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Titles start with L (181) Information
A Lab for All Seasons: The Laboratory Revolution in Modern Botany and the Rise of Physiological Plant Ecology
Author/Editor: Sharon E. Kingsland
Labor Pains
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Deborah A
The Lair
Author/Editor: Manea, Norman; Marian, Oana S
Lakota America: A New History of Indigenous Power
Author/Editor: Pekka Hämäläinen
Lancelets, Cyclostomes, Sharks
Author/Editor: Bigelow, Henry B.; Farfante, Isabel Perez; Schroeder, William C
Author/Editor: Chrétien de Troyes
The Land Called Holy
Author/Editor: Wilken, Robert Louis
Landmark of the Spirit
Author/Editor: Polland, Annie
Land Reform in Russia
Author/Editor: Wegren, Stephen K
Landscape in Sight
Author/Editor: Jackson, John Brinckerhoff; Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz
Land to the Tiller
Author/Editor: Herring, Ronald J
Language and Literacy in Roman Judaea
Author/Editor: Wise, Michael Owen
Language and Truth
Author/Editor: Hallett, Garth L
The Language of the Classical French Organ
Author/Editor: Douglass, Fenner
Languages of the Night
Author/Editor: McCrea, Barry
The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War
Author/Editor: Luke A. Nichter
Last Chance High
Author/Editor: Kelly, Deirdre M
The Last Days of the Jerusalem of Lithuania
Author/Editor: Kruk, Herman; Harshav, Benjamin
The Last Days of the Sioux Nation
Author/Editor: Utley, Robert M
The Last Revolutionaries: The Conspiracy Trial of Gracchus Babeuf and the Equals
Author/Editor: LAURA MASON
The Last Shah: America, Iran, and the Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty
Author/Editor: Ray Takeyh
The Last Slave Ships: New York and the End of the Middle Passage
Author/Editor: JOHN HARRIS
Latecomer State Formation: Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin America
Author/Editor: Sebastián Mazzuca
Late Fragments: Flares, My Heart Laid Bare, Prose Poems, Belgium Disrobed
Author/Editor: CHARLES BAUDELAIRE ,Richard Sieburth
The Late Medieval English Church
Author/Editor: Bernard, G.W
Late Stalinism: The Aesthetics of Politics
Author/Editor: EVGENY DOBRENKO ,Jesse M. Savage
Latin America's Democratic Crusade: The Transnational Struggle against Dictatorship, 1920s-1960s
Author/Editor: ALLEN WELLS
Launching Democracy in South Africa
Author/Editor: Johnson, R. W.; Schlemmer, Lawrence
La Vida Doble
Author/Editor: Fontaine, Arturo
Law and School Reform
Author/Editor: Heubert, Jay P
Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement
Author/Editor: Bagenstos, Samuel R
Lawrence Booth’s Book of Visions
Author/Editor: Manning, Maurice
Lawrence Booth’s Book of Visions
Author/Editor: Manning, Maurice
Law's Environment
Author/Editor: Nagle, John C
The Laws of War
Author/Editor: Howard, Michael; Andreopoulos, George; Shulman, Mark R
Law's Promise, Law's Expression
Author/Editor: Karst, Kenneth L
Law's Stories
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter; Gewirtz, Paul
Lay Culture, Learned Culture
Author/Editor: Chrisman, Miriam Usher
Laying Down the Law
Author/Editor: Matthews, John
Leading with Dignity: How to Create a Culture That Brings Out the Best in People
Author/Editor: DONNA HICKS
Learning Policy
Author/Editor: Cohen, David K.; Hill, Heather C
Learning Science: The Value of Crafting Engagement in Science Environments
Author/Editor: Barbara Schneider ,Joseph Krajcik ,Jari Lavonen ,Katariina Salmela-Aro ,Margaret J. Geller
Learning to Be Adolescent
Author/Editor: LeTendre, Gerald K
Learning to Forget
Author/Editor: Lassonde, Stephen
Learning Together
Author/Editor: Hansot, Elisabeth; Tyack, David
Learning to Teach Through Discussion
Author/Editor: Haroutunian-Gordon, Sophie
The Least Dangerous Branch
Author/Editor: Bickel, Alexander M
Leave No Child Behind
Author/Editor: Comer, James
The Legacy of the Mastodon
Author/Editor: Thomson, Keith
The Legacy of the Second World War
Author/Editor: Lukacs, John
Legal Issues in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged
Author/Editor: Holder, Angela Roddey
Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist
Author/Editor: Kris, Ernst; Kurz, Otto
Legions of Pigs in the Early Medieval West
Author/Editor: Jamie Kreiner
Legitimacy and History
Author/Editor: Kahn, Paul W
Legitimate Opposition
Leibniz and Arnauld
Author/Editor: Sleigh, R. C
The Leibniz-Des Bosses Correspondence
Author/Editor: Leibniz, G. W
Leibniz on the Trinity and the Incarnation
Author/Editor: Antognazza, Maria R
The Leningrad Blockade, 1941-1944
Author/Editor: Bidlack, Richard; Lomagin, Nikita
Lenin's Jewish Question
Author/Editor: Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
The Lenses of Gender
Author/Editor: Bem, Sandra Lipsitz
The Leonard Bernstein Letters
Author/Editor: Leonard Bernstein; Simeone, Nigel
Leon Trotsky
Author/Editor: Rubenstein, Joshua
Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire
Author/Editor: Norton, Anne
Leo Tolstoy and the Alibi of Narrative
Author/Editor: Weir, Justin
Author/Editor: Böhlke, Eugenia B.; Böhlke, James E.; Leiby, Mark M
Less Heat, More Light: A Guided Tour of Weather, Climate, and Climate Change
Author/Editor: JOHN D. ABER
The Lessons of History
Author/Editor: HOWARD, MICHAEL
The Lessons of Tragedy
Author/Editor: Brands, Hal; Edel, Charles
Letters from America
Author/Editor: Tocqueville, Alexis de; Brown, Frederick
The Letters of Cole Porter
The Letters of C. Vann Woodward
Author/Editor: Woodward, C. Vann; O'Brien, Michael
The Letters of Menakhem-Mendl and Sheyne-Sheyndl and Motl, the Cantor's Son
Author/Editor: Aleichem, Sholem
The Letters of T. S. Eliot
Author/Editor: Eliot, T. S.; Eliot, Valerie; Haffenden, John
The Levant Express
Author/Editor: Ishay, Micheline R
Liberalism against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals and the Making of Our Times
Author/Editor: SAMUEL MOYN
The Liberation of the Camps: The End of the Holocaust and Its Aftermath
Author/Editor: DAN STONE
The Liberty Bell
Author/Editor: Nash, Gary B
Liberty, Equality, and the Market
Author/Editor: Chicherin, B. N.; Hamburg, G. M
Liberty for All
Author/Editor: Foley, Elizabeth Price
Liberty in the Things of God
Author/Editor: Wilken, Robert Louis
Liberty over London Bridge: A History of the People of Southwark
Liberty's Dawn
Author/Editor: Griffin, Emma
Liberty's Refuge
Author/Editor: Inazu, John D
Liberty to the Downtrodden
Author/Editor: Grow, Matthew J
Libraries in the Ancient World
Author/Editor: Casson, Lionel
The Library at Night
Author/Editor: Manguel, Alberto
Author/Editor: Pargeter, Alison
Author/Editor: Cowhig, Frances Y
Lie Machines: How to Save Democracy from Troll Armies, Deceitful Robots, Junk News Operations, and Political Operatives
Author/Editor: PHILIP N. HOWARD
Author/Editor: Gigante, Denise
Life: A Journey through Science and Politics
Author/Editor: PAUL R. EHRLICH
The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin
Author/Editor: Phillips, Jonathan
Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1934-1941
Author/Editor: Thurston, Robert W
Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels
Author/Editor: Hunley, J. D
Life, Death, and Growing Up on the Western Front
Author/Editor: Fletcher, Anthony
Life Explained
Author/Editor: Morange, Michel
The Life of Christina of Hane
Author/Editor: Racha Kirakosian
The Life of Music: New Adventures in the Western Classical Tradition
The Life of the Virgin
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Shoemaker
Life Time: Your Body Clock and Its Essential Roles in Good Health and Sleep
A Life Together: Lucas Alaman and Mexico, 1792-1853
Author/Editor: Eric Van Young
Life Under the Sun
Author/Editor: Ensminger, Peter A
Like a Bomb Going Off
Author/Editor: Ross, Janice
Like a Straw Bird It Follows Me
Author/Editor: Zaqtan, Ghassan
Like Subjects, Love Objects
Author/Editor: Benjamin, Jessica
Lillian Hellman
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Dorothy
The Limits of Détente
Author/Editor: Daigle, Craig
Lines and Lyrics: An Introduction to Poetry and Song
Author/Editor: Matt BaileyShea
The Lions' Den
Author/Editor: Linfield, Susie
The List
Author/Editor: Belknap, Robert E
Listen. Write. Present
Author/Editor: Barnard, Stephanie R; St James, Deborah
Literacy in the United States
Author/Editor: Kaestle, Carl F.; Damon-Moore, Helen; Stedman, Lawrence C
Literary Criticism and the Gospels
Author/Editor: Moore, Stephen D
The Literary Mafia: Jews, Publishing, and Postwar American Literature
Author/Editor: Josh Lambert
The Literary Spy
Author/Editor: Lathrop, Charles E
Literary Theory and the New Testament
A Literate South
Author/Editor: Schweiger, Beth Barton
Literature Lost
Author/Editor: Ellis, John M
The Literature of Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Simpson, William Kelly
A Little Book of Language
Author/Editor: Crystal, David
A Little History of Art
A Little History of Literature
Author/Editor: Sutherland, John
A Little History of Music
Author/Editor: ROBERT PHILIP
A Little History of Philosophy
Author/Editor: Warburton, Nigel
A Little History of Poetry
Author/Editor: JOHN CAREY
A Little History of Science
Author/Editor: Bynum, William
A Little History of the World
Author/Editor: Gombrich, E.H
The Little Tragedies
Author/Editor: Pushkin, Alexander
Author/Editor: Barrett, Anthony A
Living in the Resurrection
Author/Editor: Crunk, T
A Living Man from Africa
Author/Editor: Levine, Roger S
Author/Editor: Jeal, Tim
Local Redistribution and Local Democracy
Author/Editor: Gillette, Clayton P
Lodge in Vietnam
Author/Editor: Blair, Anne E
Logic and Politics
Author/Editor: Steinberger, Peter J
The Logic of Congressional Action
Author/Editor: Arnold, R. Douglas
The Logic of Evil
Author/Editor: Brustein, William
The Lomborg Deception
Author/Editor: Friel, Howard
London and the Seventeenth Century: The Making of the World's Greatest City
Author/Editor: Margarette Lincoln
The London Cage: The Secret History of Britain's World War II Interrogation Centre
Author/Editor: HELEN FRY
The Lonely Crowd
Author/Editor: Riesman, David; Glazer, Nathan; Denney, Reuel
The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character
Author/Editor: David Riesman ,Nathan Glazer ,Reuel Denney ,Richard Sennett
Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle
Author/Editor: Averroes
The Long Land War: The Global Struggle for Occupancy Rights
Author/Editor: Jo Guldi
Long Road Home
Author/Editor: Schwarcz, Vera
The Long Shadow of Default: Britain's Unpaid War Debts to the United States, 1917-2020
The Long Space Age
Author/Editor: Alexander MacDonald
Look at the Lights, My Love
Author/Editor: ANNIE ERNAUX ,Alison L. Strayer
Loosening the Bonds
Author/Editor: Jensen, Joan M
Lorca After Life
Author/Editor: Noël Valis
Lord Acton
Author/Editor: Hill, Roland
Lord Strange's Men and Their Plays
Author/Editor: Manley, Lawrence; MacLean, Sally-Beth
Losing Control
Author/Editor: King, Stephen D
Losing It
Author/Editor: Miller, William Ian
The Losing Parties
Losing Small Wars
Author/Editor: Ledwidge, Frank
The Loss of Happiness in Market Democracies
Author/Editor: Lane, Robert E
Lost Fatherland: Europeans between Empire and Nation-States, 1867-1939
Author/Editor: Iryna Vushko
Lost in a Book
Author/Editor: Nell, Victor
Lost in Familiar Places
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Edward; Carr, A. Wesley
The Lost Peace: How the West Failed to Prevent a Second Cold War
Author/Editor: RICHARD SAKWA
The Lost Politburo Transcripts
Author/Editor: Gregory, Paul R; Naimark, Norman
Lost Worlds
Author/Editor: Beehler, Bruce M
Lost Writings: Two Novels by Mina Loy
Author/Editor: Mina Loy ,Karla Kelsey
Louisa Catherine
Author/Editor: Heffron, Margery M; Michelmore, David L
Louis Armstrong and Paul Whiteman
Author/Editor: Berrett, Joshua
Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg: The Whole Equation
Author/Editor: KENNETH TURAN
Louis XVI
Author/Editor: Hardman, John
Author/Editor: May, Simon
Love and Its Place in Nature
Author/Editor: Lear, Jonathan
Love and Marriage in the Age of Jane Austen
Author/Editor: RORY MUIR
Love and the Law in Cervantes
Author/Editor: González Echevarría, Roberto
Love for the Land: Lessons from Farmers Who Persist in Place
Author/Editor: BROOKS LAMB
Love in the New Millennium
Author/Editor: Can Xue
Love Relations
Author/Editor: Kernberg, Otto
Love's Braided Dance: Hope in a Time of Crisis
Author/Editor: NORMAN WIRZBA
Ludwig van Beethoven: The Piano Sonatas; History, Notation, Interpretation
Author/Editor: Oberman, Heiko A.; Walliser-Schwarzbart, Eileen
Lyric Poetry and Modern Politics
Author/Editor: Cavanagh, Clare
Lyrics of the French Renaissance
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Norman R