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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with D (181) | Information |
The Daily You |
Author/Editor: Turow, Joseph
The Dance Claimed Me |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Peggy; Schwartz, Murray
Dance Writings and Poetry |
Author/Editor: Denby, Edwin; Cornfield, Robert
Dancing with the River |
Author/Editor: Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala; Samanta, Gopa
Dangerous Learning: The South's Long War on Black Literacy |
Author/Editor: DEREK W. BLACK
Dangerous Medicine: The Story behind Human Experiments with Hepatitis |
Author/Editor: SYDNEY A. HALPERN
The Dangers of Christian Practice |
Author/Editor: Winner, Lauren F
Dante and the Early Astronomer |
Author/Editor: Daugherty, Tracy
Dante's Two Beloveds |
Author/Editor: Holmes, Olivia
The Danube |
Author/Editor: Thorpe, Nick
Dark Inheritance |
Author/Editor: Newman, Brooke N
A Darkly Radiant Vision: The Black Social Gospel in the Shadow of MLK |
Author/Editor: GARY DORRIEN
Darkness at Dawn |
Author/Editor: Satter, David
The Dark Path: The Structure of War and the Rise of the West |
Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media |
Author/Editor: JOEL E. DIMSDALE
Darwin's Influence on Freud |
Author/Editor: Ritvo, Lucille B
Darwin's Pictures |
Author/Editor: Voss, Julia
Das Nibelungenlied |
David Hume and The Problem of Reason |
Author/Editor: Danford, Robert M
David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society |
Author/Editor: Hume, David; Coventry, Angela; Valls, Andrew
Dazzled and Deceived |
Author/Editor: Forbes, Peter
The Deadly Dinner Party |
Author/Editor: Edlow, Jonathan A
A Deadly Legacy |
Author/Editor: Grady, Tim
The Dead of the Irish Revolution |
Author/Editor: Eunan O’Halpin ,Daithí Ó Corráin
Dead Secrets |
Author/Editor: Heller, Tamar
Dear Brother |
Author/Editor: Clark, William; Holmberg, James J
Death |
Author/Editor: Kagan, Shelly
The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son |
Author/Editor: Levenson, Jon D
Death Glitch: How Techno-Solutionism Fails Us in This Life and Beyond |
Author/Editor: TAMARA KNEESE
The Death of Literature |
Author/Editor: KERNAN, ALVIN
Death of the Guilds |
Author/Editor: Krause, Elliott A
The Death of the Shtetl |
Author/Editor: Bauer, Yehuda
Debussy in Performance |
Author/Editor: Briscoe, James R
Dec-41 |
Author/Editor: Mawdsley, Evan
Deceiving the Deceivers |
Author/Editor: Hamrick, S. J
December 1941 |
Author/Editor: Mawdsley, Evan
Decision Leadership: Empowering Others to Make Better Choices |
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy |
Author/Editor: Cannadine, David
The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment |
Defaming the Dead |
Author/Editor: DON HERZOG
Defenders of the Race |
Author/Editor: Efron, John M
Defiance of the Patriots |
Author/Editor: Carp, Benjamin
Defining Nations |
Author/Editor: Herzog, Tamar
Defying Empire |
Author/Editor: Truxes, Thomas M
The Degaev Affair |
Author/Editor: Pipes, Richard
Delayed Response |
Author/Editor: Farman, Jason
Delia's Tears |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Molly; Blight, David W
Deliberation Day |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce; Fishkin, James S
Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Koh, Harold; Slye, Ronald C
A Delicate Aggression |
Author/Editor: Dowling, David O
Delinquency, Development, and Social Policy |
Author/Editor: Brandt, Ph.D. David E
Delmira Agustini, Sexual Seduction, and Vampiric Conquest |
Author/Editor: Jrade, Cathy L
Delusions of Everyday Life |
Author/Editor: Shengold, Leonard
Demetrius: Sacker of Cities |
Author/Editor: James Romm
Demobbed |
Author/Editor: Allport, Alan
Democracies |
Author/Editor: Lijphart, Arend
Democracy and Deliberation |
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S
Democracy and Executive Power: Policymaking Accountability in the US, the UK, Germany, and France |
Author/Editor: Susan Rose-Ackerman
Democracy and Populism |
Author/Editor: Lukacs, John
Democracy and the Origins of the American Regulatory State |
Author/Editor: DeCanio, Samuel
Democracy by Decree |
Author/Editor: Sandler, Ross; Schoenbrod, David
Democracy, Expertise, and Academic Freedom |
Author/Editor: Post, Robert C
Democracy Imposed |
Author/Editor: Merritt, Richard L
Democracy in Darkness: Secrecy and Transparency in the Age of Revolutions |
Democracy in Modern Spain |
Author/Editor: Gunther, Richard; Montero, José Ramón; Botella, Joan
Democracy in Our America: Can We Still Govern Ourselves? |
Author/Editor: PAUL W. KAHN
Democracy in Plural Societies |
Author/Editor: Lijphart, Arend
Democracy in Retreat |
Author/Editor: Kurlantzick, Joshua
Democracy, Race, and Justice: The Speeches and Writings of Sadie T. M. Alexander |
Democracy’s Privileged Few |
Author/Editor: Chafetz, Josh
Democracy’s Privileged Few |
Author/Editor: Chafetz, Josh
Democratic Justice |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Democratic Vistas |
Author/Editor: Purdy, Jedediah; Kronman, Anthony T.; Farrar, Cynthia
The Democratic Wish |
Author/Editor: Morone, James A
The Democratization of American Christianity |
Author/Editor: Hatch, Nathan O
Descriptive Catalogue of the Music of Charles Ives |
Author/Editor: Sinclair, James B
Design And Truth |
Author/Editor: Grudin, Robert
Designing Modern America |
Author/Editor: Innes, Christopher
Designing Type |
Author/Editor: Karen Cheng
The Design of Life |
Author/Editor: Dulbecco, Renato
The Destruction of the European Jews |
Author/Editor: Hilberg, Raul
De Summa Rerum |
Author/Editor: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm; Parkinson, G.H.R
Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch |
Developmental Breakdown and Psychoanalytic Treatment in Adolescence |
Author/Editor: Laufer, Eglé; Laufer, Moses
Developmental Theory and Clinical Process |
Author/Editor: PINE, FRED
Development and Psychopathology |
Author/Editor: Yorke, Clifford
The Devil Within |
Author/Editor: Levack, Brian
Devotion |
Author/Editor: PATTI SMITH
Diabetes: A History of Race and Disease |
The Dialogue of Justice |
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S
The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Plato
The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Plato
The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Plato
The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Plato
Diary |
Author/Editor: Selzer, Richard
Diary |
Author/Editor: Gombrowicz, Witold
Diary, 1901-1969 |
Author/Editor: Chukovsky, Kornei; Chukovskaya, Elena; Erlich, Victor
The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov, 1933-1949 |
Author/Editor: Dimitrov, Georgi; Banac, Ivo
Diasporas of the Mind |
Author/Editor: Cheyette, Bryan
Dickensland: The Curious History of Dickens's London |
Author/Editor: LEE JACKSON
Dickens Redressed |
Author/Editor: Welsh, Alexander
A Dictionary of British and Irish Travellers in Italy, 1701-1800 |
Author/Editor: Ingamells, John
The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs |
Author/Editor: Charles Clay Doyle,Wolfgang Mieder,Fred R. Shapiro
Difference and Subjectivity |
Author/Editor: Jacques, Francis; Rothwell, Andrew
A Difficult Death: The Life and Work of Jens Peter Jacobsen |
Author/Editor: James Wood
Digging in the City of Brotherly Love |
Author/Editor: Yamin, Rebecca
Dignity |
Author/Editor: Hicks, Donna
Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict |
Dionysius I |
Author/Editor: Caven, Brian
Diplomacy on Ice |
Author/Editor: Pincus, Rebecca; Ali, Saleem H
A Diplomatic History of the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Dull, Jonathan R
Directions in Sexual Harassment Law |
Author/Editor: MacKinnon, Catharine A.; Siegel, Reva B
Dirty War, Clean Hands |
Author/Editor: Woodworth, Paddy
The Disappearing Center |
Author/Editor: Abramowitz, Alan I
Disaster Mon Amour |
Author/Editor: DAVID THOMSON
Disciplines of Virtue |
Author/Editor: Vallone, Lynne
Discography |
Author/Editor: Singer, Sean
Disconnected Rivers |
Author/Editor: Wohl, Ellen
Disorder: A History of Reform, Reaction, and Money in American Medicine |
Author/Editor: Peter A. Swenson
Disorientations |
Author/Editor: Martin-Márquez, Susan
Dispatches from Planet 3 |
Author/Editor: Bartusiak, Marcia
Disputed Questions in Theology and the Philosophy of Religion |
Author/Editor: Hick, John
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae |
Author/Editor: Gauss, Carl Friedrich; Clarke, Arthur C
Dissertation on Predestination and Grace |
Author/Editor: Leibniz, G. W
The Dissolution of the Monasteries: A New History |
Author/Editor: JAMES G. CLARK
Distant Intimacy |
Author/Editor: Raphael, Frederic; Epstein, Joseph
Distilled: A Natural History of Spirits |
Author/Editor: ROB DESALLE ,IAN TATTERSALL ,Patricia J. Wynne
Distributing Risk |
Author/Editor: Abraham, Kenneth
Distributive Justice and Disability |
Author/Editor: Stein, Mark S
Divergent Jewish Cultures |
Author/Editor: Moore, Deborah Dash; Troen, S. Ilan
Divergent Worlds: What the Ancient Mediterranean and Indian Ocean Can Tell Us About the Future of International Order |
Diversity and Direction in Psychoanalytic Technique |
Author/Editor: Pine, Fred
Divided Souls |
Author/Editor: Carlebach, Elisheva
Divided We Govern |
Author/Editor: Mayhew, David R
Divine Accounting: Theo-Economics in Early Christianity |
Divine Bodies |
Author/Editor: Moss, Candida R
Divine Love |
Author/Editor: Chittick, William C
The Divine Relativity |
Author/Editor: Hartshorne, Charles
Divorce |
Author/Editor: Clarke-Stewart, Alison; Brentano, Cornelia
Doctor Dolittle’s Delusion |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Stephen R
Doctor Dolittle’s Delusion |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Stephen R
Doctors Afield |
Author/Editor: Curnen, Mary G. McCrea; Spiro, Howard; St James, Deborah
The Doctor's Garden: Medicine, Science, and Horticulture in Britain |
Author/Editor: Clare Hickman
Does American Democracy Still Work? |
Author/Editor: Wolfe, Alan
Does Psychoanalysis Work? |
Author/Editor: Galatzer-Levy, Robert; Bachrach, Henry; Skolnikoff, Alan
Does the New Testament Imitate Homer? |
Author/Editor: MacDonald, Dennis R
Dog Days, Raven Nights |
Author/Editor: Marzluff, John M.; Marzluff, Colleen
Doing School |
Author/Editor: Pope, Denise Clark
Dollars and Change |
Author/Editor: Putterman, Louis
Dolphin Mysteries |
Author/Editor: Dudzinski, Kathleen M.; Frohoff, Toni
Domestic Subjects |
Author/Editor: Piatote, Beth H
Domina |
Author/Editor: de la Bédoyère, Guy
Dominance and Affection |
Author/Editor: Tuan, Yi-Fu
Domination and the Arts of Resistance |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
Dominion from Sea to Sea |
Author/Editor: Cumings, Bruce
Dostoevsky and Soloviev |
Author/Editor: Kostalevsky, Marina
Dostoevsky's Unfinished Journey |
Author/Editor: Miller, Robin Feuer
Dostoyevsky Reads Hegel in Siberia and Bursts into Tears |
The Double-crested Cormorant |
Author/Editor: Wires, Linda R
Doubt and Identity in Romantic Poetry |
Author/Editor: Cooper, Andrew M
Down and Out in Saigon |
Author/Editor: Cherry, Haydon
Down from the Mountaintop |
Author/Editor: Walker, Melissa
Downtown |
Author/Editor: Fogelson, Robert M
Dragonomics: How Latin America Is Maximizing (or Missing Out on) China's International Development Strategy |
Author/Editor: CAROL WISE
The Drama Is Coming Now |
Author/Editor: Gilman, Richard
Dr. Beach’s Survival Guide |
Author/Editor: Leatherman, Stephen P
Dr. Beach’s Survival Guide |
Author/Editor: Leatherman, Stephen P
Dream-Child: A Life of Charles Lamb |
Author/Editor: Eric G. Wilson
Dreams of Peace and Freedom |
Author/Editor: Winter, Jay
The Dregs of the Day |
Author/Editor: Ó Cadhain, Máirtín
Dressed to Rule |
Author/Editor: Mansel, Philip
Drinking Careers |
Author/Editor: Kunitz, Stephen J.; Levy, Jerrold E
Drugs and Thugs: The History and Future of America's War on Drugs |
Author/Editor: Russell Crandall
Dryden and the Problem of Freedom |
Author/Editor: Haley, David B
Dubai |
Author/Editor: Ali, Syed
Duel |
Author/Editor: Billacois, François; Selous, Trista
The Duke's Assassin |
Author/Editor: Dall'Aglio, Stefano
Dust Bowls of Empire: Imperialism, Environmental Politics, and the Injustice of "Green" Capitalism |
Dwelling Place |
Author/Editor: Clarke, Erskine
The Dybbuk and Other Writings by S. Ansky |
Author/Editor: Ansky, S.; Roskies, David G
The Dynamics of Global Dominance |
Author/Editor: Abernethy, David B