Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with M (253) | Information |
Macaulay and Son |
Author/Editor: Hall, Catherine
Macbeth |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William; Raffel, Burton
Machado de Assis |
Author/Editor: Jackson, K. David
The Machiavellian Cosmos |
Author/Editor: Parel, Anthony J
Made to Play House |
Madness and Memory |
Author/Editor: Prusiner, Stanley B
The Madonna of 115th Street |
Author/Editor: Orsi, Robert A
Madrid: A New Biography |
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination |
The Magic Books: A History of Enchantment in 20 Medieval Manuscripts |
The Magnificent Mrs Tennant |
Author/Editor: Waller, David
Magnum Opus: The Cycle Plays of Eugene O'Neill |
Author/Editor: Zander Brietzke
The Maine Woods |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry D.; Cramer, Jeffrey S
Majesty and Humanity |
Author/Editor: Forcione, Alban K
Major Poems and Selected Prose |
Author/Editor: Swinburne, Algernon Charles; McGann, Jerome; Sligh, Charles L
Making a Difference |
Author/Editor: Hare-Mustin, Rachel T.; Marecek, Jeanne
Making a Living in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Dyer, Christopher
Making a Place for Pleasure in Early Childhood Education |
Author/Editor: Tobin, Joseph J
Making Good Citizens |
Author/Editor: Ravitch, Diane; Viteritti, Joseph P
Making Indian Law |
Author/Editor: McMillen, Christian W
Making Ireland English |
Author/Editor: Ohlmeyer, Jane
The Making of an American High School |
Author/Editor: Labaree, David F
The Making of John Ledyard |
Author/Editor: Gray, Edward G
The Making of Modern Drama |
Author/Editor: Gilman, Richard
The Making of Oliver Cromwell |
Author/Editor: RONALD HUTTON
The Making of the English Gardener |
Author/Editor: Willes, Margaret
The Making of the First World War |
Author/Editor: Beckett, Ian F
The Making of the Modern Self |
Author/Editor: Wahrman, Dror
The Makings and Unmakings of Americans: Indians and Immigrants in American Literature and Culture, 1879-1924 |
Making the Imperial Nation: Colonization, Politics, and English Identity, 1660-1700 |
Making Way for Genius |
Author/Editor: Kete, Kathleen
Male Homosexuality |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Richard
Mammon’s Music |
Author/Editor: Hoxby, Blair
Mammon’s Music |
Author/Editor: Hoxby, Blair
The Management of Conflict |
Author/Editor: Ross, Marc Howard
Managing for Stakeholders |
Author/Editor: Freeman, R. E; Harrison, Jeffrey S; Wicks, Andrew C
Managing Labor Migration in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Martin, Philip; Abella, Manolo; Kuptsch, Christiane
Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Richard N. L
Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Richard N. L
Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy |
Author/Editor: Richard N. L. Andrews
Managing the Mountains |
Author/Editor: Gregg, Sara M
Managing the Wild: Stories of People and Plants and Tropical Forests |
Author/Editor: CHARLES M. PETERS
Man from Babel |
Author/Editor: Jolas, Eugene; Kramer, Andreas; Rumold, Rainer
Manhood in the Making |
Author/Editor: Gilmore, David D
Manliness |
Author/Editor: Mansfield, Harvey C
Man Ray: The Artist and His Shadows |
Author/Editor: ARTHUR LUBOW
A Man's Place |
Author/Editor: Tosh, John
Manufacturing Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Clark, Nancy L
Manufacturing Consensus: Understanding Propaganda in the Era of Automation and Anonymity |
The Man Who Was Rip Van Winkle |
Author/Editor: McArthur, Benjamin
The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright |
Author/Editor: Little, Ann M
Mao and Markets: The Communist Roots of Chinese Enterprise |
Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor |
Author/Editor: Donald J. Robertson
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume 4 |
Author/Editor: Meier, John P Series Title: Default Book Series
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume IV |
Author/Editor: Meier, John P
The Marginal Revolutionaries |
Author/Editor: Wasserman, Janek
Maria Theresa: Empress: The Making of the Austrian Enlightenment |
Marie-Antoinette |
Author/Editor: Hardman, John
Marie d`Agoult |
Author/Editor: Bolster, Richard
The Market System |
Author/Editor: Lindblom, Charles E
Marlborough's America |
Author/Editor: Webb, Stephen S
Maroon Nation: A History of Revolutionary Haiti |
The Marquess of Queensberry |
Author/Editor: Stratmann, Linda
Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws |
Author/Editor: William N. Eskridge Jr.,Christopher R. Riano
Married to the Mouse |
Author/Editor: Foglesong, Richard E
Marshes |
Author/Editor: Burt, William
Martin Buber: A Life of Faith and Dissent |
Author/Editor: PAUL MENDES-FLOHR,Anita Shapira,Steven J. Zipperstein
Martin Heidegger's Changing Destinies: Catholicism, Revolution, Nazism |
Author/Editor: Guillaume Payen ,Jane Marie Todd ,Steven Rendall
Marx and Modern Fiction |
Author/Editor: Ahearn, Edward J
Marxism and Democracy in Chile |
Author/Editor: Faúndez, Julio
Mary Austin |
Author/Editor: Stineman, Esther Lanigan
Mary Cassatt: A Life |
Author/Editor: Mathews, Nancy Mowll
Mary I |
Author/Editor: Edwards, John
Mary P. Follett |
Author/Editor: Tonn, Joan C
Mary Through the Centuries |
Author/Editor: Pelikan, Jaroslav
The Mask of Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Stanley
Mass Atrocity, Ordinary Evil, and Hannah Arendt |
Author/Editor: Osiel, Mark J
The Master and His Emissary |
Author/Editor: McGilchrist, Iain
The Master and His Emissary |
Author/Editor: McGilchrist, Iain
The Master and His Emissary |
Author/Editor: McGilchrist, Iain
Master of the House |
Author/Editor: Khlevniuk, Oleg V
Masters and Servants |
Author/Editor: Michon, Pierre
The Materialist Conception of History |
Author/Editor: Kautsky, Karl
Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity |
Mathematical Models in the Biosciences I |
Author/Editor: Michael Frame
Mathematical Models in the Biosciences II |
Author/Editor: Michael Frame
Mathematics for Human Flourishing |
Author/Editor: Francis Su ,Christopher Jackson
Matilda |
Author/Editor: Hanley, Catherine
Matter of Glorious Trial |
Author/Editor: Sugimura, N. K
Matters of Exchange |
Author/Editor: Cook, Harold J
Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music |
Author/Editor: Broyles, Michael
Max Eastman |
Author/Editor: Christoph Irmscher
Mayhem |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Nicholas
Mazzini |
Author/Editor: Mack Smith, Denis
The Meaning of Evolution |
Author/Editor: Simpson, George Gaylord
Mechanisms of Loss: Two Novellas |
Medical Costs, Moral Choices |
Author/Editor: Menzel, Paul T
Medicine and the German Jews |
Author/Editor: Efron, John M
The Medieval Heart |
Author/Editor: Webb, Heather
Medieval Mercantile Community |
Author/Editor: Nightingale, Pamela
Melancholia and Depression |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Stanley
Melanoma |
Author/Editor: Poole, Catherine M.; Guerry, DuPont
Memoir II |
Author/Editor: Vinogradov, A. P
Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter |
Author/Editor: Simha Rotem, Kazik; Harshav, Barbara
The Memoirs of Ernest A. Forssgren |
Author/Editor: Forssgren, Ernest; Carter, William C
The Memoirs of Walter Bagehot |
Author/Editor: Prochaska, Frank
Memory and Authority: The Uses of History in Constitutional Interpretation |
Author/Editor: JACK M. BALKIN
Memory Fitness |
Author/Editor: Einstein, Gilles O.; McDaniel, Mark A
Memory in Mind and Brain |
Author/Editor: Reiser, Morton
Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast |
Author/Editor: Christine M. DeLucia
The Memory of ’76: The Revolution in American History |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL D. HATTEM
Menachem Begin |
Author/Editor: Shilon, Avi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson: Becoming the Messiah |
Author/Editor: EZRA GLINTER
Men, Religion, and Melancholia |
Author/Editor: Capps, Donald
The Merchant of Venice |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William; Raffel, Burton
Merchants: The Community That Shaped England's Trade and Empire, 1550-1650 |
Author/Editor: EDMOND SMITH
A Mere Machine |
Author/Editor: Harvey, Anna
Merze Tate: The Global Odyssey of a Black Woman Scholar |
Author/Editor: Barbara D. Savage
Mescaline |
Author/Editor: Jay, Mike
Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication of DNA |
Author/Editor: Holmes, Frederic Lawrence
Messianic Mystics |
Author/Editor: Idel, Moshe
Metaphors for Environmental Sustainability |
Author/Editor: Larson, Brendon
Metaphysics in Ordinary Language |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Stanley
Methodism |
Author/Editor: Hempton, David
Metropolitan Corridor |
Author/Editor: Stilgoe, John R
Mexico |
Author/Editor: Tuckman, Jo
MI9: A History of the Secret Service for Escape and Evasion in World War Two |
Author/Editor: HELEN FRY
Miasmas and Disease |
Author/Editor: CIPOLLA, CARLO M
Micah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary |
Author/Editor: BOB BECKING
Michelet Historian |
Author/Editor: Mitzman, Arthur
A Midsummer Night's Dream |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William
Migrant City: A New History of London |
Migrants in the Profane: Critical Theory and the Question of Secularization |
Author/Editor: PETER E. GORDON
The Migrant's Time |
Author/Editor: Mathur, Saloni
Military Strategy: A Global History |
Author/Editor: JEREMY BLACK
Milk |
Author/Editor: Valenze, Deborah
Millennial Stages |
Author/Editor: Brustein, Robert
Milton |
Author/Editor: Martz, Louis L
Milton and the Sense of Tradition |
Author/Editor: Grose, Christopher
The Milton Encyclopedia |
Author/Editor: Corns, Thomas N
Mind and Imagination in Aristotle |
Author/Editor: Wedin, Michael V
Minerva’s French Sisters: Women of Science in Enlightenment France |
Miracles at the Jesus Oak |
Author/Editor: Harline, Craig
The Misinformation Age |
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Cailin; Weatherall, James Owen
Mission France: The True History of the Women of SOE |
Author/Editor: KATE VIGURS
Miyazakiworld |
Author/Editor: Napier, Susan
The Mobilization of Shame |
Author/Editor: Drinan, Robert F
Mobilizing Inclusion |
Author/Editor: García Bedolla, Lisa; Michelson, Melissa R
Mob Town: A History of Crime and Disorder in the East End |
Author/Editor: JOHN BENNETT
The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media |
Moderate Realism and Its Logic |
Author/Editor: Mertz, D. W
Modern Chinese Poetry |
Author/Editor: Yeh, Michelle
Modern Iran |
Author/Editor: Keddie, Nikki R
Modernism |
Author/Editor: Levenson, Michael
Modernist America |
Author/Editor: Pells, Richard
Modernization and Its Political Consequences |
Author/Editor: Blokland, Hans
Modern Love and Poems of the English Roadside, with Poems and Ballads |
Author/Editor: Meredith, George; Benford, Criscillia; Mitchell, Rebecca N
The Modern Prince |
Author/Editor: Lord, Carnes
The Monarchy of France |
The Monastic World: A 1,200-Year History |
Author/Editor: Andrew Jotischky
Mon Cher Papa |
Author/Editor: Lopez, Claude-Anne
Money and Government |
Author/Editor: Skidelsky, Robert
Money and Power in Fifteenth-Century France |
Author/Editor: Miskimin, Harry A
Money, Finance, and Macroeconomoic Performance in Japan |
Author/Editor: Suzuki, Yoshio
Moneygripe's Apprentice |
Author/Editor: Mullin, Robert Bruce
Money, Markets, and Sovereignty |
Author/Editor: Steil, Benn; Hinds, Manuel
Money, Time, and Politics |
Author/Editor: King, Ronald F
The Mongols and the Islamic World |
Author/Editor: Peter Jackson
Monkey to Man: The Evolution of the March of Progress Image |
Author/Editor: GOWAND AWSON
Montesquieu and the Logic of Liberty |
Author/Editor: Rahe, Paul A
Monty's Men |
Author/Editor: Buckley, John
Moon |
Author/Editor: Brunner, Bernd
The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Ahnert, Thomas
The Moral Economy of the Peasant |
Author/Editor: Scott, James C
The Moral Foundations of Politics |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
The Moral Foundations of Politics |
Author/Editor: Shapiro, Ian
Morality and Politics in Modern Europe |
Author/Editor: Oakeshott, Michael; Letwin, Shirley Robin
The Morality of Consent |
Author/Editor: Bickel, Alexander M
The Morality of Law |
Author/Editor: Fuller, Lon L
Moral Panic |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Philip
Moral Questions in the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Simon, Katherine G
More Real Life Rock: The Wilderness Years, 2014†“2021 |
Author/Editor: GREIL MARCUS
Morozov: The Story of a Family and a Lost Collection |
Author/Editor: NATALYA SEMENOVA ,Arch Tait
The Mortgage of the Past |
Author/Editor: Oakley, Francis
Mortgaging the Ancestors |
Author/Editor: Shipton, Parker
Moses: A Human Life |
Moses and Civilization |
Author/Editor: Paul, Robert A
Moses Mendelssohn |
Author/Editor: Feiner, Shmuel
Moses Mendelssohn’s Hebrew Writings |
Author/Editor: Mendelssohn, Moses; Sorkin, David
Moses Mendelssohn’s Hebrew Writings |
Author/Editor: Mendelssohn, Moses; Sorkin, David
Moshe Dayan |
Author/Editor: Bar-On, Mordechai
Most Humble Servants |
Author/Editor: Jay, Stewart
The Most Musical Nation |
Author/Editor: Loeffler, James
A Mother's Work |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Neil
Mothman Apologia |
Mount Athos |
Author/Editor: Speake, Graham
Mourning, Gender, and Creativity in the Art of Herman Melville |
Author/Editor: Tolchin, Neal L
Mozart and the Nazis |
Author/Editor: Levi, Erik
Mozart's Third Brain |
Author/Editor: Sonnevi, Göran
Mrs Delany |
Author/Editor: Orr, Clarissa Campbell
Mrs. Mattingly's Miracle |
Author/Editor: Schultz, Nancy L
Mr. Smith Goes to China |
Author/Editor: Hanser, Jessica
The Multifarious Mr. Banks: From Botany Bay to Kew, The Natural Historian Who Shaped the World |
Author/Editor: TOBY MUSGRAVE
Multinationals and Development |
Author/Editor: Rugman, Alan M; Doh, Jonathan P
The Multiplicity of Dreams |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Harry T
Multivariable Analysis |
Author/Editor: Feinstein, Alvan
Murder and the Movies |
Author/Editor: DAVID THOMSON
Murder in Tombstone |
Author/Editor: Lubet, Steven
The Murder of King James I |
Author/Editor: Bellany, Alastair; Cogswell, Thomas
The Murder of Mr. Grebell |
Author/Editor: Monod, Paul Kléber
A Murderous Midsummer: The Western Rising of 1549 |
Author/Editor: MARK STOYLE
The Muse Learns to Write |
Author/Editor: Havelock, Eric A
Museum Visits |
Author/Editor: ÉRIC CHEVILLARD ,Daniel Levin Becker ,Daniel Levin Becker ,Daniel Medin
Musica enchiriadis and Scolica enchiriadis |
Author/Editor: Palisca, Claude V.; Erickson, Raymond
Musical Composition |
Author/Editor: Belkin, Alan
Musical Poetics |
Author/Editor: Burmeister, Joachim
Musical Structure and Performance |
Author/Editor: Berry, Wallace
Music Analysis in Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Dunsby, Jonathan
Music and Joy: Lessons on the Good Life |
Author/Editor: DANIEL K. L. CHUA
Music and Sentiment |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Charles
Music for Silenced Voices |
Author/Editor: Lesser, Wendy
The Music of Alban Berg |
Author/Editor: HEADLAM, DAVE
The Music of Béla Bartók |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Paul
The Music of Claude Debussy |
Author/Editor: Parks, Richard S
Music of Exile: The Untold Story of the Composers who Fled Hitler |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL HAAS
Music of the Highest Class |
Author/Editor: Broyles, Michael
Musicology and Performance |
Author/Editor: Lang, Paul Henry; Mann, Alfred; Buelow, George J
The Muslim Difference: Defining the Line between Believers and Unbelievers from Early Islam to the Present |
Author/Editor: Youshaa Patel
Muslims and Citizens: Islam, Politics, and the French Revolution |
Author/Editor: Ian Coller
Mussolini and Hitler |
Author/Editor: Goeschel, Christian
Mussolini and the Eclipse of Italian Fascism: From Dictatorship to Populism |
Author/Editor: R. J. B. BOSWORTH
Mutiny and Its Bounty |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Patrick J; Coye, Ray W
Mutual Accompaniment and the Creation of the Commons |
Author/Editor: Watkins, Mary
My Backyard Jungle |
Author/Editor: Barilla, James
My Dear Governess |
Author/Editor: Goldman-Price, Irene
My Dear Li |
Author/Editor: Heisenberg, Werner; Heisenberg, Elisabeth; Hirsch-Heisenberg, Anna Maria
My Dear Mr. Stalin |
Author/Editor: Butler, Susan
My Egypt Archive |
Author/Editor: ALAN MIKHAIL
My Faraway One |
Author/Editor: Greenough, Sarah
My German Question |
Author/Editor: Gay, Peter
My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Adina
My Life with Benjamin Franklin |
Author/Editor: Lopez, Claude-Anne
My Shining Archipelago |
Author/Editor: Ansel, Talvikki
My Soul Is a Witness: The Traumatic Afterlife of Lynching |
Author/Editor: MARI N. CRABTREE
The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Guy M
The Mysterious Case of the Victorian Female Detective |
Author/Editor: SARA LODGE
The Mythic Meanings of the Second Amendment |
Author/Editor: Williams, David C
Myth, Memory, Trauma |
Author/Editor: Jones, Polly
The Myth of American Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Hixson, Walter L
The Myth of American Exceptionalism |
Author/Editor: Hodgson, Godfrey
The Myth of Ritual Murder |
Author/Editor: Hsia, R. Po-chia
Myth, Rhetoric, and the Voice of Authority |
Author/Editor: Manganaro, Marc
My Trade Is Mystery: Seven Meditations from a Life in Writing |
Author/Editor: CARL PHILLIPS