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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with W (236) | Information |
Walden |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry D.; Cramer, Jeffrey S
Walking Europe's Last Wilderness: A Journey through the Carpathian Mountains |
Author/Editor: NICK THORPE
Walking Toward the Sun |
Author/Editor: Weismiller, Edward
The Wall and the Bridge: Fear and Opportunity in Disruption's Wake |
Author/Editor: GLENN HUBBARD
The Walls Have Ears |
Author/Editor: Fry, Helen
Wall Street |
Author/Editor: Fraser, Steve
Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht |
Author/Editor: Wizisla, Erdmut
Walther Rathenau |
Author/Editor: Volkov, Shulamit
Walt Whitman and the Culture of American Celebrity |
Author/Editor: Blake, David Haven
Walvis Bay |
Author/Editor: Berat, Lynn
The Wandering Army: The Campaigns that Transformed the British Way of War |
Author/Editor: HUW J. DAVIES
The War Against the Peasantry, 1927-1930 |
Author/Editor: Viola, Lynne; Kozlov, Denis; Danilov, V. P
War and Reason |
Author/Editor: Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce; Lalman, David
War and Society in Colonial Connecticut |
Author/Editor: Selesky, Harold E
War and the World |
Author/Editor: Black, Jeremy
The Warburg Years (1919-1933) |
Author/Editor: Cassirer, Ernst
War by Land, Sea, and Air |
Author/Editor: Jablonsky, David
Warda: A Novel |
Ward Toward |
Author/Editor: Cindy Juyoung Ok,Rae Armantrout
The War for the Seas |
Author/Editor: Mawdsley, Evan
War Machine |
Author/Editor: PICK, DANIEL
The Warm South |
Author/Editor: Holland, Robert
War of a Thousand Deserts |
Author/Editor: DeLay, Brian
The War of Words: A Glossary of Globalization |
Author/Editor: Harold James
The War on Music: Reclaiming the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: John Mauceri
War on Record: The Archive and the Afterlife of the Civil War |
Author/Editor: YAEL A. STERNHELL
The Warrior Generals |
Author/Editor: Wanklyn, Malcolm
The Warrior, the Voyager, and the Artist: Three Lives in an Age of Empire |
Author/Editor: Kate Fullagar
The Wars of the Roses |
Author/Editor: Hicks, Michael
The War That Used Up Words |
Author/Editor: Hutchison, Hazel
Wartime Notebooks: France, 1940-1944 |
The Watchful Clothier |
Author/Editor: Kadane, Matthew
The Watchman in Pieces |
Author/Editor: Rosen, David; Santesso, Aaron
Water 4.0 |
Author/Editor: Sedlak, David
Water for All: Global Solutions for a Changing Climate |
Author/Editor: DAVID SEDLAK
The Water Paradox |
Author/Editor: Barbier, Ed
The Watershed of Modern Politics |
Author/Editor: Oakley, Francis
The Way and the Word |
Author/Editor: Lloyd, Geoffrey; Sivin, Nathan
The Way Men Think |
Author/Editor: Hudson, Liam
A Way of Life: Things, Thought, and Action in Chinese Medicine |
Way to Wisdom |
Author/Editor: JASPERS, KARL
Wayward Capitalists |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Susan P
We Alone: How Humans Have Conquered the Planet and Can Also Save It |
Author/Editor: David Western
The Wealth of Networks |
Author/Editor: Benkler, Yochai
The Weaponisation of Everything: A Field Guide to the New Way of War |
Author/Editor: MARK GALEOTTI
Weapons of the Weak |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
We Are Cuba!: How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World |
Author/Editor: HELEN YAFFE
The Week: A History of the Unnatural Rhythms That Made Us Who We Are |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. HENKIN
Weimar |
Author/Editor: Kater, Michael H
Welfare Justice |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Neil
Well-Grounded |
Author/Editor: Lambert, Kelly
Wellington |
Author/Editor: Muir, Rory
Wellington's Wars |
Author/Editor: Davies, Huw J
The Well-Ordered Police State |
Author/Editor: Raeff, Marc
Well Worth Saving: American Universities' Life-and-Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe |
Author/Editor: LAUREL LEFF
We Need to Talk About Inflation: 14 Urgent Lessons from the Last 2,000 Years |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN D. KING
We Shall Overcome |
Author/Editor: Tsesis, Alexander
Wesleyan University, 1831-1910 |
Author/Editor: Potts, David B
Westerly |
Author/Editor: Schutt, Will
Western Chou Civilization |
Author/Editor: Hsu, Cho-yun; Linduff, Katheryn M
The Western Paradox |
Author/Editor: DeVoto, Bernard; Brinkley, Douglas; Limerick, Patricia Nelson
The Western Theory of Tradition |
Author/Editor: Budick, Sanford
West from Appomattox |
Author/Editor: Richardson, Heather Cox
Wetware |
Author/Editor: Bray, Dennis
We Wept Without Tears |
Author/Editor: Greif, Gideon
What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters |
Author/Editor: Delli Carpini, Michael X.; Keeter, Scott
What Are Biblical Values? |
Author/Editor: Collins, John
What Are Journalists For? |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Jay
What Art Is |
Author/Editor: Danto, Arthur C
What Changed When Everything Changed |
Author/Editor: Margulies, Joseph
What Ever Happened to Modernism? |
Author/Editor: Josipovici, Gabriel
Whatever Happened to Thrift? |
Author/Editor: Wilcox, Ronald T
What Every Woman Needs to Know about Menopause |
Author/Editor: Minkin, Mary Jane; Wright, Carol V
What Intelligence Tests Miss |
Author/Editor: Stanovich, Keith E
What Is a Complex System? |
What Is Emotion? |
Author/Editor: Kagan, Jerome
What Is Honor? |
Author/Editor: Welsh, Alexander
What Is Philosophy? |
Author/Editor: Ragland, C.P.; Heidt, Sarah
What Noise Against the Cane |
Author/Editor: Desiree C. Bailey ,Carl Phillips
What Obergefell v. Hodges Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Same-Sex Marriage Decision |
Author/Editor: Jack M. Balkin ,Helen M. Alvaré ,Jack M. Balkin ,William N. Eskridge Jr. ,Katherine Franke ,Robert P. George ,Sherif Girgis ,John C. Harrison
What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden? |
Author/Editor: Zevit, Ziony
What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: FAWAZ A. GERGES
What's Next? |
Author/Editor: Hale, David; Hale, Lyric H
What Stalin Knew |
Author/Editor: Murphy, David E
What’s Wrong with Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed |
What the Body Knows: A Guide to the New Science of Our Immune System |
Author/Editor: John Trowsdale
What the Greeks Did for Us |
What to Listen For in Jazz |
Author/Editor: Kernfeld, Barry
What to Listen For in Rock |
Author/Editor: Stephenson, Ken
What We Did in Bed |
Author/Editor: Fagan, Brian; Durrani, Nadia
What We Live For, What We Die For: Selected Poems |
When Christians Were Jews |
Author/Editor: Fredriksen, Paula
When Dieting Becomes Dangerous |
Author/Editor: Michel, Deborah M.; Willard, Susan G
When Home Is No Haven |
Author/Editor: Solnit, Albert J.; Nordhaus, Barbara F.; Lord, Ruth
When Illness Strikes the Leader |
Author/Editor: Post, Jerrold M.; Robins, Robert S
When I Passed the Statue of Liberty I Became Black |
Author/Editor: Harry Edward ,Neil Duncanson
When London Was Capital of America |
Author/Editor: Flavell, Julie
When the Money Runs Out |
Author/Editor: King, Stephen D
When Toys Come Alive |
Author/Editor: Kuznets, Lois Rostow
When You Were Gentiles |
Author/Editor: Concannon, Cavan W
Where We Stand |
Author/Editor: DJAMILA RIBEIRO ,Padma Viswanathan ,Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Whispering City |
Author/Editor: Bosworth, Richard
Whistleblowers |
Author/Editor: Stanger, Allison
White Collar Crime |
Author/Editor: Sutherland, Edwin H
White Fox and Icy Seas in the Western Arctic |
Author/Editor: Bockstoce, John R
White Guard |
Author/Editor: Bulgakov, Mikhail; Schwartz, Marian; Dobrenko, Evgeny
White Women, Black Men |
Author/Editor: Hodes, Martha
Whitman and Tradition |
Author/Editor: Price, Kenneth M
Who Am I to Judge?: Judicial Craft versus Constitutional Theory |
Author/Editor: MARK TUSHNET
Who Are the People of God? |
Author/Editor: Kee, Howard Clark
Who Is an Evangelical? |
Author/Editor: Kidd, Thomas S
Who Is Big Brother?: A Reader's Guide to George Orwell |
Author/Editor: D.J. TAYLOR
Whose Freud? |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Peter; Woloch, Alex
Whose Language Is English? |
Author/Editor: JIEUN KIAER
Who’s Teaching Your Children? |
Author/Editor: Troen, Vivian; Boles, Katherine C
Who’s Teaching Your Children? |
Author/Editor: Troen, Vivian; Boles, Katherine C
Who Votes? |
Author/Editor: Wolfinger, Raymond E.; Rosenstone, Steven J
Who Wants to Be a Jewish Writer? |
Author/Editor: Kirsch, Adam
Who Was Jacques Derrida? |
Author/Editor: Mikics, David
Why Architecture Matters |
Author/Editor: paul goldberger
Why Architecture Matters |
Author/Editor: Goldberger, Paul
Why Arendt Matters |
Author/Editor: Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Why Argument Matters |
Author/Editor: lee siegel
Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground |
Author/Editor: Freyfogle, Eric T
Why Dance Matters |
Author/Editor: MINDY ALOFF
Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West |
Author/Editor: Peter Heather ,John Rapley
Why Food Matters |
Author/Editor: paul freedman
Why I Am Not a Buddhist |
Author/Editor: evan thompson
Why I Became an X Troop Commando: A Life of Colin Anson, the German who Fought for Churchill |
Author/Editor: HELEN FRY
Why Liberalism Failed |
Author/Editor: Deneen, Patrick J
Why Liberalism Works: How True Liberal Values Produce a Freer, More Equal, Prosperous World for All |
Author/Editor: Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
Why Literature Matters in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Roche, Mark William
Why Marx Was Right |
Author/Editor: Eagleton, Terry
Why Niebuhr Matters |
Author/Editor: Lemert, Charles
Why Nudge? |
Author/Editor: Sunstein, Cass R
Why Poetry Matters |
Author/Editor: Parini, Jay
Why Presidents Succeed |
Author/Editor: Simonton, Dean Keith
Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid |
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Robert J
Why Surrealism Matters |
Author/Editor: mark polizzotti
Why the Constitution Matters |
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark
Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters |
Author/Editor: Begley, Louis
Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America |
Author/Editor: Edwards III, George C
Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America |
Author/Editor: Edwards, George C
Why the Museum Matters |
Author/Editor: daniel h. weiss
Why the New Deal Matters |
Author/Editor: eric rauchway
Why Translation Matters |
Author/Editor: Grossman, Edith
Why Trilling Matters |
Author/Editor: Kirsch, Adam
Why We Believe |
Author/Editor: Fuentes, Agustin
Why Writing Matters |
Author/Editor: nicholas delbanco
Wilde the Irishman |
Author/Editor: McCormack, Jerusha
Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank |
Author/Editor: ANDREW BEATTIE ,PAUL R. EHRLICH ,Christine Turnbull
Wild Visions: Wilderness as Image and Idea |
Author/Editor: BEN A. MINTEER ,MARK KLETT ,STEPHEN J. PYNE ,Roderick Frazier Nash
Wilfred Owen |
Author/Editor: Cuthbertson, Guy
Willful: How We Choose What We Do |
Author/Editor: Richard Robb
William Beckford |
Author/Editor: Gauci, Perry
William Clark's World |
Author/Editor: Kastor, Peter J
William James |
Author/Editor: Myers, Gerald E
William Lloyd Garrison at Two Hundred |
Author/Editor: Stewart, James Brewer
William Rufus |
Author/Editor: Barlow, Frank
William Sloane Coffin Jr |
Author/Editor: Goldstein, Warren
William the Conqueror |
Author/Editor: Douglas, David C
William the Conqueror |
Author/Editor: David Bates
William Tyndale |
Author/Editor: Daniell, David
The Will to See: Dispatches from a World of Misery and Hope |
Author/Editor: Bernard-Henri Lévy
A Windfall of Musicians |
Author/Editor: Crawford, Dorothy Lamb
The Winds of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Casper, Gerhard
The Wingsnappers: Lessons from an Exuberant Tropical Bird |
Author/Editor: Barney A. Schlinger
Winning Strategies for Successful Aging |
Author/Editor: Pfeiffer, Eric
Winning the Silicon Sweepstakes |
Author/Editor: Frieden, Rob
Winter Mythologies and Abbots |
Author/Editor: Michon, Pierre
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present |
Author/Editor: RONALD HUTTON
Witch Craze |
Author/Editor: Roper, Lyndal
Witcraft |
Author/Editor: Rée, Jonathan
Witnessing Insanity |
Author/Editor: Eigen, Joel Peter
Witness to History |
Author/Editor: Schofield, Victoria
Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women's Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Botting, Eileen Hunt
A Woman Making History |
Author/Editor: COTT, NANCY F
The Woman on the Windowsill: A Tale of Mystery in Several Parts |
The Woman Reader |
Author/Editor: Jack, Belinda
Woman: The American History of an Idea |
The Woman Who Walked into the Sea |
Author/Editor: Wexler, Alice
Women and Gender in Islam |
Author/Editor: Ahmed, Leila
Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate |
Author/Editor: Leila Ahmed ,Kecia Ali
Women and the Piano: A History in 50 Lives |
Author/Editor: Susan Tomes
Women and the Reformations: A Global History |
Women and the Religion of Ancient Israel |
Women in Middle Eastern History |
Author/Editor: Keddie, Nikki R.; Baron, Beth
Women, Men, and Gender |
Author/Editor: Walsh, Mary Roth
The Women's Awakening in Egypt |
Author/Editor: Baron, Beth
Women's Divination in Biblical Literature |
Author/Editor: Hamori, Esther J
The Women’s Khutbah Book: Contemporary Sermons on Spirituality and Justice from around the World |
Author/Editor: Sa’diyya Shaikh ,Fatima Seedat
Women's Rights and Transatlantic Antislavery in the Era of Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Sklar, Kathryn Kish; Stewart, James Brewer
The Women Who Saved the English Countryside |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW KELLY
Women, Work, and Politics |
Author/Editor: Iversen, Torben; Rosenbluth, Frances
The Wondering Jew: Israel and the Search for Jewish Identity |
Woodrow Wilson |
Author/Editor: Maynard, W. Barksdale
Words as Grain: New and Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: DUO DUO ,Lucas Klein
The Words of Others |
Author/Editor: Morson, Gary Saul
Wordsworth and the Poetry of What We Are |
Author/Editor: Fry, Paul H
Wordsworth’s Poetry 1787-1814 |
Author/Editor: Hartman, Geoffrey
Wordsworth’s Poetry 1787-1814 |
The Work of the University |
Author/Editor: Levin, Richard C
Works in Progress |
Author/Editor: Smith, Jenny Leigh
The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 21 |
Author/Editor: Hyun Lee, Sang; Edwards, Jonathan
The World According to Itzik |
Author/Editor: Manger, Itzik; Wolf, Leonard
A World after Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right |
Author/Editor: Matthew Rose
The World Before Us: The New Science Behind Our Human Origins |
Author/Editor: TOM HIGHAM
A World Connected |
Author/Editor: Chanda, Nayan; Susan Froetschel
World Forests for the Future |
Author/Editor: Ramakrishna, Kilaparti; Woodwell, George M
A World of Letters |
Author/Editor: Basbanes, Nicholas A
The World of Samuel Beckett, 1906-1946 |
Author/Editor: Gordon, Lois
The World of the Crusades |
Author/Editor: Tyerman, Christopher
The World of the Swahili |
Author/Editor: Middleton, John
World of Trouble: A Philadelphia Quaker Family's Journey through the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Richard Godbeer
A World Out of Reach: Dispatches from Life under Lockdown |
Author/Editor: MEGHAN O’ROURKE
A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order |
Author/Editor: G. JOHN IKENBERRY
Worlds Apart? |
Author/Editor: Berberi, Tammy; Hamilton, Elizabeth C; Sutherland, Ian M
Worlds Apart |
Author/Editor: Duncan, Cynthia M
Worlds Beyond: Miniatures and Victorian Fiction |
Author/Editor: Laura Forsberg
The World's Oldest Church |
Author/Editor: Peppard, Michael
The World Turned Upside Down: America, China, and the Struggle for Global Leadership |
Author/Editor: Clyde Prestowitz
A World Without Jews |
Author/Editor: Confino, Alon
A World Without Soil: The Past, Present, and Precarious Future of the Earth Beneath Our Feet |
Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism |
Author/Editor: Erwin Chemerinsky
The Worth of the University |
Author/Editor: Levin, Richard C
Wrestling with an Angel |
Author/Editor: Luz, Ehud
Wright and New York |
Author/Editor: Alofsin, Anthony
Writers and Rebels |
Author/Editor: Gould, Rebecca Ruth
Writing for Science |
Author/Editor: Goldbort, Robert
A Writing Guide for Learners of Chinese |
Author/Editor: Qin Herzberg ,Larry Herzberg ,Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim ,Jennifer Redmann
Writing History in the Age of Biomedicine |
Author/Editor: Cooter, Roger
Writing in the New Nation |
Author/Editor: Ziff, Larzer
Writings of Koda Aya, A Japanese Literary Daughter |
Author/Editor: Tansman, Alan M
Writing Successful Science Proposals |
Author/Editor: Friedland, Andrew J.; Folt, Carol L
Writing the Map of Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Howe, Nicholas
Written in Water: The Ephemeral Life of the Classic in Art |
Author/Editor: Rochelle Gurstein