Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with V (61) | Information |
Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan |
Author/Editor: Ruby Lal
Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police |
Author/Editor: Sal Nicolazzo
The Valiant Little Tailor: A Novel |
Author/Editor: ÉRIC CHEVILLARD ,Jordan Stump
Validity in Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Hirsch, E
The Value of Species |
Author/Editor: McCord, Edward L
The Vampire |
Author/Editor: Groom, Nick
Vampires, Burial, and Death |
Author/Editor: Barber, Paul
Vanessa Bell: The Life and Art of a Bloomsbury Radical |
Vanishing Acts |
Author/Editor: Rogoff, Gordon
Vasily Grossman and the Soviet Century |
Author/Editor: Popoff, Alexandra
Vatican Secret Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Charles R
“Vaudeville Indians†? on Global Circuits, 1880s-1930s |
Venona |
Author/Editor: Haynes, John Earl; Klehr, Harvey
Vergil: The Poet's Life |
Author/Editor: Sarah Ruden
Versions of History from Antiquity to the Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Kelley, Donald R
The Very Hungry City |
Author/Editor: Troy, Austin
Vicious |
Author/Editor: Coleman, Jon T
Victorian Bloomsbury |
Author/Editor: Ashton, Rosemary
The Victorian Frame of Mind |
Author/Editor: Houghton, Walter E
Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II |
Vienna: How the City of Ideas Created the Modern World |
Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Hayton, Bill
Vietnam: A Natural History |
Author/Editor: Sterling, Eleanor Jane; Hurley, Martha Maud; Minh, Le Duc
Vietnam: Rising Dragon |
Author/Editor: BILL HAYTON
Views of Jeopardy |
Author/Editor: Jack Gilbert ,Dudley Fitts
Village Without Solidarity |
Author/Editor: Hann, C. M
Vilna on the Seine |
Author/Editor: Friedlander, Judith
The Vindication of Tradition |
Author/Editor: Pelikan, Jaroslav
Violent Appetites: Hunger in the Early Northeast |
Author/Editor: Carla Cevasco
The Virgilian Tradition |
Author/Editor: Ziolkowski, Jan M.; Putnam, Michael C. J
Virgil's Epic Designs |
Author/Editor: Putnam, Michael C. J
Virgil's Georgics |
Author/Editor: Virgil
The Virgin and the Grail |
Author/Editor: Goering, Joseph
Virginia Woolf |
Author/Editor: Dalsimer, Katherine
The Virgin of Chartres |
Author/Editor: Fassler, Margot E
The Virgin Warrior |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Larissa Juliet
Virtual Justice |
Author/Editor: Uviller, H. Richard
Virtual Justice |
Author/Editor: Lastowka, Greg
The Virtual Weapon and International Order |
Author/Editor: LUCAS KELLO
The Virtue of Sympathy |
Author/Editor: Lobis, Seth
The Virus in the Age of Madness |
Author/Editor: Bernard-Henri Lévy
Visible Deeds of Music |
Author/Editor: Shaw-Miller, Simon
Visionary Fictions |
Author/Editor: Ahearn, Edward J
Visions of a New Land |
Author/Editor: Widdis, Emma
Visions of Schooling |
Author/Editor: Salomone, Rosemary C
A Visitor's Guide to the Ancient Olympics |
Author/Editor: Faulkner, Neil
Visual Strategies |
Author/Editor: Frankel, Felice C.; DePace, Angela H
The Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet |
Author/Editor: JOSEPH TUROW
The Voice of Liberal Learning |
Author/Editor: Fuller, Timothy
The Voice of the People |
Author/Editor: Storella, C. J.; Sokolov, A. K
The Voice of the People |
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S
Voices from the Warsaw Ghetto |
Author/Editor: Roskies, David G
The Voices of Morebath |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Eamon
Voices of the Lost: A Novel |
Author/Editor: HODA BARAKAT,Marilyn Booth
A Voice Still Heard |
Author/Editor: Howe, Irving; Howe, Nina
Volcanic: Vesuvius in the Age of Revolutions |
Author/Editor: JOHN BREWER
The Volga: A History of Russia's Greatest River |
Author/Editor: JANET M. HARTLEY
Voting About God in Early Church Councils |
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Ramsay
The Voting Wars |
Author/Editor: Hasen, Richard L
Voting with Dollars |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce; Ayres, Ian
The Vulnerability Thesis |
Author/Editor: Moosbrugger, Lorelei