffrey
The Challenge of Hegemony
Author/Editor: Lobell, Steven E
The Challenge of Regulating Managed Care
Author/Editor: Billi, John Eugene (MD); Agrawal, Gail Bopp (JD
Chamber Music
Author/Editor: Radice, Mark A
Chang Ch???un-ch???iao and Shanghai???s January Revolution
Author/Editor: Andrew G. Walder
Change and the Persistence of Tradition in India: Five Lectures
Author/Editor: Richard L. Park,John K. Musgrave,George B. Simmons,Thomas R. Trautmann
The Changing Face of Economics
Author/Editor: Colander, David; Holt, Richard P. F.; Rosser, J. Barkley (Jr.)
The Changing Face of Representation
Author/Editor: Fridkin, Kim; Kenney, Patrick
Changing Hands
Author/Editor: Capuano, Peter
Changing Paths
Author/Editor: Houtzager, Peter P.; Moore, Michael
Changing Places
Author/Editor: Murdock, Caitlin
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Author/Editor: Kiel, L. Douglas; Elliott, Euel W
Character Is Destiny
Author/Editor: Lees, Andrew (Dr.)
Charles Ludlam Lives!
Author/Editor: Edgecomb, Sean
Charles Ludlam Lives!: Charles Bush, Bradford Louryk, Taylor Mac, and the Queer Legacy of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company
Author/Editor: Sean F. Edgecomb
Chasing Greatness: On Russia's Discursive Interaction with the West over the Past Millennium
Author/Editor: Anatoly Reshetnikov
The Chatter of the Visible
Author/Editor: McBride, Patrizia C
Chen Jiongming and the Federalist Movement
Author/Editor: Chen, Leslie H. Dingyan
The Cherokees of Tuckaleechee Cove
Author/Editor: Jon Marcoux,Kandace D. Hollenbach,Boyce Driskell,Jessica L. Vavrasek,Judith A. Sichler,Jeremy Sweat,Katherine McMillan,Stephen Carmody,Phyllis Rigney,Erik Johanson
Chic Ironic Bitterness
Author/Editor: Magill, R. Jay
The Chief Concern of Medicine
Author/Editor: Schleifer, Ronald; Vannatta, Jerry
The Chief Justice
Author/Editor: Ward, Artemus; Danelski, David J
Childhood Years
Author/Editor: Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro
Author/Editor: Buoye, Thomas M.; Denton, Kirk; Dickson, Bruce
China and the West
Author/Editor: Yang, Hon-Lun
China and the West
Author/Editor: Saffle, Michael; Yang, Hon-Lun
China as Number One?: The Emerging Values of a Rising Power
Author/Editor: Yang Zhong ,Ronald F. Inglehart
China’s Allocation of Fixed Capital Investment, 1952–1957
Author/Editor: Chu-yuan Cheng
China’s Revolutions and Intergenerational Relations
Author/Editor: Martin King Whyte
Chinese and Japanese Music-Dramas
Author/Editor: J. I. Crump,William P. Malm
Chinese Communist Materials at the Bureau of Investigation Archives, Taiwan
Author/Editor: Peter Donovan,Carl E. Dorris,Lawrence R. Sullivan
Chinese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in the 1970s
Author/Editor: Allen S. Whiting
Chinese Dreams
Author/Editor: Hayot, Eric R. J
Choice-Free Rationality
Author/Editor: Grafstein, Robert
Choosing an Identity
Author/Editor: Chai, Sun-Ki
Christian Converts and Social Protests in Meiji Japan
The Chronological Position of the Hopewellian Culture in the Eastern United States
Author/Editor: JAMES B. GRIFFIN
Cicero's Use of Judicial Theater
Author/Editor: Hall, Jonathan
Cities in the Sea
Author/Editor: Stanton, Maura
Citizen Rauh
Author/Editor: Parrish, Michael E
Citizens and Groups in Contemporary China
Author/Editor: Victor C. Falkenheim
Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina
Author/Editor: Koritz, Amy; Sanchez, George J
Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina
Author/Editor: Koritz, Amy; Sanchez, George J
A Civil Economy
Author/Editor: Bruyn, Severyn T
Civilizing the Enemy
Author/Editor: Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus
Classical Spies
Author/Editor: Allen, Susan H
Classics, the Culture Wars, and Beyond
Author/Editor: Adler, Eric
Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters
Author/Editor: Liu Xiaogan
Clio's Other Sons
Author/Editor: Dillery, John D
Coalition Politics and Cabinet Decision Making
Author/Editor: Kaarbo, Juliet
Collateral Damage: The Influence of Political Rhetoric on the Incorporation of Second-Generation Americans
Author/Editor: SEAN RICHEY
Collective Decision Making in Rural Japan
Author/Editor: Robert C. Marshall
Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Germans of Jewish Descent in Imperial Germany
Author/Editor: Davis, Christian
Coloring Whiteness
Author/Editor: Carpenter, Faedra C
The Color of Representation
Author/Editor: Whitby, Kenny J
Coming After
Author/Editor: Notley, Alice
Commerce in Color
Author/Editor: Davis, James C
The Committee
Author/Editor: Marshall, Bryan W.; Wolpe, Bruce C
Common Law Judging
Author/Editor: Edlin, Douglas E
Communities and Law
Author/Editor: Barzilai, Gad
Community Identity and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Mac Sweeney, Naoíse
The Community of Nuchi Du Takara ("Life Is the Ultimate Treasure") in Postwar Okinawa: Local Subjectivity within and against Empire
Compadre Colonialism: Studies in the Philippines under American Rule
Author/Editor: Norman G. Owen
Competitiveness Matters
Author/Editor: Howes, Candace; Singh, Ajit
Compound Containment: A Reigning Power's Military-Economic Countermeasures against a Challenging Power
Author/Editor: DONG JUNG KIM
A Computer Program for Monothetic Subdivisive Classification in Archaeology
Concerto for the Left Hand
Author/Editor: Davidson, Michael
Author/Editor: Tate, Katherine
Condition Red
Author/Editor: Komunyakaa, Yusef; Clytus, Radiclani
Conflicting Counsels to Confuse the Age: A Documentary Study of Political Economy in Qing China, 1644–1840
Author/Editor: Helen Dunstan
Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Bercovitch, Jacob; Jackson, Richard Dean Wells
Conflict, Security, Foreign Policy, and International Political Economy
Author/Editor: Brecher, Michael; Harvey, Frank P
Congo Style: From Belgian Art Nouveau to African Independence
Author/Editor: Ruth Sacks
The Congressional Black Caucus, Minority Voting Rights, and the U.S. Supreme Court
Author/Editor: Rivers, Christina
Congressional Communication
Author/Editor: Lipinski, Daniel
Congressional Parties, Institutional Ambition, and the Financing of Majority Control
Author/Editor: Heberlig, Eric S; Larson, Bruce A
Congress on Display, Congress at Work
Author/Editor: Bianco, William T
The Consciousness of the Litigator
Author/Editor: Graham, Duffy
Constituent Interests and U.S. Trade Policies
Author/Editor: Deardorff, Alan Verne; Stern, Robert Mitchell
Constituting Workers, Protecting Women
Author/Editor: Novkov, Julie
Constituting Workers, Protecting Women: Gender, Law, and Labor in the Progressive Era and New Deal Years
Author/Editor: Julie Novkov
Consumption and Violence
Author/Editor: Sedlmaier, Alexander
Containing Health Care Costs in Japan
Author/Editor: Ikegami, Naoki; Campbell, John Creighton
Contemporary Mormon Pageantry
Author/Editor: Jones, Megan S
Contemporary Opera in Flux
Author/Editor: Yayoi U. Everett ,Susan McClary
Contingent Encounters: Improvisation in Music and Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Dan DiPiero
Contributions to Michigan Archaeology
Conversations with Shotetsu
Author/Editor: Robert H. Brower,Steven D. Carter
Coping With Poverty
Author/Editor: Danziger, Sheldon; Lin, Ann Chih
Cops, Teachers, Counselors
Author/Editor: Maynard-Moody, Steven Williams; Musheno, Michael Craig
Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Scott L. Greer ,Elizabeth J. King ,Elize Massard da Fonseca ,André Peralta-Santos
The Corrigible and the Incorrigible
Author/Editor: Eghigian, Greg A
Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature
Author/Editor: Gorman, Vanessa Barrett; Gorman, Robert
Author/Editor: Slane, Kathleen; Will, Elizabeth L
Cosmopolitanisms and the Jews
Author/Editor: Gelbin, Cathy; Gilman, Sander
Cosmopolitan Love: Utopian Vision in D. H. Lawrence and Eileen Chang
Author/Editor: Sijia Yao
Counterculture Kaleidoscope
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Nadya
Counting the Tiger's Teeth
Author/Editor: Falola, Toyin
Courting Failure
Author/Editor: LoPucki, Lynn M
Creating Chaos Online: Disinformation and Subverted Post-Publics
Author/Editor: Asta Zelenkauskaitė
Creative Politics
Author/Editor: Beamer, Glenn Douglas
Critically Capitalist: The Spirit of Asset Capitalism in South Korea
Author/Editor: Bohyeong Kim
Critical Studies in Indian Grammarians I: The Theory of Homogeneity (Savar?ya)
Author/Editor: Madhav M. Deshpande
The Critics and the Prioress
Author/Editor: Johnson, Hannah; Blurton, Heather
A Crooked Line
Author/Editor: Eley, Geoff
Cross Purposes
Author/Editor: Abrams, Paula
The Cult of Statistical Significance
Author/Editor: McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen; Ziliak, Steve
Cultural Conundrums
Author/Editor: Barnes, Natasha
Cultural Histories of the Material World
Author/Editor: Miller, Peter N
Cultural Pluralism, Identity Politics, and the Law
Author/Editor: Sarat, Austin; Kearns, Thomas R
The Cultural Politics of Slam Poetry
Author/Editor: Somers-Willett, Susan B. A
The Cultural Revolution: 1967 in Review
Author/Editor: Michel Oksenberg,Carl Riskin,Robert A. Scalapino,Ezra F. Vogel,Alexander Eckstein,Chang Chun-shu,James Crump,Rhoads Murphey
Cultural Struggles
Author/Editor: Conquergood, Dwight; Johnson, E. P
Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Karl L. Hutterer,A. Terry Rambo,George Lovelace
The Culture and Acculturation of the Delaware Indians
Culture Change in a Bedouin Tribe: The ‘arab al-?gerat, Lower Galilee, A.D. 1790-1977
Author/Editor: Rohn Eloul
Culture in the Anteroom
Author/Editor: von Moltke, Johannes; Gemünden, Gerd
The Culture of the Body
Author/Editor: Judovitz, Dalia
Cultures of Yusin
Author/Editor: Ryu, Youngju
Culture Wars and Enduring American Dilemmas
Author/Editor: Thomson, Irene Taviss
Curating Community
Author/Editor: Douglas, Stacy
Curbing Bailouts
Author/Editor: Rosas, Guillermo
Curious Attractions
Author/Editor: Spark, Debra
The Currency of Truth: Newsmaking and the Late-Socialist Imaginaries of China's Digital Era
Author/Editor: Emily H. C. Chua
Cutting Performances
Author/Editor: Harding, James M
Czars in the White House
Author/Editor: Vaughn, Justin S; Villalobos, Jose D
Author/Editor: Stein, Eric