Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 3,871 ) | Information |
100 Million Unnecessary Returns |
Author/Editor: Graetz, Michael J
100 Poets: A Little Anthology |
Author/Editor: JOHN CAREY
1587 A Year of No Significance |
Author/Editor: Huang, Ray
1688 |
Author/Editor: Pincus, Steve
1920 Diary |
Author/Editor: Babel, Isaac; Avins, Carol J
1948 |
Author/Editor: Morris, Benny
1 Maccabees: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary |
533 Days |
Author/Editor: Cees Nooteboom ,Laura Watkinson ,Simone Sassen
Abandoned to Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Meyers, Peter A
The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America |
Author/Editor: Matthew Bowman
Above the Land |
Author/Editor: Agoos, Julie
Abraham Joshua Heschel |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Edward K; Dresner, Samuel H
Abraham Joshua Heschel: A Life of Radical Amazement |
Author/Editor: JULIAN E. ZELIZER
Abraham's Children |
Author/Editor: Clark, Kelly J
Abraham: The First Jew |
Abram Tertz and the Poetics of Crime |
Author/Editor: Nepomnyashchy, Catharine Theimer
Absence of Mind |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Marilynne
Absorbing Perfections |
Author/Editor: Idel, Moshe
Accessible Connecticut |
Author/Editor: Groce, Nora Ellen; Kaplan, Lawrence C.; Kaplan, Josiah David
Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN ROACH
According to Our Hearts |
Author/Editor: Onwuachi-Willig, Angela
Accursed Tower: The Crusaders' Last Battle for the Holy Land |
Author/Editor: ROGER CROWLEY
Across Legal Lines |
Acting White |
Author/Editor: Buck, Stuart
The Action to the Word |
Author/Editor: Young, David
Adam Smith's Pluralism |
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Jack Russell
Adapting to Climate Change: Markets and the Management of an Uncertain Future |
Author/Editor: Matthew E. Kahn
Admiral Hyman Rickover: Engineer of Power |
Author/Editor: MARC WORTMAN
Adolescence and Youth in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: Ben-Amos, Ilana Krausman
Adolescent Risk Behaviors |
Author/Editor: Wolfe, David A.; Jaffe, Peter G.; Crooks, Claire V
Adonis |
Author/Editor: Adonis
Adoption, Identity, and Kinship |
Author/Editor: Wegar, Katarina
Adorno |
Author/Editor: Jäger, Lorenz; Spencer, Stewart
Adventurers: The Improbable Rise of the East India Company: 1550-1650 |
Author/Editor: David Howarth
Adventurer: The Life and Times of Giacomo Casanova |
Author/Editor: Leo Damrosch
Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants on Befriending Emirs |
Author/Editor: Adam Sabra,Steven Angle,Karuna Mantena,Andrew March,Paulina Ochoa,Ian Shapiro
Advocacy |
Author/Editor: Daly, John A
The Aeneid |
The Aeneid |
Author/Editor: Vergil
Affairs of Honor |
Author/Editor: Freeman, Joanne B
Affirmative Action and Justice |
Affirmative Action Around the World |
Author/Editor: Sowell, Thomas
Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Bird, Tim; Marshall, Alex
African Americans and Africa |
Author/Editor: Blyden, Nemata Amelia Ibitayo
The African Colonial State in Comparative Perspective |
Author/Editor: Young, Crawford
The African Shore |
Author/Editor: Rey Rosa, Rodrigo
African States since Independence |
Author/Editor: Christensen, Darin; Laitin, David D
After Democracy: Imagining Our Political Future |
Author/Editor: Zizi Papacharissi
After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and Joy |
After Net Neutrality: A New Deal for the Digital Age |
After Nuremberg: American Clemency for Nazi War Criminals |
After the Fires |
Author/Editor: Wallace, Linda L
After the Nazis: The Story of Culture in West Germany |
Author/Editor: Michael H. Kater
Against Constitutional Originalism: A Historical Critique |
Against the Academics |
Author/Editor: Augustine, Saint
Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States |
Author/Editor: JAMES C. SCOTT
Against the Profit Motive |
Author/Editor: Parrillo, Nicholas R
Against War and Empire |
Author/Editor: Whatmore, Richard
Agape |
Author/Editor: Outka, Gene
Agents and Victims in South China |
Author/Editor: Siu, Helen F
The Age of Atlantic Revolution: The Fall and Rise of a Connected World |
Age of Delirium |
Author/Editor: Satter, David
The Age of Doubt |
Author/Editor: Lane, Christopher
The Age of Guilt: The Super-Ego in the Online World |
The Age of Reform, 1250-1550 |
Author/Editor: Ozment, Steven
The Age of Reform, 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe |
The Ages of American Law |
Author/Editor: Gilmore, Grant
Aggression in Personality Disorders and Perversions |
Author/Editor: KERNBERG, OTTO F
Aggressivity, Narcissism, and Self-Destructiveness in the Psychotherapeutic Rela |
Author/Editor: Kernberg, Otto
Agitations |
Author/Editor: Krystal, Arthur
Agrarian Studies |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C.; Bhatt, Nina
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners: Letters and Sounds of the Arabic Language |
Author/Editor: Mahdi Alosh ,Allen Clark
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners |
Author/Editor: Mahdi Alosh ,Allen Clark
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Intermediate Learners |
Author/Editor: Mahdi Alosh ,Allen Clark
AIDS Law Today |
Author/Editor: Burris, Scott; Dalton, Harlon L.; Miller, Judith Leonie
Air Pollution's Toll on Forests and Crops |
Author/Editor: El-Ashry, Mohamed T.; MacKenzie, James J
Alexander to Constantine |
Author/Editor: Meyers, Eric M.; Chancey, Mark A
Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair |
Alfred Kazin |
Author/Editor: Cook, Richard M
Alfred Kazin's Journals |
Author/Editor: Cook, Richard M
Alfred Stieglitz: Taking Pictures, Making Painters |
Author/Editor: PHYLLIS ROSE
Alger Hiss and the Battle for History |
Author/Editor: Jacoby, Susan
Algeria |
Author/Editor: Evans, Martin; Phillips, John
Allah: God in the Qur'an |
All Can Be Saved |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Stuart B
Allies for Armageddon |
Author/Editor: Clark, Victoria
Allies in Crisis |
Author/Editor: Sherwood, Elizabeth D
All the Trees of the Forest |
Author/Editor: Tal, Alon
The Allure of the Archives |
Author/Editor: Farge, Arlette
Always Reaching: The Selected Writings of Anne Truitt |
Author/Editor: Anne Truitt ,Alexandra Truitt ,Miguel de Baca
Amazon Expeditions |
Author/Editor: Colinvaux, Paul
Ambition, A History |
Author/Editor: King, William C
American Catholics: A History |
The American Census |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Margo J
The American Census |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Margo J
The American Classics |
Author/Editor: Donoghue, Denis
American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from Smallpox to COVID-19 |
Author/Editor: John Fabian Witt
American Covenant: National Parks, Their Promise, and Our Nation's Future |
American Democratic Socialism: History, Politics, Religion, and Theory |
Author/Editor: Gary Dorrien
American Dharma |
Author/Editor: Gleig, Ann
The American Dream vs. The Gospel of Wealth |
Author/Editor: Garfinkle, Norton
American Elites |
Author/Editor: Lerner, Robert; Nagai, Althea K.; Rothman, Stanley
The American Far West in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Pomeroy, Earl
American Georgics |
Author/Editor: Hagenstein, Edwin C; Donahue, Brian; Gregg, Sara M
American Heretics: Religious Adversaries of Liberal Order |
Author/Editor: Jerome E. Copulsky
The American Illness |
Author/Editor: Buckley, F. H
American Intellectuals and African Nationalists, 1955-1970 |
Author/Editor: Staniland, Martin
American Judaism |
Author/Editor: Sarna, Jonathan D
American Judaism |
Author/Editor: Sarna, Jonathan D
The American Jury System |
Author/Editor: Jonakait, Randolph N
American Law in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Lawrence M
American Lynching |
Author/Editor: Rushdy, Ashraf H. A
The American Mind |
Author/Editor: Commager, Henry Steele
The American Paradox |
Author/Editor: Myers, David G
The American Phage Group: Founders of Molecular Biology |
The American Play |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Marc
American Poetry |
Author/Editor: Blasing, Mutlu K
American Politics in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Sharp, James Roger
An American Seafarer in the Age of Sail |
Author/Editor: Burg, B. R
American Slavers: Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644-1865 |
Author/Editor: SEAN M. KELLEY
American Sympathy |
Author/Editor: Crain, Caleb
The American West |
Author/Editor: Hine, Robert V.; Faragher, John Mack
American Zion |
Author/Editor: Shalev, Eran
America's Congress |
Author/Editor: Mayhew, David R
America's Frozen Neighborhoods: The Abuse of Zoning |
Author/Editor: Robert C. Ellickson
America’s Inadvertent Empire |
Author/Editor: Odom, William E.; Dujarric, Robert
America’s Inadvertent Empire |
Author/Editor: Odom, William E.; Dujarric, Robert
The Americas in the Modern Age |
Author/Editor: Langley, Lester D
America’s Religious Wars |
Author/Editor: Sands, Kathleen M
America’s Religious Wars |
Author/Editor: Sands, Kathleen M
America the Possible |
Author/Editor: Speth, James Gustave
America through Russian Eyes, 1874-1926 |
Author/Editor: Hasty, Olga Peters; Fusso, Susanne
Amistad's Orphans |
Author/Editor: Lawrance, Benjamin N
Amongst the Ruins: Why Civilizations Collapse and Communities Disappear |
Among the Gentiles |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Luke Timothy
Amos |
Amos Oz: Writer, Activist, Icon |
Author/Editor: Robert Alter
Amritsar 1919 |
Author/Editor: Wagner, Kim
The Anatomy of Grief |
Author/Editor: Dorothy P. Holinger
The Anatomy of Influence |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Harold
Ancient Christian Martyrdom |
Author/Editor: Moss, Candida R
Ancient DNA: The Making of a Celebrity Science |
Ancient Greece |
Author/Editor: Martin, Thomas R
Ancient Greece |
Author/Editor: Martin, Thomas R
Ancient Music Adapted to Modern Practice |
Author/Editor: Vicentino, Nicola; Palisca, Claude V
The Ancient Oracles |
Author/Editor: Stoneman, Richard
Ancient Rome |
Author/Editor: Martin, Thomas R
The Ancient Synagogue |
Author/Editor: Levine, Lee I
Andre Gide |
Author/Editor: Pollard, Patrick
Andrew Lloyd Webber |
Author/Editor: Snelson, John
Andrew Marvell |
Author/Editor: Smith, Nigel
Andy Warhol |
Author/Editor: Danto, Arthur C
Anger: The Conflicted History of an Emotion |
The Anglo-Saxon World |
Author/Editor: Higham, Nicholas; Ryan, M. J
Anna and Tranquillo |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Stow
Anna Freud |
Author/Editor: Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Anna Karenina in Our Time |
Author/Editor: Morson, Gary Saul
Anne Boleyn |
Author/Editor: Bernard, G.W
Another Kind of War |
Author/Editor: Lynn, John A
The Anthology of Rap |
Author/Editor: Bradley, Adam; DuBois, Andrew
The Anthropocene and the Humanities: From Climate Change to a New Age of Sustainability |
The Anti-Enlightenment Tradition |
Author/Editor: Sternhell, Zeev
The Anti-Imperial Choice |
Author/Editor: Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
The Anti-Marcos Struggle |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Mark R
Anti-Pluralism |
Author/Editor: Galston, William A
Antiquity Matters |
Antoine Barnave: The Revolutionary who Lost his Head for Marie Antoinette |
Author/Editor: John Hardman
Antony and Cleopatra |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William; Raffel, Burton
Apocalypse as Holy War: Divine Politics and Polemics in the Letters of Paul |
Apologies to Lorraine Hansberry (You too, August Wilson) |
Author/Editor: RACHEL LYNETT ,Paula Vogel
The App Generation |
Author/Editor: Gardner, Howard; Davis, Katie
The Arab Center |
Author/Editor: Muasher, Marwan
Arabic Second Language Acquisition of Morphosyntax |
Author/Editor: Alhawary, Mohammad T
Arabs |
Author/Editor: Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
Arcadian America |
Author/Editor: Sachs, Aaron
Archaeology at La Isabela |
Author/Editor: Deagan, Kathleen; Cruxent, José María
The Archaeology of Athens |
Author/Editor: Camp, John M
The Archaeology of Jerusalem |
Author/Editor: Galor, Katharina; Bloedhorn, Hanswulf
The Arch Conjuror of England |
Author/Editor: Parry, Glyn
Archipelago of Justice: Law in France's Early Modern Empire |
Author/Editor: Laurie M. Wood
Arctic Convoys: Bletchley Park and the War for the Seas |
Author/Editor: DAVID KENYON
Arendt, Camus, and Modern Rebellion |
Author/Editor: Isaac, Jeffrey C
Argentina's Lost Patrol |
Author/Editor: Moyano, María José
Arguing About War |
Author/Editor: Walzer, Michael
Arguing Revolution |
Author/Editor: Khilnani, Sunil
Arguing with Lacan |
Author/Editor: Smith, Joseph H
An Argument for Mind |
Author/Editor: Kagan, Jerome
An Aristocracy of Critics: Luce, Hutchins, Niebuhr, and the Committee That Redefined Freedom of the Press |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN BATES
Aristocratic Vice |
Author/Editor: Andrew, Donna T
Armada: The Spanish Enterprise and England's Deliverance in 1588 |
Armed Martial Arts of Japan |
Author/Editor: Hurst I, G
Arming Slaves |
Author/Editor: Brown, Christopher Leslie; Morgan, Philip D
Arms and Influence |
Author/Editor: THOMAS C. SCHELLING ,Anne-Marie Slaughter
Arms and Influence |
Author/Editor: Schelling, Thomas C
Art and Faith: A Theology of Making |
Author/Editor: Makoto Fujimura ,N. T. WRIGHT
Artful History: A Practical Anthology |
Author/Editor: Aaron Sachs,John Demos
Arthur Miller: American Witness |
Author/Editor: JOHN LAHR
Articulate Flesh |
Author/Editor: Woods, Gregory
Artisanal Enlightenment: Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France |
Author/Editor: Paola Bertucci
The Artist and the Warrior |
Author/Editor: Rabb, Theodore K
The Artist’s Reality |
Author/Editor: Rothko, Mark; Rothko, Christopher
The Artist’s Reality |
Author/Editor: Rothko, Mark; Rothko, Christopher
The Artist's Reality: Philosophies of Art |
Artists Remake the World: A Contemporary Art Manifesto |
Author/Editor: VID SIMONITI
The Art of Dramaturgy |
Author/Editor: anne cattaneo
The Art of Non-conversation |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Marysia
The Art of Not Being Governed |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
The Art of Peacemaking |
Author/Editor: Bibó, István; Dénes, Iván Z
The Art of Self-Improvement: Ten Timeless Truths |
The Art of Solitude |
Author/Editor: stephen batchelor
The Art of the Bribe |
Author/Editor: JAMES HEINZEN
The Art of War in an Age of Peace: U.S. Grand Strategy and Resolute Restraint |
The Arts and the Creation of Mind |
Author/Editor: Eisner, Elliot W
Ascending India and Its State Capacity |
Ashoka: Portrait of a Philosopher King |
As If Silent and Absent |
Author/Editor: Toledano, Ehud R
Aspects of Aristocracy |
Author/Editor: Cannadine, David
Aspects of Schenkerian Theory |
Author/Editor: Beach, David W
Assembled for Use: Indigenous Compilation and the Archives of Early Native American Literatures |
Author/Editor: Kelly Wisecup
Asteroids: How Love, Fear, and Greed Will Determine Our Future in Space |
Author/Editor: Martin Elvis
Asylum between Nations: Refugees in a Revolutionary Era |
Author/Editor: JANET POLASKY
At Empire's Edge |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Robert B
Atheist Delusions |
Author/Editor: Hart, David Bentley
The Athenaeum: More Than Just Another London Club |
At Home in the Law |
Author/Editor: Suk, Jeannie
The Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence |
Author/Editor: KATE CRAWFORD
Atlas of Finance: Mapping the Global Story of Money |
Author/Editor: Dariusz Wójcik ,Panagiotis Iliopoulos ,Stefanos Ioannou ,Liam Keenan ,Julien Migozzi ,Timothy Monteath ,Vladimír Pažitka ,Morag Torrance ,Michael Ur
Atlas of the Senseable City |
Author/Editor: Antoine Picon ,Carlo Ratti
Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade |
Author/Editor: Eltis, David; Richardson, David
The Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Craig, Campbell; Radchenko, Sergey S
Attacking the Elites: What Critics Get Wrong-and Right-About America's Leading Universities |
Author/Editor: Derek Bok
At the Creation of a New Germany |
Author/Editor: McGhee, George
At the End of an Age |
Author/Editor: Lukacs, John
At the Margins |
Author/Editor: Edwards, George C. III
At the Origins of Modern Atheism |
Author/Editor: Buckley, Michael J
Auden and Christianity |
Author/Editor: Kirsch, Arthur
Auschwitz and After |
Author/Editor: Delbo, Charlotte
Austerity |
Author/Editor: Schui, Florian
Autobiographies of an Angel: A Novel |
Author/Editor: GÁBOR SCHEIN ,Ottilie Mulzet
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin |
Author/Editor: Franklin, Benjamin; Labaree, Leonard W.; Ketcham, Ralph L
Auto Mania |
Author/Editor: McCarthy, Tom
Autonomy |
Author/Editor: Lawrence, Haworth
Averting Extinction |
Author/Editor: Clark, Susan G
Babel in Zion |
Author/Editor: Halperin, Liora R
Babies by Design |
Author/Editor: Green, Ronald M
Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier |
Author/Editor: Ledbetter, David
Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier |
Author/Editor: Ledbetter, David
Backbone of the Nation: Mining Communities and the Great Strike of 1984-85 |
Author/Editor: ROBERT GILDEA
Back to the Future in the Caves of Kauai |
Author/Editor: Burney, David A
Baden-Powell |
Author/Editor: Jeal, Tim
A Baedeker of Decadence |
Author/Editor: Schoolfield, George C
The Bagel |
Author/Editor: Balinska, Maria
Baghdad at Sunrise |
Author/Editor: Mansoor, Peter R
Bald: 35 Philosophical Short Cuts |
Author/Editor: SIMON CRITCHLEY ,Peter Catapano
Baldwin and the Conservative Party |
Author/Editor: Ball, Stuart
Ballerina |
Author/Editor: PATRICK MODIANO ,Mark Polizzotti
Ballet's Magic Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Volynsky, Akim; Rabinowitz, Stanley J
The Baltic Revolution |
Author/Editor: Lieven, Anatol
The Banana Tree at the Gate |
Author/Editor: Dove, Michael R
Banned |
Author/Editor: Davis, Frederick Rowe
Bannockburn |
Author/Editor: Cornell, David
Barefoot Doctor: A Novel |
Author/Editor: CAN XUE ,Karen Gernant ,Chen Zeping
Barley, Gold, or Fiat |
Author/Editor: Quint, Thomas; Shubik, Martin
Bart Giamatti |
Author/Editor: Moncreiff, Robert P
Basic Income: A Guide for the Open-Minded |
Author/Editor: GUY STANDING
Basileus |
Author/Editor: Drews, Robert
The Bassoon |
Author/Editor: Kopp, James B
Bathhouse.pptx |
Author/Editor: JESÚS I. VALLES ,Jeremy O. Harris
Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking |
Author/Editor: Schneider, Elizabeth M
Battle for Batangas |
Author/Editor: May, Glenn Anthony
The Battle for Syria: International Rivalry in the New Middle East |
The Battle for the Arab Spring |
Author/Editor: Noueihed, Lin; Warren, Alex
The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Bogle, John C
Battleground: 10 Conflicts that Explain the New Middle East |
Battleground Berlin |
Author/Editor: Murphy, David E.; Kondrashev, Sergei A.; Bailey, George
Battleground Ukraine: From Independence to the War with Russia |
The Battle of Marathon |
Author/Editor: Krentz, Peter
Battle Tactics of the Western Front |
Author/Editor: Griffith, Paddy
Beacon to the World: A History of Lincoln Center |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH W. POLISI
Bears |
Author/Editor: Brunner, Bernd
Beaumarchais in Seville |
Author/Editor: Thomas, Hugh
A Beautiful Ending: The Apocalyptic Imagination and the Making of the Modern World |
Author/Editor: John Jeffries Martin
Beautiful Province |
Author/Editor: Coo, Clarence
Becoming Diaspora Jews |
Author/Editor: Toorn, Karel van der
Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation |
Author/Editor: DANIEL C. MATT
Becoming Irish American: The Making and Remaking of a People from Roanoke to JFK |
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Meagher
Becoming Organic: Nature and Agriculture in the Indian Himalaya |
Author/Editor: Shaila Seshia Galvin
Bedouin Culture in the Bible |
Author/Editor: Bailey, Clinton
Bedouin Law from Sinai and the Negev |
Author/Editor: Bailey, Clinton
The Beecher Sisters |
Author/Editor: White, Barbara A
Beethoven: A Life in Nine Pieces |
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony |
Author/Editor: Schenker, Heinrich
Beethoven's Piano Sonatas |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Charles
Beethoven: The Ninth Symphony |
Author/Editor: Levy, David Benjamin
Before L.A |
Author/Editor: Torres-Rouff, David Samuel
Before Pastoral |
Author/Editor: Halperin, David M
Before Religion |
Author/Editor: Nongbri, Brent
Before the Door of God |
Author/Editor: Hopler, Jay; Johnson, Kimberly
Before the Next Attack |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce
Beginnings of Cellular Life |
Author/Editor: Morowitz, Harold J
Beginning with O |
Author/Editor: Broumas, Olga
Behind Closed Doors |
Author/Editor: Vickery, Amanda
Behind the Lines |
Author/Editor: Higonnet, Margaret R.; Jenson, Jane; Michel, Sonya
Behind the Screen |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Sarah T
Belarus |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Andrew
Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship |
Author/Editor: ANDREW WILSON
Belfast: The Story of a City and its People |
The Belgian Essays |
Author/Editor: Brontë, Charlotte; Brontë, Emily
Belonging and Genocide |
Author/Editor: Kühne, Thomas
The Belt and Road City: Geopolitics, Urbanization, and China's Search for a New International Order |
Benedict de Spinoza |
Author/Editor: Allison, Henry E
Benevolent Assimilation |
Author/Editor: Miller, Stuart Creighton
Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving Pictures |
Author/Editor: ADINA HOFFMAN
Benjamin Constant and the Post-Revolutionary Mind |
Author/Editor: Fontana, Biancamaria
Benjamin Franklin |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Edmund S
Benjamin Franklin and the Politics of Improvement |
Author/Editor: Houston, Alan
Benjamin V. Cohen |
Author/Editor: Lasser, William
Beowulf |
Bereavement and Consolation |
Author/Editor: Bolitho, Harold
Bering |
Author/Editor: Frost, Orcutt
Bernard Berenson |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Rachel
Bessie |
Author/Editor: Albertson, Chris
The Best Technology Writing 2009 |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Steven
The Best Technology Writing 2010 |
Author/Editor: Dibbell, Julian
Best Truth |
Author/Editor: Berkowitz, Bruce D.; Goodman, Allan E
The Bet |
Author/Editor: Sabin, Paul
Better Business: How the B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism |
Better Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Litan, Robert E; Schramm, Carl J
A Better Planet: Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future |
Betty Friedan: Magnificent Disrupter |
Author/Editor: RACHEL SHTEIR
Between Fire and Sleep |
Author/Editor: Anders, Jaroslaw
Between Virtue and Power |
Author/Editor: Kane, John
Beyond Jefferson: The Hemingses, the Randolphs, and the Making of Nineteenth-Century America |
Author/Editor: Christa Dierksheide
Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Kumaravadivelu, B
Beyond Right and Left |
Author/Editor: Finocchiaro, Maurice A
Beyond Subjective Morality |
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S
Beyond the Nation-State |
Author/Editor: Shumsky, Dmitry
Beyond the Tower |
Author/Editor: Marriott, John
Beyond the University |
Author/Editor: Roth, Michael S
The Bhutto Dynasty: The Struggle for Power in Pakistan |
The Bible and the People |
Author/Editor: Ferrell, Lori Anne
The Bible in English |
Author/Editor: Daniell, David
Biblical Truths |
Author/Editor: DALE B. MARTIN
Bibliography of American Literature, Volume 9 |
Author/Editor: Blanck, Jacob; Winship, Michael
Big and Small: A Cultural History of Extraordinary Bodies |
Author/Editor: LYNNE VALLONE
Bigger: A Literary Life |
Author/Editor: Trudier Harris
The Big House |
Author/Editor: Cox, Stephen
The Bigot |
Author/Editor: Bronner, Stephen E
Bill Evans |
Author/Editor: Pettinger, Peter
The Bill of Rights |
Author/Editor: Amar, Akhil Reed
Billy Waters is Dancing: Or, How a Black Sailor Found Fame in Regency Britain |
Author/Editor: MARY L. SHANNON
The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family |
Author/Editor: NELLY LAHOUD
Biodiversity and Climate Change |
Author/Editor: Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Hannah, Lee
Biographical Truth |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Judith H
Biological Relationships between Africa and South America |
Author/Editor: Goldblatt, Peter
Biotechnology |
Author/Editor: Kenney, Martin
Bird versus Bulldozer: A Quarter-Century Conservation Battle in a Biodiversity Hotspot |
Author/Editor: AUDREY L. MAYER
The Birth of Christian History |
Birthright |
Author/Editor: Kellert, Stephen R
Birth to Maturity |
Bisexuality in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Cantarella, Eva; Ó Cuilleanáin, Cormac
A Bishop's Tale |
Author/Editor: Harline, Craig; Put, Eddy
Bishop von Galen |
Author/Editor: Griech-Polelle, Beth A
Bite the Hand That Feeds You |
Author/Editor: Fairlie, Henry; McCarter, Jeremy
Bitter Fruit |
Author/Editor: Kim, Claire Jean
Bitter Shade: The Ecological Challenge of Human Consciousness |
Author/Editor: Michael R. Dove
Black Banners of ISIS: The Roots of the New Caliphate |
Black Dignity: The Struggle against Domination |
Author/Editor: VINCENT W. LLOYD
The Black Envelope |
Author/Editor: Manea, Norman; Camiller, Patrick
Black Gotham |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Carla L
Blackhearts |
Author/Editor: Symanski, Richard
Black Ranching Frontiers |
Author/Editor: Sluyter, Andrew
Blacks in Gold Rush California |
Author/Editor: Lapp, Rudolph M
Black Square |
Author/Editor: Shatskikh, Aleksandra
Black Wind, White Snow: Russia's New Nationalism |
Blake and the Bible |
Author/Editor: Rowland, Christopher
Blanco White |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Martin
Bletchley Park and D-Day |
Author/Editor: Kenyon, David
Blindly |
Author/Editor: Magris, Claudio
Blood and Mistletoe |
Author/Editor: Hutton, Ronald
Blood Relations |
Author/Editor: Knight, Chris
Blood Sport |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Emma
Bloody Engagements |
Author/Editor: John R. Kelso,Christopher Grasso
Blooming Flowers: A Seasonal History of Plants and People |
Author/Editor: KASIA BODDY
Blu |
Author/Editor: Grise, Virginia; Hare, David
Blue-Collar Marriage |
A Blue New Deal: Why We Need a New Politics for the Ocean |
Bob Dylan |
Author/Editor: Yaffe, David; Miller, Mark Crispin
Body and the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: Outram, Dorinda
The Body of the Soul: Stories |
Author/Editor: LUDMILA ULITSKAYA ,Richard Pevear ,Larissa Volokhonsky
The Bonds of Womanhood |
Author/Editor: Cott, Nancy F
The Bonds of Womanhood: "Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-1835 |
Author/Editor: Nancy F. Cott
The Book in the Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Pettegree, Andrew
Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America |
Author/Editor: Denise Gigante
The Book of Collateral Damage |
Author/Editor: Antoon, Sinan
The Book of Mormon |
Author/Editor: Skousen, Royal
The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text |
Author/Editor: Royal Skousen
The Book of Numbers: A Critique of Genesis |
Author/Editor: Carmichael, Calum
Books and Readers in the Early Church |
Author/Editor: Gamble, Harry Y
The Bookshop of the World |
Author/Editor: Pettegree, Andrew; der Weduwen, Arthur
Booms and Recessions in a Noisy Economy |
Author/Editor: Hall, Robert E
Borderlines in Borderlands |
Author/Editor: Stagg, J. C. A
Boredom |
Author/Editor: Toohey, Peter
Borges and the Literary Marketplace: How Editorial Practices Shaped Cosmopolitan Reading |
Author/Editor: NORA C. BENEDICT
Born of Fire and Rain: Journey into a Pacific Coastal Forest |
Author/Editor: M. L. HERRING
Born of Ice and Fire: How Glaciers and Volcanoes (with a Pinch of Salt) Drove Animal Evolution |
Bottle Fly |
Author/Editor: Goldfinger, Jacqueline
The Bourgeois Frontier |
Author/Editor: Gitlin, Jay
Bourgeois Nightmares |
Author/Editor: Fogelson, Robert M
Boxing Pandora: Rethinking Borders, States, and Secession in a Democratic World |
Boyhoods |
Author/Editor: Corbett, Ken
The Boys from Siam |
Author/Editor: Connolly, John Austin
Boy Will Come to Nothing! |
Author/Editor: Shengold, Leonard
Brahms: The Four Symphonies |
Author/Editor: Frisch, Walter
The Brain |
Author/Editor: DeSalle, Rob; Tattersall, Ian
Brandeis and the Progressive Constitution |
Author/Editor: Purcell, Edward A. Jr
Bárbaros |
Author/Editor: Weber, David J
Bread Winner: An Intimate History of the Victorian Economy |
Author/Editor: EMMA GRIFFIN
Breaking Democracy's Spell |
Author/Editor: Dunn, John
Breaking the Logjam |
Author/Editor: Schoenbrod, David; Stewart, Richard B.; Wyman, Katrina M
Breaking White Supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel |
Author/Editor: Gary Dorrien
The Breast Cancer Book |
Author/Editor: Grobstein, M.D. Ph.D. Ruth H
Breathing Space |
Author/Editor: Mitman, Gregg
Bretton Woods Agreements: Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents |
The Bride and the Dowry |
Author/Editor: Raz, Avi
Bridge Across Broken Time |
Author/Editor: Schwarcz, Vera
The Bridge at the Edge of the World |
Author/Editor: Speth, James Gustave
A Brief Natural History of Civilization: Why a Balance Between Cooperation & Competition Is Vital to Humanity |
Author/Editor: MARK BERTNESS
Bright Colors Falsely Seen |
Author/Editor: Dann, Kevin T
Bright Star, Green Light: The Beautiful Works and Damned Lives of John Keats and F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Author/Editor: JONATHAN BATE
Britain and Europe in a Troubled World |
Britain and Islam |
Author/Editor: Pugh, Martin
The British Monarchy and the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: Morris, Marilyn
British Politics and the Great War |
Author/Editor: Turner, John
British Theatre Since the War |
Author/Editor: Shellard, Dominic
The British Way of War: Julian Corbett and the Battle for a National Strategy |
Britons |
Author/Editor: Colley, Linda
The Brittle Thread of Life |
Author/Editor: Williams, Mark
Broken Bargain |
Author/Editor: Day, Kathleen
The Bronze Horseman |
Author/Editor: Schenker, Alexander M
The Brothers Grimm: A Biography |
Author/Editor: Ann Schmiesing
The Brothers Karamazov |
Author/Editor: Miller, Robin Feuer
Browned Off and Bloody-Minded |
Author/Editor: Allport, Alan
Bruno Walter |
Author/Editor: Ryding, Erik; Pechefsky, Rebecca
Brutal Need |
Author/Editor: Davis, Martha F
Brutus: The Noble Conspirator |
The Buddha in the Machine |
Author/Editor: Williams, R. John
Buddhism: A Journey through History |
Author/Editor: Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Bugs and the Victorians |
Author/Editor: Clark, John E
Bugsy Siegel: The Dark Side of the American Dream |
Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City |
Building a New Jerusalem |
Author/Editor: Bremer, Francis J
Burdens of Proof in Modern Discourse |
Author/Editor: Gaskins, Richard H
The Burdens of Sister Margaret |
Author/Editor: Harline, Craig
Bureaucratic Justice |
Author/Editor: MASHAW, JERRY L
Burning the Big House: The Story of the Irish Country House in a Time of War and Revolution |
Bush v. Gore |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce
The Business of Books |
Author/Editor: Raven, James
The Business of Slavery and the Rise of American Capitalism, 1815–1860 |
Author/Editor: Schermerhorn, Calvin
Business on Trial |
Author/Editor: Hans, Valerie P
The Bus Kids |
Author/Editor: Lit, Ira W
Butterfly's Sisters |
Author/Editor: Kawaguchi, Yoko
By the Rivers of Babylon |
Author/Editor: ANTÓNIO LOBO ANTUNES ,Margaret Jull Costa
The Cabala of Pegasus |
Author/Editor: Bruno, Giordano
Caesar's Druids |
Author/Editor: Aldhouse-Green, Miranda
Cairo 1921: Ten Days that Made the Middle East |
Author/Editor: C. BRAD FAUGHT
Calamity: The Many Lives of Calamity Jane |
Author/Editor: KAREN R. JONES
Calculus for Cranks |
Author/Editor: Nets Hawk Katz
California: An American History |
California, a Slave State |
Author/Editor: JEAN PFAELZER
California Dreaming |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Suzanne M
The Caliphate or Supreme Imamate |
Author/Editor: Muhammad Rashid Rida ,Simon A. Wood
Calling on the Composer |
Author/Editor: Sadie, Julie Anne; Sadie, Stanley
Calvin |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Bruce
Calvinism |
Author/Editor: Hart, Darryl
Campaign of the Century: Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960 |
Author/Editor: Irwin F. Gellman
Candide |
Author/Editor: Voltaire
Can God and Caesar Coexist? |
Author/Editor: Drinan, Robert F
Can Poetry Save the Earth? |
Author/Editor: Felstiner, John
The Capital of Free Women: Race, Legitimacy, and Liberty in Colonial Mexico |
Captain Cook |
Author/Editor: McLynn, Frank
Captive Audience |
Author/Editor: Crawford, Susan
Captured by Evil |
Author/Editor: Underkuffler, Laura S
The Carbon Crunch |
Author/Editor: Helm, Dieter
Care of Patients |
Author/Editor: Lipkin, Mack
Care of the Psyche |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Stanley
Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Bernard, Emily
Carnival and Culture |
Author/Editor: Gilmore, David D
Cartooning |
Author/Editor: Brunetti, Ivan
The Cartoons That Shook the World |
Author/Editor: Klausen, Jytte
The Case for Greatness |
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Robert
Cassirer's Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms |
Author/Editor: Bayer, Thora Ilin
The Castle: A History |
Author/Editor: JOHN GOODALL
The Cast of Characters |
Author/Editor: Schwaber, Paul
Catch-67 |
Author/Editor: Goodman, Micah
Catching the Light |
Author/Editor: JOY HARJO
Catherine the Great |
Author/Editor: de Madariaga, Isabel
Catholics on the Barricades: Poland, France, and "Revolution," 1891-1956 |
Author/Editor: PIOTR H. KOSICKI
Caught in the Web of Words |
Author/Editor: Murray, K.M. Elisabeth
Causal Inference: The Mixtape |
Author/Editor: Scott Cunningham