Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with S (352) | Information |
The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair |
Author/Editor: Temkin, Moshik
Sacred Realism |
Author/Editor: Valis, Noël
The Sacred Remains |
Author/Editor: Laderman, Gary
Safe Among the Germans |
Author/Editor: Gay, Ruth
Safe Enough Spaces |
Author/Editor: Roth, Michael S
The Sage of Sugar Hill |
Author/Editor: Ferguson, Jeffrey
Saints and Sinners |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Eamon
Salamanca, 1812 |
Author/Editor: Muir, Rory
Salvaged Pages |
Author/Editor: Zapruder, Alexandra
Same, Different, Equal |
Author/Editor: Salomone, Rosemary C
Same Sex, Different States |
Author/Editor: Koppelman, Andrew
Samuel Johnson: Selected Works |
Sanity and Sanctity |
Author/Editor: Greenberg, David
Sara Coleridge, A Victorian Daughter |
Author/Editor: Mudge, Bradford Keyes
Sarah |
Author/Editor: Gottlieb, Robert
Sarah Osborn's World |
Author/Editor: Brekus, Catherine A
Satire and Sentiment, 1600–1830 |
Author/Editor: RAWSON, CLAUDE
Savages and Scoundrels |
Author/Editor: VanDevelder, Paul
Saving a Rainforest and Losing the World: Conservation and Displacement in the Global Tropics |
Author/Editor: GREGORY M. THALER
Saving Our Environment from Washington |
Author/Editor: Schoenbrod, David
Saving the Forsaken |
Author/Editor: Oliner, Pearl M
Saving the World's Deciduous Forests |
Author/Editor: Askins, Robert A
Savonarola |
Author/Editor: Weinstein, Donald
Sawfishes, Guitarfishes, Skates and Rays, Chimaeroids |
Author/Editor: Bigelow, Henry B.; Schroeder, William C
The Saxophone |
Author/Editor: Cottrell, Stephen
Scene of the Crime: A Novel |
Author/Editor: PATRICK MODIANO ,Mark Polizzotti
Scent: A Natural History of Fragrance |
Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, and the Austrian Theatre |
Author/Editor: Yates, W. E
A Schoenberg Reader |
Author/Editor: Auner, Joseph
School Choice and the Question of Accountability |
Author/Editor: Van Dunk, Emily; Dickman, Anneliese M
A Schoolmaster's War: Harry Ree - A British Agent in the French Resistance |
Author/Editor: HARRY RÉE ,Jonathan Rée
Schreiben lernen: A Writing Guide for Learners of German |
Author/Editor: Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim ,Jennifer Redmann
Schubert: A Musical Wayfarer |
Schubert's Vienna |
Author/Editor: Erickson, Raymond
Science and the Good |
Author/Editor: Hunter, James Davison; Nedelisky, Paul
Science as Autobiography |
Author/Editor: Söderqvist, Thomas
Science as Writing |
Author/Editor: LOCKE, DAVID
Science Fiction Quotations |
Author/Editor: Westfahl, Gary
Science for the Sustainable City: Empirical Insights from the Baltimore School of Urban Ecology |
Science in the Service of Children, 1893-1935 |
Author/Editor: Smuts, Alice
The Science of Abolition: How Slaveholders Became the Enemies of Progress |
The Science of Human Perfection |
Author/Editor: Comfort, Nathaniel
The Scientific Buddha |
Author/Editor: Lopez, Jr. Donald S
Scorched Earth |
Author/Editor: JÖRG BABEROWSKI,Steven Gilbert,Ivo Komljen,Samantha Jeanne Taber
Scotland: The Global History: 1603 to the Present |
Seapower States |
Author/Editor: Lambert, Andrew
The Search for Peace in Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Rubin, Barnett R
The Second Arab Awakening |
Author/Editor: Muasher, Marwan
Secondary School Examinations |
Author/Editor: Eckstein, Max A.; Noah, Harold J
Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud |
The Second Crusade |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Jonathan
Secret Agencies |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Loch K
Secret Cables of the Comintern, 1933-1943 |
Author/Editor: Firsov, Fridrikh I; Klehr, Harvey; Haynes, John Earl
The Secret Gospel of Mark Unveiled |
Author/Editor: Jeffery, Peter
Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America |
Author/Editor: CARNES, MARK C
Secret Trades, Porous Borders |
Author/Editor: Tagliacozzo, Eric
Secret World |
Author/Editor: Andrew, Christopher
The Secret World of American Communism |
Author/Editor: Klehr, Harvey; Haynes, John Earl; Firsov, Fridrikh Igorevich
The Secular Ark |
Author/Editor: Browne, Janet
Secularism and Revivalism in Turkey |
Author/Editor: Davison, Andrew
Security and Conservation: The Politics of the Illegal Wildlife Trade |
Security Empire: The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: MOLLY PUCCI
Security First |
Author/Editor: Etzioni, Amitai
Sedition |
Author/Editor: Kozlov, Vladimir A.; Fitzpatrick, Sheila; Mironenko, Sergei V
Seeing Like a State |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed |
Author/Editor: James C. Scott
Seeing Trees |
Author/Editor: Dümpelmann, Sonja
See It/Shoot It |
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Fuller
The Selected Correspondence of Aaron Copland |
Author/Editor: Copland, Aaron; Crist, Elizabeth B.; Shirley, Wayne
Selected Letters of Rebecca West |
Author/Editor: West, Rebecca; Scott, Bonnie Kime
Selected Lyrics |
Author/Editor: Gautier, Théophile
Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: David Bromwich
Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Boileau, Nicholas
Selected Poems |
Author/Editor: Ó Ríordáin, Seán; Sewell, Frank
Selected Poems and Related Prose |
Author/Editor: Marinetti, F. T
Selected Writings of Girolamo Savonarola |
Author/Editor: Savonarola, Girolamo; Beebe, Donald; Borelli, Anne
Selected Writings of the American Transcendentalists |
Author/Editor: Hochfield, George
Self-Determination Theory in the Clinic |
Author/Editor: Sheldon, Kennon M.; Williams, Geoffrey; Joiner, Thomas
Self-Evident Truths |
Author/Editor: RICHARD D. BROWN
Self in Social Theory |
Author/Editor: Alford, C. Fred
Semiotics and Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Scholes, Robert
A Sensitive Person: A Novel |
Author/Editor: JÁCHYM TOPOL ,Alex Zucker
Sentence to Hope: A Sa'dallah Wannous Reader |
The Serbs |
Author/Editor: Judah, Tim
Serfdom, Society, and the Arts in Imperial Russia |
Author/Editor: Stites, Richard
The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Jonathan; Kimnach, Wilson H.; Minkema, Kenneth P
The Serpent and the Lamb |
Author/Editor: Ozment, Steven
Sesame and Lilies |
Author/Editor: Ruskin, John; Nord, Deborah Epstein
Set the Stage! |
Author/Editor: Nicoletta Marini-Maio; Colleen Ryan-Scheutz
The Settlers |
Author/Editor: Taub, Gadi
Seven Crashes: The Economic Crises That Shaped Globalization |
Author/Editor: Harold James
The Seven Measures of the World |
Author/Editor: Piero Martin ,Gregory Conti
Severe Personality Disorders |
Author/Editor: Kernberg, Otto
Severina |
Author/Editor: Rey Rosa, Rodrigo
Sex and Religion in the Bible |
Author/Editor: Carmichael, Calum
Sex and the Office |
Author/Editor: Berebitsky, Julie
Sex, Money and Personal Character in Eighteenth-Century British Politics |
Author/Editor: Morris, Marilyn
The Sexual Century |
Author/Editor: Person, Ethel
Sexual Chemistry |
Author/Editor: Marks, Lara V
Sexual Personae |
Author/Editor: Paglia, Camille
The Shadow of a Great Rock |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Harold
Shadows at Noon: The South Asian Twentieth Century |
Shadows of Reality |
Author/Editor: Robbin, Tony
The Shaker Experience in America |
Author/Editor: Stein, Stephen J
Shakespeare in Bloomsbury |
Author/Editor: Marjorie Garber
Shakespeare’s Tragic Skepticism |
Author/Editor: Bell, Millicent
Shakespeare’s Tragic Skepticism |
Author/Editor: Bell, Millicent
The Shameful Peace |
Author/Editor: Spotts, Frederic
Shanghai's Bund and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Horesh, Niv
The Shape of a Life |
Author/Editor: Yau, Shing-Tung; Nadis, Steve
The Shape of Time |
Author/Editor: Kubler, George
Shapers of Religious Traditions in Germany, Switzerland, and Poland, 1560-1600 |
Author/Editor: Raitt, Jill
Shaping Humanity |
Author/Editor: Gurche, John
The Shaping of America |
Author/Editor: Meinig, D. W
The Shaping of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History |
Author/Editor: Meinig, D. W
The Shaping of America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History |
Author/Editor: Meinig, D. W
Sheikh Abdullah: The Caged Lion of Kashmir |
Ship of Death |
Author/Editor: Smith, Billy G
The Ship of State |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Norma
Shopping All the Way to the Woods: How the Outdoor Industry Sold Nature to America |
Author/Editor: RACHEL S. GROSS
A Short History of Ireland, 1500-2000 |
Author/Editor: JOHN GIBNEY
A Short History of War |
Author/Editor: JEREMY BLACK
Shostakovich's Preludes and Fugues |
Author/Editor: Mazullo, Mark
Shou fi ma fi?: Intermediate Levantine Arabic |
Author/Editor: Rajaa Chouairi ,Mahdi Alosh
Shyness |
Author/Editor: Lane, Christopher
Sickness and Healing |
Author/Editor: HAHN, ROBERT A
Sick to Debt: How Smarter Markets Lead to Better Care |
Author/Editor: Peter A. Ubel
Sidney Reilly: Master Spy |
Author/Editor: BENNY MORRIS
Sigmund Romberg |
Author/Editor: Everett, William A
Signals from the Hill |
Author/Editor: Foreman, Christopher H. Jr
Silence Was Salvation |
Author/Editor: Frierson, Cathy A
Simón Bolívar (Simon Bolivar) |
Author/Editor: Lynch, John
Simplexity |
Author/Editor: Berthoz, Alain
Sin |
Author/Editor: Anderson, Gary A
Sin and Evil |
Author/Editor: Paulson, Ronald
Sincerity after Communism |
Author/Editor: ELLEN RUTTEN
Singing for Freedom |
Author/Editor: Gac, Scott
Singing in Style |
Author/Editor: Elliott, Martha
A Single Roll of the Dice |
Author/Editor: Parsi, Trita
The Sissy Boy Syndrome |
Author/Editor: Green, Richard
Sisters of Salome |
Author/Editor: Bentley, Toni
Six Dynasties Civilization |
Author/Editor: Dien, Albert E
Sixty to Zero |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Alex III
Sketches from a Secret War |
Author/Editor: Snyder, Timothy
Sky Above Kharkiv: Dispatches from the Ukrainian Front |
Author/Editor: SERHIY ZHADAN ,Reilly Costigan-Humes ,Isaac Stackhouse Wheeler
Slavery and the Commerce Power |
Author/Editor: Lightner, David L
Slavery as Salvation |
Author/Editor: Martin, Dale B
Slaves of One Master |
Author/Editor: Hopper, Matthew S
Sleeping Beauty, a Legend in Progress |
Author/Editor: Scholl, Tim
Sleeping Like a Baby |
Author/Editor: Sadeh, Avi
Sleep of Memory |
Author/Editor: Modiano, Patrick
Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration-and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives |
Author/Editor: danny dorling ,kirsten mcclure
Slow Wood: Greener Building from Local Forests |
Author/Editor: Brian Donahue
Small Change |
Author/Editor: Beller, Andrea H.; Graham, John W
Small Wonder |
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Jonathan
Smart Alliance |
Author/Editor: Taylor, J. Gary; Scharlin, Patricia J
A Smart Energy Policy |
Author/Editor: Griffin, James M
Smiling Through the Cultural Catastrophe |
Author/Editor: Hart, Jeffrey
Smoot's Ear |
Author/Editor: Tavernor, Robert
The Snail Darter and the Dam |
Author/Editor: Plater, Zygmunt J. B
Snapshots |
Author/Editor: Magris, Claudio
The Social Biome: How Everyday Communication Connects and Shapes Us |
Author/Editor: Andy J. Merolla ,Jeffrey A. Hall
Social Change and the Labouring Poor |
Author/Editor: Lis, Catharina
Social Choice and Individual Values |
Author/Editor: Arrow, Kenneth J
The Social Contract and The First and Second Discourses |
Author/Editor: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Dunn, Susan
Social Democracy in the Making |
Author/Editor: Dorrien, Gary
A Social History of Hebrew |
Author/Editor: Schniedewind, William M
Social Justice in the Liberal State |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce
The Social Life of Books |
Author/Editor: Abigail Williams
The Social Life of Coffee |
Author/Editor: Cowan, Brian
The Social Misconstruction of Reality |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Richard F
A Social Ontology |
Author/Editor: Weissman, David
Social Support and Physical Health |
Author/Editor: Uchino, Bert N
Society and Religion in Münster, 1535-1618 |
Author/Editor: Hsia, R. Po-chia
The Sociologist's Eye |
Author/Editor: KAI ERIKSON
Sodom and Gomorrah: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: MARCEL PROUST ,William C. Carter
Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift |
Author/Editor: Rahe, Paul A
Soft-rayed Bony Fishes: Orders Acipenseroidei, Lepisostei, and Isospondyli |
Author/Editor: Bigelow, Henry B.; Bradbury, Margaret G.; Dymond, John R
Soft-rayed Bony Fishes: Orders Isospondyli and Giganturoidei |
Author/Editor: Bigelow, Henry B.; Cohen, Daniel M.; Dick, Myvanwy M
Software Rights: How Patent Law Transformed Software Development in America |
Author/Editor: Gerardo Con Díaz
The Solace Is Not the Lullaby |
Author/Editor: JILL OSIER,Carl Phillips
Soldiers and Ghosts |
Author/Editor: Lendon, J. E
Soliloquies: St. Augustine's Cassiciacum Dialogues, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Michael P. Foley
Solomon |
Author/Editor: Weitzman, Steven
Solomon's Secret Arts |
Author/Editor: Monod, Paul Kléber
Solovki |
Author/Editor: Robson, Roy R
Solving Public Problems: A Practical Guide to Fix Our Government and Change Our World |
The Somme |
Author/Editor: Prior, Robin; Wilson, Trevor
Song: A History in 12 Parts |
Author/Editor: JOHN POTTER
Songs from the Gallows |
Author/Editor: Morgenstern, Christian
Songs of the Women Trouvères |
Author/Editor: Doss-Quinby, Eglal; Grimbert, Joan Tasker; Pfeffer, Wendy
Sons of the Waves: The Common Seaman in the Heroic Age of Sail |
Sophia, Regent of Russia |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Lindsey
Soul Murder |
Author/Editor: Shengold, Leonard
Soul Murder Revisited |
Author/Editor: Shengold, Leonard
The Soul of Latin America |
Author/Editor: Wiarda, Howard J
South African Politics |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Leonard
South Africa's City of Diamonds |
Author/Editor: Worger, William H
Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1450-1680 |
Author/Editor: Reid, Anthony
Southern Africa |
Author/Editor: Chan, Stephen
Sovereignty and Religious Freedom: A Jewish History |
Author/Editor: Simon Rabinovitch
Sovereignty, RIP |
Author/Editor: DON HERZOG
Soviet Culture and Power |
Author/Editor: Clark, Katerina; Dobrenko, Evgeny
Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: Terry, Sarah Meiklejohn
The Soviet-Polish Peace of 1921 and the Creation of Interwar Europe |
Author/Editor: Borzecki, Jerzy
Soviet Power and the Third World |
Author/Editor: Menon, Rajan
The Soviet Sixties |
The Soviet Theater |
Author/Editor: Senelick, Laurence; Ostrovsky, Sergei
The Soviet World of American Communism |
Author/Editor: Klehr, Harvey; Haynes, John Earl; Anderson, Kyrill M
Spaceflight in the Shuttle Era and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Valerie Neal
Spain Betrayed |
Author/Editor: Radosh, Ronald; Habeck, Mary; Sevostianov, Grigory
Spain, Europe and the Wider World 1500-1800 |
Author/Editor: Elliott, John H
Spain: The Trials and Triumphs of a Modern European Country |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL REID
The Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union, and Communism |
Author/Editor: Payne, Stanley G
The Spanish Frontier in North America |
Author/Editor: Weber, David J
Spanish Imperialism and the Political Imagination |
Author/Editor: Pagden, Anthony
The Spanish Resurgence, 1713-1748 |
Author/Editor: Christopher Storrs
Spanish Rome, 1500-1700 |
Author/Editor: Dandelet, Thomas James
Sparta's First Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 478-446 B.C. |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Rahe
Sparta's Second Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 446-418 B.C. |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Rahe
The Speaker of the House |
Author/Editor: Green, Matthew N
Speaking with Nature: The Origins of Indian Environmentalism |
The Specter of Dido |
Author/Editor: WATKINS, JOHN
The Speeches of Frederick Douglass |
Author/Editor: Douglass, Frederick; McKivigan, John R.; Husband, Julie
The Spellbinders |
Author/Editor: Willner, Ann Ruth
Spider Silk |
Author/Editor: Brunetta, Leslie; Craig, Catherine L
Spies |
Author/Editor: Haynes, John Earl; Klehr, Harvey; Vassiliev, Alexander
Spinoza: Freedom's Messiah |
Author/Editor: IAN BURUMA
Spinoza’s Book of Life |
Author/Editor: Smith, Steven B
Spinoza’s Book of Life |
Author/Editor: Smith, Steven B
Spirit in Ashes |
Author/Editor: Wyschogrod, Edith
The Spirit of Early Christian Thought |
Author/Editor: Wilken, Robert Louis
Spirit of Solitude |
Author/Editor: Macpherson, Jay
The Spirit of the Age |
Author/Editor: Himmelfarb, Gertrude
The Spirit of the Buddha |
Author/Editor: Batchelor, Martine
The Spirit of the Quakers |
Author/Editor: Durham, Geoffrey
The Spirit of Zen |
Author/Editor: van Schaik, Sam
The Spirit of Zoroastrianism |
Author/Editor: Skjærvø, Prods Oktor
A Spiritual Economy |
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Blanton IV
Spiritual Radical |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Edward K
The Spirit within Me: Self and Agency in Ancient Israel and Second Temple Judaism |
Author/Editor: CAROL A. NEWSOM
Splitting |
Author/Editor: Stoller, Robert J
Sports and Games of Ancient Egypt |
Author/Editor: Decker, Wolfgang
Sports in South America: A History |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW BROWN
Spouse, Parent, Worker |
Author/Editor: Crosby, Faye J
Spy Capitalism |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Jonathan E
Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration |
Spymaster: The Man Who Saved MI6 |
Author/Editor: HELEN FRY
Spy Wars |
Author/Editor: Bagley, Tennent H
Squeezed |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Alissa
Staging "The Mysterious Mother" |
Author/Editor: Cynthia E. Roman ,Jill Campbell ,Jonathan Kramnick
The Stakeholder Society |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce; Alstott, Anne
The Stakes of History: On the Use and Abuse of Jewish History for Life |
Author/Editor: David N. Myers
Stalin and the Bomb |
Author/Editor: Holloway, David
Stalin and the Lubianka |
Author/Editor: Shearer, David R.; Khaustov, Vladimir
Stalin as Warlord |
Author/Editor: ALFRED J. RIEBER
Stalinism as a Way of Life |
Author/Editor: Siegelbaum, Lewis; Sokolov, Andrei
The Stalin-Kaganovich Correspondence, 1931–36 |
Author/Editor: Davies, R. W.; Khlevniuk, Oleg V.; Rees, E. A
Stalin's Letters to Molotov, 1925-1936 |
Author/Editor: Stalin, Josef
Stalin's Library: A Dictator and his Books |
Stalin's Master Narrative: A Critical Edition of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Short Course |
Author/Editor: David Brandenberger,Mikhail Zelenov
Stalin's Wars |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Geoffrey
Stalin's World |
Author/Editor: Davies, Sarah; Harris, James
Standing for Reason |
Author/Editor: Sexton, John
Stan Lee: A Life in Comics |
Stanley Kubrick: American Filmmaker |
Author/Editor: DAVID MIKICS
Stanzas in Meditation |
Author/Editor: Stein, Gertrude; Hollister, Susannah; Setina, Emily
Starr |
Author/Editor: Wittes, Benjamin
Stars and Other Signs |
Author/Editor: Borroff, Marie
Star Stories: Constellations and People |
Author/Editor: ANTHONY AVENI
Status Update |
Author/Editor: Marwick, Alice E
Stay |
Author/Editor: Hecht, Jennifer Michael
Steinway and Sons |
Author/Editor: Lieberman, Richard K
Stephen F. Austin |
Author/Editor: Cantrell, Gregg
Stepping in the Same River Twice |
Stepping-Stones |
Author/Editor: Desdemaines-Hugon, Christine
Stone Circles: A Field Guide |
Stop Mugging Grandma |
Author/Editor: Bristow, Jennie
Stories for the Years |
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey through Cities at the Heart of Europe |
Author/Editor: MAREK KOHN
Stormtroopers: A New History of Hitler's Brownshirts |
Storylife: On Epic, Narrative, and Living Things |
The Story of Architecture |
The Story of Drawing: An Alternative History of Art |
Author/Editor: SUSAN OWENS
The Story of Greece and Rome |
Author/Editor: Spawforth, Tony
The Story of Nature: A Human History |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Mynott
The Story of the Country House: A History of Places and People |
Author/Editor: CLIVE ASLET
The Story of Tutankhamun: An Intimate Life of the Boy who Became King |
Author/Editor: GARRY J. SHAW
The Story of Work: A New History of Humankind |
Author/Editor: JAN LUCASSEN
St Petersburg |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Catriona
St. Petersburg Between the Revolutions |
Author/Editor: McKean, Robert B
Strange Bird |
Author/Editor: Michele K. Troy,John Demos,Aaron Sachs
The Strange Career of Legal Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Kalman, Laura
The Strange Death of American Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Brands, H.W
Strange Natures: Conservation in the Era of Synthetic Biology |
Author/Editor: Kent H. Redford ,William M. Adams
Strategic Assessment in War |
Author/Editor: Gartner, Scott Sigmund
Strategies for School Equity |
Author/Editor: Gittell, Marilyn J
The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict |
Author/Editor: ELBRIDGE A. COLBY
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Bighorn Basin Area, Wyoming and Montana |
Author/Editor: JOHN H. OSTROM
Stravinsky and Balanchine |
Author/Editor: Joseph, Charles M
Stravinsky Inside Out |
Author/Editor: Joseph, Charles M
Stress and Hypertension |
Author/Editor: Larkin, Kevin T
Strike: Labor, Unions, and Resistance in the Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: SARAH E. BOND
The Strike That Changed New York |
Author/Editor: Podair, Jerald E
Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace - And How to Restore It |
Author/Editor: Lucas Kello
Strindberg |
Author/Editor: Prideaux, Sue
The Stripping of the Altars |
Author/Editor: Duffy, Eamon
The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580 |
Author/Editor: EAMON DUFFY
Stronger: Adapting America’s China Strategy in an Age of Competitive Interdependence |
Author/Editor: Ryan Hass
The Structure and Dynamics of Human Ecosystems |
The Structure of Atonal Music |
Author/Editor: Forte, Allen
The Structure of Love |
Author/Editor: Soble, Alan
The Struggle for a Decent Politics: On "Liberal" as an Adjective |
The Struggle for Iraq's Future |
Author/Editor: Al-Ali, Zaid
The Student: A Short History |
Author/Editor: Michael S. Roth
Studies in Chinese Buddhism |
Author/Editor: Wright, Arthur F.; Somers, Robert M
Stumbling Giant |
Author/Editor: Beardson, Timothy
Style in Old English Poetry |
Author/Editor: Donoghue, Daniel
The Sublime Post: How the Ottoman Imperial Post Became a Public Service |
Author/Editor: Choon Hwee Koh
Substate Dictatorship: Networks, Loyalty, and Institutional Change in the Soviet Union |
Subtle Insights Concerning Knowledge and Practice |
Author/Editor: Sa‘d ibn Mansur Ibn Kammūna al-Baghdādī,Y. Tzvi Langermann
Subverting Exclusion |
Author/Editor: Geiger, Andrea
Sudan |
Author/Editor: Cockett, Richard
Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents |
Author/Editor: Wagner, Barry M
Sumatran Politics and Poetics |
Author/Editor: Bowen, John R
Summulae de dialectica |
Author/Editor: Buridan, John
Sun Chief |
Author/Editor: Talayesva, Don C.; Simmons, Leo W
Sunday |
Author/Editor: Harline, Craig
Sunday Best: 80 Great Books from a Lifetime of Reviews |
Author/Editor: JOHN CAREY
Superintending the Poor |
Author/Editor: Tobin, Beth Fowkes
Supermarket USA |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, Shane
Superpower Games |
Author/Editor: Brams, Steven J
Superpower Illusions |
Author/Editor: Matlock, Jack F. Jr
The Superstitious Mind |
Author/Editor: Devlin, Judith
The Supervisory Encounter |
Author/Editor: Jacobs, Daniel; David, Paul; Meyer, Donald
Supplement to Max Farrand's Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 |
Author/Editor: HUTSON, JAMES H
Supreme Hubris: How Overconfidence Is Destroying the Court—and How We Can Fix It |
Author/Editor: AARON TANG
Surge |
Author/Editor: Mansoor, Peter R
Surviving Genocide |
Author/Editor: Ostler, Jeffrey
Surviving Prostate Cancer |
Author/Editor: Torrey, E. Fuller
Surviving Trauma |
Author/Editor: Aberbach, David
Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust |
Survivors in Mexico |
Author/Editor: West, Rebecca; Schweizer, Bernard
Susan Sontag |
Author/Editor: Cott, Jonathan
Sustainability by Design |
Author/Editor: Ehrenfeld, John R
Sustaining Lake Superior |
Author/Editor: Langston, Nancy
The Swan at the Well |
Author/Editor: Donaldson, E. Talbot
Swann's Way |
Author/Editor: Proust, Marcel; Carter, William C
Symbolic Forms and Cultural Studies |
Author/Editor: Hamlin, Cyrus; Krois, John Michael
Syria |
Author/Editor: Lesch, David W
The Syriac World: In Search of a Forgotten Christianity |
Systematics and Morphology of American Mosasaurs |
Author/Editor: DALE A. RUSSELL ,Jacques A. Gauthier