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Titles start with C (292) Information
The Cabala of Pegasus
Author/Editor: Bruno, Giordano
Caesar's Druids
Author/Editor: Aldhouse-Green, Miranda
Cairo 1921: Ten Days that Made the Middle East
Author/Editor: C. BRAD FAUGHT
Calamity: The Many Lives of Calamity Jane
Author/Editor: KAREN R. JONES
Calculus for Cranks
Author/Editor: Nets Hawk Katz
California: An American History
California, a Slave State
Author/Editor: JEAN PFAELZER
California Dreaming
Author/Editor: Wilson, Suzanne M
The Caliphate or Supreme Imamate
Author/Editor: Muhammad Rashid Rida ,Simon A. Wood
Calling on the Composer
Author/Editor: Sadie, Julie Anne; Sadie, Stanley
Author/Editor: Gordon, Bruce
Author/Editor: Hart, Darryl
Campaign of the Century: Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960
Author/Editor: Irwin F. Gellman
Author/Editor: Voltaire
Can God and Caesar Coexist?
Author/Editor: Drinan, Robert F
Can Poetry Save the Earth?
Author/Editor: Felstiner, John
The Capital of Free Women: Race, Legitimacy, and Liberty in Colonial Mexico
Captain Cook
Author/Editor: McLynn, Frank
Captive Audience
Author/Editor: Crawford, Susan
Captured by Evil
Author/Editor: Underkuffler, Laura S
The Carbon Crunch
Author/Editor: Helm, Dieter
Care of Patients
Author/Editor: Lipkin, Mack
Care of the Psyche
Author/Editor: Jackson, Stanley
Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance
Author/Editor: Bernard, Emily
Carnival and Culture
Author/Editor: Gilmore, David D
Author/Editor: Brunetti, Ivan
The Cartoons That Shook the World
Author/Editor: Klausen, Jytte
The Case for Greatness
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Robert
Cassirer's Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms
Author/Editor: Bayer, Thora Ilin
The Castle: A History
Author/Editor: JOHN GOODALL
The Cast of Characters
Author/Editor: Schwaber, Paul
Author/Editor: Goodman, Micah
Catching the Light
Author/Editor: JOY HARJO
Catherine the Great
Author/Editor: de Madariaga, Isabel
Catholics on the Barricades: Poland, France, and "Revolution," 1891-1956
Author/Editor: PIOTR H. KOSICKI
Caught in the Web of Words
Author/Editor: Murray, K.M. Elisabeth
Causal Inference: The Mixtape
Author/Editor: Scott Cunningham
Cavaillé-Coll and the French Romantic Tradition
Author/Editor: Douglass, Fenner
Caviar and Ashes
Author/Editor: Shore, Marci
Celebrating Homer's Landscapes
Author/Editor: Luce, J. V
Celestial Mirror: The Astronomical Observatories of Jai Singh II
Author/Editor: Barry Perlus
Author/Editor: de Rojas, Fernando; González Echevarría, Roberto [Gonzalez Echevarria]
Central America
Author/Editor: Coates, Anthony G
A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia
Author/Editor: Yakovlev, Alexander N
Chairman of the Fed
Author/Editor: Bremner, Robert P
The Challenges of Multilateralism
Change the Wallpaper: Transforming Cultural Patterns to Build More Just Communities
A Changing Wind
Author/Editor: Venet, Wendy H
Author/Editor: Anderson, Gary A
Author/Editor: Becher, Matthias
Charles Darwin’s Barnacle and David Bowie’s Spider: How Scientific Names Celebrate Adventurers, Heroes, and Even a Few Scoundrels
Charles Dickens
Author/Editor: Slater, Michael
Charleston Fancy
Author/Editor: Rybczynski, Witold
Charter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents
Charter of the United Nations
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian; Lampert, Joseph
The Chattel Principle
Author/Editor: Johnson, Walter
Chaucerian Belief
Author/Editor: Hill, John M
Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics—and How to Cure It
Author/Editor: RICHARD L. HASEN
A Cheerful and Comfortable Faith
Author/Editor: Winner, Lauren F
The Cherokee Diaspora
Author/Editor: Smithers, Gregory D
Cheyenne Memories
Author/Editor: Stands In Timber, John; Liberty, Margot
Chia-ting Loyalists
Author/Editor: Dennerline, Jerry
Chicago Renaissance: Literature and Art in the Midwest Metropolis
Author/Editor: Liesl Olson
Author/Editor: Striffler, Steve
Childhood Dialogues and the Lifting of Repression
Author/Editor: Myerson, Paul
Author/Editor: Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
A Child of the Century
Author/Editor: BEN HECHT ,David Denby
Children in Jeopardy
Author/Editor: Harris, Irving B
Children of Cambodia's Killing Fields
Author/Editor: Pran, Dith; DePaul, Kim
The Children of the Dead
Author/Editor: ELFRIEDE JELINEK ,Gitta Honegger
Children of the Northern Forest: Wild New England's History from Glaciers to Global Warming
Author/Editor: JAMIE SAYEN
Children’s Peer Relations and Social Competence
Author/Editor: Ladd, Gary W
Children’s Peer Relations and Social Competence
Author/Editor: Ladd, Gary W
Children with a Star
Author/Editor: Dwork, Debórah
Child Witnesses
Author/Editor: McGough, Lucy S
Chile Underground: The Santiago Metro and the Struggle for a Rational City
Author/Editor: ANDRA B. CHASTAIN
China and Russia: Four Centuries of Conflict and Concord
Author/Editor: PHILIP SNOW
China Learns English
Author/Editor: Ross, Heidi A
China Turned Rightside Up
Author/Editor: Thaxton, Ralph
Chinese Society in the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Naquin, Susan; Rawski, Evelyn S
Chinese Theology
Author/Editor: Chloë Starr
Chinese Village, Socialist State
Author/Editor: Friedman, Edward; Pickowicz, Paul G.; Selden, Mark
Choosing the Leader
Author/Editor: Green, Matthew N.; Harris, Douglas B
The Chosen Will Become Herds
Author/Editor: Garb, Jonathan
Christ Child
Author/Editor: Davis, Stephen J
The Christian Imagination
Author/Editor: Jennings, Willie J
Christianity and Classical Culture
Author/Editor: Pelikan, Jaroslav
Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Ramsay
Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism
Author/Editor: Tanner, Kathryn
Christianity as a Way of Life: A Systematic Theology
Author/Editor: KEVIN W. HECTOR
Christianizing the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: MacMULLEN, RAMSAY
The Christian Monitors
Author/Editor: Sirota, Brent S
Christian Perspectives on Legal Thought
Author/Editor: McConnell, Michael W.; Carmella, Angela C
The Christians as the Romans Saw Them
Author/Editor: Wilken, Robert Louis
Christians, Muslims and Jesus
Author/Editor: Siddiqui, Mona
The Christians Who Became Jews: Acts of the Apostles and Ethnicity in the Roman City
Author/Editor: Christopher Stroup
Christian Trade Unions in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
Author/Editor: Patch, William
Christ’s Associations: Connecting and Belonging in the Ancient City
Author/Editor: John S. Kloppenborg
Christ’s Churches Purely Reformed
Author/Editor: Benedict, Philip
Christ’s Churches Purely Reformed
Author/Editor: Benedict, Philip
Chronicles of a Village
Author/Editor: nguyễn thanh hiện ,quyên nguyễn-hoàng
Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500-1789
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Philip T
Churchill's Citadel: Chartwell and the Gatherings Before the Storm
Churchill's Promised Land
Author/Editor: Makovsky, Michael
Church, Society, and Religious Change in France, 1580-1730
Author/Editor: Bergin, Joseph
The CIA and American Democracy
Author/Editor: Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Thomas N
Circle of Stars: A History of the EU and the People Who Made It
Author/Editor: DERMOT HODSON
The Citizen's Share
Author/Editor: Blasi, Joseph R; Freeman, Richard B; Kruse, Douglas L
Author/Editor: Rae, Douglas W
The City as a Work of Art
Author/Editor: Olsen, Donald J
City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism
Author/Editor: ABRAM C. VAN ENGEN
City Unseen
Author/Editor: Seto, Karen C.; Reba, Meredith
Civic Ideals
Author/Editor: Smith, Rogers M
Civil Disobedience
Author/Editor: Perry, Lewis
Civil Society and Empire
Author/Editor: Livesey, James
Claiming Crimea: A History of Catherine the Great's Southern Empire
Author/Editor: KELLY O’NEILL
Clairvoyant of the Small: The Life of Robert Walser
Author/Editor: Susan Bernofsky
The Clash of Rights
Author/Editor: Sniderman, Paul; Fletcher, Joseph F.; Russell, Peter
The Classical Music Lover's Companion to Orchestral Music
Author/Editor: Philip, Robert
Class, Race, and Inequality in South Africa
Author/Editor: Seekings, Jeremy; Nattrass, Nicoli
Clean Coal/Dirty Air
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce; Hassler, William T
Clear and Present Safety
Author/Editor: Cohen, Michael A.; Zenko, Micah
Cleopatra: Her History, Her Myth
Author/Editor: Francine Prose
The Clerics of Islam
Author/Editor: Mouline, Nabil
Author/Editor: Chrétien de Troyes
The Climate Casino
Author/Editor: Nordhaus, William
Climate Change from the Streets: How Conflict and Collaboration Strengthen the Environmental Justice Movement
Author/Editor: Feinstein, Alvan
Cloak and Dollar
Author/Editor: Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri
The Clock Mirage: Our Myth of Measured Time
Author/Editor: Joseph Mazur
Closed Borders
Author/Editor: Dowty, Alan
The Club
Author/Editor: Damrosch, Leo
Clueless in Academe
Author/Editor: Graff, Gerald
Cold War Ecology
Author/Editor: Nelson, Arvid
Cold War Monks
Author/Editor: Ford, Eugene
Collaboration in Belgium
Author/Editor: Conway, Martin
The Collaborative Enterprise
Author/Editor: Heckscher, Charles
The Collapse of the Soviet Military
Author/Editor: Odom, William E
The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936
Author/Editor: Payne, Stanley G
Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union
Collected Poetry and Prose
Author/Editor: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; McGann, Jerome
Collecting Food, Cultivating People
Author/Editor: de Luna, Kathryn M
The Collector
Author/Editor: Semenova, Natalya; Delocque-Fourcaud, André-Marc
The Colorado Doctrine
Author/Editor: Schorr, David
Colour of Paradise
Author/Editor: Lane, Kris
Columbus’s Outpost among the Taínos
Author/Editor: Deagan, Kathleen; Cruxent, José María
Columbus’s Outpost among the Taínos
Author/Editor: Deagan, Kathleen; Cruxent, José María
The Comanche Empire
Author/Editor: Hamalainen (Hämäläinen), Pekka
The Comedy and Tragedy of Machiavelli
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Vickie
Coming Attractions
Author/Editor: Stoller, Robert J.; Levine, I. S
The Coming of the Railway: A New Global History, 1750-1850
Author/Editor: DAVID GWYN
Commander of the Armada
Author/Editor: Pierson, Peter
Commentary on Song of Songs
Author/Editor: ben Gershom, Levi; Kellner, Menachem
Common Bodies: Women, Touch and Power in Seventeenth-Century England
Author/Editor: Laura Gowing
A Common Faith
Author/Editor: Dewey, John
Common Landscape of America, 1580-1845
Author/Editor: Stilgoe, John R
Communism and Collaboration
Author/Editor: Jankowski, Paul
The Communist Manifesto
Author/Editor: Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich; Isaac, Jeffrey C
A Companion to Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
Author/Editor: Polt, Richard; Fried, Gregory
Companion to Schubert's Schwanengesang
Author/Editor: Chusid, Martin
Comparative Studies and the Politics of Modern Medical Care
Author/Editor: Marmor, Theodore R.; Freeman, Richard; Okma, Kieke G. H
The Compelling Ideal
Author/Editor: Kiely, Jan
Competing Visions of Empire
Author/Editor: Swingen, Abigail L
Competitive Arms Control: Nixon, Kissinger, and SALT, 1969-1972
Author/Editor: JOHN D. MAURER
Complaining, Teasing, and Other Annoying Behaviors
Author/Editor: Kowalski, Robin M
Complete Poems
Author/Editor: BACCHYLIDES
The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
Author/Editor: Vieth, David M
A Complicated Man
Author/Editor: Takiff, Michael
Complicity with Evil
Author/Editor: LeBor, Adam
Composers in the Movies
Author/Editor: Tibbetts, John C
Composers’ Voices from Ives to Ellington
Author/Editor: Perlis, Vivian; Van Cleve, Libby
Composers’ Voices from Ives to Ellington
Author/Editor: Vivian Perlis,Libby Van Cleve
The Composition of the Pentateuch
Author/Editor: Baden, Joel S
Composition With Pitch-Classes
Author/Editor: Morris, Robert D
The Computer and the Brain
Author/Editor: von Neumann, John
Conceiving of Personality
Author/Editor: Robbins, Michael
Concepts of Free Labor in Antebellum America
Author/Editor: Glickstein, Jonathan A
Concerto al-Quds
Author/Editor: Adonis,KHALED MATTAWA
Condemned: The Transported Men, Women and Children Who Built Britain's Empire
Author/Editor: Graham Seal
The Condor Trials: Transnational Repression and Human Rights in South America
Author/Editor: Francesca Lessa
Confessio Philosophi
Author/Editor: Leibniz, G. W
Confidence Men and Painted Women
Author/Editor: Halttunen, Karen
Configuring the Networked Self
Author/Editor: Cohen, Julie E
Conflicts Unending
Author/Editor: Haass, Richard N
Confronting Climate Gridlock: How Diplomacy, Technology, and Policy Can Unlock a Clean Energy Future
Author/Editor: DANIEL S. COHAN ,Michael E. Webber
Author/Editor: Fiorina, Morris P
Author/Editor: Ginsberg, Benjamin; Hill, Kathryn Wagner
Congress and the Bureaucracy
Author/Editor: ARNOLD, R. DOUGLAS
Congress's Constitution
Author/Editor: Chafetz, Josh
Congress: The First Branch--Companion Readings
Conjurers, Cranks, Provincials, and Antediluvians: The Off-Modern in American History
Connecticut's Indigenous Peoples
Author/Editor: Lavin, Lucianne; Volpe, Rosemary
The Conquest of Death
Author/Editor: Matthew Lockwood
The Conquest of Malaria
Author/Editor: Snowden, Frank
Conscience and Conversion: Religious Liberty in Post-Revolutionary France
Author/Editor: Thomas Kselman
Author/Editor: Zeman, Adam
Consciousness and Culture
Author/Editor: Porte, Joel
Conservation Biology and the Black-Footed Ferret
Author/Editor: Seal, Ulysses S.; Thorne, E. Tom
The Conservatives
Author/Editor: Allitt, Patrick
Constantine and Rome
Author/Editor: Holloway, R. Ross
Constitutional Cliffhangers
Author/Editor: Kalt, Brian C
Constitutional Courts and Democratic Values
Author/Editor: Ferreres Comella, Víctor
Constitutional Processes and Democratic Commitment
Author/Editor: Donald L. Horowitz
Constitutional Revolution
Constitutional Sentiments
Author/Editor: Sajo, Andras [Sajó András]
The Constitution and Criminal Procedure
Author/Editor: Amar, Akhil Reed
The Constitution of Empire
Author/Editor: Lawson, Gary; Seidman, Guy
Constructing Private Governance
Author/Editor: Auld, Graeme
Author/Editor: Harrison, Mark
Contemporary Controversies in Psychoanalytic Theory, Techniques, and Their Appli
Author/Editor: Kernberg, Otto
Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Religion
Author/Editor: Jones, James W
Contested Territory
Author/Editor: Lentz, Christian C
The Contest for the Indian Ocean: And the Making of a New World Order
Contesting Democracy
Author/Editor: Müller, Jan-Werner
Contesting Development
Author/Editor: Barron, Patrick; Woolcock, Michael; Diprose, Rachael
Contingency of Theory
Author/Editor: Wihl, Gary
Controlling Environmental Policy
Author/Editor: Miller, Stephen
Conversations about Sculpture
Author/Editor: Serra, Richard; Foster, Hal
The Conversion of Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Winroth, Anders
Author/Editor: Harline, Craig
Converting California
Author/Editor: Sandos, James A
Convoys: The British Struggle Against Napoleonic Europe and America
Author/Editor: ROGER KNIGHT
Coral Reefs: Majestic Realms under the Sea
Author/Editor: PETER F. SALE
Coram's Children
Author/Editor: McClure, Ruth K
Cornwallis: Soldier and Statesman in a Revolutionary World
Corporal Punishment of Children in Theoretical Perspective
Author/Editor: Donnelly, Michael; Straus, Murray
Corporate Irresponsibility
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Lawrence E
Corporate Physicians
Author/Editor: Walsh, Diana Chapman
The Corporation in the Twenty-First Century: Why (Almost) Everything We Are Told About Business Is Wrong
Author/Editor: JOHN KAY
Corporations Are People Too
Author/Editor: Greenfield, Kent
The Corpse Washer
Author/Editor: Antoon, Sinan
Corruption and the Decline of Rome
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Ramsay
Cosima Wagner
Author/Editor: Hilmes, Oliver
Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come
Author/Editor: Cohn, Norman
The Cost Disease
Author/Editor: Baumol, William J
The Cost of Accidents
Author/Editor: Calabresi, Guido
The Cost of Free Money: How Unfettered Capital Threatens Our Economic Future
A Cotton Mather Reader
Author/Editor: Reiner Smolinski ,Kenneth P. Minkema
Author/Editor: Thakar, Markand
Author/Editor: ASHTON, ROBERT
The Courage to Be
Author/Editor: Tillich, Paul
Court Divided
Author/Editor: Barrow, Deborah J
Courtly Desire and Medieval Homophobia
The Covenant of the Wild
Author/Editor: Budiansky, Stephen
The Craft of Poetry: A Primer in Verse
Author/Editor: Lucy Newlyn
The Crafty Reader
Author/Editor: Scholes, Robert
Crassus: The First Tycoon
Author/Editor: Peter Stothard
Creating Chinese Ethnicity
Author/Editor: Honig, Emily
Creating the Administrative Constitution
Author/Editor: Mashaw, Jerry L
Creation Stories: Landscapes and the Human Imagination
Author/Editor: ANTHONY AVENI
The Creative Artist's Legal Guide
Author/Editor: Seiter, Bill; Seiter, Ellen
Credit Between Cultures
Author/Editor: Shipton, Parker
Crimes of the Middle Classes
Author/Editor: Weisburd, David; Wheeler, Stanton; Waring, Elin
Crises in U.S. Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Hunt, Michael H
Crisis and Political Beliefs
Author/Editor: Lendler, Marc
The Crisis of Islamic Civilization
Author/Editor: Allawi, Ali A
The Criterion for Distinguishing Legal Opinions from Judicial Rulings and the Administrative Acts of Judges and Rulers
Author/Editor: Shihāb al-Dīn Ah.mad ibn Idrīs al-Qarāfī al-Mālikī,Mohammad H. Fadel
Critical Issues in the Early Development of Premature Infants
Author/Editor: Escalona, Sibylle K
Critical Revolutionaries: Five Critics Who Changed the Way We Read
Criticism in the Wilderness
Author/Editor: Hartman, Geoffrey
Critique of Religious Discourse
Author/Editor: Abu Zayd, Nasr Hamid
Author/Editor: Tanner, Marcus
The Cross and Other Jewish Stories
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Lamed; Garrett, Leah
Crossing the Line
Author/Editor: Kernan, Alvin B
Crossing the Rubicon: Caesar's Decision and the Fate of Rome
Cross Purposes: Christianity's Broken Bargain with Democracy
The Crowded Greenhouse
Author/Editor: Firor, John; Jacobsen, Judith E
Cruel and Unusual
Author/Editor: Cusac, Anne-Marie
Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War Between the Muslim World and the Global North
Author/Editor: William R. Polk
Crusader Criminals: The Knights Who Went Rogue in the Holy Land
Author/Editor: STEVE TIBBLE
The Crusader States
Author/Editor: Barber, Malcolm
The Crusader Strategy: Defending the Holy Land
Author/Editor: Steve Tibble
Cultivating Gentlemen
Author/Editor: Thornton, Tamara Plakins
A Cultural History of the British Empire: A Cultural History of the British Empire
Author/Editor: JOHN M. MACKENZIE
Culture and the Death of God
Author/Editor: Eagleton, Terry
Culture, Capitalism, and Democracy in the New America
Author/Editor: Brown, Richard Harvey
Culture in Nazi Germany
Author/Editor: Kater, Michael H
The Culture of Conflict
Author/Editor: Ross, Marc Howard
Culture of Intolerance
Author/Editor: Cohen, Mark Nathan
The Culture of the New Capitalism
Author/Editor: Sennett, Richard
Cultures in Motion
Author/Editor: Stearns, Peter N
Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History
The Curious World of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn
Author/Editor: Willes, Margaret
Cursed Britain
Author/Editor: Waters, Thomas
Cursed Legacy
Author/Editor: Spotts, Frederic
The Cutter Incident
Author/Editor: Offit, Paul A
Author/Editor: Gurak, Laura J
Author/Editor: Marinkovic, Ranko; Elias-Bursac, Ellen
Author/Editor: Heimann, Mary
Czeslaw Milosz and Joseph Brodsky
Author/Editor: Gross, Irena Grudzinska